Test Title 28-November-2024 22:23:47

2024.11.28 22:24 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 28-November-2024 22:23:47

Test body 28-November-2024 22:23:47
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:24 jakobud2 Can you transfer characters to PlayStation Online accounts that used to be local-only accounts?

Years ago I got Minecraft Dungeons on PS4 and played it with my kids. My account on the PS4 was connected to a PlayStation Online account.
My kids each had their own local account on the PS4 that were NOT connected to a PlayStation Online account.
When we would play, I would log in and start the game and then they would log in to their local accounts and join in and everyone would pick their characters. I had my set of characters I could choose from using my local account and each of my kids had their own set of characters they could choose from using their own local account.
Recently, my kids have gotten old enough that I could make a PlayStation Online account for them and thus I connected their PS4 local accounts to PlayStation Online accounts.
So now the problem is that when we go and try to play Minecraft Dungeons my kids can no longer play on their original characters because I guess those characters were always tied to MY Online account even though they could only be selected when my kids used their own local PS4 accounts.
So now that my kids local PS4 accounts are connected online, they can't choose their old characters at all.
The only solution I can see is for them to create 2nd local (non-Online connected) PS4 accounts. But then any achievements they get don't apply to their other online account.
Is there a solution for this? It really sucks. My kids put like so many months into their level like 200+ characters and now they can't play them.
submitted by jakobud2 to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:24 AirportBrief2965 ¿Qué opinan sobre la posible compra de los aviones Gripen por parte de Colombia? ¿Creen que es una decisión acertada en términos de seguridad nacional, o el país debería priorizar otros gastos?

Colombia está evaluando la compra de los aviones Gripen, fabricados por la empresa sueca Saab, como reemplazo de su flota de cazas Kfir, que se consideran obsoletos. Las negociaciones incluyen términos como un período de gracia para el pago y transferencia de tecnología, lo que podría beneficiar al país. Sin embargo, también hay quienes opinan que la inversión en defensa debería equilibrarse con otras prioridades nacionales. ¿Qué opinan sobre esta posible compra? ¿Es una decisión acertada en términos de seguridad nacional, o debería el país priorizar otros gastos?
submitted by AirportBrief2965 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:24 CantaloupeRude6697 need advice on a lock

for a lock is it better to have a 99 steal or a 99 perimeter d? (obviously if i have 99 perimeter i'll also have a 94 steal and the other way around)
submitted by CantaloupeRude6697 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:24 hashtagprayfordonuts Can someone help me find a duo mavic 3 arm file?

I was told these Mavics have sensors that stop it from drifting. Welp, this one hit my house and shattered one of its arms. I’m hoping that there is someone that can help me locate a possible arm or site that has the components so i can print one off. Help would be greatly appreciated
submitted by hashtagprayfordonuts to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:24 ok_pineapple_ok There are almost no neutral or positively geared investment properties in this or 100bps below current interest rate. Do people still really fall for IP ?

Also, before the "but prices go up", if you consider all the monies spent paying interest, management, council, and seller fees, you might possibly get $50K after 10 years if you are lucky.
Why are IP hyped up still? Are there are IP around that can be in neutral/positive gearing, and known only to "experts" ?
submitted by ok_pineapple_ok to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 kurazaybo Do I need a new dial? and where could I find it?

So I finally decided to have my first mechanical watch repaired. I is an old Citizen that had been kept in a drawer for almost 20 years. I am still kind of surprised to see it runs well. The dial is ruined because, after a fall, I had a glass replacement that was not properly sealed and moisture got in. The case is also in pretty bad shape since it was chromed brass or something similar.
I was able to get a NOS case and dial (the dial may not be new, but is in good condition). Unfortunately I did not realize the crown position is different in the new case, it is around 4:00 instead of the 3:00 position. I am not sure the dial will work since it has a couple of posts on the back.
My question is if I have to get a new dial with the posts in a different position and how could I search for it. I got these parts on ebay from a seller in Thailand and am quite satisfied with them, just not sure this will work. I have also seen some cheap kits with a case, dial and hands for Miyota 8200 movements so I am not out of options, but I would like to keep using original parts (and I think that NOS case is kinda cool).
Also please let me know if there are specific terms for any of this, I am not personally doing the repairs but have a whatchmaker do it.
submitted by kurazaybo to watchrepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Morinao Christmas with white lies. [@sihassi1]

Christmas with white lies. [@sihassi1] They are from "Limbus Company", if anyone is asking.
submitted by Morinao to yandere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Beginning-Ad5439 Não aguento mais

Não aguento mais ser assim! Não consigo ficar nos meus estudos, não consigo focar na hora de fazer um trabalho, não consigo me organizar com meus horários, estou sempre atrasado com tudo. Já fui atrás pra tentar saber se é TDAH, e a porra do psiquiatra me disse que "É MUITO DIFÍCIL DIAGNOSTICAR TDAH EM ADULTOS" e a Médica Clínica Geral só né deu remédios pra ansiedade e vitaminas que estavam baixas. Na psicóloga esqueço muito do que quero me queixar ou reclamar pra ela. Semana passada esqueci que tinha consulta com ela! Simplesmente escorregou da minha mente! Esqueço przos de trabalhos e datas de provas. As vezes acho q sou apenas um vagabundo irresponsável.
submitted by Beginning-Ad5439 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 sniperellaD Meinungen zum Build?

Meinungen zum Build? Was haltet ihr von diesem Build? Bin mir noch nicht ganz sicher, ob ich nicht besser 100€ mehr investieren soll, der Pc dafür aber zusammengebaut ist und safe alles zueinander passt😅 Nutzen will ich ihn für Diablo, Hogwarts Legacy und ähnliche… Danke im Voraus!
submitted by sniperellaD to PCGamingDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 MFTB-Sports-Channel Italian GP To REMAIN UNTIL 2031 ✍️ #f1 #formula1

submitted by MFTB-Sports-Channel to Formula1byMFTB [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Its_420_Somehow As someone in their 30s, who is spending their first holiday alone and hungry, figured I’d post this, as it has always given me inner warmth. Happy thanksgiving, yall.

As someone in their 30s, who is spending their first holiday alone and hungry, figured I’d post this, as it has always given me inner warmth. Happy thanksgiving, yall. submitted by Its_420_Somehow to HeyArnold [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Physical_Increase690 What’s the deal with Scripture?

I don’t get why whipping out tradition and writings of church fathers is sometimes a debate winner, whereas people feel like scripture is almost fluid and they can interpret it however they want. It seems like almost everyone I’ve talked to, Protestant and Catholic alike, is willing to take Clement, Ignatius, Irenaeus, etc at face value, but when someone uses Paul’s writings all of a sudden you can’t take it at face value and it becomes a big, confusing, complicated competition of debate/hermeneutical capability.
It seems disrespectful to treat scripture like some big malleable book that we can mold to fit our own theology, while the fathers’ writings are treated like they speak for themselves.
Why do we treat scripture like this?
submitted by Physical_Increase690 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Fensuleyk I just got the games and my god the pc controls are driving me insane

I know that being new doesn't help but it feel like i drank a whole truck of vodka while im flying, i keep rotating one way or another , can't fly straight for the life of me.
Is there any advice to make the controls better ? I fly with mouse and keyboard right now but i can use a controller if need be. Would still prefer to stay on mouse and keyboard.
submitted by Fensuleyk to NuclearOption [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 sleepyjoe1369 [WTS] [WTT] Invictus Victory 3.4 oz. 90-95% full (Bottle)

I bought this bottle of Paco Rabanne Invictus Victory in September. I had thought that I had smelled it at Sephora but had actually smelled Invictus victory elixir. I have been using this as my winter scent for now but would much rather have Invictus victory elixir. I would either sell my bottle that still has the box, for 60$, or I would preferably trade by bottle plus 20$ for a bottle of Invictus victory elixir that has 80% or more of the bottle left. Open to negotiation. Image-https://imgur.com/a/LCP7dhD
submitted by sleepyjoe1369 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 absurdherowaw Investing in stocks and crypto on Revolut in Belgium

I have been living in Belgium for four years now. I have been slowly investing in crypto and stocks via Revolut. I am not selling yet, but I wanted to understand what are the taxes to be paid and how on gains from:

  1. Selling stocks that I bought today (as an example)
  2. Selling crypto that I bought today (again, an example)
Given I am not yet fully committed to settling down in Belgium and do not invest large sums, I have so far stuck to Revolut. It works fine for me and I do not mind the platform nor any fees. What I however wanted to understand is what are any potential taxes in Belgium I would have to pay on stocks and crypto, assuming I have bought them today. Is there any holding period that I need to wait before I can pay no/lower taxes on selling crypto and/or stocks? Are there any tricky taxes/fees I have to be aware of (again, aside from Revolut ones)? Thanks so much!
submitted by absurdherowaw to BEFire [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Far_Bicycle_2827 amazon black friday deals

amazon black friday deals 20 euros the whole month then last week increated to 25 and now is a BF deal!
submitted by Far_Bicycle_2827 to Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Hot_Weakness6 Is Turkey still d-nomad friendly?

How is the situation with the residency permits in Turkey, is it still that bad?
Context: i have 90 days visa free. I want to stay ~120 day (3 months and something) in Turkey next year and wonder if that’s possible. It’s important as Airbnb stays are now 100 days minimum. I know there are other options, but the 100+ ones are much better.
I heard terrible stories about people getting denied residency permits after years of living there :( even with properties as they raised the thresholds. What do you think are my options?
On a side note, I was thinking about getting a work permit and starting living in istanbul in a couple years. From what I know, the salaries are quite similar to Poland in big corps there, however the work culture is a bit toxic, but still I liked it so much that I would love to move to at least try it. This is the option I discover the least yet, but it’s for the future.
submitted by Hot_Weakness6 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 AFishWithNoName CN Basement?

submitted by AFishWithNoName to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 josharoni84 Left 4 dead 2

Anyone want to get a group together to mop up any remaining achievements we may have?
submitted by josharoni84 to xboxachievements [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Otherwise_Ad_4781 Grammar Rules.

Grammar Rules. Remember the importance of proper grammar when creating a bot because this will help with the quality of the bots.
submitted by Otherwise_Ad_4781 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 Hi_im_on_tv What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Hi_im_on_tv to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 casualreddituser052 [Fluff] "Miko Mitama is usually much better in Evolved Form, but her Normal..."

[Fluff] submitted by casualreddituser052 to battlecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 seionleo Would a sofa this size be fine or is it too large?

Would a sofa this size be fine or is it too large? submitted by seionleo to FengShui [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:23 sleepykoala0000 Feeling Empty

I finished all my PLABS exams. Currently waiting for results. I don't know how to say this in a better way but I just feel incredibly lost now that i have nothing to do. i feel like life has no purpose. Will be applying for GMC registration soon but just been feeling so empty. I don't have a job as I am a fresh grad. I live alone. I truly don't know what to do. Which sounds like a very stupid problem to have, i get it. I just feel so empty. I feel like i was studying continuously for 7 years and suddenly it all came to a stop.
submitted by sleepykoala0000 to PLABprep [link] [comments]
