Hotbox Gaming | 127 slots \ PVP \ 100K Start \ Traders\ Helis \ Blackmarket \ 1PP \ Toxic Zones \ 100+ Vehicles | PC \ CA \ Chernarus

2024.11.28 23:59 z3r0d3v4l Hotbox Gaming | 127 slots \ PVP \ 100K Start \ Traders\ Helis \ Blackmarket \ 1PP \ Toxic Zones \ 100+ Vehicles | PC \ CA \ Chernarus

Looking for a server to permanently call home? Looking to build a drug empire? Want to build a dream cabin? Just want to smash zombies and PVP? Hotbox Gaming is what your looking for. Perfectly balanced mods teamed with...

This map has many new added features to explore land and sea.
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submitted by z3r0d3v4l to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:59 Leader_Blaz Psychological assessment

Recently got a psychological assessment, seeking a gifted diagnosis as well as some more info about myself. Got the report back, almost all 30 pages horribly written. The entire part about grading had random percentages instead of my actual grades from 1-8. Furthermore they told me my language reading scores were on average, this was after they had told me ( multiple times ) I got an EXCEPTIONAL! And STELLAR! Score. They did the exact same for math scoring in all subjects. We told them before the report came out that on the day I did the math test I was VERY anxious and stressed, this was because I was going back into school the next day with a bunch of homework and a lousy teacher who yelled all the time. Instead of saying it was a heavy understatement of my ability, they just said I was a little anxious that day.
After reading over the assessment we asked them to fix parts of the report. They later responded and told us to do that we would have to spend 4 hours doing another math assessment, which would cost us $1200. We do not have that.
Thank you for reading this wall of text, I am hoping to get some advice on this, trying to get an idea of what to do next.
submitted by Leader_Blaz to Gifted [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:59 RobIson240YT For those who don't know, government agents are typically referred to as "G-Men", which likely means the G-Man works for the government. As for what government and what his purpose is, that's still up for debate.

For those who don't know, government agents are typically referred to as submitted by RobIson240YT to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Sagebeing Is aspirating water once fine?

I have been going through some swallowing stuff. I just went for a glass of water. It went down, but as it went down I felt a need to cough. I coughed a little but it was dry and no water came out
Did i aspirate water? Is this fine? Thanks
submitted by Sagebeing to slp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 AZN_corporation rejoignez le serveur discord de la marque !!!

vous pouvez retrouver les autres contenus de la marque ici. N'hésitez pas !!!!
submitted by AZN_corporation to Innovation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 AnthonyofBoston 簡單的 JavaScript 程式碼可以讓平民用手機偵測和躲避無人機攻擊。如果戰爭爆發可能需要這樣做

簡單的 JavaScript 程式碼可以讓平民用手機偵測和躲避無人機攻擊。如果戰爭爆發可能需要這樣做 submitted by AnthonyofBoston to GTok_CN [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 RoutineAgnost7076 Hollywood Made Silicone Valley What It Is Today

The startup game is a big hall of mirrors, where everyone is trying to project success long before they have it. BUT, that is not a bad thing!!! Lets break it down?
In the real world, people mostly try to be as real as possible, as truthful as possible. Which is actually easier, and more comfortable. But in the real world, people rarely move between social classes. For someone who is okay staying in a certain class for now, that is fine, but some of us are not okay with that. Not because we are evil or greedy, but because we know the importance of money, of wealth, how without it we can't take good care of the people we love.
The thing about this Hall of Mirrors is that we have to be very good at playing it, but at the same time we should be grounded enough to know that its not real (meaning that we have to generate revenue, which is 💯 real). The Hall is there to accelerate our success not to create it, nothing in the world can do that but us with the calls we make & the campaigns we run.
Playing this game requires a certain type of individual who isnt really that attached to what is real & what is not. It reminds me of my days in the intelligence world. There is a certain "its okay to stretch the truth" feeling about it. That game needs a showman, a showwoman. That game which was born initially in Hollywood but merged somhow with silicone valley is why we now have ×100 the number of successful entrepreneurs > which leads to > successful startups > which leads to > amazing products that moves the human race forward. This game is just as real and beneficial to the community as all of the rest. Its totally fine to play it..... actually its important for the economy that we do.
But on one condition & one condition only, we dont get to play this Hall of Mirrors game & climb on everyone's shoulders without putting in the hours. Its just not how it works. And when I say hours, I dont mean sitting behind a computer all day tweeking the product, but going out there selling & getting customers.
submitted by RoutineAgnost7076 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 jpirog You all liked my dinner roll post, here's my 3rd attempt for Thanksgiving. I think I got it down.

You all liked my dinner roll post, here's my 3rd attempt for Thanksgiving. I think I got it down. submitted by jpirog to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 amina-greenwall check

submitted by amina-greenwall to CommentRemovalChecker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 TheTravyPatE This is the greatest service for movies ever.i got it yesterday for the free trial i watched 4 yesterday and im on my second one today

submitted by TheTravyPatE to CriterionChannel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Emergency-Society500 Looking for places to explore! (Help)

Okay so I have been looking for more places to explore around me. Somewhere in or near Centralia Washington Lewis County area. If you know any small abandoned buildings, factories, ruins etc please help a brother out🙏
submitted by Emergency-Society500 to urbanexploration [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 fareink6 I love the 40K themes I've seen. I wanted to post my "inspiration" not my imitation on them.

I love the 40K themes I've seen. I wanted to post my submitted by fareink6 to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 AudiHoFile I am out of the loop

Haven't been in reddit since going into work this morning. What the heck is happening?
submitted by AudiHoFile to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 inkheart2021 Fuck that Bug (Zekvir ?? Kill)

I came back to WoW after a long hiatus, and I made it my mission to take down Zekvir's ?? fight. After a week of grinding Brand up and learning the mechanics, I finally got my Void Dirigible!!!
submitted by inkheart2021 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Apeiron_Anaximandros WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP

submitted by Apeiron_Anaximandros to SimulationTheory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 AwarenessBest8162 AP Credit

If I have a C in a class that I had AP Credit for can I use the AP score to override the grade I got for that class
submitted by AwarenessBest8162 to SJSU [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 CryCT 😐 sharing this rng pain here...

submitted by CryCT to PikminBloomApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Mondai_May @didluck

submitted by Mondai_May to PrettyGuys [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 SaltField3500 Alguém acompanha? Quais suas impressões?
submitted by SaltField3500 to filmeseseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 rusakovic 📩 Director, IT Infrastructure Services Salary: 💰$109,720.00 - $156,000.00. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Director, IT Infrastructure Services Salary: 💰$109,720.00 - $156,000.00. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Classic-Examination8 Lou ji is in one of those

Lou ji is in one of those submitted by Classic-Examination8 to threebodyproblem [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 RugasRibShack #MrCashApp #IATIYGI 💰

#MrCashApp #IATIYGI 💰 submitted by RugasRibShack to dipset [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 Remote_Blueberry236 Protein impact on blood sugar

Protein seems absolutely incredible for controlling blood sugar level. I had fish with vegetables and 30 min later two large scoops of ice cream. An hour later that's my level. Conversely, yesterday I had two slices of cheese pizza which sent my sugar levels to 180 in minutes.
submitted by Remote_Blueberry236 to stelo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 PointyN1ps What do people want for their Diancies/Zarudes/Marshadows etc.?

Dunno what the going rate is
submitted by PointyN1ps to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:58 AIDS_Quilt I realize this isn’t the proper place for this, but it’s hilarious and needs sharing.
submitted by AIDS_Quilt to ronandfez [link] [comments]