aita for not texting someone when ik they’re not gonna respond?

2024.11.30 07:21 remi_draws aita for not texting someone when ik they’re not gonna respond?

k so basically I have this friend, rubi and my bf, hunter used to date her. sometimes i feel kinda awkward because it seems like she’s in the relationship with us. me and hunter have been dating for 2 weeks and we had this week off of school so I didn’t get to see either of them.hunter does not like texting or calling at all and rubi would constantly text him and she is on call with him a lot, more than me.(from what I’ve seen) and I sometimes go to her for advice and she usually texts me abt him and constantly tries to get me to text him (I’ve had past what I call “trauma“ because I’ve had people tell me I was annoying and telling me that I text too much) so I text rubi asking her if i should text him (3days ago) and she completely blows up on me telling I text too much and im really annoying and that’s why my exbsf hates me now. (keep in mind im extremely insecure abt that topic) then she blocks me as im apologizing, then the next day starts talking to me again and calls me acting like everything is alright and starts telling me that people are going to say we aren’t dating anymore and I have to text him and I say I don’t want to because I know he’s not gonna respond and id rather talk to him at school but she keeps pressing me to message him and if I say no or talk about how he doesn’t respond at all she either keeps pressuring me to do I or tell me im being annoying so aita?
submitted by remi_draws to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Big_Squirrel123 Let’s normalize telling someone to not get piercings.

Firstly, I would like to preface this by saying that I know I will get a ton of bad karma, but I hope that you all will at least read my post. Many of the posts here are from people who do not have piercings, or only traditional lobe piercings at most, and are asking which ones to get. Let’s be honest, piercings can be both good and bad, but some of the stuff people are suggesting is downright unsightly, or at least does not suit the poster. Many people on this sub are underage, or in their early 20s, so please, be conscientious.
submitted by Big_Squirrel123 to SelfPiercing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 vikash_WPplugin Facebook parent company Meta plans to build its own sub-sea cable — the source says the company plans to “avoid areas of geopolitical tension”

Facebook parent company Meta plans to build its own sub-sea cable — the source says the company plans to “avoid areas of geopolitical tension” submitted by vikash_WPplugin to technology [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Bipolar03 Different generations

2 questions
Why do we have different generations?
Why do people blame the generation afterwards for everything that's going wrong?
submitted by Bipolar03 to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 No-Concept-1749 Dm pour parler de Esperanca

submitted by No-Concept-1749 to leak_influ_fr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Hakaribiggestfan The nba needs to do a better job of covering stars on “smaller” market teams

The nba needs to do a better job of covering stars on “smaller” market teams submitted by Hakaribiggestfan to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 throwawaycsps Monitor has horizontal lines and flicker upwards for some reason?

It has been like this for a few days, seems like a monitor issue.
submitted by throwawaycsps to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 beanbagbaby5734 What’s my screen time say bout me

What’s my screen time say bout me submitted by beanbagbaby5734 to EmKay [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Hormo_The_Halfling How much EXP does it take to get a companion to level 10?

I'm trying to math out some efficiency, as my girlfriend has decided she wants to get every character to level 10 before she actually does the fun stuff she wants to do. (No amount of reasoning will dissuade her)
I'm trying to find the exact EXP number to get from 0 to 10, but I can't find it on the wiki or anywhere else. Does anyone here happen to know what it is?
submitted by Hormo_The_Halfling to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 LGP14 [s2 act 3 spoilers] Ma Meilleure Ennemie: Is it I love you, I'm leaving you OR I love you, I'm waiting for you? + Other translation/meaning questions.

English translation has the later, but then there is discussion that is it "I'm leaving you". I understand that Stromae utilities word play and the potential ambiguity of similar sounds, and to be honest, either meaning, hurts just as much. But can it actually be interpreted either way, or is it legitimately one or the other?
Just want to learn more about the language used in the song, and what it means in both French and English. I also want to just talk about the song, and hear out anyone's interpretation of it as well. I just feel what it represented within the show, alongside its rel event arc has been so moving and really had an impact on me, and I want to honour it in someway, maybe a tattoo, or some form of artwork that I could commission a friend to do for me. Something with the song title, and a blue rose, or the silhouette of Powder and Ekko looking over PiltoveZaun, and I really just want to understand as deeply as possible this song.
English lyrics for reference:
submitted by LGP14 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 WolfRageCroat The Thing (2002) - The Outpost Walkthrough 4K

The Thing (2002) - The Outpost Walkthrough 4K submitted by WolfRageCroat to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Twickssticks PARTY SAP DROP FOR DROP

PARTY SAP POT DROP 4 DROP! 5 PARTY SAP POTS REQUIRED!! will start as soon as den is full!! user is glipthing , have pots on trd list plss IF ALL SPOTS FILL ITLL BE ABOUT 2k SAPS! YOULL WANT TO BE THERE!!! EVERYONE NEEDS SAPS RN JOIN JOIN
submitted by Twickssticks to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Creative_Cancel6769 Air India Ruined My Plans

I had Booked flight from DEL to BLR time 9:40AM. On Check-In Counter first They took approx 45 Minutes to figure out the issue and then they came up saying "Sir You have Booked Premium Economy but this Flight Only have the Business Class and Economy(yeah i was also like Whatttt🤯), We can Proceed by downgrading you to the Economy and you can claim the compensation later On." I said them just onboard me to the flight whatever seat it is. They took another 30 Minutes and then came up saying "We can't proceed this also, Either we can cancel it and you'll get full refund Or We can arrange in Next flight to Bengaluru with departure at 1:40pm." I wanted to shout so badly 😪 but ended up agreeing to manage in Next Flight.
submitted by Creative_Cancel6769 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 9Bushnell Academic Conferences

Are there any downsides to accepting offers to present papers at conferences?
I'm in the process of applying for PhD programs and funding, whilst working as an academic assistant. I've been offered to present a paper at a conference on security studies and am wondering if there is any downside to accepting it. It's not prestigious at all, and I want to make sure that presenting at such wouldn't have any possible downsides if I'm applying to do my PhD at prestigious universities.
submitted by 9Bushnell to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 slothropspants It's kinda funny looking at Untapped and seeing all the decks I can't play

As a non-whale, battle pass only, CL3k player, looking at top archetypes and I just can't help but laugh at how every meta version of a deck, I'm at least 1 crucial card away from actually being able to use it(properly).
Discard: No Modok Move: No Ghost Spider Mr. Negative: No Jane(nor Gorr) Sera Control: No Red Guardian Bounce: No Nico Toxic Surfer: No Hazmat Patriot: No Dazzler Surtr: No Zabu Tribunal: Well, no Tribunal Mill: No Gladiator or Zemo Zoo: No Gilgamesh, marvel boy, dazzler, or Shanna
Etc etc
Of course, some cards are more necessary than others, and you can make Frankenstein versions of these decks to get to Infinite(thats what i did with a surtr deck), but realizing after how ever many hours I've put in and arguably can't make a full Untapped deck is just kinda funny. This is 14 cards I'm missing for just these decks, and by the time I've gotten these missing cards the meta will be shifted enough that I'll still be incomplete.
In short, can someone let me use their credit card? thanks.
submitted by slothropspants to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 jr1777 When a book says X hours left, is it based on my pace?

Does Kindle learn the pace I read and adjust the remaining time left based on it? Or is it more generalized?
submitted by jr1777 to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Soggy_Marzipan_9766 § 223 StGB

Hallo zusammen,
ich brauche euren Rat zu einer rechtlich schwierigen Situation, in der ich mich befinde. Vor einiger Zeit war ich auf einer geschlossenen Feier (eine private Gesellschaft), bei der ich leider zu viel Alkohol getrunken habe. Aufgrund meines Alkoholkonsums fehlen mir die genauen Erinnerungen an einige Ereignisse des Abends.
Vor kurzem habe ich Post von der Polizei erhalten: Mir wird vorgeworfen, eine vorsätzliche einfache Körperverletzung begangen zu haben. Konkret soll ich jemanden mit meinem Arm so gewürgt haben, dass die Person für einen Moment keine Luft bekam.
Mir ist bewusst, dass mein Verhalten an diesem Abend nicht vorbildlich war. Eine Freundin hat sich beispielsweise darüber beschwert, dass ich beim Tanzen ihren Arm viel zu stark geschwungen habe. Zudem war ich in meinem Auftreten recht distanzlos und möglicherweise aufdringlich, insbesondere gegenüber Frauen. Allerdings war ich keinesfalls übergriffig oder handgreiflich, soweit ich mich erinnern kann. Ich war es noch nie, selbst wenn ich betrunken war.
Nun stehe ich vor der Frage, wie ich am besten vorgehen soll. In dem Schreiben der Polizei habe ich folgende Optionen:

Zusätzlich wurde ich über Möglichkeiten wie die Einstellung des Verfahrens gegen Zahlung einer Geldauflage informiert. Außerdem wird ein Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich (TOA) erwähnt, jedoch habe ich das zugehörige Merkblatt nicht erhalten.
Da ich bisher keine Erfahrung mit der Justiz habe, bin ich ziemlich verunsichert. Besonders jetzt am Wochenende fühle ich mich ein wenig hilflos, da ich momentan keine weiteren Schritte einleiten kann.
Ich würde mich über Tipps oder Hinweise freuen, wie ich mich in dieser Situation am besten verhalten sollte.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by Soggy_Marzipan_9766 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 PainMadara_6336 Looking Baddie

Looking Baddie submitted by PainMadara_6336 to AngourieRiceNSFW [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 These-Laugh8867 issue with friend not respecting boundaries, how to navigate?

I have a friend who likes to talk on the phone every week, for hours. And it’s always been at night. I noticed my sleep has been negatively impacted by this, so i’ve expressed to my friend that I need us to talk earlier in the day or early evening so that I can get adequate sleep. I naturally wake up early no matter what time i sleep, and it’s often near impossible for me to fall back asleep. when our conversations go on for hours until 3 am, I feel like a zombie the next day.
and when either of us I say “We should go to bed, it’s getting late” she or I start up another conversation and go on and on. I think we both like to talk, so we lose track of time. She somehow also segways the conversation into the trauma she’s experienced from her ex, and I’d feel like a jerk if I cut her off. Anyway, whenever we schedule a call, and she says she’ll call earlier on, she never does. She proceeds to call me late at night instead.
For instance, like today, I called around 2 ish, she didn’t pick up. texted me that she’s out, and she said “let’s do 5”. I already know what that really meant. That meant i’m not getting a call at 5, i’m getting a call at like 9 or 10, because she literally never sticks to the plan of calling earlier. and that’s exactly what happened. And me being nice, I used to always answer anyways because she’d always have some elaborate excuse about how she got busy. it’s always on her terms. I want my time to be respected too! this time I did not answer. Not to be petty, but because I was busy with family and now i’m going to bed. And yes i’m a little annoyed. I did get a text from her saying she’s sorry and that she’s had a hectic day, that she meant to call earlier, same old reasons :/
Also, she has been venting to me about her ex for the last 9 months. I’m not judging, I’ve been in her shoes, so I understand it takes time to process and totally accept a different reality from what you thought was gonna happen. I’ve made sure to be there for her, to listen to her vent for hours, every week, for 9 months. However, she’s still in contact with him. and not in a mature “let’s be friends” way, but in a “i hope he changes his mind and asks me to be with him again” way…i know because she’s told me herself.
So shes at his beck and call, even though he has started talking to her about other women, and told her that if he meets someone else, he’s gonna have to stop talking to her. As someone whose been in this position before, I warned her that it’s not a good idea to keep talking to him, because the minute he distances himself, possibly because of another girl, it’ll be devastating. it’ll be like you’re breaking up all over again. but she cannot stop, she prefers to hold onto hope. She’s not letting him go, she’s prolonging the healing process.
Anyway, she updates me on their conversations, and when that’s done, she’ll start talking about the past—and all the stuff he’s done to her. I’ve honestly started to feel tired of hearing about it. One night I decided to be honest and tell her that this guy is clearly causing her a lot of distress, and that as a friend I want her to respect herself and be done with his nonsense. She’ll agree in the moment, but the second he wants to hit her up for even just a casual chat, even though she knows he’ll probably say something mean or stupid / it hurts her to hear about other women, she answers it anyways.
I don’t wanna make her feel bad about coming to me when she needs support, especially after she randomly apologized to me for going on about the same stories that she’s already told me about him. I told her i’d rather her get it out her system than bottle it up, and i meant that. but man…I did not anticipate for it go on for this long. or for her to keep talking to him.
then recently, she noticed I started to get quiet when she brought up stories about how he treated her, and she said “i feel like im rambling because you’re not saying anything” …I don’t have anything left to say bro i’m tired of repeating myself 😭 Like yes that sucked, i’m sorry you went through this, but we’ve already discussed this at length more times than I can count. At this point, i’m exhausted. I feel like an on-call, unpaid, working over time therapist.
TLDR: friend keeps calling at night even after i’ve told her it disrupts my sleep, and has been venting about her ex in every convo we have, for hours, and she keeps in contact with him despite how badly he treats her or makes her feel.
submitted by These-Laugh8867 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89138 1 customer affected ORT: 2024-11-29 23:10:07.000-08:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Ill-Veterinarian-870 Which song is better Kill Confirmed or Kill Denied?

Personally think this is S1’s best song except for the lift and kill denied is better…
submitted by Ill-Veterinarian-870 to ukdrill [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Snifhvide Taxibranchen tager konsekvensen efter sager om seksuelle overgreb. Nu kan du holde øje med særligt mærke i ruden

Taxibranchen tager konsekvensen efter sager om seksuelle overgreb. Nu kan du holde øje med særligt mærke i ruden submitted by Snifhvide to WomenDK [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 ryogadan Jordan awaits 'rollercoaster' 2025 season: 'Has all the ingredients'

Jordan awaits 'rollercoaster' 2025 season: 'Has all the ingredients' submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 Reasonable_Towel3638 For Theme Park Users

For Theme Park Users submitted by Reasonable_Towel3638 to Galaxy_S20 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:21 c4llmedaddy Patroclus x Achilles fanart

Patroclus x Achilles fanart submitted by c4llmedaddy to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]