Did I cook?

2024.11.30 05:28 The_Grand_Pumpkin Did I cook?

Did I cook? submitted by The_Grand_Pumpkin to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 xanauthor Despite not playing Lancer myself, the memes coerced me into making this

Despite not playing Lancer myself, the memes coerced me into making this submitted by xanauthor to LancerRPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Hot_Drama2782 Yo odio a los humanos, pero quiero que prosperen.Conclusión: Estaré tonto o loco :D

Es como si dentro existiera un demonio que quiere consumirlo todo y alguien que encontró la paz
submitted by Hot_Drama2782 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 ezgranet In a very very very niche “scandal”, Missouri’s seal, for over a century, has been depicted differently to what the law says

submitted by ezgranet to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 licensed-douchebag I don’t get it

Why don’t we have a casual mode? Why can I only play ranked and the weekly challenges lol. It makes no sense that I cant just hop on a casual mode to test characters out. I shouldn’t need to lower my rank trying new people
submitted by licensed-douchebag to PRLegacyWars [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Artistic-Female810 21F Finding a buddy for life [chat]

I’m looking to expand my social circle and meet new friends from all walks of life. Whether you're into arts, science, sports, tech, or just love good conversation, I’d love to chat with you!
submitted by Artistic-Female810 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 jaymaster2525 Ended WC on a 6 game win streak! its was so awesome! and like 3-4 games were OT games lol! If i played u tonight ggs!

Ended WC on a 6 game win streak! its was so awesome! and like 3-4 games were OT games lol! If i played u tonight ggs! submitted by jaymaster2525 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Vasujpn Bought this case for my airpods pro 2 from Ali Express. The fit and look is great.

Bought this case for my airpods pro 2 from Ali Express. The fit and look is great. submitted by Vasujpn to AirpodsPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 ijustghostedmyfriend How do the draw string shorts fit?

Looking to get a pair, not sure if I should go medium or large, I don't want them too tight or short but I don't want them big or baggy either
submitted by ijustghostedmyfriend to fuckthepopulation [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 TheChronic92 What species are these crabs?

What species are these crabs? They live under rocks and in holes along the marybirnong river
submitted by TheChronic92 to australianwildlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 whatanalias <$200 CAD mesh chair (similar to Hyken) for 5'11" 200lb?

I appreciate your help.
submitted by whatanalias to OfficeChairs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Main_Engineering1887 This can’t be real?

This can’t be real? submitted by Main_Engineering1887 to milsurp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 LadyPunch Can anyone explain this to me?

Who’s breaking Max and who’s arguing? I’m confused
submitted by LadyPunch to DragRaceDownUnder [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 ControlCAD Exclusive: Trump wants Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal before inauguration, Graham says

Exclusive: Trump wants Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal before inauguration, Graham says submitted by ControlCAD to internationalpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 rainonstones Chi Rho Tunnel Sticks

submitted by rainonstones to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 SaltyAdminBot Why are drones flying near US airbases in Suffolk and Norfolk?

Why are drones flying near US airbases in Suffolk and Norfolk? submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Rosee_Gaming rate the babyyy

rate the babyyy submitted by Rosee_Gaming to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Scallyswags My side job

My side job Note, I’m not a big Nissan guy and these are not all Subarus.. but he has a few cool Subarus so I figured it was worth posting my side gig.
First was his ultra clean usdm 05 STI. Rear struts were clunking, replaced with oem dampers.
Next was the S15 Spec R, he wanted the radio removed and the blank plate plus cubby installed. Done and easy.
Next, his r33 V spec N1 - tacho was intermittent. Removed cluster, soldered the cracked joints on the board and *should be good to go.
Next was the R34 Mspec nur - a year wait for a new cluster and we got the speedometer working but it was off… just some testing to confirm or condemn the cluster or VSS.
Bonus end pictures is a car I figure you would enjoy as much as I do ;)
*I did not have time to drive these today as it was a packed day and a snow storm but normally I drive them to confirm fixes and just to keep them from rotting when I go up.
I don’t post much but figured you guys would enjoy some rare cars.
submitted by Scallyswags to subaru [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 redbeard914 Pelagos FXD GMT dilemma

Email came in today from my AD. Yep, the Pelagos FXD GMT came in today. I received the email while walking through the airport. I'll be gone for a month. Talk about bad timing! Quick call to confirm and follow up tomorrow to arrange payment.
The dilemma: I'm buying the watch. Do I wait to pick it up for the AD experience? Or do I have them ship it to me? I'm not usually a patient guy. But I want to work with this AD for next year...and buy a VC Overseas and a Cartier for Mrs. Beard. Will waiting to pickup directly be a plus?
View Poll
submitted by redbeard914 to Tudor [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 cryptos_kings Jobs in ehs

I am graduating this december 2024 with mph in environmental and occupational health sciences. I am looking for ehs roles. Anyone here has any reference or lead please help.
submitted by cryptos_kings to SafetyProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Fit_Year_885 Over exaggerating health issues.

I think my father is over exaggerating his health issues, and I don't know what to believe. Growing up my dad has always had something medically wrong with him. He's had three back surgeries and a knee replacement. He's told me he had testicular cancer when I was younger. He has pancreatitis, liver, and kidney issues. He now has bladder cancer that is currently getting treated and says that he now believes he has another cancer because they found pink spots from his treatment. The reason why I think he is over doing it is because I believe he has a drug problem to pain medicine. He is on a list that will not let doctors prescribe him any, but he found a way out of that by going to the emergency room. This man goes like twice a month, because they allow a weeks worth of medcine. Also the bladder cancer didn't show up until my mom was going to leave him, the timing is a little odd. I also went to one treatment with him and the doctor said everything was good and they found nothing but two spots and he was going to test them. He grunts when he moves like someone's in pain, but part of me is thinking is he over doing it? Am I the Ahole for thinking this?
submitted by Fit_Year_885 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 carstealer06 Help with Legacy

I play Horizons legacy because I have a weak pc. if I buy the Odyssey DLC. Will I get the content from it on the legacy version?
submitted by carstealer06 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 red-mia-tatata 和白妹恋爱的感受绝对薄纱大多数国女

和白妹恋爱的感受绝对薄纱大多数国女 submitted by red-mia-tatata to Cunicle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 what_the_hezz How do I deal with a co-worker that intentionally tries to make me look bad?

In summary, they see me as a threat for getting the next promotion instead of themselves. They will intentionally try to make me look bad by going to my boss over petty things and often times “dry snitch”. They also talk bad about other co-workers when they aren’t around and gossip about them.
Historically, this person has done this to others as well so not just me. I’m just their main target right now for obvious reasons. We’ve had people quit partially because of this person.
submitted by what_the_hezz to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 05:28 Assloadof12 SIB Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered or Sonic x Shadow Generations?

I’ve never play Horizon Zero Dawn, I played Horizon Forbidden West for a while when I had PS Extra but I sort of stopped when I saw a quest that required a certain level and just didn’t feel like leveling up with side content. I feel pretty tired of the Ubisoft style open world but I still love a good open world game. With Sonic, I play Frontiers for a while but never finished it but my friend swears by Sonic x Shadow and I’ve heard everyone singing its praises and I like a good challenge and whatnot but I do prefer open world games that have interesting content
submitted by Assloadof12 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]
