Goff Shoota Boy

2024.11.30 07:30 Trormir Goff Shoota Boy

Goff Shoota Boy Really love these new boyz
submitted by Trormir to orks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Lost_Village_1572 Aubrey Plaza & Elizabeth Olsen

Aubrey Plaza & Elizabeth Olsen submitted by Lost_Village_1572 to ladyladyboners [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 dr14er UL Anime Body Pillow Recs?

submitted by dr14er to ultralight_jerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 GoldenStitch2 What are your thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this? submitted by GoldenStitch2 to AmericaBad [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Neither_Fun_9395 Jak oceniacie

Jak oceniacie submitted by Neither_Fun_9395 to Mlode_kolezanki [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 muddybuddy442 im not scared of germs

but if my salad and main dish mix im not eating it
submitted by muddybuddy442 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 ross-likeminded 600+ hours, crosstalk and counting!

Hola amigos y amigas!
I had intended a progress report at 600 hours but I’m using reddit a lot less and it slipped me by. So now I’m nearing 700 hours instead! No importa.
I have been reflecting a lot on my journey with Spanish recently and I’m so enamoured with the whole process. It has become a huge part of my life over the past year and it’s now just natural for me to get input without thinking about time or goals.
Understanding My understanding has generally tracked pretty well with the level guides, maybe even being a little ahead. The other day I was in a crosstalk session with someone I’ve been speaking to for a few months and realised she was just rattling off Spanish and I just understood everything she was saying. 💜
I came to this with a little duolingo and I have used an anki deck that combines images with Spanish - no English in sight! For me that keeps with the DS methodology.
I have a real mix of input, with dreaming Spanish itself, podcasts, a fair amount of dubbed kids animation on Disney+, and recently a ton of crosstalk. There is no doubt in my mind, crosstalk is king.
Crosstalk I started crosstalk at maybe around 300/400 hours and I was so nervous about doing so! I am someone who is socially anxious, a little introverted, and I was scared that I wouldn’t understand anything that was being said to me. Now I have sessions most days, usually for an hour, and I’ve honestly never had trouble with understanding a conversation.
I definitely find crosstalk the best input for me. Not only are you getting input, you’re getting adapted input, you can clarify with someone, it’s a ton of fun, you meet new people, and you have an emotional investment which helps it really stick. At this point I will share that I do almost all my crosstalk through italki. For me, it’s very affordable and I can look for people that suit me. Plus, I’m getting comfortable with people so it’s less stressful as I start speaking.
My first session wasn’t that great. It was moved a couple of times and ended up being quite late for me on a Saturday night. I spoke way too much because of nerves and I don’t think I really clicked with my partner. That’s ok, it happens, we don’t click with everyone we meet!
Instead of giving up, I literally found the first recommended person on italki and dropped them a message to see if they were open to crosstalk. She agreed, and soon after we had our first session! For me, she was perfect because she loved to talk. It took the pressure off me coming up with questions, I got a ton of input, and I was genuinely interested in the topics we discussed.
I now have a number of crosstalk partners, some that folks here would recognise, from a range of countries - Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru!
Here’s what I would recommend: - Don’t treat crosstalk like a learning tool, treat it like you would meeting any new friends. Sure, have ideas of topics or things you would like to know and bring them along, but allow the conversation to flow! - Have a shorter “trial” session first. You want to know if you vibe with someone and you don’t want to be stuck for an hour with nothing to say. - Slightly counter to point 1, if you use italki then you can ask your partner to do some extra things like share information about a certain topic with you. I have started asking them to just send me across new words or phrases we encounter in our sessions. Not with definitions or translations, just the word or phrase itself. Know what you want and ask for it. - Talk about things you actually like and care about. I like to have really meaningful conversations so will talk about life, relationships, wellbeing etc. I also love to hear about food and culture, what people are interested in and what’s important to them. As you get to know one another you’ll be excited to share! - If you’re not feeling it, find someone else! With the right people it’s gonna flow and you’ll look forward to speaking to them instead of feeling like you have to. - If it’s hard at first, that’s ok. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Counting As I near 1000 hours, I’m feeling more and more inclined to stop counting my hours. I no longer use my hours to motivate me to do more Spanish, they just exist as a guide for when I might think about reading/ speaking. I think I might be ready to start feeling it out instead of worrying about an arbitrary number!
I don’t think they need to be strict gateways either. I have started to slip Spanish words and phrases into my crosstalk session for a more natural transition. Instead of suddenly trying to communicate everything in Spanish. Whether or not that works out for me, we will see!
All I know is that this isn’t about achievements or goals for me. This has been the most incredible and wonderful journey into a new world, new cultures, and a new way of thinking. Those moments of feeling like something profound has clicked haven’t been at the exact level markers, things just fall into place whenever they do.
Maybe some of this is useful for you, maybe not! But I felt like it would be a nice time to share. 😊
submitted by ross-likeminded to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Iamgoldie Gotta complete the mission someway; somehow😂

Gotta complete the mission someway; somehow😂 submitted by Iamgoldie to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Nervous-Donut-1310 H: Leaders W: Gbd, Sbq or Alien offers

submitted by Nervous-Donut-1310 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 sudomakesandwich This post is a special thanks to all the third wave fems on this sub

submitted by sudomakesandwich to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 billybober10 Felt ep

submitted by billybober10 to Emo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 ieat_turtles Spunchpob got on da raz fr

submitted by ieat_turtles to goons [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 AvariceSins [24/East Coast] Looking for Gamer Friends

Hey everyone!
I'm 24, and play on PC, and I'm looking to make some new friends to game with. I primarily play League of Legends, Minecraft, and Baldur's Gate 3, but I’m want to play more game as I'm open to trying new games as long as they aren’t FPS.
I'm looking for LGBTQ+ friendly folks to vibe with, so if you're down for some fun, chill gaming sessions, hit me up!
Let’s build some cool memories and have some awesome games together. Drop a message if you're interested!
submitted by AvariceSins to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Meganno2o2 MBBS ‘24-25 faculty, infrastructure and suggestions/advice

Help out! I’m a bit confused can any senior help me out with this …
View Poll
submitted by Meganno2o2 to manipal [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 guvbums What amount of money do banks make from a single property in one hundred years?

submitted by guvbums to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 henrique_rolim What's the Ways of Free MHSAA Division 3 Championship Streams (live) Streams On Reddit?

i’m looking at HighSchoolFB TV; What streaming service allows live High School Football last season. Last year, we tried about 3 different services that claimed we could but come to find out certain teams weren’t available to watch. We really want to get into watching High School Football and being tuned for every High School Football game live.
finally i got it, you guys can Try HERE: High School Football Streams 2024
submitted by henrique_rolim to HighSchoolFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 zarif953 Found a baby sparrow in my chimney

Found a baby sparrow in my chimney I didn't know where to ask but I found this guy in my chimney and I cannot reach the nest because It is in the pipe and if I tried it will just detroy the whole nest or I would have to climb four floors and I cannot guarantee that we will be able to reach it. So I decided to take care of it. What should I do to take care? I fed it cooked rice mixed with a little water it ate. Now my main question is if I raise it should I let it go to the wild? Cause there is a flock of sparrows who come near my house often because I have budgies.
submitted by zarif953 to birding [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Deluxe78 1975: NYC Gene kisses Ace freely then proceeds to party all night and every day

1975: NYC Gene kisses Ace freely then proceeds to party all night and every day submitted by Deluxe78 to weirddalle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 ObModder Richard Bergh - After the Sitting (1884) [3386x2480]

submitted by ObModder to vintageart [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Huge_March3590 Deteriorated Coin

Really curious how much will this deteriorated coin cost? For me it's very rare to see this type of coin that has normally deteriorated over time. It looks very similar to one cent and you can still see the emblem on it.
submitted by Huge_March3590 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Due-Tax-3550 Dark tribal macrame fashion

Dark tribal macrame fashion submitted by Due-Tax-3550 to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 Fareo A Guardian, long since lost...

A Guardian, long since lost... I tried to mix up the shaders and the armor a bit more but, it looked like I was trying to hard. Honestly, I think simplicity is the play here for these overgrown aesthetic. It's got that Iron Giant, Castle in the Sky, "forgotten tech" kinda vibe.
submitted by Fareo to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 matthew_sch Black Friday Sales

Been pondering on this bad boy for some time. I didn’t see fit to spend $200+ on Tricolore Sports, so I waited. Then I saw it go down to like $150 and I still went “meh”
This week on sale for $63? Goddamn right I’m snagging it
I will admit, much nicer in person. Even this photo doesn’t do the Expos powder blue any justice
submitted by matthew_sch to Habs [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 AdditionalSearch7322 Constant bleeding after almost 3 months of being on the pill?

It’s my first time being on the pill for this long, but my doctor recommended I get on the pill after having a period that was lasting 3 weeks non stop (I had a hormonal imbalance that we believe was caused by emergency contraception). The pills helped with the heaviness of the bleeding and the side effects that were being caused by the hormonal imbalance, but I’ve continued to bleed every day for almost 3 months since starting the pill and I feel like I’m starting to go crazy. I honestly don’t even want to continue being on birth control because I don’t like how it affects me and I was happy without it (before the hormonal imbalance). I’ve read that bleeding while being on birth control after just starting it is normal, but it’s every day and enough to wear I need to always wear a thin liner. Is that normal? I’m going on my first tropical vacation in 2 weeks and I really really don’t want to deal with the bleeding while I’m on it. Should i try to tough it out another few months and hope it eventually stops, or just stop birth control now since it’s something I know i don’t want to continue? Has anyone dealt with this before?
submitted by AdditionalSearch7322 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:30 grumpycatfan24 My heart is stuck.

A couple of months ago, my younger brother died in an accident. I've never felt so defeated and hated myself more than at this point in my life. I'll be referring to him as "Z".
It feels like it happened yesterday. The pain is still there and never really feels like it gets easier. Everytime I bring up my brother, I can tell people just don't want me to continue, it's awkward or depressing. I really only bring up how funny he was, or what he liked to do or something reminded me of him. Even so I still get that silent "please just... Stop" response everytime. At Thanksgiving this year, my family didn't even mention him or set him a plate at least. He always sat next to me every year for Thanksgiving. I can't blame them really, but, at the same time I feel like everyone has already moved on. And I'm still stuck.
I never want to forget him, or other people to forget him. I feel like, I wasn't a very good sibling, that I could've done better for both my brothers (I have 2). I always thought about ways I could improve their lives. I stayed up every night waiting for Z to come from a friend's place and hear his car pull in the driveway. Z would be up till 3 am on discord talking to his friends keeping me up sometimes but I didn't care. I just put on white noise and tuned it out.
I can't say I'm super close with my brothers, but we don't hate each other or anything. We just never really hung out or talked a lot. But when I did talk to Z, we had a lot in common. And after he died, I found out we were more alike than I actually realized. The only difference was Z did whatever he wanted, and I'm scared of leaving the house. Z didn't care. He was so cool, a lot cooler than me.
One thing that we started doing was watching LOTR in theaters every year. I got to see all 3 movies with him this year in summer. It was awesome.
I don't know. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. My life has been completely flipped upside down. No one in my personal life really checks up on me anymore, I don't know. I never want to stop talking about my brother and how much of a great person he was but it doesn't seem like anyone really cares or wants to hear about him anymore. I do understand, it's probably annoying, but I can't ignore how much it mentally hurts me everyday. I just think I'm in a bad dream. And it's funny, because, I remember a couple of months ago before the accident, I had a dream that Z died. Nothing specific happened in my dream that I remember, I just remember the feeling that he died. But then I woke up and I heard his car pull in the driveway, so I knew it was just a dream. Well, now it's not, it really, truly isn't, a bad dream. It really happened. My brother is dead. And I don't know how to continue.
How do I even begin to get past this. Z was so young. Literally had a whole life ahead of him. He was healthy, smart, has so many people that love him, nice and funny. Z was everything that I wanted to be and I always admired him for that.
Now he's gone, Z is really gone. My entire life I've dealt with anxiety, breakdowns, just worrying about everything that could happen. Now the worst possible thing did happen. It happened. I'm living it right now. One of my brothers dying. How do I even begin to navigate myself through a life I was so deathly scared of becoming a reality?
Everyday, I say "it should've been me". I'm a NEET. No IRL friends, no job, no car, not good at anything. I don't understand why it had to be my brother. He was worth infinitely more and has done more good in the world than I ever have and I'm older than him! Why did it have to be him? I know there's no sense when these things happen but I don't understand. I remember about a week before the accident, Z was struggling with depression cause he didn't like his job very much, I remember, actually praying and asking whoever god is, to help both my brothers and to keep them safe. To guide them both on the right path, to keep them healthy.
Then Z died. I completely lost faith in anything spiritual or religious. I don't believe in an afterlife, as much as I would like to. I don't really know what to think at all, really. "Maybe me asking God to help my brothers was bad, and theyre punishing me for it. Punishing me for being inactive in my life. Wanting me to suffer." "Maybe listening to those stupid affirmation tapes made me manifest Z's death, who knows." Those are some things I think about, that I wonder about. I think it's easier for my mental health to write spiritual it all off as bullshit and not for me but, I don't know. I blame myself. Maybe I did really cause that. I don't think I tried hard enough to help my brother when he was struggling. I had no idea how to talk to him about his depression. I remember calling mental health numbers and counselors to give me advice and resources Z could use to help. The reason it was so hard for me to approach him was because, the second I stepped in his room to talk to him about it, I burst into tears and just couldn't control myself. I just said I was worried about him and asked if he would be okay. I couldn't stand the thought of him struggling and me not knowing how to help. I wish I did talk to him, I hate myself for it. I really do. I wish I did.
I just feel completely alone. I don't really care about doing anything now I just, don't know. I wish it was me, I'd trade places with him any day. I would. I wish I was better, I wish I was a better sibling. I understand how pathetic I am, I know. The pain I feel everyday is so insurmountable. It feels wrong to continue to live life normally when Z isn't with us anymore. It just feels like my life is missing something now. I feel selfish then, I wish I did more with my brothers, both of them. I know I can now, but my other brother is pretty antisocial, I don't think he likes me very much but thats ok. I just don't know how to talk to him or get to know him. I will obviously make an effort, I just don't think I'm in the right headspace now. My brothers are the forefront of my life. I care about them so much. I don't think people in my life really understand that, I don't know, I just miss Z. I want to talk about him all the time. I don't want people to forget. I'm just lost and I hate everything.
This is getting into more rambling territory so I'll stop here. I wanted to get my thoughts out there. To feel less alone. I miss you Z.
submitted by grumpycatfan24 to Grieving [link] [comments]
