2024.11.30 01:40 VegIIt Le pokemon
submitted by VegIIt to gameverifying [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 mostwanted556 Dr so bad bru🤣
submitted by mostwanted556 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Far_Swimmer4408 Question about Dead City
Just finished the first season. I really liked it specially the plot twist at the end, honestly wasn't expecting it.
But now a a question has came across my mind:
Why is Maggie is living with Hershel Jr. At the bricks if she could be at Alexandria/commomwealth? Did anything happen with alex/CW or this hasn't been explained yet? Thank you in advance if you can clarify
submitted by Far_Swimmer4408 to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 jjjlucky What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by jjjlucky to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Latter_Income3652 Disqualification
Has anyone reapplied after getting dq’d? If so can you share your experience.
I got disqualified back in August. I was told to reapply 6 months later. I still haven’t received my disqualification letter almost 3 months later.
Im curious as to if you got in your second time around.
Also when reapplying do you have to do the esoph from scratch or will you just have to update any new information.
submitted by Latter_Income3652 to AskCHP [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 TellMeOneThingTho Livin in Pretend 🔥
submitted by TellMeOneThingTho to newmusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 MsAnnabel Seriously, would you buy a house in the Midwest that did not have a basement/cellar?
I’m watching a doc on tornadoes, 2011 Joplin and I can’t get over houses not having basements!!!
submitted by MsAnnabel to tornado [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Strikez13 Where can I buy this barbour vest?
submitted by Strikez13 to fashionreps2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 Hungry-Ad8107 Unpopular opinion: This guy is an ass and y'all should stop blaming yourselves while sucking his balls
submitted by Hungry-Ad8107 to CalamityMod [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 aybeeroy [CPU] Intel Core i9-12900K - Core i9 12th Gen Alder Lake 16-Core (8P+8E) 3.2 GHz LGA 1700 125W Intel UHD Graphics 770 Desktop Processor - BX8071512900K w/ promo code BFEDY2A34 - $254.99 (279.99 -25)
submitted by aybeeroy to buildapcsales [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 DrPat1967 Thankgiving smoke
Bacon wrapped meatloaf, “double” smoked ham. One with orange marmalade glaze, the other with apple butter glaze. What did you guys do?
submitted by DrPat1967 to Traeger [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 TheNatRussell [s2 act 3 spoilers] Vi and Jinx - Full story snapshot edit and animation that I put together
submitted by TheNatRussell to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 starterxy Doing Stop motion with my dolls
submitted by starterxy to Lib_StopMotion [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Catfish6dude It has arrived
Xfx 6750xt
submitted by Catfish6dude to radeon [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Reasonable_Reward_55 I know we all hate him but the way y’all mfs talk about the s class sometimes. At least 30% of this sub would genuinely be worse
The amount of slander atomic gets alone would blow this mf out of the water submitted by Reasonable_Reward_55 to OnePunchMan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 Comprehensive_Dare_2 Yellow “Luxury” MCM Sofa w/chaise for under 3k?
I’ve searched off and on for a while, but haven’t located one in person and am concerned about buying a good one online. I want one like the sofa in this photo, but have heard mixed reviews about Article furniture and question how comfy it would be for 1500.00. Most of the reviews just mention aesthetics They are usually 4500-6k from my favorite furniture store (CB2) and are custom so likely not refundable. customers give very low reviews there, so it’s a bit of a gamble. Any suggestions would be appreciated. submitted by Comprehensive_Dare_2 to HomeDecorating [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 Kachillie [23/F] Looking for clean friendly chats
21+ and please keep it clean
Hey just looking for new people to chat with
We can chat about work, hobbies, pets, friends, family you name it
Feel free to dm me
submitted by Kachillie to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 PrimeLabsInc [Protea Prime] Scaldra Ordnance Deployment Unit
Protea Voidshell Skin Protea Mavv helmet Materials: Flat Noctrul Gallium Glaze Junction Mode Sleek Ticor Plate Prisma Edo chest Syrinx legs Saturn Six syandana submitted by PrimeLabsInc to WarframeRunway [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 i_repo Dahyun
submitted by i_repo to schoolmealclub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 Unique-Beyond9285 IT’S TIIIIIIIIIIIMEEEE
submitted by Unique-Beyond9285 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 nolaks1 Est-ce que mon employeur essaie de me crosser en gardant le montant de vacances accumulé?
Petite histoire courte, ma mise à pied temporaire est devenue permanente et mon patron me dit que le montant de vacances accumulé (~500$) qui figure sur mon dernier relevé de paie n'est pas un montant qui m'est dû.
J'ai bien reçu le montant de vacances dû, ça oui, mais de ce que j'en comprends les vacances accumulé sont transformées en vacances dû une fois par année alors le 500$ serait le montant de l'année en court si je comprends bien.
Il m'explique que par contre les vacances accumulés mon déjà été payés au courant des dernières paies et que le logiciel (employeur D) à calculé automatiquement le montant qui m'étais dû au final (2500$).
Le problème que j'ai avec son explication c'est que, d'abord c'est quelqu'un qui ment souvent, et ensuite, comme l'entreprise est largement endetté, je n'avais, à ma connaissance, jamais eux de paie de vacances avant mon dernier relevé et je devais toujours courir après ma paie. Je doute donc un peu de son explication qu'il m'aurait versé de l'argent d'avance. J'ai cru comprendre qu'il a le choix de me payer à chaque paie ou d'accumuler le montant.
Pour mettre les montants en perspective, on parle d'un salaire annuel de 20-25k (temps partiel) avec une paie de vacances dû au moment de mon départ de près de 2000$ avec un total de 2500$. Le 500$ de vacances accumulé, lui, aurait été dispersés dans mes autres paies, mais j'ai accumulé 2000$ de vacances dû au total en un peu plus de 2ans avec un salaire de 20-25k?
Il me parle d'année de référence dans son explication alors je doute fort que j'ai pu accumulé 25% de mon salaire annuel en quelque mois.
Là je vois déjà les commentaires venir, je sais que je peux porter plainte, mais je voudrais comprendre avant s'il dit vrai et ce qu'il essaie de faire sinon.
submitted by nolaks1 to Quebec [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 HexagonalCrank Special bottle for New Years just arrived. Not going to lie, this is going to be a tough one not to crack early.
submitted by HexagonalCrank to canadawhisky [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Cletus69VanDamme Carmela, can you shut the dooooor?!?!
submitted by Cletus69VanDamme to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:40 Odd_Weight_6305 Looking for YouTube video
It was a little series of cartoons of these kids acting out video games like Overwatch and Halo. I remember it was a boy (maybe two) and a girl. There was another little boy who constantly got hurt by them during their acting out. They saw things like him eating spaghetti as him being a tentacle monster, etc.
submitted by Odd_Weight_6305 to findareddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:40 Sohlakniir Wukong Black Myth
I’m having a huge stuttering on priority tier, was playing nice but since yesterday it’s a mess. Is anyone having the same issue? Thanks
submitted by Sohlakniir to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]