‘23 Prince of Hearts Rosé

2024.11.28 22:32 Zestyclose-Junket420 ‘23 Prince of Hearts Rosé

‘23 Prince of Hearts Rosé The newest vintage of rosé by Blankiet Estate. There’s very much to like here and a great accompaniment to Thanksgiving lunch. Nose is raspberry with citrus zest predominately lemon and orange. Palate is a wave of delicate fresh red fruit. Light and sweet strawberry and raspberry. Finish is a lingering sweetness. The red fruit fades fast leaving a dusting of confectioners sugar on your tongue. This is a fantastic wine.
submitted by Zestyclose-Junket420 to wine [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Altruistic-Carpet-43 When will McCafe drinks be available again (USA)

I don’t want to be the person that keep going there and asking all the time for a latte
I suppose it might be a couple weeks?
submitted by Altruistic-Carpet-43 to McDonaldsEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Commercial-Pound533 What is the biggest invention of each decade in the last 100 years?

submitted by Commercial-Pound533 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 scooteruser20000 Out-of-state CS Grad School Tuition and Assistantship

Hello, was wondering if any out of state grad students can share their tuition/aid experiences. Were you granted TA/RA upon admission? Any other ways that helped funding? Anything will be helpful, thx!
submitted by scooteruser20000 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 VonTempest 1938

1938 Travelers flying out of Washington DC during National Air Travel Week were treated to cakes prepared by the chefs of Washington hotels
submitted by VonTempest to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Berk_Hathaway TAB Inspired Tree

submitted by Berk_Hathaway to TheAvettBrothers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Jaded_Supermarket_23 1:1 or 12 stars each im only looking for x manicure

1:1 or 12 stars each im only looking for x manicure submitted by Jaded_Supermarket_23 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Wildlight622 Daily Wilbur Pic: Day 21 (Door is Brocken Edition)

Daily Wilbur Pic: Day 21 (Door is Brocken Edition) submitted by Wildlight622 to WilburSootHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 vampirerequiem Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite malfunction

Hello everyone. I apologise for any mistakes I made in this post, but I never posted here before.
Basically, my phone (that I had for circa a year) had a malfunction. I diagnosed it as overheating, but I'm still not sure. I was scrolling on Instagram (while listening to music) and my phone randomly lagged, then a small colorful line popped up on the screen (didn't take a picture, because before I could it vanished). Later, my phone completely shut into a black screen. I tried to turn it on -- no avail. I was advised to put it into charging (before it shut it had about 67% battery). I plugged it in and waited a minute or two, tried to turn it on, but it only buzzed, and only the brand screen (or whatever that image is called) showed up. Next time I did this, the very same thing happened, but this time with more of those colorful lines. Third time, half of the screen was covered in lines. Waited a few minutes, tried again, the lines were gone, but only the brand screen was present.
Right now, I left it on the table for it to cool off or something overnight. What happened to it? Did it overheat? I would really appreciate any help. While I have a new phone, all of my data is still stuck on the old one and retrieving it really matters to me.
(If it helps, I had like 70% of phone storage used, the screen has one crack, and it had similar issues before, but after updating software it returned to normal)
submitted by vampirerequiem to mobilerepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 girlsoweird What is the nail spot?! Trauma or something worse?

submitted by girlsoweird to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 MattsIgloo How tf do you defend in this game????

Every opponent I come up against they just swarm my players and close them down quickly and are able to tackle them flawlessly. When I defend my players are static and I have to manually select them just to get them to move but end up just running up and down like a clown whilst my opponent breezes past the them. Is there a control or tactic im unaware of??
submitted by MattsIgloo to EAFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 bajie90 ❶ 当事人此次被抓,根本原因在于涉及到二类精神管控药物(如酒石酸唑吡坦片,劳拉西泮等)的贩卖问题。且被定义为「在明知自己售卖的药品会被用于“吸毒”的情况下售卖。」且民警在钓鱼执法的过程中会故意表达“如果没有这个药我会很痛苦”,“我非常迫切的需要这些药”,“只有这些药才能让我开心一些”等类似的话术。这些钓鱼执法的话术一般是为了方便抓捕犯罪嫌疑人以后,给嫌疑人定罪“嫌疑人明知自己卖出的二类精神管制药物会被用来娱乐性吸食”的依据。

❶ 当事人此次被抓,根本原因在于涉及到二类精神管控药物(如酒石酸唑吡坦片,劳拉西泮等)的贩卖问题。且被定义为「在明知自己售卖的药品会被用于“吸毒”的情况下售卖。」且民警在钓鱼执法的过程中会故意表达“如果没有这个药我会很痛苦”,“我非常迫切的需要这些药”,“只有这些药才能让我开心一些”等类似的话术。这些钓鱼执法的话术一般是为了方便抓捕犯罪嫌疑人以后,给嫌疑人定罪“嫌疑人明知自己卖出的二类精神管制药物会被用来娱乐性吸食”的依据。 ❷ 民警在钓鱼执法的过程中,大量卖惨,虚构自己因为家庭暴力,生活困难,居住地址偏远等各种原因,无法前往正规精神科遵循医嘱开药。因此被迫只能通过互联网进行药物购买,希望对方帮忙“代购”药物。 ❸ 因为跨性别社群的特殊语境,这些话术被当事人理解为了“对方确切困难”,在同情心被利用的基础上,理解为了对方确实是一个患有抑郁症,生存困难,开不到药的跨性别女性。于是,当事人抱着“想要帮助跨性别社群的同类”这样的想法,被恶意利用。
❹ 当事人不是“药商”,此次被钓鱼执法前,从未卖过药。且此次钓鱼执法属于针对包含跨性别社群在内的“大面积撒网”。有很多跨性别女性都收到了钓鱼,包括很多成名药商,但都钓鱼失败了。当事人因为法律意识淡泊,没有戒备心,同情心泛滥,过于善良等原因,属于中招者。 ❺ 当事人拥有的二类精神管控药物来源合法,有精神科的处方,且当事人自身也在遵循医嘱的基础上定期服用二类精神管控药物。此次被钓鱼也是抱着帮助对方的想法,向对方以购买价转卖手上已有的药品。 ❻ 因为事发突然,当事人,事发后直接与外界失联。因此社群并不知道当事人的真实姓名,又因为不知道其原生家庭联系方式,从而导致社群的法律援助无法介入。
submitted by bajie90 to twitter_read [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Live_Ad_8009 Where can I find this

Where can I find this submitted by Live_Ad_8009 to dramabox [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 ejackson87 PulszBingo Account Locked after Trying to Verify

Hi All! I was playing on pulszbingo and hit a bonus and won a little over 3k. I tried to verify my account and was sent back to the sign in page. When I tried to login, it said my account is locked and to reach out to support. I've opened a ticket, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this happen? The FAQ article i read said that if my account is locked, it's because they have determined I've violated the ToS...but I have no idea how!
Has anyone ever had their account locked and then support unlock it?
Any advice is appreciated
submitted by ejackson87 to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 ChickenBarbequeSauce Employee using HH# on other reservations

I work the front desk at a Hilton property and my GM occasionally has friends/family visit and stay with us. He puts the reservations under his HH number but they pay for the room. Is this allowed? I woulda thought there would be something against using your HH# at a property you work at.
submitted by ChickenBarbequeSauce to Hilton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 CommunicationOne901 Denon 1700H BF AVR

Denon 1700H BF AVR Thought to share a good deal on Denon AVR on sale for $300 at Costco.
submitted by CommunicationOne901 to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 SmallSpecific2522 MIL keeps making comments about my weight.

just here to vent. saw my MIL for the first time since I was maybe 8 or 9 weeks and her first comment to me was “have you been eating a lot more?” and I was like “I don’t think so but I know I probably look like it.” all she did was laugh. then today at thanksgiving dinner in front of everyone she straight up asked me how much weight I had gained.
I’m 32 weeks and last time I went to the doctor I had only gained 17 pounds (but I was about 10 pounds heavier than my “normal weight” when I found out I was pregnant.) I had actually lost a pound!
I was very healthy and active before and on the slimmer side. I’ve struggled with an eating disorder and body image issues since I was a teenager so this was just really jarring to be asked such an invasive question. she hasn’t told me once that I look good or that I don’t look like I’ve gained that much weight. just that she’s “sure I’ll lose it after baby is here.” am I overreacting or is this a little messed up/am I justified in having hurt feelings. just need to vent.
submitted by SmallSpecific2522 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 iwannafuckladougal R/bannerlord rhagea hate

What it says. Post hate against shitty lords and rulers
submitted by iwannafuckladougal to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Redichicks Red

Red submitted by Redichicks to pinayinswimsuit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 miajer Frizerski salon s prihvatljivim cijenama

Cinjenica je da su frizerski saloni ka i sve ostalo poskupili. Ja san se dugo drzala svoje frizerke al postalo mi je previse trosit 100€ na kosu. Postoji li neki salon di mogu napravit balayage/pramenove za manje od 100€, a da lici na nesto?
submitted by miajer to Split [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 ShirtComplete Champ champ 👀

Champ champ 👀 Man what happened to this dude.. khabib beating him messed him up so badly mentally he became an alcoholic, a drug addict, a Stroud junkie and a rapist.. 💀
submitted by ShirtComplete to boxingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 joseph476h Does High Sierra support legacy iOS kit?

Hey guys,I’m just wondering if high sierra support Legacy iOS kit
submitted by joseph476h to LegacyJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 Federal_Tonight1715 SPJ jobs M1 Mac

I run .spj jobs using my terminal of my older Mac. I was going to upgrade my Mac but wanted to make sure I can run my son jobs in terminal mode on an M1 Mac. Anyone have experience with this? I know SpsS statistics works with GUI on M1 chips but I am asking specifically about running spj jobs on the terminal
submitted by Federal_Tonight1715 to spss [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 front-page-watch [#282|+684|141] people keep telling me i remind them of someone, but never tell me who... [r/doppelganger]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:32 YoungMissMoose From a fully cooked ham

Seems to be on the surface and in the middle of a cooked pre-sliced ham, if it is, how???
submitted by YoungMissMoose to Mold [link] [comments]
