1/1 shamrock

2024.11.28 22:45 SKNGMANCHRIS 1/1 shamrock

1/1 shamrock For the people asking me too post pics when I had to ask for some help on the value of this. Only been collecting 2 weeks was never a massive fan of shamrock tbh would definitely be willing to trade or sell for anyone interested
submitted by SKNGMANCHRIS to ufccards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Dark_Matterz4_me H: Uny+Overeater W: 1 thru-hiker

submitted by Dark_Matterz4_me to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 _jay__bee_ Stripped and ready for wire wool and primer, it's gonna be well weathered !

Stripped and ready for wire wool and primer, it's gonna be well weathered ! submitted by _jay__bee_ to fcx18 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 rennistry Bed Bath Beyond Black Friday Sales 2024

Use the link for Bed Bath Beyond Black Friday Sales 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 CorrectAttitude6637 The spirit of Britney is alive and well

The spirit of Britney is alive and well submitted by CorrectAttitude6637 to formuladank [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Advanced_Delivery_10 Gastritis and acid reflux.

What do you guys take for iron. All the pills I've tried are not working for me and caose flare ups. Does anyone have a liquid form they can recommend?
submitted by Advanced_Delivery_10 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 StoneAge00 All American Man

Totally forgot about this. https://youtu.be/KZj5ltGlaRc?si=EzVJjnr36R-pv2Zc
submitted by StoneAge00 to KISS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 XL-Ahmet Keybici hulkun dini görüşleri

Uzun zamandır yapılmıyordu
View Poll
submitted by XL-Ahmet to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 SunshineChic007 Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!! Hope you are having a blessed day & be safe. 🦃🙏🤗💨

Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!! Hope you are having a blessed day & be safe. 🦃🙏🤗💨 submitted by SunshineChic007 to FLMedicalTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 prevailthecat Bunny Name Idea

Bunny Name Idea Finally got him/her home. I don’t know if its a boy or a girl due to almost 2 months. Can you please suggest some names for a boy or a girl?
submitted by prevailthecat to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 ndPPPhz Anyone visiting London soon who could help me find a small souvenir?

Hello! I know this is a long shot, but I’m hoping to ask for a bit of help.
During my recent trip to Japan, I bought a souvenir for a little cousins of mine which unfortunately I lost.
It was from a convenience store and it was a Super Mario Bomb Keychain like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195868429533?chn=ps&_ul=GB&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&google_free_listing_action=view_item
IIRC these keychain were sold in closed plastic boxes and the bomb was one of the 4 random characters you could get
I will indeed pay for having bothered you too
Thank you!
submitted by ndPPPhz to AskAJapanese [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Emergency_Jello_1821 WIBTA if I blocked my friend after I ruined our friendship because of my OCD?

I (F26) unsure whether my reassurance seeking has ruined my friendship with my college friend (F26). She had always been hot and cold with communication with me. I would constantly reach out and I got frustrated to the point where I blocked her on all social media. We had reconnect before and have been on good terms
Last year, I was having a crisis over the thought of being a predator. I began the phone call with my friend by. explaining that I was groomed by a man in his mid 20s online when I was 15-16. I was aggressive with my tone and cursed about him to her. I then explained to her that when I was 23, I had swapped some NSFW stories with my coworker who was 19. She had mentioned that she was in ROTC but I guess she was taking a gap year. A lot of the details I had explained were very confusing tbh. There was some confusion where I heard she was 17 but I had then confirmed with a coworker who worked with us that she was around 19.
After my crisis, i had sent my friend a message saying that she was 19 and I was overthinking things dramatically. She said that everything was fine but was uncomfortable with the language and tone being used.
We were texting and calling off and on for this past year. However, my anxiety about her hating me had gotten worse where I was spam texting a couple of times from anxiety. Even though she reassures we fine, I think she is ghosting me. since I reached out to call to catch up and she’s being hot and cold. I dont know if it’s better to cut this friendship lose and stop.
TL;DR - friend may have gotten overwhelmed with my OCD and I don’t know if she just pitying me.
submitted by Emergency_Jello_1821 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 val3_a_pomb_ is safe to ship a 6.5kg parcel?

i ll ship a 6/6.5 kg package with cargo B as shipping option (to italy), is it safe ?
no electronics and no perfumes, no luxury brands.
submitted by val3_a_pomb_ to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 froggy-style-69 Trade

Trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/9TbHrgClhQI
submitted by froggy-style-69 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 oompaloompa_08 What lens should I buy?

I do alot of sports photography but I also enjoy doing wildlife and going to airshows. I'm looking at ether buying a canon 24-70mm F2.8 mkii for sports like basketball or portraits. Or the Canon 100-400mm mkii for wildlife, airshows and maybe in sports like football and soccer. I already own the canon 70-200mm 2.8 mkii so I'm just looking at other options
submitted by oompaloompa_08 to Photography_Gear [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Potential-Platypus72 Regieleki on me 805663511594

submitted by Potential-Platypus72 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 charcoalhibiscus The “salted” version of this brand of butter is the same color as the “unsalted” version of the other brand

The “salted” version of this brand of butter is the same color as the “unsalted” version of the other brand submitted by charcoalhibiscus to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Holiday-Trip-9339 Should I quit?

Hi! I’ve been working at bbw since January 2023 and I’m honestly thinking about quitting because out of nowhere for the past few weeks the managers are being passive aggressive with me and it’s making my mental health worse. It’s sort of hard to leave this job since it’s my first job. You’re probably thinking why don’t I talk to the managers? Well there was this one time I had an attitude with them when they were being mean to me and they complained to the store manager the day after I got out of the hospital last month 🤯 also I became a trainer around sept and it’s just so hard training people since I would answer someone’s question and a manager would come out of nowhere saying what are we doing and when I’m not talking to anyone they would say who did we train today. 😔
submitted by Holiday-Trip-9339 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 DistributionCold6492 6 months on Opill Review

I started Opill in June so it’s been about 6 months and I’m not too pleased with the results. For background, before I started I had a pretty regular period(no cramps, medium flow, no side effects). I started it when I became sexually active because it was originally the only way I could get access to birth control.(I later went to Planned Parenthood where they gave me a years supply of the combo pill, but I haven’t used it yet). At first it was bad. I never had acne before but when I started Opill I began getting a few minor pimples every now and then. But that’s obviously better than a baby. I also had 3 periods within the span of 6 weeks. Now my periods have somewhat regulated themselves, but my cycles are now only 3 weeks and I still get a random period sometimes. I don’t get bad cramps at all, but it sucks because it stops me from having sex, which is the whole point of the pill lol. Not sure if I should just stick it out because things seem to be getting better(sorta), or if I should try and use the combo pill to try and regulate my periods.
I also would prefer to not put unnecessary hormones into my body. I know the copper IUD is an option, but I’m scared of the side effects because I’ve heard it causes pain/irregular bleeding for a really long time. I’m planning to see a gynecologist for the first time soon, but it’s quite expensive since I don’t have health insurance.
submitted by DistributionCold6492 to Opill [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 cherryapp Like my smile?

Like my smile? submitted by cherryapp to smileygirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 PM_Me_Anime_Headpats My deck has become a mess. Please help.

I was super excited by this deck idea, and it's become a mess. I've had to cut so many pieces I thought would be fun, and I still have to cut more. And I don't have nearly enough ramp, or removal, and I could definitely use more counter magic.
The Goal
This deck was supposed to combine a couple of my favorite things in Magic into one deck. I wanted to make a deck that was heavy on token generation, and included at least one infinite token combo. I wanted a deck that had at least a subtheme of generating emblems. And I wanted a deck that could run a good amount of counterspells.
This is what I came up with: [[Zellix, Sanity Flayer]] + [[Cloakwood Hermit]] as commander of a self-mill deck. My commanders would let me create a lot of tokens by self-milling, with the game-finishing plan being to use my full graveyard as fuel for [[The Capitoline Triad]], get the emblem to make my army of tokens big, and swing for lethal.
To achieve this goal, I tried to always get useful effects on historic creatures if possible; they need to be creatures for me to make tokens if I mill them, and they need to be historic to fuel Capitoline Triad. So, for example, instead of running [[Doubling Season]], I'm running [[Adrix and Nex, Twincasters]] as a token doubler and [[Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider]] as a loyalty counter doubler.
The Problem
I definitely need more removal, I need more non-dork ramp, and I could use a better suite of counter magic. And I need to figure out what else to cut to make room for all of that. I've tried to generally avoid generically good pieces in exchange for pieces that are more directly synergistic (for example, [[Amphin Mutineer]] as a removal piece that is a creature for when it gets milled by Zellix and can be cast from the graveyard) but I think all that's accomplished is making my selection of these categories both anemic and overly expensive.
submitted by PM_Me_Anime_Headpats to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Paparoacher808 ZF BB58 review

submitted by Paparoacher808 to RepTime [link] [comments]


I MADE GALE BUFF AND THEN I WENT TO KISS HIM AND JUST BURIED MY FACE IN HIS TITS submitted by The_Better_Devil to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 idontknow_6442 W eats

W eats submitted by idontknow_6442 to BlueRyai [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:45 Ducky9670 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

submitted by Ducky9670 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
