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2024.11.29 02:39 roboticfedora Best Black Friday deal
submitted by roboticfedora to HomeDepot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 StylisticNightmare Erweiterung des Untersuchungshaftbefehls gegen Palliativmediziner / Polizeimeldung vom 28.11.2024
Erweiterung des Untersuchungshaftbefehls gegen Palliativmediziner Polizeimeldung vom 28.11.2024
Nr. 2443 Auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin hat ein Ermittlungsrichter des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten den bereits bestehenden Untersuchungshaftbefehl gegen einen mittlerweile vierzig Jahre alten Palliativmediziner erweitert. Der Beschuldigte befindet sich seit dem 6. August 2024 in Untersuchungshaft, da er zwischen dem 11. Juni und dem 24. Juli dieses Jahres vier in der Betreuung seines Arbeitgebers, eines Pflegedienstes, stehende Patientinnen getötet und anschließend in deren Wohnungen Feuer gelegt haben soll, um diese Tötungen zu verdecken. Diese mutmaßlichen Tötungen wertet die Staatsanwaltschaft nun aufgrund zwischenzeitlich erlangter Erkenntnisse nicht mehr als Totschlag, sondern als Mord. Denn der Beschuldigte soll kein über die Tötung der Personen hinausgehendes Motiv gehabt haben. Ein derartiges mutmaßliches Fehlen eines in der Person des Opfers oder der Tötungssituation liegenden Tatanlasses und eines über das Interesse am Tötungsakt hinausgehenden Tatzwecks erfülle das Mordmerkmal der „Mordlust“. Darüber hinaus führten die Auswertungen von Patientenunterlagen und gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchungen Verstorbener, davon zwei nach zwischenzeitiger Exhumierung, zu dem Verdacht weiterer durch den Beschuldigten begangener Morde: Am 24. Juni 2022 soll der Beschuldigte einer 70-jährigen Patientin in deren Wohnung in der Götzstraße in Tempelhof ein Gemisch verschiedener Medikamente verabreicht und sie getötet haben. Auch hier soll er anschließend ein Feuer gelegt haben, um seine Tat zu verdecken. Das Übergreifen der Flammen auf das restliche Gebäude konnte durch die von einem Nachbarn gerufene Feuerwehr verhindert werden. Am 29. Januar 2024 soll der Beschuldigte einem 70-jährigen Mann in dessen Wohnung in der Dieselstraße in Neukölln ein tödliches Gemisch verschiedener Medikamente ohne medizinische Indikation hierfür verabreicht haben, um den Mann zu töten. Außerdem steht er im Verdacht, am 4. April 2024 einer 61 Jahre alten Frau in deren Wohnung in der Ebersstraße in Schöneberg ein tödliches Gemisch verschiedener Medikamente ohne medizinische Indikation verabreicht und die Frau so getötet zu haben. Am 29. April 2024 soll er einen 83 Jahre alten Mann in dessen Zimmer im Hospiz der DRK-Kliniken Köpenick mittels eines Medikamentengemischs getötet haben. Die Ermittlungen werden durch eine eigens eingerichtete Ermittlungsgruppe im Morddezernat des Landeskriminalamts Berlin und der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin geführt und dauern an.
Gemeinsame Meldung Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin Nr. 1626 vom 7. August 2024: Palliativarzt wegen Totschlags- und Brandstiftungsverdacht in Untersuchungshaft Ein 39 Jahre alter Arzt, der im Palliativteam eines Pflegedienstes tätig gewesen sein soll, befindet sich seit gestern aufgrund eines durch die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin erwirkten Haftbefehls wegen des Vorwurfs des Totschlags in vier Fällen, einem Fall der vollendeten und drei Fällen der versuchten besonders schweren Brandstiftung in Untersuchungshaft. Der Beschuldigte ist verdächtig, zwischen dem 11. Juni und dem 24. Juli vier in der Betreuung des Pflegedienstes stehende Patientinnen auf bislang noch unbekannte Weise getötet und anschließend in deren Wohnungen Feuer gelegt zu haben, um diese Tötungen zu verdecken. So soll er am 11. Juni in der Niemetzstraße in Neukölln eine 87-jährige Frau getötet und anschließend deren Wohnung in Brand gesetzt haben. Nach Eintreffen der Feuerwehr gelang es den Rettungskräften zunächst, die Frau zu reanimieren. Kurze Zeit später verstarb die Seniorin jedoch im Krankenhaus. Am 8. Juli soll der Arzt dann eine 76-Jährige in deren Wohnung im Michael-Bohnen-Ring in Neukölln getötet haben. Sein Versuch einer anschließenden Brandlegung soll dann allerdings missglückt sein, da das Feuer eigenständig erlosch. Als er dies bemerkte, soll er noch einen Angehörigen der Frau informiert und behauptet haben, dass er vor deren Wohnung stünde und auf sein Klingeln niemand reagiere. Eine Woche später, am 15. Juli, soll der Beschuldigte eine 94-Jährige in ihrer Wohnung in der Silbersteinstraße in Neukölln getötet und anschließend ein Feuer in ihrer Küche gelegt haben. Am 24. Juli soll der 39-Jährige eine 72 Jahre alte Seniorin in der Neuen Krugallee im Ortsteil Plänterwald getötet und anschließend ein Feuer in der Wohnung gelegt haben. Die Ermittlungen der 2. Mordkommission des Landeskriminalamts Berlin und der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin dauern an.
Polizeimeldung Nr. 1552 vom 25. Juli 2024: Tote Frau nach Wohnungsbrand Gestern Mittag wurde eine tote Frau nach einem Wohnungsbrand in Plänterwald gefunden. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen soll ein Nachbar den Brand in dem mehrgeschossigen Mehrfamilienhaus in der Straße Neue Krugallee gegen 13.15 Uhr bemerkt und die Einsatzkräfte informiert haben. Die Feuerwehr löschte die Flammen im Erdgeschoss, konnte jedoch die 72-jährige Wohnungsmieterin nur noch tot aus ihrer Wohnung bergen. Die weiteren Ermittlungen zur Brand- und Todesursache dauern an.
Polizeimeldung Nr. 1244 vom 12. Juni 2024: Frau nach Brand in Wohnung verstorben Gestern Mittag ist bei einem Wohnungsbrand in Neukölln eine Frau verstorben. Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen bemerkten Anwohnende gegen 12.30 Uhr Flammen in einer Wohnung in der Niemetzstraße und alarmierten daraufhin Rettungskräfte. Die Feuerwehr evakuierte das Wohnhaus und löschte den Brand. Während der Evakuierungsmaßnahmen bargen die Rettungskräfte eine leblose 87-jährige Mieterin und reanimierten diese zunächst erfolgreich. Die Seniorin wurde durch die Feuerwehr in ein Krankenhaus gebracht, in welchem sie kurze Zeit später verstarb. Drei weitere Mieter wurden verletzt und vor Ort ambulant versorgt. Nach Abschluss der Löschmaßnahmen konnten die Anwohnenden in ihre Wohnungen zurückkehren. Die Braunschweiger Straße zwischen Brusendorfer Straße und Elsterstraße sowie die Niemetzstraße zwischen Böhmische Straße und Saalestraße blieben während des Einsatzes für Fahrzeugverkehr und ÖPNV gesperrt. Die Ermittlungen zum Verdacht der schweren Brandstiftung hat ein Brandkommissariat des Landeskriminalamtes übernommen.
submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 montaukwhaler S-adenosylmethionine inhibits non-small cell lung cancer and enhances chemosensitivity by targeting the P62/NF-κB axis and regulating autophagy and oxidative stress
submitted by montaukwhaler to nsclc [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 terealitea Nickel WHERE MY HUG AT??????????
submitted by terealitea to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Gkleo Fungal infection help.
This is my first time dealing with a fungal infection. I have a 20 g tank with two loachs. One of which I got two days ago and noticed today he seems to have a fungal infection. It hasn’t spread to my other loach but I want to know what to do. Some websites so to completely change and bleach everything in the main tank while others say to just do a 50 percent water change and add aquarium salt. I’m extremely nervous since I’ve never done this before and I want to make sure I do it right. Please help! (I also added photos of the loach in case it’s not a fungal infection. Please lmk.) submitted by Gkleo to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 NotRammy 300 credits what do i buy?
far cry six gave me 300 credits for free, what's the best gun to buy? overclocked deagle?
submitted by NotRammy to farcry6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 WeakLungness Bec Bec Body Language - I need answers.
submitted by WeakLungness to GirlsLove [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 Goatgirlin worsening OCD
Hiii, started back on wellbutrin about 2 months ago after not being on it for like 2 years. first time on it, had no side effects and loved it. decided to ween off, idrk why but long story short my adhd got pretty bad and unmanageable and decided to go back on. i never had any bad side effects with this med the first time around. like literally none. this time, i’ve had to quit caffeine bc it makes my anxiety so bad and im in a weird brain fog a lot of the time, especially the first 4-5 hours after taking it in the morning. sort of like dissociation i guess. another side effect i hate is it’s making my ocd flair up again. i’m not getting into details, but has this happened to anyone else and should i consider a new adhd medication or just see if it goes away. the flare up is getting a little out of hand. also i’m only on 100 sr twice a day
submitted by Goatgirlin to bupropion [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 theycallmeenvy info on this guitar?
a friend is giving this to me, don’t know much other than it’s a fender and serial number isn’t helping.
submitted by theycallmeenvy to Guitar [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 scarynothing123 The back banner says "recruitment". Could this be referring to a ps recruitment?
Could this be, that she is mocking Miri or jumpscaring him, who just recruited into PS?
submitted by scarynothing123 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 SimpfrElizabetholsen Elizabeth Olsen
submitted by SimpfrElizabetholsen to ladiesofthemcu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 Master_Journalist621 PT Jobs
Some qns about PT Jobs -I have seen many jobs on fastjobs such as festive restockers,do anyone have any experience in them? Do they just restock items on the shelf of supermarkets? And what type of items(just curious).
-How long do employers take to accept/reject ur application on fastjobs?
submitted by Master_Journalist621 to SGExams [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 puerluna_ 28 [F4R] utah/online. in a food coma and drinkin wine, let's chat!
trying to describe myself in a short period of time makes me forget everything about myself but,
my name's haley! i work a late night shift during the week so i'm a big ol night owl.
i have a dog who is the love of my life and my lil baby. i love animals & wanna have a hobby farm one day.
i enjoy reading, i have a few hundred books in various genres, mostly fantasy and romantasy. horror movies are my favorite genre of movies, but i also love fantasy/sci-fi! video games are my main hobby when i have free time. (i'm currently replaying dragon age veilguard) and i also love swimming & hiking! but i'm usually a homebody, i love cooking & baking for people especially during the holidays.
diet dr pepper is my shit and i love it so much
i'm pretty shy at first but i think i'm at least a semi cool person. i have discord like most chronically online people and am cool with chatting there if we vibe! i'd love to make new friends and find people to talk to on a daily basis and build a connection with, and see where it leads. i have pictures on my page if that's important to you.
submitted by puerluna_ to r4r [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Salty-Tip-7914 The grandma who texted the wrong number 9 years ago on Thanksgiving ate at his house this year
submitted by Salty-Tip-7914 to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 choncho1208 TML W1 or W2?
I know there is no way to know for sure but hoping for a STMPD stage this year at Tomorrowland. Which weekend would you guys guess would be best to try and get tickets for?
submitted by choncho1208 to Martingarrix [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 jvc72 Buy Signal Frax USD - 28 Nov 2024 @ 21:36 -> USD0.996
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 28 Nov 2024 @ 21:36
Price: USD0.996
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Watafakk Why is Better Than In the world of online classifieds, Craigslist has long been the dominant player. However, a new challenger,, is rapidly gaining attention for its unique features and user-friendly experience. While Craigslist has served millions of people for years, offers a modernized and streamlined approach to buying, selling, and connecting online. Below are several reasons why might just be the better option for users. 1. User-Friendly Interface One of the biggest frustrations with Craigslist is its outdated and cluttered design. Navigating the site often feels like stepping back in time, with a plain interface that hasn’t changed much over the years. On the other hand, provides a sleek and modern interface that’s easy to navigate. The site is clean, organized, and offers simple categories, making it effortless for users to find what they are looking for without getting lost in a sea of text. 2. Better Search and Filtering Options When you’re trying to find a specific item or service on Craigslist, the search functionality can be cumbersome. Craigslist’s search results can sometimes be vague, and filters are limited, which makes it difficult to narrow down results. takes search to the next level, offering advanced filters that allow users to specify location, price range, item condition, and more. This enables users to find exactly what they’re looking for in a matter of seconds, saving valuable time. 3. Safer Transactions and Verified Listings Safety is a concern for many online buyers and sellers, especially when it comes to classified ads. Craigslist has often been criticized for its lack of oversight and security features., in contrast, offers verification processes for sellers, which helps ensure that the items listed are legitimate and that sellers are trustworthy. This additional layer of security provides peace of mind for both buyers and sellers, which Craigslist simply doesn’t prioritize in the same way. 4. Better Customer Support For a long time, users of Craigslist have had to rely on a very limited customer support system. If you’ve ever had an issue with a listing or needed help resolving a transaction, you know how difficult it can be to get in touch with Craigslist’s customer service. has a dedicated support team that’s easy to contact and responsive to issues. Whether you need help managing your account or have questions about a specific listing, you’ll find that’s customer support team is much more accessible and helpful than Craigslist’s. 5. More Diverse Categories Craigslist offers a lot of categories, but they can sometimes feel disorganized or hard to navigate., however, has carefully curated categories that cater to a wider range of interests. Whether you're looking for jobs, housing, services, events, or local businesses, you’ll find that covers more ground with fewer overlapping sections, making it easier to find relevant listings. 6. Improved Mobile Experience As mobile usage increases, it’s important for classified websites to provide a seamless experience on smartphones and tablets. Craigslist’s mobile site and app are notoriously clunky and not as optimized as they should be for modern devices. has a fully optimized mobile version of the site and an intuitive app, ensuring users can browse and manage their listings on the go without any hassle. 7. Fewer Ads and Distractions Craigslist has a tendency to overwhelm users with advertisements and pop-up content, which can make browsing the site feel like a chore. On, the experience is far less cluttered. The site minimizes distractions by focusing on the core functionality of classifieds, resulting in a smoother browsing experience. You won’t have to sift through numerous ads just to view the listing you care about. 8. Better Community Engagement takes pride in building a community-oriented platform. The site promotes user interaction and community events in a way that Craigslist doesn't. Whether you're looking for local meetups, support groups, or even advice on buying and selling, offers a more social experience than Craigslist. This focus on community helps foster connections among users, beyond just simple transactions. 9. Enhanced Listing Options While Craigslist allows you to post text-based ads with limited multimedia, offers enhanced listing options. Sellers can upload high-quality images, videos, and detailed descriptions of items. This gives buyers a clearer understanding of what’s being offered, making it easier to make informed purchasing decisions. This media-rich listing experience sets apart from Craigslist’s basic ad format. 10. Free and Paid Options That Make Sense Both Craigslist and offer free listings, but provides more value for users who wish to pay for premium exposure. Whether you want your listing featured at the top of search results or highlighted in some other way, offers affordable and straightforward paid options. These premium features give sellers more visibility and provide an easy way to stand out, without the confusing tiered system that Craigslist often uses. Conclusion: Why is the Clear Choice While Craigslist remains a popular choice for many online classifieds users, clearly stands out as the more modern and user-focused alternative. From its intuitive design to enhanced security features, better support, and smoother user experience, provides a more reliable and enjoyable platform for buying, selling, and connecting. If you're tired of Craigslist's outdated design and limited features, it's time to give a try. With its cleaner interface, smarter search options, and community engagement, is quickly becoming the go-to classifieds website for users who demand more. In the world of online classifieds, Craigslist has long been the dominant player. However, a new challenger,, is rapidly gaining attention for its unique features and user-friendly experience. While Craigslist has served millions of people for years, offers a modernized and streamlined approach to buying, selling, and connecting online. Below are several reasons why might just be the better option for users. 1. User-Friendly Interface One of the biggest frustrations with Craigslist is its outdated and cluttered design. Navigating the site often feels like stepping back in time, with a plain interface that hasn’t changed much over the years. On the other hand, provides a sleek and modern interface that’s easy to navigate. The site is clean, organized, and offers simple categories, making it effortless for users to find what they are looking for without getting lost in a sea of text. 2. Better Search and Filtering Options When you’re trying to find a specific item or service on Craigslist, the search functionality can be cumbersome. Craigslist’s search results can sometimes be vague, and filters are limited, which makes it difficult to narrow down results. takes search to the next level, offering advanced filters that allow users to specify location, price range, item condition, and more. This enables users to find exactly what they’re looking for in a matter of seconds, saving valuable time. 3. Safer Transactions and Verified Listings Safety is a concern for many online buyers and sellers, especially when it comes to classified ads. Craigslist has often been criticized for its lack of oversight and security features., in contrast, offers verification processes for sellers, which helps ensure that the items listed are legitimate and that sellers are trustworthy. This additional layer of security provides peace of mind for both buyers and sellers, which Craigslist simply doesn’t prioritize in the same way. 4. Better Customer Support For a long time, users of Craigslist have had to rely on a very limited customer support system. If you’ve ever had an issue with a listing or needed help resolving a transaction, you know how difficult it can be to get in touch with Craigslist’s customer service. has a dedicated support team that’s easy to contact and responsive to issues. Whether you need help managing your account or have questions about a specific listing, you’ll find that’s customer support team is much more accessible and helpful than Craigslist’s. 5. More Diverse Categories Craigslist offers a lot of categories, but they can sometimes feel disorganized or hard to navigate., however, has carefully curated categories that cater to a wider range of interests. Whether you're looking for jobs, housing, services, events, or local businesses, you’ll find that covers more ground with fewer overlapping sections, making it easier to find relevant listings. 6. Improved Mobile Experience As mobile usage increases, it’s important for classified websites to provide a seamless experience on smartphones and tablets. Craigslist’s mobile site and app are notoriously clunky and not as optimized as they should be for modern devices. has a fully optimized mobile version of the site and an intuitive app, ensuring users can browse and manage their listings on the go without any hassle. 7. Fewer Ads and Distractions Craigslist has a tendency to overwhelm users with advertisements and pop-up content, which can make browsing the site feel like a chore. On, the experience is far less cluttered. The site minimizes distractions by focusing on the core functionality of classifieds, resulting in a smoother browsing experience. You won’t have to sift through numerous ads just to view the listing you care about. 8. Better Community Engagement takes pride in building a community-oriented platform. The site promotes user interaction and community events in a way that Craigslist doesn't. Whether you're looking for local meetups, support groups, or even advice on buying and selling, offers a more social experience than Craigslist. This focus on community helps foster connections among users, beyond just simple transactions. 9. Enhanced Listing Options While Craigslist allows you to post text-based ads with limited multimedia, offers enhanced listing options. Sellers can upload high-quality images, videos, and detailed descriptions of items. This gives buyers a clearer understanding of what’s being offered, making it easier to make informed purchasing decisions. This media-rich listing experience sets apart from Craigslist’s basic ad format. 10. Free and Paid Options That Make Sense Both Craigslist and offer free listings, but provides more value for users who wish to pay for premium exposure. Whether you want your listing featured at the top of search results or highlighted in some other way, offers affordable and straightforward paid options. These premium features give sellers more visibility and provide an easy way to stand out, without the confusing tiered system that Craigslist often uses. Conclusion: Why is the Clear Choice While Craigslist remains a popular choice for many online classifieds users, clearly stands out as the more modern and user-focused alternative. From its intuitive design to enhanced security features, better support, and smoother user experience, provides a more reliable and enjoyable platform for buying, selling, and connecting. If you're tired of Craigslist's outdated design and limited features, it's time to give a try. With its cleaner interface, smarter search options, and community engagement, is quickly becoming the go-to classifieds website for users who demand more. 4o mini submitted by Watafakk to posteverythingreddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 Onii-chans_Neko Anime for Anime/any
I'm looking to "share for share".
My libraries aren't that big (wayyyyy smaller than i imagine most people's libraries here are), however if your into audiobooks, those are included (500gb worth). [150en/350jp]
[actual anime is only at about 4.3TB]
Also a decent number of anime episodes are added as soon as released on nyaa. (And all my libraries utilize plexpass's intro/credit skip/etc, so if you have that all my files are ready for it).
First time making a S4S post, sorry if doing it wrong. (Msg if interested) [I have Movies/TV/anime/anime-airing/Audiobooks-EN and audiobooks-JP, if you don't want any of the following to be shared to you, mention in a msg please.]
submitted by Onii-chans_Neko to Plex_Share [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Waste_Jello281330 They are supposed to be cooking together...A is of course just standing and pacing around on her phone ignoring her kids and everything around her. Her sister will make a post about it later 😂
submitted by Waste_Jello281330 to justanotherbabymama [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 DinoSaidRawr Students of TikTok Teachers, what was/is it like?
submitted by DinoSaidRawr to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Natural-Finish-2721 steam家庭组玩游戏的注意了,巨坑
submitted by Natural-Finish-2721 to youxi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 Good-Lengthiness-121 I can't join Discord for some reason? I played a lot 3 years ago and now, trying to get back into the game, it sucks that i can't just talk in discord to find doot parties or anything like that. Anybody have any ideas on how to fix this? Lava HELP!!
submitted by Good-Lengthiness-121 to idleon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:39 wewdwtnizrub Hug Gear Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Discover the Hug Gear Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Save 10% to 40% off with these Hug Gear discount codes for November 2024. Find the latest Hug Gear coupon codes
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 PigFloydDarkside Why didn't anyone think about doing this before?
So I was walking through the big orange store and saw this on the shelf! Never seen one before. How is this not standard for every brand? Went home and made a mock up. It works amazingly. Com'on DeWalt! Ya got to give us a dust shroud!
The shoe's barrel makes a near perfect dust funnel. Just need to make it extend a little closer to the blade. That's what the blue tape is doing.
submitted by PigFloydDarkside to Dewalt [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:39 MickIsShort4Michael Looking for a Mod to take over r/ClearMe
I have had many constraints lately and would like someone to step up and take over. The sub pretty much runs itself.
submitted by MickIsShort4Michael to ClearMe [link] [comments]