
2024.12.01 05:00 United-Lunch6933 Question

I recently got a dji fpv drone and i was wondering will i be able to takeoff and fly in Mexico without registering it over there? ,Or is there any Dji features that will prevent me from flying?
submitted by United-Lunch6933 to drones [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 ArtCompetitive574 The more I read in this sub, the more I have been stressing about my career (I'm not blaming this subreddit). Are we actually screwed or do i need to change careers.

Background: 27m, 140k salary, senior accountant, no cpa but studying, fully remote tech/niche industry startup. Work is honestly stressful but the compensation has allowed me to clear my mortgage at a young age (mainly cuz i live in lcol).
My prior job I left was a big tech and we were literally working on building our replacements in India. Seeing that company hire less in the US and seeing the same tone across this subreddit has me super concerned. Remote jobs are drying up and the wages are going down. Any other job i apply for wants me to move to nyc or sf, setting me back financially significantly. I am pigeonholed in a particular niche of tech but the bright side is it pays well.
Ive honestly been considering with the money I saved to go back to school for my original passion of dentistry (I am that concerned about my future) or possibly an mba.
submitted by ArtCompetitive574 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AdeptAide696 What do i buy to get this chastity cage set-up as easily as possible? (How do i remove the option to masturbate completely without causing any other life changes?) (Will pay up to 150$ to whomever solves my problem)

My goal is to completely remove the option of masturbation from my life while causing as little other changes as possible. No I do not believe in nofap, I have a great therapist, and I feel no shame over masturbating. It is a simple productivity issue. I am also exercising discipline and willpower, building good habits, and this is a supplement to that.
The main way I am thinking of this at the moment, is in terms of a "chastity cage" which restricts masturbation. So most of the post is built on that idea.
Very important to me is that basically the only big change that happens in my life is that I no longer have the option to masturbate. So no parents noticing (I live with them) no restricting erections like most cages (not willing to risk it), no hygiene/health problems (which can get complicated with urinating here).
I need this ASAP because i am currently in a situation where i cannot masturbate, but will very soon return to an environment very prone to it and am then unlikely to go through with the plan. Dont believe me, check my post history i already tried this 1 year ago but my subconscious won because the instructions i received were too vague/confusing. When i say i need specificity i truly mean it.
Below I have listed an imaginary "set-up" of what I'm sort of aiming for. I am willing to pay up to 150$ to anyone who is able to give me the the exact cages/models/items I would need buy to achieve this set-up. As in the exact Amazon listing etc. I will pay 100$ for doing this, and will give an additional 50$ if you find a way to remove the need to open the cage and clean it (one of the flaws in my set-up) which would allow me to choose to masturbate in that moment or not the put the cage back on. Maybe if the cage opened and closed on its own?
I only have measurements for my flaccid penis and for the base ring I think, from previous attempts. However in the search for the path to obtain this, you can order me to do things like measure my erect penis and I will happily comply.
The set-up im imagining: 1. I have a chastity cage that allows NO masturbation 2. It allows erections 3. I don't have to remove it to safely urinate 4. It is not visible to observers 5. The key to open the cage is kept in a timed box which opens at the end of the day to allow cleaning 6. No health problems 7. bonus (50$ reward?)-- I never have the choice to put the cage back on again when I open it to clean it. Maybe if it opened and closed in its own with its own schedule? But then could I remain hygienic?
Here are my current ideas:

  1. Chainmail chastity cage-- the idea is that this would remove the need to measure out my erect penis and I would just need to order it and mold it to mine. Thus making it much easier to obtain. But, would it be easy to masturbate with? would it hurt/cause health problems? How would I urinate with it?
  2. DIY cage-- I'm imagining a cage which is just a hollow shape like a dome or a box that goes over the genitals. The problem with this is that it could be very visible. I could maybe drill a hole in the shape and use an "external catether" to urinate. The problems here are: how do I attach this shape to a belt controlled by key?
  3. External catether-- this is just a general idea for all of these, but I could use something like a medical grade external cathether to urinate without having to open the cage.
Please help.
submitted by AdeptAide696 to howto [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 lilivessreadsit 112018

112018 submitted by lilivessreadsit to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 carliemonier Delivering accountability: finalizing the metrics strategy

submitted by carliemonier to DigitalMedia101 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Revolutionary-Put649 I will end black kray and your favorite artist

submitted by Revolutionary-Put649 to ReptilianClubBoyz [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Gotchapawn Hope talking Bee will now be new norm

Coz with a non talking Bumblebee we wont hear his real name! BADASSATRON
submitted by Gotchapawn to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 piratebrain Sadie Sink ???

submitted by piratebrain to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Red-Eye-Soul Any way to avoid custom duty from high priced ali express item?

AOA. I was looking to buy a item that doesnt seem to be available locally, although its available on ali express. Its a Moza steering wheel worth around 130k. I have ordered from ali express a lot in the past but have never been charged custom duty even for electronics worth 17-18k. But I have heard highly priced items will get custom duty charged.
Any way to avoid so? If not, how much can I expect to be charged? If its under 5-10k, that is serviceable but I dont want to be charged something ridiculous like 50k.
submitted by Red-Eye-Soul to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Blacksabbath1968 My want for What If?...

My want for What If?... My poor rendition of a wanted What If?... Episode by myself (zoom in to see more)
submitted by Blacksabbath1968 to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 NeitherEngine5166 AITAH for not wanting to see my dad

I’ve lived with my mom mainly my whole life and had shared custody with my dad but he’s never really been active in my life. He never paid full child support after he and my mom separated and never made any effort in being a role model in my life. Once he got a new girlfriend and had a kid with her and moved to a different state (30 hours away from where we use to live) he got even worse and stopped talking to me. I felt like I had to make all the effort in having a relationship with him. Now he suddenly wants to revive our relationship and become close because he’s a “changed man” but i really don’t want to interact with him and he’s making me feel like a shitty person for not wanting to talk to him. I kinda feel like a bad person for not giving him a chance
submitted by NeitherEngine5166 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 ApprehensiveAd6476 Time marches on.

submitted by ApprehensiveAd6476 to custommagic [link] [comments]


submitted by V137ATII to iems [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Ancient_Ad_8469 How are we feeling about BTJ with Trevor Lawrence being back and Gabe Davis being out?

submitted by Ancient_Ad_8469 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator "r/Tarot Promotion Megathread - December 2024"

Please use this thread for all tarot-related promotional or self-promotional content and advertising...
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submitted by AutoModerator to tarot [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 ch03rry 241130 'FREQUENCY' (Korean Ver.) on Show! MusicCore

241130 'FREQUENCY' (Korean Ver.) on Show! MusicCore submitted by ch03rry to WayV_For_Life [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 H30carter09 Ryan days gotta be booted because of that game lol

submitted by H30carter09 to MichiganWolverines [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator Weekly Free-for-All Discussion Thread | December 01, 2024

For casual discussions, shower thoughts, rants, half-baked conspiracy theories, or any other mind droppings.
submitted by AutoModerator to AsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 meloPamelo Cat sleeping under the tree

Cat sleeping under the tree submitted by meloPamelo to cats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 TrashBagsan for a moment, I felt like a god

for a moment, I felt like a god submitted by TrashBagsan to HalfSword [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 JnnyJay Just trying red.

Just trying red. Went out for a morning walk with a red mini. I need friends lol
submitted by JnnyJay to Crossdress_Expression [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 babygerfiki Husband never home on weekend nights

Hi all. My husband and I have been together 10yr, married for 2yr. We just welcomed our first child last March. I’m feeling distraught that he is never here on weekend nights. He goes out with his friends Friday and Saturday nights. I’m here by myself with the baby. I feel upset and lonely, like he treats his life like he doesn’t have a family at home. When I bring it up he says I guilt him into feeling like he’s a bad father. I think he feels guilty because he knows it’s true? I don’t know how else to approach him that I’m serious about feeling like in the future I may leave him. What difference does it make to me that I am alone anyway.
submitted by babygerfiki to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 JafarJabolter Alright y’all have heard of boys kissing. Now let me reintroduce you to cat boys kissing!!!

Sharpie was meant to show him grabbing the hoodie kinda came out like shit but hey what can you do.
submitted by JafarJabolter to better_half [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Beginning-Stable1525 why does this sub exist

why does this sub exist submitted by Beginning-Stable1525 to MurderDronesENVY [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Queenflora22 Farewell 9-1-1 lone star

Share a memory of a season or a scene or anything you want about this show positive vibes only!( I know there are more episodes but I feel like this is a good way to send a goodbye to a show that had touched so many hearts)
submitted by Queenflora22 to 911LoneStar [link] [comments]