The 73rd All Japan Sumo Championships is streaming LIVE now on YouTube at the link below. Who will be amateur yokozuna for 2024 and earn the right to enter professional sumo at makushita 15?

2024.12.01 02:40 insideSportJapan The 73rd All Japan Sumo Championships is streaming LIVE now on YouTube at the link below. Who will be amateur yokozuna for 2024 and earn the right to enter professional sumo at makushita 15?

The 73rd All Japan Sumo Championships is streaming LIVE now on YouTube at the link below. Who will be amateur yokozuna for 2024 and earn the right to enter professional sumo at makushita 15? submitted by insideSportJapan to Sumo [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:40 Null_Uranium Is it over?

The dude had an axe in him, all 4 pups are alive... is there any more story now or is it just survival at this point?
submitted by Null_Uranium to EndlingTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:40 Upbeat_Land_4336 [Homemade] Chicken & burnt rice with sawsawan. Plating be darned

[Homemade] Chicken & burnt rice with sawsawan. Plating be darned Possibly some green onion kimchi for kicks
submitted by Upbeat_Land_4336 to food [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:40 AwareSwan3591 Standing close to the pyre.......

submitted by AwareSwan3591 to mjlenderman [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Kyle_Lam1009 [Rimac Concept One] in NYC

[Rimac Concept One] in NYC submitted by Kyle_Lam1009 to spotted [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 visyblack Behind the Scene

Behind the Scene submitted by visyblack to ScandalBand [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 blutreph Kinda new to drawing, here's an attempt at a joji drawing

Kinda new to drawing, here's an attempt at a joji drawing submitted by blutreph to Joji [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 ApricotFirefly Christmas is GO!

Christmas is GO! submitted by ApricotFirefly to ChristmasTrees [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 TheMonarchyEnjoyer What would you make uncanon

What would you make uncanon submitted by TheMonarchyEnjoyer to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 DelPrive235 Can anyone ID this Synth?

Can anyone ID this synth for me? Its a one-shot samples from a sample pack from House music production duo the Freemasons. The sample is called "FRM_C1_TX_ORGAN_BASS" and is located in the sample pack in the link below (if you search the pack for FRM_C1_TX_ORGAN_BASS it will pop up for you to listen to if needed). Have tried but cant recreate it faithfully with my M1 VST. Was thinking it might be from the Yamaha TX81Z going by the filename but not sure;
submitted by DelPrive235 to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Boring_Bathroom_1804 I need 3 more invitations!! Can do farms, fish, coffee, and hat tricks

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 43395509 Username: JaeD
submitted by Boring_Bathroom_1804 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Repulsive5834 Keine Freunde / No Friends

English Text below ------------------------------------------------- Moin, ich bin 19 Jahre alt (m), wohne in Deutschland und habe kaum soziale Kontakte außerhalb meiner Familie, geschweige denn richtige Freunde. Aber ich erzähle am besten erst einmal, wie es zu meiner aktuellen Situation gekommen ist.
Früher hatte ich viele Freunde, teils aus der Schule, teils aus anderen Kreisen. Einige davon habe ich mehrmals pro Woche getroffen, um gemeinsam Zeit zu verbringen. Ich hatte auch einen besten Freund, mit dem ich praktisch alles gemacht habe.
Meine Eltern sind christlich, genauer gesagt Mennoniten, was eine Untergruppe der evangelischen Kirche ist (glaube ich). Ein großer Teil meines Umfelds, einschließlich meiner Familie, ist streng gläubig, und so bin ich auch aufgewachsen. In der Kirche, die wir dreimal pro Woche besuchten, fand ich schon in sehr jungen Jahren Freunde und meinen besten Freund, mit denen ich fast alles unternommen habe.
Mit der Zeit habe ich allerdings gemerkt, dass Kirche und Glaube nicht wirklich etwas für mich sind. Aufgrund dieser Interessensunterschiede begannen die Freundschaften langsam auseinanderzugehen. Als sich auch mein bester Freund irgendwann bewusst für die Kirche entschied, hatten wir schließlich kaum noch Kontakt. Unsere Freundschaft verlief einfach im Sande, könnte man sagen.
Mein anderer Freundeskreis bestand aus Schulfreunden. Aber auch zu ihnen habe ich den Kontakt immer mehr verloren, da ich die Schule bereits mit 16 verlassen habe. Wenn man seine Freunde nicht mehr täglich sieht, beginnen solche Freundschaften ebenfalls zu bröckeln.
Meine Hobbys tragen leider auch nicht dazu bei, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Ich zocke fast ausschließlich und fahre gerne Motorrad. Allerdings habe ich seit einem Jahr kein Motorrad mehr, da das mit meinem Ausbildungsgehalt nicht finanzierbar ist.
Da ich praktisch meine gesamte Kindheit und Jugend (bis ich 16 oder 17 Jahre alt war) in der Gemeinde (Kirche) verbracht habe, hatte ich auch fast nur dort soziale Kontakte. Wenn man die Gemeinde dann irgendwann nicht mehr besucht, verliert man natürlich den Bezug zu diesen Menschen. Das bedeutet, dass alle sozialen Kontakte, die ich mir über die Jahre aufgebaut hatte, praktisch weg sind, und ich stehe jetzt alleine da.
Natürlich habe ich Online-Freunde, mit denen ich zocke, und gelegentlich mache ich auch mal etwas mit Bekannten aus der Gemeinde. Aber mehr als ein Freitagabend im Monat ist das auch nicht.
Mittlerweile gehe ich alleine ins Kino, alleine auf Konzerte, und viele andere Aktivitäten, die man sonst mit Freunden macht, unternehme ich entweder gar nicht oder ebenfalls alleine. Wenn ich zuhause bin, zocke ich meistens den ganzen Tag oder schaue Serien.
Hinzu kommt, dass meine streng gläubigen Eltern, mit denen ich sonst super auskomme und ein sehr gutes Verhältnis habe, Alkohol und alles, was damit zusammenhängt, strikt ablehnen. Das bedeutet, obwohl ich 19 bin und noch bei meinen Eltern wohne, möchte ich unser gutes Verhältnis nicht gefährden. Ich würde gerne mal feiern gehen und dabei vielleicht Leute kennenlernen, aber das ist mir unter den Umständen nicht wirklich möglich.
Ich wünsche mir einen echten Freund, mit dem ich alles teilen kann – nicht nur ein paar Leute, mit denen man gelegentlich abhängt.
Ich bin für alle Ratschläge offen, allerdings muss ich sagen das ich mit der zeit schon sehr introvertiert geworden bin und es mir schwerfällt mit meschen zu reden die ich nicht gut kenne
------------------------------------------------- For my English people:
Hi, I’m 19 years old (male), living in Germany, and I barely have any social contacts outside of my family, let alone real friends. But I think it’s best if I first explain how I ended up in this situation.
In the past, I had a lot of friends—some from school and others from different circles. I used to see some of them several times a week, doing all kinds of things together. I also had a best friend, and we did practically everything together.
My parents are Christian, specifically Mennonites, which I think is a subgroup of the Protestant church. A large part of my environment, including my family, is deeply religious, and that’s how I was raised. At church, which we attended three times a week, I made friends at a very young age, including my best friend, and we did almost everything together.
Over time, however, I realized that religion and church weren’t really for me. Because of these differences in interests, my friendships started to drift apart. When my best friend eventually decided to fully commit to the church, we gradually lost contact. You could say the friendship just fizzled out.
My other circle of friends consisted of people from school. But I grew distant from them as well, especially after leaving school at 16. When you no longer see your friends every day at school, those friendships often begin to fade too.
Unfortunately, my hobbies don’t exactly help me meet new people. I mostly play video games and enjoy riding motorcycles. However, I haven’t had a motorcycle for a year now because it’s just not affordable with my apprentice salary.
Since I spent almost my entire childhood and teenage years (up until I was 16 or 17) in the church community, most of my social contacts were from there. Naturally, when you stop attending church, you also lose touch with those people. This means all the connections I built over the years have essentially disappeared, and now I’m on my own.
Of course, I have online friends I play games with, and occasionally I hang out with acquaintances from the church. But that only happens about once a month, and nothing more.
These days, I go to the cinema alone, attend concerts alone, and other activities that you would normally do with friends, I either don’t do at all or do alone. When I’m at home, I usually just play video games all day or watch some series.
On top of that, my deeply religious parents, with whom I otherwise have a great relationship, strongly disapprove of alcohol and everything associated with it. So, even though I’m 19 and still living with them, I don’t want to ruin our good relationship. I’d like to go out partying and maybe meet new people that way, but that’s just not really an option for me.
I really wish I had a close friend I could share everything with—not just a few people to hang out with occasionally.
I’m open to any advice, but I have to admit that over time I’ve become quite introverted, and I find it hard to talk to people I don’t know well
Throwaway account
submitted by Repulsive5834 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Burger_Kinger My man posted the wrong vid and doesn't know it yet (it's not actually Throwing Punches, it's an old video)

My man posted the wrong vid and doesn't know it yet (it's not actually Throwing Punches, it's an old video) submitted by Burger_Kinger to poofesure [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Mysterious_Art_9721 Help with Writing section (Taking Dec 7th)
My math is chill but the Writing section is so annoying. Why do I ever need to know what "Buttress" means?? I keep messing up those dumb vocab questions and some of the punctuation. The punctuation part I think I can improve just by spamming questions and learning all the rules, but how do I improve the vocab part?
submitted by Mysterious_Art_9721 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 J_herz0 I may or may not have Toby fox as my dog

I may or may not have Toby fox as my dog submitted by J_herz0 to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 AmbassadorBig3412 dicas para estudar com simulação da prova

amanha irei dar uma estudada fazendo provas anteriores. vou fazer pelo pq pq n deu pra imprimir.
algm tem dicas pra esse método de estudo? sera q eu deveria estudar mais a teoria de tudo(provavelmente, ja que só estou sabido do básico do 1 ano(pq ainda to no primeiro e to começando a estudar só agr), talvez eu devesse mesmo estudar a teoria primeiro, ou sla, oq acham? qualquer dica ajudaria!
submitted by AmbassadorBig3412 to enem [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 v0rtexpulse Wie bekommt man actually spenden bei seinem crowdfunding? Existenznot🙏🏼

Hi! Ich hab für meine Mutter und mich ein Crowdfunding organisiert, da sie krank ist und das 🤬 jobcenter mehrfach “neu berechnen muss” und wir seit drei monaten 53€ bekommen haben & auf nachfrage hin kam nur “was wollen die denn die haben doch geld bekommen”😭
Auf alle fälle habe ich einen spendenaufruf gemacht, aber tatsächlich weiss ich nicht wie und wo ich mehr leute erreichen kann? Hat da jemand tipps???
submitted by v0rtexpulse to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 TalkingWoodlandBeast Felt cute, might embrace the Frenzied Flame later. 💅🔥

Felt cute, might embrace the Frenzied Flame later. 💅🔥 submitted by TalkingWoodlandBeast to EldenBling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 PSProductionsSC Just about to wrap up season 1 of Dark (Netflix) for the first time... thoughts on the following seasons? (No spoilers, pls!)

So... I am about to start episode 10 of Dark, season 1, after several unsuccessful attempts to get into it at earlier times. It has been amazing each time but the show is a whole-a** meal, and a very heavy one at that. Made it kind of difficult for me to get into. Now that I have... Ohmygah, this is one of the fullest explorations into time that I have encountered, and I really have enjoyed the heck out of it!
So... for all you folks that are years ahead of me... Do the latter seasons take as long to grip you?
I know that a pilot season has a lot of ground to lay out; new names, faces & places & the likes. This show had that 3x over, and did so wonderfully, BUT with so much to cover, I think the amount of minutes it took to do that may have been a factor that made it hard for me to get invested in much earlier than I did.
Again, being that the amount of time it took to take off was my only real issue, I am sincerely hoping that the next seasons kind of roll on a bit more quickly.
And anyone that was a MEGA fan of the series... Which season is your favorite? Any recommendations for after? Thx!
submitted by PSProductionsSC to netflix [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 timostirfry We recently dropped an EP

Good morning everyone! We are Synth Helix an up and coming music duo from the Philippines and we recently released our new EP album By The Hands. Less than 24 hours since public release we already have 500 streams, but majority of those streams are mainly from friends and family.
Please give our music a listen and give us your thoughts, we think this is a great avenue to hear unadulterated opinion from people who love music, any type of comment how brutal they may be is deeply appreciated. We really need as much of opinion as possible, please give us a listen. Thank you ❤️🙏
submitted by timostirfry to rnb [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Elemental8427 20M - Looking for new friends (NY/ET)

Looking for kind, nice, and caring people who want to be semi-online friends and maybe travel together during breaks! It's really hard to find genuine people who are interested in long-term friendships, so feel free to PM me, and let's find something we have in common :)
I love working on small projects - software, hardware, furniture (basically anything that keeps me obsessed lol). I enjoy reading, playing multiplayer games, and chatting about all kinds of things. I’m also into deep conversations, exploring new places, and I absolutely love nature and the outdoors!
submitted by Elemental8427 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 EPWShow #WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2024 | Clash Of The Podcasts

#WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2024 | Clash Of The Podcasts submitted by EPWShow to Wrasslin [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Electronic_Music_790 (WTS)(WTT) PLEASE somebody buy or trade for this already! Stripped FN/DD RIS III FSP Upper

Time stamp:
ONLY TRADES i would consider for the upper are:
Zentico perst 4 (red or green) with original packing because i know there’s lot of fakes out there and i don’t know how to decipher real from knock off. Low to no salt is preferred but don’t mind if it’s beat up as long as it’s functional ($500 trade value)
TAN (TAN ONLY) eotech exps3-0 with original box, low to no salt ($500-530TV)
set of KAC M4 front and KAC 300 meter (lollipop) rear sight ($200-220 trade value)
a surefire TAN ONLY or arisaka (black is fine) 600 series scout light pro M600 (don’t need a tailcap unless it’s got a surefire DS00) ($150-180 trade value)( $250 with surefire DS00)
Geissele SD3G or SD-SSP($140-180 trade value)
FN 14.5” socom profile cage code marked barrel (NEVER pin and welded), FN cage code raised C stamp marked FDE upper receiver, DD 13” RIS III FSP rail (has been modified with a part of picatinny chopped and priced accordingly) upper has not been pin and welded and zero rounds through the barrel. Asking $600 shipped with payment through PayPal F&F
submitted by Electronic_Music_790 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 vini6969 My girlfriend broke up with me

After a while and a lot of therapy, I realised she was psychologically torturing and abusing me over the course of 7 years. I was blind to it and always accepting every apology she gave me. But this past month she broke up with me blaming me for making her miserable. I never did anything to make her feel that way and always did my best to make her fefeel loved. I'm devastated. I thought about hurting myself this whole month of December, almost did it a couple of times, but I managed to keep being strong about it.
submitted by vini6969 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:39 Quick_Sea_4669 where is the best chili cheese fries ?

submitted by Quick_Sea_4669 to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]