Trading everything besides shadow

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2024.11.30 04:39 Business-Value-8974 Trading everything besides shadow

Trading everything besides shadow submitted by Business-Value-8974 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 katee6723 Is it possible to feel the positive effects of lexapro on day 1?

I took my first dose today, which was very low (5 mg) and i swear i feel mentally so so much better. Physically a bit nauseous though. Honestly i feel too good, i feel very hypeeuphoric. Keep in mind for the past week or so i’ve been dealing with terrible anxiety to the point where i went to the ER two days in a row because i was convinced i was going through some sort of psychotic break, so it’s very odd to me that i already feel better. That deep pit of hopelessness isn’t there for the first time in a long time. Anyways, I really don’t think it is a placebo effect because i was honestly expecting the worse, i’ve read that a lot of people experience bad anxiety for the first few weeks of taking these meds; so i was already expecting for the worst and even put off taking it for a few days. Maybe just the fact that Im taking medication eases my brain? no idea, just wanted to see if anyone else had this same reaction to lexapro.
submitted by katee6723 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Emotional-Bison-3279 Which electro to use in overload team ?

Hey everyone. I was wondering in a team of clorinde, thoma, and chevruse, what would be the best character to run in the 4th slot. Beidou, Kuki, or Fischl ?
submitted by Emotional-Bison-3279 to clorindemains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 gneumatic What is temu, a website for ants?

What is temu, a website for ants? submitted by gneumatic to thingsforants [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Upset_Brilliant_1559 Guided tour to blue lagoon?

Hello all!
I am doing an extended lay over in Reykjavik Dec. 20-22nd and would love to go to blue lagoon but I have a few questions. 1. Is it even open right now? 2. Should I plan on booking a tour ahead of time or can I find a good one once I’m there? (Or do I not even need a guided tour?) 3. What’s a good company to go with? And if I can go without one, what’s the best way to get from the city to the lagoon? A taxi haha? Bonus- 4. What’re my chances of seeing the northern lights while I’m there? 👀 5. What’re some other things I should see/do in my short time there?! Volcanoes?? How would I go about doing that?? :)
Super stoked to see Iceland even if it’s just for a few short days, and thank you all in advance for your help!
submitted by Upset_Brilliant_1559 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Kazekid Deni comes sprinting in out of no where to block the shot, then DA adjusts in midair for the J

Deni comes sprinting in out of no where to block the shot, then DA adjusts in midair for the J submitted by Kazekid to ripcity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Open_Aide2014 Has anyone marked all the imp ques from book 3? PLS SHARE IF YES

submitted by Open_Aide2014 to CBSECommerce [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Fishguruguy Elk hair Caddis (antron underwing) with tutorial pics

Elk hair Caddis (antron underwing) with tutorial pics submitted by Fishguruguy to flytying [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 IndoGrrlRN1967 How do you guys manage to jump on things??? And STAY on them??

I have Secret Service armor with a Jet Pack and I can barely jump on the chimneys at Moonshine Jamboree and Safe and Sound and then fall off every time I jump unexpectedly (like when my VATS doesn't register), yet I see people in full PA manage to stay on the thin meat bag poles at Eviction Notice or on the pipes at Uranium Fever.
What's your secret? When I try I always miss and jump over where I want to be. I must look like an idiot constantly jumping and missing!!!
submitted by IndoGrrlRN1967 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Icy-Abbreviations202 Does this mean my GPU needs thermal paste or is it normal?

Does this mean my GPU needs thermal paste or is it normal?
submitted by Icy-Abbreviations202 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 fairydustglimmerx are you?

are you? submitted by fairydustglimmerx to see [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Aggressive-Time9199 Alguien me podría decir que es esta piedra

Verdoso transparente, lo encontre en un rio de Peru y es como fosforescente, vale algo? Trae mala suerte? Me a seguido durante años y me cuesta tirarla, trate de regalarla y meses después regreso a mi, me ayudan por favor 😁
submitted by Aggressive-Time9199 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 BrainstormBot 🌎 Hawaii: Earthquake (3.5 Mgqm, at 04:38 UTC, from localhost:38002)

🌑 Earthquake! 3.5 Mgqm, registered by GlobalQuake, 2024-11-30 04:38:17 UTC (new moon), on land, Pāhala, Hawaii County, Hawaii, United States (19.21, -155.37) likely felt 50 km away (localhost:38002)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 tekaccount Stream Deck+ knobs for multiple functions (zooming)

I don't stream or play PC games, so I'm looking at the elgato products simply for productivity uses. I saw a few things that indicated you could use the knobs for things like zoom, but I wanted to check if this was easily programmable for any app. The use case I have in mind is Microsoft word. I have two different size/orientation monitors. Switching between them for word, I often have to change the zoom on my documents to have it display in a way I can work with it. Am I able to program the zoom function in Word to the knob so that I can dial in the zoom that I want?
submitted by tekaccount to elgato [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 NotTmc Is Gorr getting a nerf soon? (Picture unrelated)

Is Gorr getting a nerf soon? (Picture unrelated) I just unlocked him to play with negative and wow… Just wow is this guy is op not even with negative you can make him work. He’s decent without negative but with him he’s on another tier, the only issue is that negative isn’t really good without him so what can they do. (Picture unrelated just sad I forgot about reality stone)
submitted by NotTmc to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 TrackaLackerBot LEGO Orchid is in stock at LEGO for $49.00 (MSRP)

View current status at
As of 11/29/24 11:39 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LEGORestockAlerts [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 AmazingLayer8527 Trimmer repair shop isb

Is there a place where I can show my philips trimmer 3000 series ? Its an expensive one and after 1 year it broke down out of no where. I dont see hoe it can be opened but I need to get it checked before going for a new one.
submitted by AmazingLayer8527 to islamabad [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Open-Caregiver1017 mega altaria 274592918082 have a local

submitted by Open-Caregiver1017 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 llaie_e BS Pharmacy na ba?

help me decide, im planning to shift from Physical Therapy to Pharmacy but im scared of chemistry, ito naba yung face ur fear? huhu help me love chemistry
submitted by llaie_e to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 aj4677 [HELP] How to use an abbreviation of my first name when submitting to a literary journal

Let's say my full name is Robert Smith Doe so that my name and initials are Robert S. D. I want my work to be published under the name Rob S. D.
How do I present this in my Bio and Cover Letter? Do I parenthesize 'Rob' and make my bio

Bio: Robert (Rob) S. Doe is a poet from City, State. His poems have not been previously published.
Or do I simply say one or the other (and initialize my last name here?)
Bio: [Robert/Rob] S. D. is a poet from City, State. His poems have not been previously published.
How should I sign my cover letter? Sincerely, Robert S. Doe or just Rob S. D.?
As you can probably tell, this is basically my first time submitting, so I don't really know what I'm doing.
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by aj4677 to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 jessmori77 Authentic or not?

Authentic or not? I noticed the bottle has no markings on the bottom so I’m wondering if this is authentic or not? It has a nice smell but i’m not 100% sure especially with the name engraved on the front. If it’s not authentic would you still sell it or what would you do with it?
submitted by jessmori77 to reselling [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 motif-game Do you see the motif?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by motif-game to MotifGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Psychological_Fan861 Seattle Marathon 12/1/2024 Transfer

Hi this is super last minute but I’ve come done with a URI and will not be able to participate in the Seattle Marathon this Sunday. Is there any chance someone would like to take my registration for a discounted price
submitted by Psychological_Fan861 to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 Derty_Dan_OF 225 deadlift, 137bw

225 deadlift, 137bw Wednesday was my first ever time deadlifting. I had a spinal fusion May 2023 and started squatting recently and was curious as to my deadlifting abilities. I’m 5’6”, ~137/140 lbs and was curious if anyone has any tips or advice for me going forward. I do not plan to rep this out for a while, and want to focus on a more controllable weight but I was just curious of my abilities. TYIA!
submitted by Derty_Dan_OF to StartingStrength [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:39 TrackaLackerBot LEGO Notre-Dame de Paris is available on backorder at LEGO for $229.00 (MSRP)

View current status at
As of 11/29/24 11:39 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LEGORestockAlerts [link] [comments]