Need more anime to watch. I prefer dub but will watch sub if it's worth it. Thank you for any recs!

2025.01.18 01:53 Biggsman13 Need more anime to watch. I prefer dub but will watch sub if it's worth it. Thank you for any recs!

Need more anime to watch. I prefer dub but will watch sub if it's worth it. Thank you for any recs! submitted by Biggsman13 to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 l3mcim 1:1 Lf this 3 star - Mr Aphrodite (set 7)

1:1 Lf this 3 star - Mr Aphrodite (set 7) Have a bunch I can trade just lmk what you need!
submitted by l3mcim to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 mikeyt1515 I quit then found options again! Never give up

I quit then found options again! Never give up Learned a new way to trade! It’s working!
submitted by mikeyt1515 to Money [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Ja2239_ Fallen in love with a girl

This has been on my mind for a while, and I honestly don’t know what to do. There was a girl from my college who I barely spoke to until we were placed in a group during a trip to Holland last year. At the time, I was in a relationship with my current girlfriend, whom I’ve been with for about three years now. This girl I met reminded me a lot of how my girlfriend used to be, confident and happy. However since then, things have changed with my girlfriend, and it’s hard not to notice that my girlfriend has gained a significant amount of weight. I’ve tried to support her in losing weight, even making changes myself, but she hasn’t been able to stick with it. Because of this I don’t feel physically attracted to her anymore.
During the trip, I developed feelings for the girl, and it was mutual. Naturally, she didn’t want to be the reason for our relationship breakdown, so we agreed to cut contact after the trip. And we did. Fast forward a few months, and I’m still with my girlfriend, but it’s been emotionally draining, especially after my girlfriend found out about my friendship with the girl from the trip. I feel conflicted and genuinely sad about how much things have changed between us. I’ve lost touch with the girl from Holland, so my feelings remain complicated.
I just don’t know what to do. I feel like such a terrible person for this entire situation. Advice very welcome please
submitted by Ja2239_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Hot-Meeting630 I wish I had never met you

submitted by Hot-Meeting630 to sevenwordstory [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 btcxio Marathon Digital Inscribes Donald Trump Image on Bitcoin Blockchain

Marathon Digital Inscribes Donald Trump Image on Bitcoin Blockchain submitted by btcxio to Crypto_Currency_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Old-College-2637 I HATE SELLERS LIKE THIS ON DEPOP

I HATE SELLERS LIKE THIS ON DEPOP submitted by Old-College-2637 to depoop [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 tired-moth Exhausted and Burned Out on Year Three

Guys, I can't tell if I'm not cut out to be a speech therapist or if I'm in the wrong setting- It's been year three of being an elementary/prek SLP, and I am exhausted and demoralized. It feels like the eval referrals just keep coming- Alone, I probably get about 5-8 of them a month. Between evaluations, I'm trying to see my preschool students (all 40 something of them, which I know isn't a relatively high number for most school SLPs) between 2 buildings (which I also know isn't uncommon- some people have 4-5 buildings).
I am so tired, and I feel like a bad SLP. I feel like I can't do it anymore.
submitted by tired-moth to slp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Yoonie444 help me decide which major please

Economics (CSU San Jose) vs. Game Design (CSU Chico). I really need help please. thank you so much
submitted by Yoonie444 to CollegeMajors [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 N0namenoshame Why do banks pay premiums for FDIC?

What is the incentive for banks to fund the FDIC if it only insures depositors and not the banks themselves?
submitted by N0namenoshame to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 GlitteringRub1547 seriously

seriously submitted by GlitteringRub1547 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Nuniye Carro e enchente

Carro e enchente Ontem aqui em Floripa caiu uma chuva fortíssima que transformou uma rodovia em rio, e tinha uma galera com os carros parados lá (foram pregos de surpresa, foi muito rápido). Minha dúvida é: a partir de que altura uma enchente torna-se fatal pro carro? O que fazer se o carro pegar água desse jeito? Evitar dar partida (ou tentar) e guinchar? O Peugeot da foto, por exemplo, foi de pt? A água tava na altura da mureta.
Fiquei mal pelos argentinos que foram retirados do Peugeot, estavam em pânico, e pra piorar, o carro foi locado na Argentina e não conseguiam falar com a locadora :(
submitted by Nuniye to carros [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 REN4Ntzn O que dá pra fazer aqui?? Qual meu tipo de cacho?

O que dá pra fazer aqui?? Qual meu tipo de cacho? Deixei meu cabelo crescer por um ano, ele tem aproximadamente 14 dedos de altura. Quero fazer algo nele, seja locs, nago ou até mesmo cortar as pontas, então preciso de uma ajuda e de opiniões do que fazer com ele kkk.
submitted by REN4Ntzn to CabelosDoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 WrestlingWoman Erika Reid vs rabbit

Erika Reid vs rabbit submitted by WrestlingWoman to WrestlersVsAnimals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Potential_Narwhal471 Any Pirated FL Studio?

submitted by Potential_Narwhal471 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Princess_Slagathor Pickle jar is good enough for Natty Daddy

Pickle jar is good enough for Natty Daddy Just having a good time, some brews, and watching my life story. (Arrested Development)
submitted by Princess_Slagathor to drunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 EnvironmentalDay6146 Specialist somehow billed my inactive plan

The office never reached out or brought the problem billing insurance at any appointments. I received bills showing zero has been paid by insurance. I then logged into my insurance and found claims billed to my inactive plan. This plan was inactive 8 months before my first appointment. I called the billing asking what insurance they had and if she could send me a copy. She refuses to send me what was on file but verbally told me the insurance information. At this point, I told her that information was incorrect. I asked if she could resubmit the claims to the correct plan. She told me no and hung up. I then contacted my insruance and informed them the wrong policy was billed. The insruance representative then tried to contact the billing office. The same individual was rude and also told them no. After 3 different insurance representatives attempted to contact and speak to billing with no cooperation the insurance representatives agreed to file the claims themselves. I then emailed the billing office email providing: who i spoke to at the insurance, new claim IDs numbers, and the provider number to call and verify. Ive received no response other than all the information I provided wouldn't stop the bills from going to collections.
This is u.s. state of nevada The provider is in network with my current and previous plan. It's the same insurance I had before I just went under my spouse's policy 8 months before my app with this office.
What can I do ?
submitted by EnvironmentalDay6146 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Positive-Cucumber555 The first gacha game where I've managed this(yea Iknow I'm kinda bad)

The first gacha game where I've managed this(yea Iknow I'm kinda bad) submitted by Positive-Cucumber555 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 AdreiSimon I'm scared of the new hero

I'm scared of the new hero submitted by AdreiSimon to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Ragingboomerang Small Business Success with Myracai: A One-Stop Solution

Small Business Success with Myracai: A One-Stop Solution submitted by Ragingboomerang to PositiveThinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 QB_1000 USC Ph.D viterbi decisions.

Has anyone got any updates on their Ph.D biomedical engineering application? Deadline was December 15th. Been more than a month.
submitted by QB_1000 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Noodles1171 Zoë as Morning Burrito

Zoë as Morning Burrito My pupper likes to spend her mornings sleeping in. This is usually how I find her when I do my "wellness check."
submitted by Noodles1171 to TuckedInPuppies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 lllN0NaMelll Is your Game deal sluggish every friday night.

View Poll
submitted by lllN0NaMelll to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 DragonTamerBrawler I screwed up

So today I was gonna play the dlc. I already had beaten the game and went to the first mission in new game plus, so I am pretty strong with a million credits. The thing is when I learned how to play the dlc instead of moving to another save file I deleted the one where I beat the game. So my question is should I beat the game again in new game plus or start another save file? Another piece of information the only trophy holding my platinum back is the die 100 times
submitted by DragonTamerBrawler to theascent [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 flrtrider77 No title

submitted by flrtrider77 to tarantulas [link] [comments]