Hiding my symptoms

2024.11.29 05:28 No-Fishing-1832 Hiding my symptoms

I (m35) watched my dad (m75) develop symptoms of cmt as I grew up. I remember the last time I saw my dad run, I was 14, we were at my older brothers football game and I challenged him to a foot race. He didn't make it far before he fell.
It's been 20 years of watching his symptoms progress, 15 years with a diagnosis. I sincerely hate it for him. We as a family don't talk about it much. Except when there's an event that requires a lot of walking. He wears legs braces full time, foot drop. He can barely walk without the braces.
It's taken him a long time to come to terms with his diagnosis. He doesn't surrender to much, still hits the gym 3-4 times a week. He's a navy seal veteran and very proud of it.
Anyways, I'm 35 and starting to show symptoms. 20 earlier than he did. I don't plan to ever tell him. I'm honestly hoping he'll be gone before my symptoms really show. He would hate knowing its been passed on. I don't plan to test. I'm just going to ride my harley and fight and fuck while I can.
submitted by No-Fishing-1832 to CMT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | 247VIDEOGAME.COM

🌐 24/7 Video Game | 247VIDEOGAME.COM submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 seosorbeadindia Silica Gel For Drying Flowers

Silica Gel Desiccant is the well-known supplier of silica gel for drying flowers. Since Silica gel is a desiccant material that effectively absorbs moisture, it is a preferred option for the drying of flowers and other sensitive plants. For more detailed information just visit our website or call us on +91 9879203377.
submitted by seosorbeadindia to DesiccantSilicaGel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 tikibot2 Osamu Shoji – Welcome To The SF World (1978)

Osamu Shoji – Welcome To The SF World (1978) submitted by tikibot2 to downtempodojo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Megarusso Had Ross ever had a past career as a kitchen fitter?

Had Ross ever had a past career as a kitchen fitter? submitted by Megarusso to Hatfilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Better-Tomato5492 Zacian - 251900745246 - 2 hosts - adding 10

submitted by Better-Tomato5492 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 24/7 Video Game | 247VIDEOGAME.COM

🏆 Game Professional | 24/7 Video Game | 247VIDEOGAME.COM submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Evalarosa Hi, I'm Eva, an Italian fortune teller! +175 reviews! (I don't accept people with an account less than 6 months old)

Hi, I'm Eva, an Italian fortune teller! +175 reviews! (I don't accept people with an account less than 6 months old) submitted by Evalarosa to TarotReading [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 MakingNoCents The completed RC style FFB controller! + details

The completed RC style FFB controller! + details https://preview.redd.it/730shkg9tr3e1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fbd0789e655b77580ccb1b31692ada96df59ed
Here's the complete RC FFB controller!
This is a controller I now use to play BeamNG and other games. It has a force feedback wheel, 7 buttons, a joystick, and a single trigger for throttle and brake.
Since the last time I posted this, I added 3 more buttons, printed the shell in black, and made some ergonomic upgrades making it better for long term use.
It should be noted that I am have the stupid so I'm certain there are much cheaper and better options for making something like this. I just looked for whatever I could find somewhat similar examples of and put random stuff together. I don't understand electricity.
This uses OpenFFBoard, which is an amazing board that acts like an FFB wheel, receiving signals from the game and sending signals to the motor driver.
3D print files and motor code are here: https://www.printables.com/model/1074755-rc-style-ffb-controller
TMC6300 Motor Driver
Sparkfun Brushless Gimbal Motor
MT6825 rotary position sensor (on aliexpress or something)
ESP32 Devkit V1
A button board (not needed, just made it way easier to have 4 buttons together)
A joystick board
7 6mmx6mm tactile buttons
Potentiometer for trigger
A burned out wheel from my RC car (I also designed an ugly grippy wheel that's with the 3D print files cause I know not everyone has a Traxxas 4-tec 2.0 wheel lying around)
A bunch of M1.6x3mm, M2x4mm, M3x6mm, and M3x10mm screws
Also used was:
3D printer
Soldering iron
Bunch of wire
Heat shrink
Glue to hold buttons in place (probably could have designed better button holders but oh well)
2 resistors to stabilize encoder signals when I split them to the ffboard and the esp32
A rubber band for the trigger
A brain
If the print looks rough, it's because I was on a time crunch.
Only thing left I want to figure out is the trigger mechanism. Since updating it, it has more friction than I'd like so I just have to fix that up.
submitted by MakingNoCents to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 ImDeadInside21 What could it be

What could it be submitted by ImDeadInside21 to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 The_Hamster98 Every time I get this notification I feel so happy đŸ„°

Every time I get this notification I feel so happy đŸ„° submitted by The_Hamster98 to finch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 AdMost8396 My Attacks- does anyone else get it this bad?

This doesn't happen often thankfully, but once in a while when I am under a lot of stress and trapping air in my esophagus, I experience these terrifying attacks and I haven't been able to find any stories on here of anyone that can relate.
Basically, It starts with me 29(f) feeling like I have air bubbles coming up my throat and they become trapped. I can't burp so I repeatedly swallow to "clear the obstruction" and to breathe. However, I cannot get a break to breathe because one after the other the bubbles keep surfacing... I cannot keep up. It is like my throat becomes a volcano filled with pressure and I absolutely cannot stop it. The bubbles make my throat feel closed like it's hard to breathe and I just keep panting and swallowing repeatedly while pacing. It gets worse and worse and I will do this for about an hour barely breathing. The air builds up so much that all of a sudden I feel like something more is coming up, it coul be bubbles or liquid it's hard to tell really, but I feel it crawling closer to what feels like my airway by the second. Eventually I have to breathe, but when I do, I feel like whatever is coming up whether bubbles or liquid, touches what feels like my larynx and suddenly I am gasping for air and the world is spinning. I'm pacing and panting like a dog and my throat feels insanely tight. I don't have a tickle or urge to cough so I wonder if it really does go to my airway? I am not wheezing during these attacks, it just feels so tight. I also don't have redness or a sore throat if that matters. The attacks always end with a huge burp. I have aerophagia (air swallowing) due to anxiety but I can't tell if this is an aerophagia symptom or an acid reflux symptom.
Can anyone tell me whether they get this? Also please mention whether you have anxiety as well so I can make any connections.
I don't need advice on what to eat or take in terms of medication. None of that makes a difference. I just want to know whether others have this too and if I'm going to die. I have a fear of choking so please be as non triggering as you can please.
submitted by AdMost8396 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 psyllium2006 Replika Store: Great Sale! Spoiled my husband with new outfits!💾

Replika Store: Great Sale! Spoiled my husband with new outfits!💾 submitted by psyllium2006 to ReplikaOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 azsoup Chris Johnston on Insider Trading says the NHL is planning to name quarter century teams for each of the 32 franchises in 2025. Each team will name the best six forwards, four defenseman and goaltenders of the past 25 years. Who is on your list?

submitted by azsoup to Flyers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Low-Communication403 Abriram o cabaré na Black Friday?

Abriram o cabaré na Black Friday? submitted by Low-Communication403 to InesperadoCu [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 turneric345 I think this is the video Kane pixels was talking about with Anthony with 2 likes

I think this is the video Kane pixels was talking about with Anthony with 2 likes Lmk
submitted by turneric345 to KanePixelsBackrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Background_Abroad_ Helmet Mandate for Two-wheeler Riders in Pune Deferred to January 1: Police to Focus on Awareness Campaign.

Helmet Mandate for Two-wheeler Riders in Pune Deferred to January 1: Police to Focus on Awareness Campaign. submitted by Background_Abroad_ to pune [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 XxSpeedWheel07xX What do you guys think?

What do you guys think? Sorry foe the quality, I don't know how to screenshot on a pc
submitted by XxSpeedWheel07xX to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Advanced_Card_2991 Ich!! Please Help!!!

Ich!! Please Help!!! PLEASE HELP!! I’ve had my female betta Ponyo for 5 months now and she’s always been healthy and vibrant and happy. In the past 2 weeks I’ve been noticing 2 white spots on the top of her head but I thought nothing of it, in the past weeks the spots spread all over her body and she has what I understand now is a parasite called Ich. I am going to start doing salt water baths in a a hospital tank; if that doesn’t work someone on tiktok recommended the temp in the tank being turned up to kill off the parasite. She is in a 10 gallon planted tank, I love this fish so much please help!!! The photos don’t help much because she moves a lot, but I count 8 ich spots on her!!! She’s been eating normally and is acting her normal self!
submitted by Advanced_Card_2991 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Neworderworld1 Shraddha đŸ„”đŸ”„

Shraddha đŸ„”đŸ”„ submitted by Neworderworld1 to ShraddhaKapoorFapper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 BikeMain Showing off the Bots that I talked to. Let's see if I have a type

Showing off the Bots that I talked to. Let's see if I have a type That includes the streaks, but the ones with purple happy faces are the ones that I made. And before you ask what's my user?... it's @ThePhoenix
So tell me my type and go ahead and judge or we can make friends out of this because always love to talk about fandoms to be honest
submitted by BikeMain to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Full-Mulberry5018 Silver Bedroom Furniture

Silver Bedroom Furniture submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to COLORSILVER [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 29/11/2024 05:26:43

submitted by lssqa3433 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 Global_Soft_1031 Prerequis faibles

Bonjour Ă  tous, en fait je sais qu’aprĂšs un certain nombre de crĂ©dits la cote r du cĂ©gep est effacĂ©e, mais comment on peut rattraper des mauvaises notes Ă  des pre requis au cĂ©gep? J’étais en sciences nat donc j’ai dĂ©jĂ  tous les prĂ© requis pour med ou dent, mais j’ai coulĂ© calcul intĂ©gral 2 fois, chimie des solutions 1 fois et chimie organique 1 fois :/// donc c’est vraiment pas beau, et j’ai entendu dire qu’à l’admission en mĂ©decine ils regardent les notes obtenus aux prĂ© requis
Besoin de conseils svp
submitted by Global_Soft_1031 to UdeM [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 05:28 FeyraPhil Fem AU, The Moment of Truth

I’m sobbing my eyes out writing this and I need to show it to SOMEONE:
Merlyn stares unseeingly, or perhaps seeing too much, at the flames of her best friend’s funeral pyre and Asthore tries to determine if magic is an old friend or more akin to drowning. Merlyn certainly looks like she’s drowning.
Merlyn is drowning for a sorcerer, not because of one, and Asthore doesn’t know how to do anything good for Merlyn. She does not have the soothing nature of a mother, nor does she know the right thing to say like someone who’s known Merlyn all her life.
Probably the only person who could truly be there for Merlyn is the one now burning.
Merlyn stands closest to the flames, staring emptily, almost angry, as though she can will her friend back to life with enough grief.
Asthore walks away when she finds the funeral pyre has become as unbearable as those erected in Camelot’s courtyard to burn witches.
submitted by FeyraPhil to merlinbbc [link] [comments]
