2024.11.30 07:33 autostoned Noob needing advice
So I am absolutely brand new to computers in general.. I just bought a 4070 Ryzen 9 MSI A15 AI 15.6 QHD 165hz laptop!! and I'm just looking for insight, tips, games, literally anything will help. The last time I used a computer was probably 2012 for school New to steam, discord all of it. I'm under the impression I made a good purchase. Hoping to game and also learn video editing with it and maybe a music app.. ((is FL🍑STUDIO still a thing??)) or something like that. Depending on how I fair and enjoy the laptop will determine if I want to upgrade to a PC. For reference I had to have someone in detail explain to me what the RAM is because I am that clueless to computers 😭😭😭😭 please help! Thanks for your time it's appreciated 👍🏻
submitted by autostoned to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 MarleyGarciaDBZ Hey
I love femboys
submitted by MarleyGarciaDBZ to femboy [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 NoFaithlessness1574 Capricorn and boring label 🏷️
If you think Capricorn is boring it’s because you are, period! Capricorns are never bored on their own. The reason we don’t talk to some of you is because we find you uninteresting, aka boring, but won’t say it, not the other way around!! ✌️
submitted by NoFaithlessness1574 to capricorns [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 grumpylumpkin22 Who are you sharing your writing with?
I'm writing my first novel. I've got the outline and the first few chapters but I don't know where to share it. I've been a beta reader for friends and it's hard to give feedback to people trusting you with their baby - I don't want to do that to my friends and family. I'm in a writing group but we only share bits and pieces and just a brief explanation of what was missed between sessions so there's no real way to get cohesive feedback. I don't want to post everything because I've heard you might not get a publishing deal (dreams of grandeur). So where are you all sharing your work to get feedback?
submitted by grumpylumpkin22 to writing [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 _Cosmic-kernel-corn_ Coughing surgent vs Iron soldier
💀 submitted by _Cosmic-kernel-corn_ to rebelinc [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 PlatinumOni Josuke is straight, worst Jojo character.
submitted by PlatinumOni to ShitPostCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 artsyluffy Looking For:- Armour Mewtwo. Check Image for my Offering.
I have more Shinies so let me know what else you need. submitted by artsyluffy to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 taulover Arguing About D&D in the 1970s. - Matt Colville on Jon Peterson's "The Elusive Shift", an academic book analyzing D&D zines from the 1970s to analyze the formation of the RPG genre
submitted by taulover to curiousvideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 Historical_Brick2171 Few-Emotion-5998
submitted by Historical_Brick2171 to Weeknd [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 GarnerAlias Jennifer Garner - GQ Magazine (March 2003)
submitted by GarnerAlias to Jennifergarner [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 Embarrassed_Slip_337 We’ve held $GREYPUMP floor at 85% just in time for the Europeans to wake up and help us bond, and just wait until the morning for America 📈📶
submitted by Embarrassed_Slip_337 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 JumpySeaworthiness94 Bongggg
submitted by JumpySeaworthiness94 to weedporn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 RoronoaAkku My nephew's cards
Just wanted to ask if these were fakes? submitted by RoronoaAkku to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 sassydarlingfun WHY TF IS SHE SO GORGEOUS?!
submitted by sassydarlingfun to KeqingMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 nogoodjunkie Where's the vinyls???
Have they released any or are they planning to
submitted by nogoodjunkie to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 Background-Movie871 75 watts rms 3ohm component speakers, What amp should I use??
Looking for an amp I have two front door speakers and tweeters I got for free after I ordered a subwoofer I was already buying. Not sure if the speakers and tweeters need their own channels and I have never seen 3ohm so don’t know what amp to use
submitted by Background-Movie871 to subwoofer [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 UnhappyForce1061 Help selling new AC adapter 280W
I bought a new ROG 280W DC adapter from the Asus website to test my broken laptop but life happened and I failed to return it within the return policy after it became apparent the problem was in the laptop battery Not the charger I already have.
It's obviously very lightly used and since I still have my old one(that probably works), do y'all have any recommendations on what to do with the new adapter to get some money back? Where to sell? How much to even price it?
submitted by UnhappyForce1061 to ASUSROG [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 sashaj10 looking for REAL art pieces🥲
Does anyone have these 3 art pieces, happy to swap for something or for bells!!!!!
2024.11.30 07:33 mrplt Didn't know Toyota made bicycles
submitted by mrplt to TorontoDriving [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 ObModder Margaret Morrison - Butterscotch (2020) [2151x2152]
submitted by ObModder to ArtPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 beautifuldisa-ster Nub theory? Any guesses?
I submitted by beautifuldisa-ster to nubtheory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 07:33 45ger Deco Mesh-Which speed test is lying?
I set up a 3 unit Deco X20 that has formed a "T" that seems to function properly. If you can see my screen shot "NetSpot" is crowded to the left, Ookla'sSpeedtest.net in black and "speedof.me" to the right. Ookla says 86.99 Mbps and SpeedOf.Me says 16.9 Mbps. Results from multiple alternate tests do jump around a bit but the gap remains large. Anyone have some opinions on speed tests that can help me diagnose very poor streaming to my four yold Vizio TV snuggled against the brick fireplace that reports about 5Mbps (ie does not function well)? The Speedof.me graph is very choppy while the Ookla dial was fairly stable. BTW my Deco phone app reports "Test Internet Speed" = 348 Mbps dn and 20.5 Mbps up. Not sure what they are measuring - probably from the cable router to the main direct wired Deco unit.
If you are a compulsive WiFi data freak let me go on to describe the info in netspot on the left. Being a mesh all 6 SSIDs have the same name (and same pass phrase) but the BSSIDs on the left allow me to id each of the 3 units times two channels. All Deco units start with 5E. The main wired unit ends in Bx. A second bed room unit on the other leg of the "T" ends in Ax. I am logged into and speedtesting the 4x unit specifically "43" (shown bold - thank you netspot) on the 5Gig channel 44. I guess when I "disconnect" and logged back in to WiFi, Deco decided channel 44 at a signal of -59 dBm (5GHz) was better than the stronger -45 dBm on the crowded channel 5 (2.4 GHz). I had moved the 4x Deco unit much closer to the TV but am suffering from a much weaker signal from the main Bx unit. I am about 20 feet but out of sight from unit 4x fairly close to the TV.
A brick house wall involved plus a brick fireplace where the TV is mounted so I see weird (ie unpredictable for my limited experience) WiFi position strengths for unit placement. This is my first mesh experience and my first reddit post. Sorry for the excessive length and I sure hope my screenshot shows up.
submitted by 45ger to wifi [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 DeliciousPookie22 What is the night life in Japan like?
submitted by DeliciousPookie22 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 large_PUDDLE I wonder how chaotic launch day is going to be lmao
Like just think about it, people have already going batshit insane and the games not even had nothing more than a singular trailer and some leaks. I imagine the closer we get to launch the more hectic things'll get. Only time will tell though so in the meantime, stay hydrated and go outdoors! We're only a month away from 2025!!
submitted by large_PUDDLE to GTA6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 07:33 NoTrade1869 Is it okay to adopt a bonded pair (both 7 months, boy and girl) when I already have two cats (2.5M and 1.5F)?
I visited a cat cafe that works together with a cat rescue organization and fell in love with a bonded pair, both 7 months with one being a boy and one being a girl. Their temperament is amazing, super playful while also chill. Now to my main concern:
My first cat, 2.5M, is a ragdoll and grew up with two dachshunds so he is used to routy high energy dogs. When I got my second cat, 1.5F, he groomed her almost immediately and paid a lot of interest to her through the introduction process. Now that they've been together for a year now, I noticed the boy cat being a little too rough with the girl cat. Both are neutered/spayed. When they play, he often does the chasing and she does the running. Once he catches her, I noticed he does not let her go sometimes to the point where she would hiss to get him off. Even when she hisses, he still pins her down until I separate them. He also sometimes bites her by the nape and holds her there then grooms her. They've never fought but he has gotten some of her fur before when she would run away as he's pinning her. He is at the age where he is starting to learn and establish hierarchy.
I know in terms of a new home, the bonded pair will be okay since theyre from a shelter and have been surrouneded by other cats at the cat cafe. I also know my second cat will do well since she is fine around my friends cat. My first cat is also fine around my friends cats although he has hisses a handful of times here and there.
I'm wondering if the behavior of my first cat could be a negative sign to adding a bonded pair to the family. Since my first cat has pent up energy due to my second cat not being the playful type, my hope is that since one of the bonded pair is a male, my first cat and the male kitten can play well together. The male kitten's play style is very similar to my first cat's.
Financially and space wise, I am good since I live in a townhouse with plenty of cat trees (4 tall ones and 2 medium ones), litter boxes, etc.
I know adding cats in general can be stressful on the resident cats but do you guys think this could potentially be a bad idea and cause tension in the household? Last thing I want is for my first cat to get so stressed he develops crystals haha. Thanks!
submitted by NoTrade1869 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]