2024.11.30 00:57 Kind_Owl_1069 HELP
I just got an asus ally and I bought gothem knights and it won’t let me install it and ideas would be helpful submitted by Kind_Owl_1069 to ASUS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Scaryloss Anyone knows if this spear skin also apply on quarterstaff?
https://preview.redd.it/wsnjp8oatx3e1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=b79aa7c56dcc75c168ad90e8f3e1b121bcb564f6 submitted by Scaryloss to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 BandanaDeeMain Kevin vs. Gajeel is OUT!
submitted by BandanaDeeMain to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 throw-away-babes Royal Albert
submitted by throw-away-babes to TeaPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Evening_Connection38 Cheese Deck For Venusaur Event :D
submitted by Evening_Connection38 to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Low-Estate6771 a gente deu um tempo e eu não sei oq fazer
basicamente, eu tinha um relacionamento de 1 ano e 9 meses e ontem tudo foi por água abaixo...mas retomando algumas coisas, vamos lá: de tempos recentes, a gente não vem se dando muito bem, as coisas andam bem complicadas e ela não andava me tratando tão bem quanto eu desejava, ela se irritava por qualquer coisa, não tinha paciencia pra nada, eu sempre dei presentes, chocolate, dei carinho, ela ja chegou a falar que se arrependia de ter estado comigo, entre outros xingamentos, tudo isso me afetou realmente....a forma como ela lida quando fica com raiva é completamente angustiante. Claro que eu brigo tbm, xingo e tals, dependendo da ocasião eu devo ter passado dos limites mas ela...ela me xinga, se afasta e vai ficar com outras pessoas, sorrindo e tudo mais, como se eu não existisse sabe? eu não quero parecer insensato ou algo do tipo, mas é que num relacionamento o diálogo é fundamental, mas a gente simplesmente não tinha...e eu amo muito ela, muito msm, eu me entreguei pra ela de uma forma que sla...me arrependo por ter me apegado tanto, mas vamos a ocasião...ontem eu estava chateado, por conta que ela havia sumido um dia antes e não havia me dado satisfação de onde estava, eu realmente fiquei preocupado sabe? e além do mais, quando eu quis conversar a noite, ela simplesmente quis dormir, oq pra mim foi angustiante, mas tudo bem, ela poderia estar extremamente cansada, então eu relevei...na escola eu fiquei quieto, sem falar com ela e ela sem falar tanto cmg, mas a companhia ja estava sendo consoladora pra mim, até que do nada ela resolve sair e brincar com outras pessoas, rindo e tudo mais, oq é totalmente normal né? fiquei excluido e tals, mas oq mais me estressou foi a forma como ela agia, pq ela agia sorrindo tanto assim e cmg uma cara tão fechada? aquilo me entristeceu e me enfureceu tbm, falei um monte de besteira pra ela, dizendo que ela não se importava cmg e que so fazia merda..foi bem tóxico, e ela tentando sla, se explicar e com os olhos vermelhos e tals, até que eu me acalmei e acolhi ela, mas qnd cheguei em casa tive uma conversa com ela tremenda, pedi justificativas por ela estar agindo assim e ela nem sequer pediu desculpas, ai eu terminei e ela aceitou numa boa...pedi pra ela me bloquear e eu bloquear ela, mas ela nn me bloqueava e eu fiquei mandando msg pra ela me bloquear, apagar meu numero...nossa foi um caos, eu nunca agi assim antes, mas enfim, isso durou ate a noite, e eu percebi que ela tinha me bloqueado finalmente. Quando eu acordei, fui pra escola, eu tinha pedido pra ela me dar minhas coisas de volta, que tava com ela, mas ela nn veio pra aula, eu nn sei por qual motivo eu chorei...mas chorei muito e acho que provavelmente alguem deva ter visto, mas me acalmei e pronto. Quando cheguei em casa, fui tentar contatar ela pra saber a respeito das minhas coisas, mas eu tava bloqueado, ate que de algum jeito achei uma rede social que eu pudesse me comunicar com ela, ela tinha apagado meu numero e eu o dela...mas enfim, ela disse que ia me devolver, mas eu propus a ela que me desbloqueasse pra gente conversar...ela aceitou, ai dps que ela dormiu, a gente conversou no zap, eu pedi desculpas pelas palavras que eu havia falado, por ter machucado ela, ela disse que tava bem mal e tals, e eu contei como havia sido meu dia e ela o dela, até que a gente conversou e tals...primeiramente a gente tinha terminado e eu me lamentando com todo o meu drama, mas claro, o besta aqui tem que ter sentimentos pela moça, chegamos numa conclusão de dar um tempo...estamos machucados e não temos como lidar com isso agora, sem estarmos saudáveis....a gente não vai conversar tanto e é isso, sinto que todo o meu esforço foi jogado fora, eu sei que ela vai sla, dar um jeito de se afastar de mim ou talvez eu esteja pensando demais...mas eu chorei muito, eu realmente amei ela como ninguém, eu ja passei pela experiência de esquecer alguém...mas ela não, eu amei ela demais, e eu não sei oq fazer, se eu vivo com essa proposta a fim de melhorar ou se realmente eu devo partir pra sempre...minha morena do zoi bunitu...amava chamar ela de pitica..agora a gente so se ve segunda, em dia de aula no caso, e é isso, ela disse que se eu quisesse conversar eu podia mandar msg que ela responderia, e eu falei o msm, mas sla...fiz esse texto aqui pra saber a opinião de vcs, se vale a pena continuar pra tentar melhorar ou não..
submitted by Low-Estate6771 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 thismeatsucks Thoughts on the official Sam Sulek merch?
Sam has finally released a collection of his long awaited merchandise on his new official website. www.samsulek.com “100% cotton matched with wide silicone patch design. Intended for the lifter planning to or mid bulk. Consider sizing up if you plan to grow into it.” Will you be buying any? What are your thoughts on the collection? submitted by thismeatsucks to SamSulek [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 SolidZachs Made a Turkey No One in my Family Wants Again
submitted by SolidZachs to smoking [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 space_buns11 Got R2 for McKinsey
Hello! Would anyone here have experience doing R2 cases for both McKinsey and BCG? I’m not really looking for someone to case with atm but maybe we could hop on a quick 30 min call to go through a few questions I have about how it went for you!
I’m also down to have a chat with those who want advice doing R1 for BCG or McKinsey
Additional info: - applying for BA position for McKinsey and associate for BCG+Bain in SE Asia - Still in undergrad - finished R1 for BCG (waiting for results), already got an R2 for McK, received R1 interview schedule for Bain
submitted by space_buns11 to McKinsey_BCG_Bain [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 ThisNameIsAMistake Anyone?
submitted by ThisNameIsAMistake to freshcutslim [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Busy_Improvement_139 Strikesgiving!+Bigfoot Strike Update
Hey neighbors, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
A lot of us at the Eugene-Springfield DSA decided to throw a Strikesgiving event for Teamsters 206. We spent the whole morning prepping and delivering food, then holding signs so the Teamsters could take a break and eat. It was a blast, there were a lotta good folks on the line to hang out with and everyone was in good spirits.
It’s terrible that because of union busting bosses, these good people had to spend part of their holiday away from their families. I hope that Eric and Andy come to the table soon so all of these workers can spend Christmas with their families.
Here’s the state of the strike, written by a Teamster not me:
“Is a one time bribe of $2500 (before taxes) enough money to buy you out of a comfortable retirement?
The owners of Bigfoot certainly think that it is. They are essentially tossing peanuts at you from their penthouse.
Just when you thought that Bigfoot Beverages couldn’t stoop any lower, the company sent out a memo this week to their SCAB employees that they knew would be leaked to us on strike. In that memo the company declared that our union was no longer recognized by them. A sham vote was held, presumably amongst SCABS and out-of-town strikebreakers alike, declaring that our union no longer represented the majority of employees. What a joke.
**As you know, our labor dispute with Bigfoot Beverages remains 100% an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike. There have been 7 ULPs to date filed against the company. According to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), all of those ULPs remain “open”. The company cannot permanently replace us because of that fact. Holding a legitimate union decertification vote amongst their temporary SCAB employees is impossible for that reason.**
Bigfoot Beverages is acting in absolute desperation at this point. Their attempt to terminate a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with our union during a ULP strike is reckless. The company has wagered they can scare enough of us into crossing that the ULPs filed against them will not matter. Bigfoot is now unapologetically questioning our intelligence. Big mistake.
Bigfoot Beverages has failed, time and time again over the course of 70+ days, to break our union. Their ability to lie and deceive knows no bounds of common decency. The company will stop at nothing to bend us to their will. How dare we fight for the pension that was promised to us decades ago. They think that we are too stupid to know what is best for us.
Continue to stand together in defiance of their lies. We are collectively more intelligent and resourceful than Bigfoot Beverages could ever be. Our strike will end on our terms because we are in the legal right. Bigfoot refuses to admit defeat. The company is only delaying the inevitable ✊”
Good stuff, I always feel inspired when I read his updates
The workers are standing strong and facing the bitter cold with smiles on their faces. So many members of the Eugene community have given so much support. Delivering supplies, joining the line, and spreading the word. It is heartwarming to see us all coming together and having each others backs.
The boycott remains in effect until the strike is over. Here is a list of products to avoid.
Lane County CLC: Boycott Bigfoot Beverage!
Thank you everyone, have a good weekend!
submitted by Busy_Improvement_139 to Eugene [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 NumberOneTikTokHater GPU No Display
Help! I replaced my 1660 super with an RX 6750XT today. After installing it in there was no display and there's this red light on the slot. submitted by NumberOneTikTokHater to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 TheWitchRenna Buccs
Can some explain to me why Mike evens isn’t appearing whenever I play online head to head but he’s there every other game mode
submitted by TheWitchRenna to Madden [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 WhatAboutMeeeeeA 30F does anyone want to talk??
Just looking for some new people to talk to. I’ll talk to anyone about anything, as long as you’re not being weird. I actually really like talking to random strangers from the internet because you can hear some pretty cool and interesting stories and just be exposed to people that you would not normally cross paths with.
Hope to hear from you 👍
submitted by WhatAboutMeeeeeA to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 ethereor [22,19€ statt 36,99€] FUNWHOLE F9030 Schreinerwagen mit LED Beleuchtung - Schreiner Set (496pcs)
submitted by ethereor to deals_de [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Not_the-kind Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal before inauguration
submitted by Not_the-kind to geopolitics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 AccurateInflation167 Has there ever been a case of "running up the score" in a professional sports match?
submitted by AccurateInflation167 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 PointUseful4148 Need a group
Need 3 to run a bunch of heists if anyone is willing i’ll obviously be fair with cuts just want to get a bunch of setups and finales done tired of people leaving or waiting forever for people to join
BettyBeatzer - PSN
submitted by PointUseful4148 to HeistTeams [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 franklink_1 Hard life for these Roughnecks...too much mink oil over the years. Just saddle-soaped them (Fiebings). My hard-work boots since 2017-just kept slathering more mink on em. They've got some cracks but seems the worst of those cracks were just in the mink oil.
submitted by franklink_1 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Big-Pilot1984 Evrart Claire, Summer ‘29
Decided to take a stab at Evrart in his younger years. submitted by Big-Pilot1984 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Just_Ant_8825 every activision game on cheap sale besides cod is wicked work💀
z submitted by Just_Ant_8825 to Steam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Anonimo_4 On a serious note, now. Is the title too much? In the sense it doesnt looks professional.
submitted by Anonimo_4 to StatementOfPurpose [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Dazzling_Amanda273 Upvote and commente Thanks
submitted by Dazzling_Amanda273 to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 BillShyroku Q and A
Has any author on royal road did q and a? If so how would they do it with Patreon who had their ch ahead
submitted by BillShyroku to royalroad [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Forward_Gain6674 Black squares flickering and game crashing
Just got kingdom come deliverance and the game has crashed multiple times and keeps on showing these black squares flickering very quickly, this has also happened with a few other games like rdr2, could anybody help? submitted by Forward_Gain6674 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |