HOW do you unlock ANY other characters?

2024.12.01 01:52 STYLE-95 HOW do you unlock ANY other characters?

I bought the game a week ago, and have no idea how to unlock ANY of the more interesting characters. Every post I find seems to say something different for the unlock requirements/what random items I have to buy. PLEASE help me. I feel like I'm making no progress whatsoever.
submitted by STYLE-95 to deadestate [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 YouSmellSumthin Time to retire my S3 Frontier - looking for recommendations

I've been rocking a Gear S3 Frontier since release almost a decade ago. Samsung was generous enough to replace my battery about 4 years ago, even though I was well out of warranty. Really cool of them, especially because I have not seen a watch before or after this one that really drew me to it the way this one did. But it's on its last legs.. I'm lucky to get 8 hours out of it, on battery saver mode. So I feel it's finally time to hang it up and upgrade.
The Galaxy Watch 6 Classic is really the only one I've found that is similar to my Frontier and possibly a worthy investment. I like that it still has a 'normal' watch look to it. That's probably my highest priority in a new one. But I wanted to get some advice from people that have used this watch and maybe others that they feel I might be interested in. At this point the only downside I see is that I've heard the battery life is actually slightly worse than what it was originally on the S3.
I don't need fancy apps or gestures or anything super draining - I've been using my S3 for the past year and a half on battery saver mode, nothing but notifications, checking the time/date when I click a button, and tracking my steps. It's also important to me that I can use normal watch bands with it, as I have a decent collection built up that I'd like to be able to still use.
What would you recommend to somebody like me looking for a new watch?
submitted by YouSmellSumthin to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Hot-Training-2826 Strange lights in sky just now

Strange lights in sky just now Anyone see it? They were there for at least thirty seconds then disappeared.
submitted by Hot-Training-2826 to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Best-Yoghurt Places to study late?

Hey I'm an out of town grad student visiting a friend who lives off campus and was wondering if there's anywhere people hang out until 1am? My friend works nights and I'm gonna be bored staying home and would like to get some work done at a cafe or something
(also a solo woman so would like some safety recommendations if you can!)
submitted by Best-Yoghurt to UTAustin [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Technical-Layer5004 Alguien que se obsesione con mi prima - ?

submitted by Technical-Layer5004 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 CaptainUrsine New Report Request

I think you should be able to report people that capture you and then run you into the wall to simulate adult acts (R@P3). It's the new version of t-bagging and it is unsportsmanlike and, I believe, has no place in a game. I know there will be many that agree and many that disagree, but I don't think there is any need here for being disrespectful.
submitted by CaptainUrsine to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Mataman93 Who should I start?

PPR Terry McLaurin or JuJuan Jennings. I really need to win this week to keep my playoff hopes alive!
submitted by Mataman93 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Friendly-Court4306 Edit it button?

I just submitted the FASFA form with my mom and she just realized she mistakenly clicked a number off for the legal residency ( she came in 2002 but she accidentally put 2003), will I be able to edit once it’s been processed? Also how long does the process take?
submitted by Friendly-Court4306 to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 idontevenhaveaplan 32 [M4F] What's the dumbest thing you believed as a kid?

Until I was about 8, I thought the 'Do Not Remove' tags on mattresses were monitored by the FBI and that ripping one off would result in immediate arrest. I lived in terror the day I accidentally tore one. I also thought quicksand was going to be a MUCH bigger problem in my adult life. I spent way too much time practicing pulling myself out using sticks because of cartoons. Still waiting to use that skill.
These days I'm less focused on quicksand rescue, and more into board games (my collection is getting out of hand), cooking adventures, and plotting my next travel destination. Looking for someone to share stories and maybe compare notes on our questionable childhood logic!
submitted by idontevenhaveaplan to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 ValApologist Make and coord to go see Babymetal!

Make and coord to go see Babymetal! submitted by ValApologist to actualgyaru [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 snap604 Help with rug suggestions

Help with rug suggestions I'm renovating a family cabin and need rug recommendations. It's still semi in-progress, so excuse the mess.
It's a mostly winter cabin, so I'd like to keep a cozy vibe, but I want to avoid cliche cabin-y things. I'm trying to modernize the space and slowly updating thing to more modern pieces (and less 90s), so that's the direction I'm going in. I'd love to do a thick cozy textured rug, but my mother is afraid of tripping so it needs to be low/lower pile, but a medium pile work as well.
I know the chairs are hideous, and they will be replaced soon. The coffee table and couch are staying for now, and the corner cabinet will move to the other corner.
There's also a dining room adjacent (again excuse the mess), and I need to figure out a rug there too. Should I get a matching rug, or think of them separately? The dining table the wood cabinet are staying for now. Thanks for the help!
submitted by snap604 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Sea_Storage_5865 feridas nos meus gatos

feridas nos meus gatos Meus gatos estavam com perda de pelos, e recentemente surgiram feridas no rosto. não sei se as feridas surgiram do nada ou se veio devido a eles coçarem. inicialmente quando a queda de pelo começou me foi sugerido pela veterinária aplicar revolution e esperar pois poderia ser de ácaros. dias depois surgiu outro buraco sem pelos e no retorno foi feita a coleta pra cultura de fungos. já no dia seguinte meu outro gatinho tava com uma ferida no rosto, e a gata com uma na orelha (que já estava com o pelo crescendo) hj de manhã tava normal, de tarde apareceu assim.. estou aguardando o resultado da cultura de ambos, coloquei colar elizabetano e passando pomada de cetoconazol nas feridas e shampoo de clorexidina conforme recomendado. meu medo é: se for esporotricose, como vou esperar de duas a três semanas até que saia o resultado pra dar remédio?? o que estou fazendo é suficiente pra que se for mesmo as lesões não se espalhem? tô desesperada. preciso jogar coisas deles fora ou só lavando pode usar novamente? qual a melhor forma de limpar o ambiente? fora as feridas percebo bastante pelo caindo quando se lambem, mas nenhuma outra ferida, apenas as da foto.
infos: ambos castrados, fiv felv negativos, vacinas em dia gato macho (frajola): 4,5kg, 4 anos fêmea (siamês): 3,5kg, 5 anos
submitted by Sea_Storage_5865 to ApoioVet [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Greenbird49 [WTS] Nike SB dunk low NeckFace 9M

Worn very lightly, has box and patches. $180 shipped!
Price is Zelle, add 3% for PP invoice
Referrals pinned to profile.
submitted by Greenbird49 to sneakermarket [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Queasy-Ad-8091 Travis Scott Air Force 1 Sail from Shoe Tim

submitted by Queasy-Ad-8091 to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 BowlerElectrical1063 Recent boost 350 order on the way 🔥

Recent boost 350 order on the way 🔥 So we all chucked in and grabbed this haul from Boost 350s top link, after my last order and the wrong pair was sent they sent these photos before shipping.. I’m very keen to see these in person!
submitted by BowlerElectrical1063 to DHgateVip [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Particular-Thought-4 Do I rip open or no

Do I rip open or no submitted by Particular-Thought-4 to hockeycards [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Swimming-Winner-3108 Who wins

Who wins submitted by Swimming-Winner-3108 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 DivTard101 Update to the "blurgi" (see last post to this sub)

Update to the So buddy with the TA01 backed out, and I sourced this PA SLx Nova 1-6 for the low low. Im well aware it isn't a high end optic, but the cost:performance ratio is absolutely worth it for this one. (featuring my Spear LT 9" 300blk & homies criterion 13.9)
submitted by DivTard101 to GeisseleAutomatics [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 OkOutcome3518 Before and after

Before and after So, she used to be really pretty healthy and nice style to... Whatever this is now, she looks vapid, almost like a dead body and the worst thing is that she's kinda proud of it
submitted by OkOutcome3518 to MattyandGabbriette [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 No-Channel-3355 Soy adicto a la pornografia

Buenas tardes amig@s quisiera que me den un consejo u opinión, actualmente voy para 19 años ,nunca he tenido novia y soy adicto al porno desde los 8 al parecer ,la verdad ya me esta consumiendo ,nunca he tenido novia,me cuenta interactuar con personas algunas veces o seguido,pero creo que esta adicción me esta llevando a in rincón sin salida cada día más,creo que no es normal mastubarme de 5 hasta 10 veces al día,me afecta en mi vida social, y en el ámbito deportivo,a veces quiero dejarlo pero es difícil, lo trato de hacer 5 ,hasta 10 días sin hacerlo y vuelvo otra vez,ya llevo años así,algún consejo para mi situación?
La verdad no tengo a nadie a quien decírselo, pero creo que es hora de dejarlo,y cambiar, dejar ese miedo y etc saben,alguna vez tuve un "casi algo" pero mi adicción me alejo de ella,quiero mejorar ,quiero cambiar ,quiero dejar ese miedo,por favor, gracias.
submitted by No-Channel-3355 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 Suspicious_Flan4084 Fogo De Chao Mushroom Risotto

Hi everyone! I tried Fogo De Chao's mushroom risotto recently and have been obsessed since. Does anyone know what kind of cheese they use? Or even have a recipe? Thank you so much in advance !!!
submitted by Suspicious_Flan4084 to TopSecretRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 ais89 What can I expect to pay for BJJ in Manhattan?

Hi everyone,
I’m looking to start training BJJ and have a few questions and considerations:

I’d really appreciate any recommendations or advice!
submitted by ais89 to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 YouMakeMehSmile The Body Type I use for Nora and extra photos

The Body Type I use for Nora and extra photos submitted by YouMakeMehSmile to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 ave-a-laugh AITAH for not “trying” harder to win my wife back after she said she’s done?

(I 31F) This august my wife (30F) who I thought was happily married said she’s done and she can’t be with me anymore. Said a few hurtful things. I asked if there is anything that can be done to save our marriage, ie therapy, have space, start over again etc. The answer was no, there was nothing that could be done.
So I gave her space, moved back home with my parents. Didn’t talk to her unless I needed to get some of my stuff from the house. A few weeks went by and I needed to get some clothes. She was banging on about how I need to give advance warning to go to the house, I text her as I was leaving work to warn her I’m going to get warm clothes. I didn’t see her reply until I was out of the house (which said no, can you wait until tomorrow) I go upstairs and there is a bag, not my bag, not her bag, looks like another lesbians bag next to my wife’s side of the bed. I look at my side of the bed and her wedding rings are on the bedside table. Instantly I felt sick, I realised that she’s done because she’s found someone else and she’s not brave enough to say that. So blamed me for the marriage ending.
(There has been a lot of gas lighting in the relationship which I didn’t realise was happening until after it had ended. There was a lot of times where I got blamed for things that I didn’t do, or cause)
I made it obvious that I had been in the bedroom by taking some stuff out of there (my things) I saw the text as I was leaving and replied to say I got my stuff. I get a text from her the next day asking to meet, I couldn’t reply as I was so angry. She then text again asking for communication and not to ignore her. So eventually I agreed to meet. She had her rings on, which was confusing. We spoke, the marriage ending was still my fault. I said I was surprised to see her rings on, she went red again. She was annoyed at how I was speaking to her (I wasn’t, I was just replying to her in a mature manner) I very calmly asked whose bag it was. She instantly went red and said “a friend” I know all her friends so why she isn’t saying the name is odd, I ask what friend? “Why does that matter to you”
Then the conversation gets shifted. I didn’t realise how quickly she was able to do that.
We had a shared calendar which I hadn’t removed. On a particular date it said a location (let’s say Leeds for example). It was agreed that I’d get some of my stuff of this date. She tells me she’s seeing family that weekend. Her family don’t live where the location was on the calendar. So again got my head spinning. Side note. She loves social media, Uses it all the time. Loves to update her story with what she’s doing. That weekend her social media was silent. Literally nothing. More suspicions arise.
I decided to get all my stuff the following Monday because this wasn’t good for my head. I asked her how her weekend was she had a nice chilled weekend with her family. I then asked. How was Leeds? She went red and stumbled on her words. She said that her family were thinking about going to Leeds but didn’t. I’m sorry but what a load of shit. A few weeks later she saw her family and put it all over social media. This was when I decided to remove social media. Which was WW3.
Anyway the divorce is going through and I still feel shit about it but there isn’t much I can do. I’ve lost trust in the person who I love.
The split very quickly happened after a girls holiday and she met “the funniest person” she’s ever met. She was messaging her on instagram a lot after the holiday etc. This woman was engaged. But is no longer engaged.. I have no proof but I think that she cheated and couldn’t deal with the guilt.
When we filed for divorce she said she’s hurt that I didn’t try harder to win her back. It proved how little I meant to her. That keeps going over and over in my head and it’s annoying the s**t out of me.
Sorry long post!
submitted by ave-a-laugh to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:52 whocopiedwho I dont know what cooler to get

So, a little back story.
I got a new case and cooler on my birthday, and I realised the cooler (NH-D15 G2 LBC) was too big for my case (NZXT H6 FLOW RGB), and now I am at the stage of returning the cooler to Noctua.
My big question is what cooler i should get.
PC Specs:
Ryzen 7 5800X
Corsair Vengeance 32GB 3200MHZ
BE QUIET PURE POWER 12 M 1000W (a but overkill but hwat ever)
I'm thinking if I should get an AIO or Air cooler, my options are limited with RGB coolers because I had broken my ARGB headers because the stupid pins had to look like (. . .) and made me snap the far right one.
Therefore, I am limited to NZXT Coolers for RGB (I had bought the RGB Controller from NZXT) or just non rgb AIO's or Air Coolers.
Please Help Me.
submitted by whocopiedwho to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]