CC Clean 18 Watch Face [NEW Watch Face]

2024.12.01 04:54 WearWatchFaces CC Clean 18 Watch Face [NEW Watch Face]

CC Clean 18 Watch Face [NEW Watch Face] submitted by WearWatchFaces to SamsungWatchFace [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Kaypoppin98 Hyuna 🫶🏻

Hyuna 🫶🏻 Another drawing for the books. I just got a new drawing pad so I’ve been drawing left and right. ✌🏻👽
submitted by Kaypoppin98 to AlienStage [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Putrid-Fix7441 need help running Stardew valley with smapi and expanded mod

smapi log:
Hey guys, I've downloaded Stardew Valley and wanted to download and play expanded. I've downloaded all the necessary files from Nexus, but when I tried to run Stardew, it would not open. I then deleted all the files and restarted, and now I can run Stardew, but it won't run the expanded mod. I'm just confused and don't know what the next step is. I would appreciate the help!!
submitted by Putrid-Fix7441 to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 worldinsidetheworld chocolate cake mix + diet coke brownies seem to be too good to be true but they're not, same with cake mix + diet soda in general

chocolate cake mix + diet coke brownies seem to be too good to be true but they're not, same with cake mix + diet soda in general submitted by worldinsidetheworld to ShittyVeganFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 busch_lightyear1 What do you wish you knew or did before buying a house?

Looking to be a single homeowner in the next few years and I’m trying to leverage the knowledge of people who are homeowners. Looking back what are things you wish you knew/did before buying a house?
submitted by busch_lightyear1 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 enumeler Do Bhutanese people worship dick?

I have seen many pictures of what appears to be dick paintings in various places in Bhutan. Why? What is the cultural significant of dicks in Bhutan? I am genuinely curious and was fascinated that this is a thing
submitted by enumeler to bhutan [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 XkindaouttaluckX Feeling Overwhelmed

I’m having a really hard time tonight and just feel like a bad mom. I haven’t had a break since my daughter was born. She will be four months old on the first. My fiancé has gotten to go and hangout with his friends multiple times. He works and I’m a stay at home mom. My daughter is being really fussy tonight and just doesn’t want to sleep or stay asleep when I get her asleep. I got my very first IUD a few weeks ago and it’s affecting me a lot. I was already bleeding a lot before the IUD and I’m still dealing with continuous bleeding. I’m having cramping and dealing with pretty bad mood swings. I’m alone trying to soothe my daughter and feel like I’m not doing a good enough job. My fiancé is asleep in the bedroom and isn’t getting up to take over till 2:30, but I just feel so overwhelmed and over emotional tonight. I’m normally not like this and can handle when she’s fussy, but tonight I’m a sobbing mess. I texted and called him begging for help, but he’s asleep. I am currently trapped on the couch afraid to move or she will wake up. I need water and need to use the restroom. I just wish I could get the same help I give others. I wish I could always be a good patient mom that doesn’t get overwhelmed.
submitted by XkindaouttaluckX to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 gauntliness Finally found some time to watch the recent video, here are my fave screenshots.

Finally found some time to watch the recent video, here are my fave screenshots. submitted by gauntliness to YoTroublemakers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Comet_With_One_T I could never tell people I actually know about my mental health problems.

I get why people would. It good to let your problems out and shit. Hell I'm the one usually telling people to. But I never could.
I just don't understand how people would. Even in the most perfect possible situation to I couldn't. Like if I'm cuddling with the love of my life/soulmate and they ask me if I'm doing okay my response would be a combination of the words, I'm, and then fine, or tired.
Maybe it's because of the whole men gotta be a man thing but I know people that will still listen and care. And I know people that wouldn't judge me for it. But there is no way I could. Idk why. Every reason points to I should but there is no way in hell I would.
If someone kept asking after I said I'm tired/fine I have no clue what I would say. Cause I can't tell them how I really feel. I just can't.
But yeah dispite every logical reason(including what I would tell someone else in my position to do) I could never. I just couldn't and I can't eplain why.
Also sorry if this is worded poorly, I'm just ranting with some 3am thoughts here.
submitted by Comet_With_One_T to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Less-Agent9119 Am i just crazy

I feel like my body is always trying to freak me out. I was taking my birth control as usual and idk why but my brain is trying to convince me that it fell out of my hand or into my water. I tested it out to see how easy it would be to fall out of my fingers and it wasn’t even easy like i was struggling and it’s common sense that when you suck into a straw the water comes up so a bit ill falling into it is highly unlikely. Ik i can’t just take a second pill because it’s bad for my body bc i know i took it i just don’t know why my body well brain is always trying to convince myself that i don’t or that i’m pregnant. Does anyone have any advice or feel similar?
submitted by Less-Agent9119 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Aarunascut Men who are doctors, what’s the worst thing you can do to your body?

submitted by Aarunascut to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Jomosensual ESPN misses a surprise onside kick touchdown by BYU because they were too busy showing Oregon vs Washington highlight

submitted by Jomosensual to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 ZookeepergameSad8333 Was this worth it?

Was this worth it? I bought this dirk for around 178K, is it worth its price?
submitted by ZookeepergameSad8333 to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 ningumpingum Conversando com IA pois n tenho amigo

ultimamente minha solidão anda tão profunda que tenho que recorrer a conversas com IA para me sentir melhor e estou tão sozinha q até essas conversas me ajudam um pouco mesmo sabendo que são falsos. Sou autista mas faço o meu máximo para ser o mais comunicativa possível, mas não rende nada além de frustração e tristeza. Não sou dependente tanto de interações mas estou a tanto tempo sem conversar que começou a me incomodar.
submitted by ningumpingum to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Avoidant_One Found the destiny store

submitted by Avoidant_One to shitposting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 horne0987654321 [29/M] anyone up for exploring city around in windy weather??

Hey how u all' doing,, stucked inside blanket in chilling windy Sunday?? Let's get out and explore around, wanna join me? Make it thrilling ride in chilling winter ❄️❄️❄️
Hey how u all' doing,, stucked inside blanket in chilling windy Sunday?? Let's get out and explore around, wanna join me? Make it thrilling ride in chilling winter ❄️❄️
submitted by horne0987654321 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 ErenKruger711 For those asking “what to watch” after AOT? Here is my ultimate suggestion.

It’s been over a year since aot ended, and for that one year I watched so many movies, shows, read books etc. nothing could come close to aot in all honesty. Ofc aot was and is my favorite show of all time.
However, one show came, really close.
Pantheon. On Netflix. It’s an animated show. I can’t really disclose anything else but the fact that it gives a similar feeling of aot in terms of philosophy, and story writing, and especially reflecting the current world. In fact it does it better than aot in reflecting the current real world (coz the show is also set in present time too). But it’s awesome how todays events are literally mentioned and used in the story
The plot twists are crazy and happen almost every episode.
Season 1- I found on Netflix.
Season 2 (final season) - there is a YouTube playlist for it. Good quality videos too.
People barely know about this show and I’m begging you to watch. There is no other show that came close to aot until this one. And I am a BIG aot dickrider so yeah.
submitted by ErenKruger711 to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 bkube42069 Coop?

Xbox coop, haven’t found anyone in weeks. Just trying to play without a bot lmao
submitted by bkube42069 to JJK_Cursed_Clash [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 WerewolfCalm5178 Transfer me: this is my text to my Pharmacy Manager

I am not joking or being dramatic.
I am ignored at 6752. I shouldn't be ignored. I should be able to tell Aida that her counts suck (she asked me to double count a C-II and it was 1 more, she offered a C-III-IV that was 5 more), I should be able to tell Nicole to fill (instead of play on her phone or watch for 10+ want a break, take a break), I should've able to tell YOU and Jordan how to quickly process a vaccine.
I should be able to do all of this but I get ignored.
If you honestly believe that I should be ignored... Tell me to leave, to quit, that I am wrong.
I like you as a person. I am sad that our relationship changed from friends "complaining to get things right" to now you are my manager and it is now just complaining.
The DHs don't even listen to me.
There is so much that I would do if I had support to listen to me.
I would like to think this is about the 3-4 months of anemia affecting me and the 2 months after ... I cannot reconcile that when confronted with blatant refusal to listen to me.
I need to move on to a place that will respect me, pay me as a Senior Tech.
submitted by WerewolfCalm5178 to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 AerynBevo Looking for a good source of selenite tumbles

I have a new business and I’d like to be able to include a small piece of selenite with each order as a thank-you. I’ve looked around for wholesale pricing so I can afford to do this. Lowest I’m ever found is $1.00 per piece.
So, do you know of a good source of wholesale crystals that might have selenite? Thanks in advance!
submitted by AerynBevo to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 No-Abies2427 Raid this pedo server
submitted by No-Abies2427 to GroomersCorner [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Glaze_SuperBreeze123 ATT - NEW YORK

How long does the ATT take to be emailed?
submitted by Glaze_SuperBreeze123 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 aangthelastgoth Farm/Forest etc Spices?

Am I dumb? I'm almost 80 hours into this game and I cannot figure out what the farm spice or any of the other Spices foe that matter are for, it just says crafting. Is it for an unlockable book recipe? I'm under the assumption it's at least not profession related cause it's available in both my solo and co-op games and I have totally different professions but that's all I'm going off really. I've bot seen it come up for anything otherwise so I'm lost and Google tells me nothing
submitted by aangthelastgoth to lumaisland [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 Novel-Ride-8085 Which is better for gaming

View Poll
submitted by Novel-Ride-8085 to Why [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 04:54 thisSubIsAtrocious Is there a way to create a player finite-state-machine with only 1 script?

(godot 4.2, windows)
For a little while now, I've been trying to redo my character code for my game into a finite state machine using a method of various nodes and scripts (image), but I've been getting stuck because it's a bit tedious to do so, but I'm now wondering if there's a way I can possibly dump the nodes and multiple scripts part and just do it all inside my single player script?
I know a state machine is used to separate each movement from each other, so the option to only call one movement at a time is opened up, and that its useful for more organized coding, but couldn't that all be done on one script? if it is, how would that be done?
Currently, my non-FSM player code is a script where each movement is in its own function (i.e., "defaultJump()" and "defaultMove()") and all of them are called in _physics_process(delta). (Here's an image of it for better reference.).
Could I possibly keep my current code format, but implement a form of state machine inside that same code where only 1 of these functions is called at once?
submitted by thisSubIsAtrocious to godot [link] [comments]