Printed the all in one test print-now what?

2024.12.01 02:02 TruckPresent8929 Printed the all in one test print-now what?

We've been having issues getting our printer fine tuned lately. I've leveled it and tried this test print- not pretty as you can see from the pictures but I'm unsure how to proceed from here. We're still hearing what sounds like the nozzle dragging across the print when it gets to about 20% complete, sometimes higher. I've turned off ironing, enabled retraction and skip printed parts. Am I at the break it down and start from scratch like we just got it or is there a another option, firmware/ setting i need to adjust?
submitted by TruckPresent8929 to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 Future_Maybe7897 I found It

I found It submitted by Future_Maybe7897 to wolfgangjerk [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 b-rad62 Done Reggie dirty

Done Reggie dirty submitted by b-rad62 to NYKnicks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 Aggressive_Fuel_9637 Two Questions

May I ask two questions here?
Someone here mentioned that some people lack an internal monologue. Is there a subreddit for that?
Secondly, does having aphantasia affect one's ability to learn pictographic languages like Chinese?
submitted by Aggressive_Fuel_9637 to Aphantasia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 eazyduzit7821 A retreat? 😂😂😂

A retreat? 😂😂😂 submitted by eazyduzit7821 to KelseyRhaeTT [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 Inevitable-Ask-8411 Steven Universe: Pubblicità e Title Cards Italiane

Steven Universe: Pubblicità e Title Cards Italiane Ciao a tutti. Sono un grande fan di Steven Universe ed è una serie che mi ha praticamente cambiato la vita.
Ho notato una cosa però: seppur il doppiaggio italiano sia stato già archiviato da molti fan, non è cosi' per le pubblicità o le title cards in italiano. Infatti ricordo che ci sono stati molti bumper e pubblicità ma solo pochi di questi sono reperibili su Youtube. Inoltre, l'edizione italiana della prima stagione e anche la prima parte della seconda presentava dei sottotitoli (in caso ci fosse bisogno di tradurre qualcosa) e ricordo anche che i titoli venivano inizialmente tradotti in italiano. (almeno per le prime due stagioni).
In questi giorni sto cercando di archiviare tutto quello che è reperibile online ma non è molto facile dato che molti video ormai sono bloccati per copyright.
Vi prego se avete delle vecchie registrazioni o se semplicemente potete essere di aiuto fatemelo sapere.
Title card localizzata in italiano
submitted by Inevitable-Ask-8411 to Lostmediaitalia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 Needdatingadvice97 Doing kanna after quitting adderal for a day. Does this work?

I’ve already noticed posts of people saying kanna and adderal are a bad idea. What if one takes it the day after using adderal? Maybe 2? Any experiences ?
submitted by Needdatingadvice97 to Kanna [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 BNR341989 Razor M3 GTR Fan Art Wallpaper

Razor M3 GTR Fan Art Wallpaper submitted by BNR341989 to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:02 meygrate What's a QoL update y'all really want?

Me personally i want the ability to burn ascension and skill mats into pure prism
Though i think it wouldn't be fair (and Lesengle wouldn't do it) if it was a 1:1 ratio so let's say:
10:1 for bronze
5:1 for silver
1:1 for gold
submitted by meygrate to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 JuliusAbove Feast your eyes on my dirty, dusty toes after digging in the desert

Feast your eyes on my dirty, dusty toes after digging in the desert submitted by JuliusAbove to DirtyMaleFeet2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 DinoIronbody1701 Why didn't sci-fi do a better job of predicting the internet?

I'm not saying there weren't any that did, but I'd say there were more works of sci-fi that predicted we'd be on Mars by the end of the millennium than we'd have the internet. Why is that?
submitted by DinoIronbody1701 to scifi [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 nottheinkdemon Why is the subreddit dead

Why is the subreddit dead I know we already got new pikmin content but we aren’t mentally hilarious anymore let’s do something funny like the good old days when we put fiddlebert on Times Square and made stupid lore
submitted by nottheinkdemon to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Automatic-Ganache-25 The steward of frustration

I tend to the lush green gardens of your delight, A meticulous steward, a little too proud in hindsight.
I dead pruned branches, and crown thinned petals with care, But you walked by, oblivious, to the fact that I was even there.
The flowers of my effort bloom, unseen. Their beauty withers, like a love unclean.
I am the gardener, the chef, the security. But like a ghost I'm lost to obscurity.
I set the table, with a feast to behold, A banquet of devotion, and each dish got cold.
I gather you dined elsewhere, and brought me scraps of disdain. Starving for your attention, obese from feeding on my own pain.
I polish windows, mirrors, silverware, anything that reflects your gaze, But it must have been my ego, your coldness always there, giving praise.
I am the steward, who laboured for your unmet needs, A servant to the shadows, where your heart proceeds.
For I'll keep tending, though the pain won't subside, For in the gardens of your love, doomed I reside.
But still I'll water, and tend to the flowers of my sorrow, And hope that someday, you'll see the beauty in tomorrow.
submitted by Automatic-Ganache-25 to amaturepoerty [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Bot-alex Ultra-long mortgages push buyers past retirement

Ultra-long mortgages push buyers past retirement submitted by Bot-alex to NewsOfTheUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Forsaken-Witch461 What animal is smarter than they get credit for?

submitted by Forsaken-Witch461 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Many_Status_8373 Momazos día 1

Momazos día 1 Subiendo momazos asta conseguir novia día 1
submitted by Many_Status_8373 to futbol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Bot-alex The Papers: Labour 'heating bill hypocrisy' and Wallace whistleblower

The Papers: Labour 'heating bill hypocrisy' and Wallace whistleblower submitted by Bot-alex to NewsOfTheUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 leeeeefeee Sad posting ☹️

Sad posting ☹️ submitted by leeeeefeee to discordVideos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 MyrtleBeach707 42 [m4f] #sc looking for friends + more possibly

Please only reply if you meet this criteria or are interested in all of this. If so, reply with a little about yourself, what resonated in my post that made you reach out, and we’ll go from there.
I know it’s cliche for people to say, but I can carry my part of a conversation and won’t 1 word you to death like most people here will. I’ll also be engaged/invested in you once we get past that awkward getting to know each other stage. I have no filter, cuss, like dark humor, and don’t take offense to anything. I’m 42 not 24 lol. Not looking to talk with overly sensitive people please.
Me: Looking for someone that I look forward to texting every day. (Text/imessage/Discord only. Ideally text) A best friend hopefully where we bs/text all day or as much as we can, so life isn’t boring and lonely all the damn time. 😂
Ok, my dealbreakers - - - -If you can’t hold a convo, or have no interest in talking regularly, or have no interest in eventually watching movies/tv together, please do not reply. I don’t have much patience in the beginning, crucial stage pf getting to know someone as my taste has been soured by so many 1 word reply people, ghosters, or the exact opposite of what I said I was looking for. I am just over wasting time and looking for people interested in the kind of connection I am.
I’d rather have 0 replies than 100 people that didn’t read this post and aren’t compatible. Only sincere people reply please.
submitted by MyrtleBeach707 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 ladyleesh Molly Baz Pistachio Halva Cookies

Molly Baz Pistachio Halva Cookies Are the best cookies I’ve ever had. The end!
submitted by ladyleesh to bon_appetit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Bot-alex The flood-plagued street where no-one can get insurance

The flood-plagued street where no-one can get insurance submitted by Bot-alex to NewsOfTheUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 plasmamaniac How mod?

Bought the Steam version of the game because I wanted to try mods, but I don't see a community workshop like other steam games
submitted by plasmamaniac to REDCON [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 patientstrawberries Does anyone have experience with Sofi’s interval funds?

I’m skeptical. They use PFOF which isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
submitted by patientstrawberries to sofi [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 PerspectiveThat9527 Team help

Team help I’ve been thinking of replacing diabolus with evaris
as I feel like mater geneza does the same job
however my evaris is only level 110 so should I work on ranking him up and replace him with diabolus
or would it not make much of a difference
Or is this team option better than the evaris replacement?
submitted by PerspectiveThat9527 to MonsterLegends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:01 Duckady Does anyone know if BlendArMocap still functions in Blender 4.0+? Even though it's been discontinued?

Does anyone know if BlendArMocap still functions in Blender 4.0+? Even though it's been discontinued?
Unfortunately it seems like it's no longer getting updates, but from what I've seen it would be very handy for a project that I'm planning out. Does anyone know if it is still functional in the newest versions of Blender?
If not, could anyone kindly point me in the direction of another addon or software that can acheive similar results? i don't mind if it's paid.
submitted by Duckady to blenderhelp [link] [comments]