Most of the time, if you are very sure you imported the library in question, Visual Studio will guide you with IntelliSense. The formula is simple, # Iterating over one column - `f` is some function that processes your data. result = [f(x) for x in df['col']] # Iterating over two columns, use `zip`. result = [f(x, y) for x, y in zip(df['col1'], df['col2'])] # Iterating over multiple columns - same data type. i++ is known as post increment whereas ++i is called pre increment.. i++. i++ is post increment because it increments i's value by 1 after the operation is over. This is because of Execution Policy. This defines how powershell scripts will run. In Default windows desktops, it is Restricted, not allowing any scripts (signed or unsigned) only interactive sessions. Pretty good summary. Maybe in the last example remind people that and script.php are the literal file names of these scripts, and that if you put an extension in the file name, you need to include it when you run the script (and vice versa; if the script doesn't have an extension, don't put one). When I perform SELECT * FROM table I got results like below: 1 item1 data1 2 item1 data2 3 item2 data3 4 item3 data4 As you can see, there are dup records from column2 (item1 are dupped). So how Note: Here if you make changes in your local repo before moving to the new branch, the following steps should still work. If "git branch" shows master, and you want to create+move to another branch: git checkout -b {branch name} Check branch again using "git branch" It should now show that you are in the new branch. Download to a folder on your computer. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing Run the following command: python, python3 or python3.6, depending on which version of Python you want to install pip. Pip should be now installed! How do I connect to a MySQL database using a python program? Possible Duplicates: *.h or *.hpp for your class definitions What is the difference between .cc and .cpp file suffix? I used to think that it used to be that: .h files are header files for C and ...
2024.11.30 05:50 Dimerous_ I must be everywhere!
I will do my best to spread like a virus on this sub!
submitted by Dimerous_ to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Novel-Instruction197 No puedo dejar de pensar en mi ex
Estoy harta!
Me llevo bien con mi ex, a veces cogemos, a veces no, y aveces pasa mucho tiempo y no me habla y desaparece. Por allá me habla y todo sigue igual como si no se hubiera alejado. Y yo salgo con otros a veces y me imagino él también.. pero yo quisiera que ya estuviéramos de nuevo bien y como una pareja y veo que él me quiere y cuando estamos juntos es lindo y me dice que me ama. Si necesito ayuda él está ahí para mi. Pero desaparece.. por días. A veces meses. Y yo me desespero. Yo quiero estar con él y que ya no desaparezca así. Me duele y me tiene estresada. Pero no puedo dejar de verlo, quererlo o de querer estar con él. Estoy estancada. No quiero conocer a nadie en términos de compromiso serio por estar enganchada aquí con mi ex. Yo quiero una relación real con mi ex. Que volvamos y estemos bien. Me siento drenada y que todo mi día, sueños y todo el tiempo pienso en él. Yo dejo de hablarle y cuando ya me estoy haciendo la idea que no nos veremos más..
😭😞😓 vuelve a aparecer. Como si nada.. y soy tan pendeja que yo solo me pongo feliz y vuelvo a verlo y todo es perfecto por un día y luego .. el ciclo se repite.. llevo así ya 2 años o más.. y estuvimos separados por más de diez años. Y no nos hablábamos... nada.. y volvernos a encontrar y estar juntos es demasiado para mi, yo quiero estar con él y se lo dije. Y él no me dice nada. Se aparta si yo le pregunto que ondas con nosotros. ..
Me quiero cachetear sola. Pero lo amo, y no me es fácil Enojarme y ya. Solo quiero que esté bien y esté feliz.
Ojalá fuera conmigo, pero sino pues no lo voy a odiar... ya estuve sin él muchos años.. la vida sigue. Pero si no quiero perder su amistad de nuevo y el vínculo.
Solo que me duele ese "ghosting" .. sé que tiene sus propias broncas y no es mi novio. Pero yo quiero que estemos más en contacto y cercanos. Pero no quiero ser una rogona o insistente. Yo le mando mensajes y a veces ni me contesta. Pasan días y no contesta.
Y cuando él me mensajea yo le respondo rápido.
Estoy PENDeJA!!!!!!!!!!
submitted by Novel-Instruction197 to relaciones [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 a1mm_ Which game should I buy from this list?
Metaphor: ReFantazio (25% off)
OctopathTraveler II (40% off)
God of War Ragnarok
A bit of background, I have played persona 3 and 5, but honestly wasn't really hooked onto the story, and wasn't a huge fan of the characters. Tried the Metaphor demo, and I like the fantasy setting and characters more. I enjoyed the demo but I'm not sure if the quality is like that throughout the entire game
Played octopath travelers demo, enjoyed it, not sure how the rest of the game is
Played god of war 2018, even though i watched a playthrough of it original i still enjoyed my time, although the story didn't hit as hard. Same with Ragnaork, I know the story, and the plot twist and what not, but wondering if it's still worth it to play it for the actual gameplay itself
submitted by a1mm_ to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Ezrathetransidiot Can someone explain to me how to make my voice more masculine like I'm 5 or smth
Hi so, I'm autistic and pre medical transition (FTM). I haven't finished puberty yet but it is beginning to get harder for me to pass when speaking.
Ive found several guides but they tend to use words and terms that I either don't understand or don't know how to follow and it's really making me frustrated as my brain kind of gets set on fire when I don't know how to do things so I would like if someone could give me some tips on how to make my voice deeper (mainly just so I can pass while testosterone is completely inaccessible to me) in a way that isn't super complicated that would be pretty nice.
submitted by Ezrathetransidiot to transvoice [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 ChoiceLeeky Can you enclose an existing veranda?
Can you enclose an existing veranda in Vic or is a permit required?
Want to turn it into a sunroom of sorts so want to enclose it with glass and windows right around the perimeter?
submitted by ChoiceLeeky to AusRenovation [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Swinda Just got my first ever box! Need suggestions for what next
Hey all!
I have been spending my holiday building my first ever box of warhammer (or any minis ever) and have fallen in love with the Adepta Sororitas.
I was wondering what you all would recommend for next boxes/models to build towards 1000/2000 points. I was mostly interested in the bringers of flame detachment, and would love to run morvenn vahl in there as well if I can.
Any and all recommendations for first timers are also welcomed! I'm still deciding what to paint the nuns with guns, and thought that a color scheme similar to Avatar Kyoshi would be interesting, what did you all paint your minis like?
submitted by Swinda to sistersofbattle [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Unpopularguy9352 Sexo anal ayuda
Hola amigos necesito su ayuda, mi novia y yo estuvimos hablando de nuestra sexualidad y surgió el tema del sexo anal, ella me dijo que nunca lo haría, pero estuvimos hablando y me puso una condición, que lo haríamos si yo también me dejaba penetrar primero con un dildo.
Que debería hacer???
submitted by Unpopularguy9352 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 frootnotfruit [H] $150 Apple [W] 80-85% venmo, zelle, cashapp
Comment first before pm please
submitted by frootnotfruit to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Traditional-Ad-7824 After DEI Destroyed Homeworld 3, Gearbox Scrubbed All Trace of Their Involvement
Gearbox completely scrubbed the interview with 'Dr. Lin Joyce', head of 'Narrative Consulting' for Homeworld 3. You can only find the interview on web archives at this point.
Dataminers have already shown that the story and cutscenes were FINISHED before gearbox got involved and then they did a complete retcon/'reimagining', giving us the absolute trainwreck people were forced to deal with on release day.
Just another example of a beloved IP being stripmined of its soul and integrity to serve a psychotic corporate ideal of 'inclusive media'.
submitted by Traditional-Ad-7824 to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 muddybuddy442 I never make mistakes
Not once.
submitted by muddybuddy442 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Similar-Cheek-6346 Unable to take full look at relationship with mother. Advice?
It is easy for me to look at the ways my mother has failed me, or was not attuned to me and lead to emotional neglect. My inner critic is eager to digest these things.
But my little ones get terrified if I try and think about what she's done for me - namely, financially. She absolutely took a big hit to help house me for the last 4 years, as much as I was covering a portion. She literally bought a condo in my city to help me escape an abusive relationship, and sold it at a loss, since I was resistent to relocating to a new city.
I am disabled, I couldn't work to put the roof over my head. I am finally not relying on her for my roof, my partner and I are able to cover it between their work and my disability payments. I had a confrontation with my mother about her criticizing my spending that resolved alright, but I find myself wanting to maintain emotionally distance. Not all of my parts love her, and it's hard to say how much of the "love" I feel is just the people-pleasing attachment that kept me alive as a child.
But I feel ungrateful, for the financial burden I've been, and for wanting to be low-contact. As much as I know she is doing fine financially, she's been living with her BF rent-free for a long while.
It's a big tangle. I am not sure how to digest the situation healthily.
Any advice is welcome!
submitted by Similar-Cheek-6346 to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 pluto_N Would you like this redesign?
submitted by pluto_N to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:50 GreyBoyTigger Casino Heist and Cayo Panther statue mostly setup
I have the setups mostly complete, if anyone is interested in helping, then completing. It’s aggressive setup on casino, which I haven’t done in forever.
Anyone down to help let me know
submitted by GreyBoyTigger to HeistTeams [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 RaveMedic20 People who rage scream "hacker"
Had a guy on our team rage typing in game chat telling to the other team to "stop rage hacking" or "way to rage hack" to an enemy team that none of them went positive and lost a hardpoint game by 190 points. They were the only one who went negative on our squad. Good grief get a grip. Just because someone out shoots you or is taking a head glitch spot does not mean hacker. Especially if the enemy team goes negative, your own team goes positive except yourself and your first thought is that they are hacking?!
submitted by RaveMedic20 to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Ok_Pattern_7087 What if the man with no name meets Han Solo?
Hans shoots first vs The man with no name
submitted by Ok_Pattern_7087 to Westerns [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 chattycat98 Flying carpet beetle holes, trails,marks, indentations left in sheetrock by microscopic tiny flying carpet beetles in the FLYING stage......Eastern Washington
Flying carpet beetles leave holes and trails and marks and indents in sheetrock on wall especially around big window. HIGHLY MAGNIFIED . To the naked eye these are the size of the head of a pin. Eastern Washington state
submitted by chattycat98 to carpetbeetles [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 SuperRodster Wally haul
submitted by SuperRodster to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:50 NukaDadd Need some help plz (Sorry for limited pics) Lifted 1 from seller & best one from a verified buyer
submitted by NukaDadd to colognecheck [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:50 VyraalGX Akiya owners of JapanLife, what's the story of your home?
So my wife and I are thinking about buying a home that's in the countryside. It's in pretty darn good condition and the price is very reasonable for what it is. I'm curious what the story is behind your home... Did you renovate it? To what extent? How did you find it? What was the total cost? Etc. Obviously only share what you're comfortable with sharing!
submitted by VyraalGX to japanlife [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Lonely_Comfortable68 Perfection?
submitted by Lonely_Comfortable68 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Lionel_Lal Got a new keyboard!
I got the Lemokey L3 on a black friday sale from a local retailer. I swapped the Juniper Browns for the Akko V3 Cream Blue Pros. The rest of the keeb is stock, I plan to do my first tape mod a litted but down the line. submitted by Lionel_Lal to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:50 IndependentFluffy160 Clicks for clicks
submitted by IndependentFluffy160 to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 Optimal-Button9378 Maid for hire
submitted by Optimal-Button9378 to femboy [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:50 GYATDAMN What type of freaky club were they in?
submitted by GYATDAMN to donaldglover [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:50 Glittering_Garden_74 Gen Z is Super Weird
submitted by Glittering_Garden_74 to politics [link] [comments] |