Juan Soto spotted at Hertz Logan

2024.12.01 01:51 -azuma- Juan Soto spotted at Hertz Logan

Juan Soto spotted at Hertz Logan submitted by -azuma- to redsox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Ckeefer6 ASMR Scalp moisturizing

ASMR Scalp moisturizing submitted by Ckeefer6 to YoutubeSelfPromotion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Excellent-Bar-3305 افضل مركز تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في دبي والامارات

افضل مركز تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في دبي والامارات تعتبر دبي والإمارات وجهة رائدة لمحبي افضل مركز تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في دبي والامارات، مع توافر العديد من المراكز المتخصصة في تصليحها، تقدم هذه المراكز خدمات صيانة عالية الجودة تشمل فحص النظام الكهربائي، إصلاح البطاريات، واستبدال القطع التالفة، مما يضمن لك تجربة قيادة آمنة ومريحة.
افضل مركز تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في دبي والامارات
تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في الشارقة افضل مركز تصليح سكوتر كهربائي في دبي والامارات تقدم خدمات متنوعة تشمل الفحص، الصيانة الدورية، واستبدال القطع التالفة، مما يضمن لك العودة إلى الطريق بأمان وسرعة.
لمزيد من التفاصيل زور موقع بيلارا كارز
submitted by Excellent-Bar-3305 to Belaracars [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 VenomXTs Loaded in the Truck and ready to get to business....

Loaded in the Truck and ready to get to business.... submitted by VenomXTs to Eyebleach [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 pennyofthewoods Huge ribbon bazaar sale

Hey everybody, just wanted to share that www.ribbonbazaar.com is having a big sale for cyber monday. Rolls of tulle are dirt dirt cheap at an advertised 98% off. Check it out if you need tulle/ribbon/lace!
submitted by pennyofthewoods to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 tall-bois Are there any good novels/books that go into the nitty-gritty details of WW1?

I am looking for some books to aid in my research about World War One. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions people have about life/dailylife, military structure, battles, regiments, CO/NCO/WO's, or etc.
submitted by tall-bois to ww1 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 pixiecut678 [GTM] The raven will come

[GTM] The raven will come submitted by pixiecut678 to GuessTheMovie [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 toryslaw Snowstorm = snowshoes

142nd consecutive day. Not stopping. No power for 36 hours, snowstorm, Central Ontario … no problem. 1 hr / 75 lbs. / few small hills. Giddyup!!!
submitted by toryslaw to Rucking [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Remarkable_Bee6285 Favourite magazine photoshoot?

Favourite magazine photoshoot?
  1. ILLIT
  2. Wonyoung(ive)
  3. jennie(blackpink)
submitted by Remarkable_Bee6285 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Nice_Respond6443 Wishing You Joy on Your Special Day

I know I probably shouldn’t even be writing this, but it’s hard not to think about you, especially today. Birthdays have a way of bringing memories to the surface, and yours is no exception. Even though we’ve gone our separate ways, I couldn’t let the day pass without wishing you the happiest birthday.I hope your day is filled with everything that makes you smile—the kind of joy and warmth you’ve always brought to those around you. You deserve all the good things this world has to offer, not just today, but every day. It’s not always easy to move forward when someone meant so much, but I’m learning. Still, there’s a part of me that will always wish you well, that will always hold onto the gratitude for the time we shared. I hope this year brings you closer to your dreams and surrounds you with love, laughter, and peace. Take care of yourself and know that someone out here is rooting for happiness
Love Always A.R
submitted by Nice_Respond6443 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 kingmayker M4 Mac Mini won’t power on

I moved my Mac Mini to a different room and not it won’t power on. No issues before I moved it. Unplugged everything, held down power button, etc. light will not come on. Monitor has power, outlet works fine, power cord works fine (powered up a projector to see). Anyone else experience this? Anyone have a fix? I called apple support and they were no help. I have to go to the Apple Store to see what they can do.
submitted by kingmayker to macmini [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 RhinosHave3Toes Weird Pink Being

My mom and I just got back home after traveling to Philadelphia, it was around 11:30 pm and we were just getting things out of the trunk. I looked at my dad’s car and saw this pink head, it had no face. I thought I was just seeing things so I ignored it. When we get inside my mom tells me that she saw something. She described it as a small (about the size of a child), thin creature, it was pink and faceless. She was able to see its head and shoulder. We weren’t sure what it was, or why it was there. We don’t believe it had good intentions because when we saw it, we didn’t get a good feeling.
Does anyone know anything about creatures like this or maybe have you had a similar experience?
submitted by RhinosHave3Toes to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Freddie_Mercury1946 I have an android 12, why wont it let me download this?

I have an android 12, why wont it let me download this? My watch is wrapped under the tree, but just checking if I could download it in advance.. it wont
submitted by Freddie_Mercury1946 to GalaxyFit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 poingman Wifi Extension for Barndominium

Hey all need recommendations for a setup for my dad. He’s built a metal building with part of it built as an apartment. As expected the metal building doesn’t seem to broadcast wifi too well through the walls.
Looking for recommendations for taking our Starlink modem, which is located in the apartment area, and extending it to the garage portion.
I’m assuming the situation is going to have to be a wired one I’m just looking for recommendations.
Anything’s helpful, thanks!
submitted by poingman to wifi [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Crunch8310 Quality Wallet Makers?

Hi all, recently was promoted and want to treat myself to a nice quality bifold leather wallet. I've had a look at Ashland, and while I do love the look of their wallets. Just not a fan of some of the stitching. Can you post your favorite wallet makers website to help me decide? Thank you
submitted by Crunch8310 to LeatherClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 sharkezzy My local Citi Trends

My local Citi Trends I'm done
submitted by sharkezzy to yeezyxgap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 quietzone117 Just got her today

Just got her today Her name is Willow and she’s the sweetest thing. She hasn’t stopped purring since I first picked her up.
submitted by quietzone117 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 tdl18 A story in two parts

A story in two parts I think this Dugtrio deck has become my favorite to use
submitted by tdl18 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 EduardoNathannael eu só queria atenção

hoje está sendo um dia péssimo pra mim, eu tomo um remédio antidepressivo (é bem leve em relação à efeitos colaterais) que não posso ficar sem ele mais de 4 dias que começo a sentir falta. eu fico extremamente irritado com tudo, tenho uma hipersensibilidade imensa com tudo que acontece se eu ficar sem esse medicamento. esse remédio já tinha acabado à uns 6 dias, e hoje tive meu ápice. chorei bastante após a consulta psiquiátrica, pois não tive oportunidade de abordar um assunto que era prioridade e urgente pra mim naquele momento (oque não é relevante para este meu relato), fiquei super estressado o resto do dia. mas oque realmente acabou com meu dia foi ficar sem nenhuma mensagem da pessoa com quem estou ficando, tive um dia tão cansativo que no final, só queria alguém que me desse atenção, conversasse comigo, sobre qualquer coisa, não recebi mensagem de nenhum dos meus amigos, meus familiares estavam ocupados demais para me darem atenção, e eu só queria alguém pra ficar próximo, alguém pra me entreter, demonstrar carinho, afeto, alguma coisa, qualquer coisa que fosse. acho que não aguento ficar muito tempo sozinho, é um dos meus maiores medos. por favor alguém fala comigo, comenta alguma coisa, preciso urgentemente de interações humanas. vcs acham que isso pode ser algum tipo de dependência afetiva??
submitted by EduardoNathannael to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Stanmikasa Why is the area around her eyes so dark

Why is the area around her eyes so dark not sure if she doesn’t take off her eye makeup off well , or if she just has reallyyyyyy dark circles and it’s like all over her eyes she looks like a panda
submitted by Stanmikasa to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 theguardiansavior Which artist is this for you?

Which artist is this for you? submitted by theguardiansavior to repost [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Swimming-Recipe3021 Repeated calls in the middle of the night - England

Hi everyone. This is just happened and I am a bit upset about it, as a number called me 3 times until I blocked it, then they carried on calling me from unknown number until I blocked that too. The person had a weird tone, more like they were doing a “trouble kid from streets” voice on purpose. I asked what they wanted, they were talking nonsense and saying things like, “yo, my mate gave me your number bro, can I get a light, I am calling you because I can call you” etc. I searched the number and it seems to be associated with smishing scams, but no notes about an actual person calling people. I told them to stop calling me or I would complain to the police, but they carried on. It sounded like a young male, maybe around 15 years old, but I could be wrong.
I feel a bit threatened by this, as I have an 11 month old baby and a pregnant wife at home. I am sitting in my lounge typing this, I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight and am worried that someone knows my number and address etc. and I have no idea what they wanted from these repeated harassing calls. Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks.
submitted by Swimming-Recipe3021 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Dr_Driv3r Update on the Holden Commodore VN '89

Update on the Holden Commodore VN '89 Redid the rear taillights section to something a little bit accurate with the real Commodore.
I must confess I never saw one of those in my entire life, since I'm Brazilian and the only contact we had with those Commodores were with VT and VX versions sold here as Mk2 and Mk3 Chevrolet Omega, so it's a bit challenging to get one of those here and make them as real as I can do
submitted by Dr_Driv3r to DiecastCustoms [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Dismal-Horror-8842 i eat sh*t

Chat is this rizz???
submitted by Dismal-Horror-8842 to StanleyMOV [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:51 Professional_Park105 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Professional_Park105 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
