2024.12.01 02:48 Photographickoala 🗣🍀
submitted by Photographickoala to notredamefootball [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 cokebottlequeer werkroom look!
my drag name is Indica and i thought this was a very fitting look 🤭 submitted by cokebottlequeer to RDRSuperstar [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 happy-occident Why would let someone cut your hair like this?
submitted by happy-occident to Justfuckmyshitup [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 Overdoneeasy 47m Chiling out while staying in
Hello all. In for the night now and just relaxing. Been relaxing all day really. A rare occasion. So now catching up.on shows and reading with a drink so I'm all uo for charting with you folk.
Doesn't matter who you are where you're from, as long as you're an adult. Any kind of conversation is fine as well from very specific topics to just shooting the breeze about our days.
Myself, my interests are reading, tv, and movies, mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. Love being outdoors, especially now that it's cooler. The hot weather is not my jam. Also learning to play all sorts of instruments, I know a bit late in life but whatever. So feel free to drive me a line if you're looking for a distraction.
submitted by Overdoneeasy to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Steve-2112 Playa’s Choice
submitted by Steve-2112 to AI_Music [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 tombradysleftelbow Mower makes sizzling sound but won't crank
Kawasaki Fr691v Engine, won't start at all but I can hear a faint sizzling/frying noise near the starter as I try to crank it. Should I just try replacing the starter or is there something else I should look for first?
submitted by tombradysleftelbow to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Juno_Hu What do you call the day before today?
submitted by Juno_Hu to no [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Tough_Stranger_3477 Dm me to help me rate someone She is 14 but I ain’t a pedo catcher I’m 13 I ain’t weird
submitted by Tough_Stranger_3477 to NHLcirclejerk [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 d1sturbth3n1ght Do men care about low body counts?
Just recently out of a long term relationship trying to get back into the dating scene. I, 23F, have only been with two people. I have this irrational fear that that will make me unattractive because of my inexperience but I’m too mortified to ask my guy friends this question. Lmao. TIA!
submitted by d1sturbth3n1ght to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 vcic502 In Chile a language on the verge of extinction, stirs into life
submitted by vcic502 to IndianCountry [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 Visible-Camel4515 hit an orbital on someone not on a gen, just pure aim
submitted by Visible-Camel4515 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 Blackcoat121 Cheats
New to this game (XboxX)and have searched everywhere about not being able to save progress with cheats. I’ve read that if you load your last save it will let you save afterwards if you don’t use cheats. Well I tried this last night and it still says I can’t manually save. Turned off autosave and tried that and still can’t save even if I don’t activate cheat codes entered. So I have to start all over from the very beginning of the game now? All new story mode?
submitted by Blackcoat121 to RDR2 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 thejoyof__ MISSING & ENDANGERED
submitted by thejoyof__ to Albuquerque [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 frenchpete21 Coal about an hour old buy in early boys!!!!
submitted by frenchpete21 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 231923 Hey! could someone help me out?
I just have a question. As i know the one piece anime is on a break right now but i do find these edits on youtube which i believe are after in story in the break. How is this possible?
this is one of them i never seen this fight before:
submitted by 231923 to OnePiece [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 PenaltyMedical559 Who know @pablorackz this nigga got 5 bodies and stepping over shit fr don’t fuck with him
submitted by PenaltyMedical559 to FromDuvalToDade [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 bhlaxk Whats the point of having live lines if there gonna be locked the whole game
submitted by bhlaxk to PrizePicks [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Edu_divarxx Dorothy Parker 1920s
submitted by Edu_divarxx to 1920s [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:48 KA_Fatman Mosaic 23-24 help needed
Hello everyone, never collected NBA cards but my niece is asking for some for Christmas. I was thinking of getting Mosaic, but I see that there is a SGA box and an Ant Edwards box. Are they any different? They both contain 36 cards.
I also saw an Ant Edwards mega box 50 cards, is there any difference between this and the 36 card boxes (other than 14 more cards).
submitted by KA_Fatman to basketballcards [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 OkInformation8963 Nmims preference
Is it possible to change nmims preference and if no, then does it mean that 5 preference I have filled before are only option left with me to apply. For example I have select mba mumbai but now I am getting low score in nmat them can I add & apply for nmims hyderabad or nmims indore which I have not selected during nmims form filling.
submitted by OkInformation8963 to nmimsnpat [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 leii_vaye what happens if you sell your pizzeria to BPD?
submitted by leii_vaye to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Determinant23 Letting go of my feeling
Could someone please help me do a reading on whether I have made the right final decision? I have given some thought to my current love life and decided that I should let go of my feelings for MV, a guy that has shown interest but he has not made any initiative, and we have not run into each other for 4 months now. He is busy doing rotations at a hospital and I am also busy w/ my job.
Things have been stagnant and confusing for me to deal with because of our silly actions when we ran into each other. I feel that both of us are waiting for the other to make an initiative step first. We both became shy when we saw each other. I should be patient with him, but I also have a big exam to focus on. I need to do well on this exam for my medical school journey. I think letting go of him from my heart and my mind is the best option for me. However, the other side of me told me that I should wait for him. My friends also told me that instead of letting go, just putting my feelings off temporarily because both of us have feelings for each other. But I am uncertain about his feelings for me at this time either.
Could you please help me receive some insights from the universe on my decision and what should I do about my situation? How is MV's feelings for me now or if we will reconnect again in the near future? Thank you so so so much!
submitted by Determinant23 to PsychicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 dhafu I was just starting to enjoy Fauna's Stream...
I follow every HoloEN girls since their debut, but usually it takes time for me to form a connection to each member. I only have been mostly watching clips of Fauna (that one time she really went "EWWWW" when opening a pot full of roaches in RE7) and I think I watched a few VODs. But it is this year that I started watching more of her VODs: Her The Witcher 3 streams is what really got me to like her.
Cover really needs to re-think about their business strategies. I hope they understand how much the power of a good PR has. People have been praising their success and how they treat their talents which makes fans put a lot of their faith in the company. They have people eating out of the palm of their hands. But if talents will keep leaving due to "disagreement with management", people will start to doubt them and lose their faith and confidence. Please don't be like that other agency.
submitted by dhafu to Hololive [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Simple-Cut6749 26 [M4F] Florida/Online Long Term Romantic Relationship
Hey there, I’m Troy I’m a kind, confident, and single Twenty-Six year old man from The United States.
I’m searching for a long term romantic relationship.
Emotional intimacy and communication is most important to me.
I have a stable and balanced life.
I work and I’m a caretaker.
I’m independent and motivated
I’m reliable and consistent.
I’m honest and loyal.
I’m emotionally mature and available.
I’m 5’11, slim fit/muscular.
I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes.
I have a masculine style.
My favorite hobby is reading.
Feel free to message me, I would love to get to know you.
submitted by Simple-Cut6749 to r4r [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:48 Action1988 Anyone have any answers?
submitted by Action1988 to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]