2025.01.18 04:49 No-Ice1002 Le gusto a mi mejor amiga?
Conozco a mi amiga desde hace 6 años, nos gustamos en secundaria pero no pudimos formalizar nada porque éramos muy jóvenes, aunque, nos tratamos como novios como por año y medio. La cosa es que después de ese tiempo empezamos a tratarnos como amigos nada más (ella me seguía gustando pero lo acepté). Ella me abraza mucho y siempre me dice te quiero a comparación de sus otros amigos y amigas, no es alguien que le guste utilizar a las personas porque es muy buena persona. Hace unos días me coqueteo mucho por mensaje al punto que estaba casi 100% seguro de que le gustaba porque me dijo que tal vez estaba enamorada de mí y que yo era su tipo ideal,(yo le respondí con indirectas de que también me gustaba). La cosa es que un día después de eso me habló sobre un chico que le gusta, yo sé que le pueden gustar más pero aún así me confundió mucho , aparte ni si quiera le habla , me dijo que le iba a hablar y que no sé qué, la verdad no sé si esté mal que me enojé un poco esto o sólo estoy sobre pensando?
submitted by No-Ice1002 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 No-Education1196 Georgia Tech transfer OT Corey Robinson II has committed to Arkansas
submitted by No-Education1196 to intothetransferportal [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Fine-Alternative8772 Some of my collections
submitted by Fine-Alternative8772 to dvdcollection [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 sooduhfed Something going on tonight with the servers? Playing on PS5
submitted by sooduhfed to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Shahz-123-686 How is scored
If we miss the bracket answer as given in answer booklet in oet sample test will be marked ? Or we loose one point. Also can we just write chiropractic and miss treatment how is that scored?
submitted by Shahz-123-686 to OETforECFMG [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Original_Tito Bricked cpu and I ain't even mad
First off wanna say this game is a 10/10 for me. This isnt me blaming GGG for anything.
Ina 15 map high mob density. Cause a chain explosion wiping everything on screen at once. Screen gets so white I can only see my merc's helm. Pc instantly goes into a restart. Boot looping not posting to bios. Asus moboa lights stuck on cpu during boot up. Still gotta test it but if this 7800x3d is cooked. Somethin news gettin slapped in ASAP to get back to playin this glorious game. Tears rolled down my face from laughing so hard at the situation.
submitted by Original_Tito to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Ok-Landscape-4128 Damian Wayne with the Grayson Family by dar.
submitted by Ok-Landscape-4128 to Nightwing_Starfire [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Martwy1312 ULTRAKILL but if one of the cybergrind songs mentions something related to sex then the video ends
submitted by Martwy1312 to Ultrakill [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 DimEstion Even more Arkham game over screens for matchups I love
So apparently Reddit keeps fucking the quality of these over so I’ll just put more high res images of them in the comments Matchups: Death vs Rattlesnake Jake Luigi vs Pac Man Oogie Boogie vs Chef Saltbaker Movie Sonic vs Anne Boonchuy King K Rool vs Captain Hook submitted by DimEstion to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Complete_Bear_368 Please help the helicopters pcso
They fly for hours over sane area and can’t find a person. It’s like they’ve never seen a bush or car to hide under. How many ppl have helicopters assisted in apprehending? I AM SICK OF THE NOISE! submitted by Complete_Bear_368 to StPetersburgFL [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 BuckRivaled Following the night in Tokyo with the Z8 and 24-70mm
submitted by BuckRivaled to nikon_Zseries [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 EmuEvery1192 Do I buy a Mw AK-47 fire serpent or save up a few hundred more and get a Ft Awp Desert Hydra?
submitted by EmuEvery1192 to ohnePixel [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Ok_Adeptness_5364 Milan Laser Hair removal Mistake
I just did a consultation a few days ago. I chose the unlimited warranty for underarms, full arms and brazilian for 9k. Im currently having buyers remorse (I feel like I just sold my soul) :/ I’m not sure if I made a mistake of committing that much when it’s not even my full body. I haven’t payed anything yet and my first appointment isn’t for a few more weeks. So I believe I can still get out of the contract. Should I choose another place in the Phoenix area or should I keep the unlimited package? (I’ve been going back and forth with my decision) I’m noticing a lot of people pay way less and are getting much more than I am.
I’m just worried about choosing a place that will scam me, I don’t want to pay unnecessary amount of money especially if I might not need more than 8 sessions. Or if my hair grows back quickly after a year. Especially after reading reviews like Simplicity and laser away.
Please advice.
submitted by Ok_Adeptness_5364 to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 rsaha28 I take a month break and this happens wtf.
submitted by rsaha28 to 2007scape [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Bg23the1andonly Drawing everyday to get better, day 17
submitted by Bg23the1andonly to sketches [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 Creative-Emu6164 Are people who they are because of their experience
Hi i think about this often,does someone's behavior personality thinking and intelligence is based on their life experience Or are they born with it thankyou
submitted by Creative-Emu6164 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 JohnMcafee4coffee When people talk about living forever I don’t think they understand how long it is.
It’s actually scary to think about it.
After reading of these numbers it’s very possible that at some point there would be nothing left to say or do.
Everything that could be said would be said.
Everything that you could think of doing would have been done
Very surreal
submitted by JohnMcafee4coffee to googology [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 ArtUpper7213 Yeah.. these Artwork go way tooo hard
submitted by ArtUpper7213 to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 04:49 BitchTamer93 It is on the Downtrend
Feels like it is spreading everywhere on here, but google trends and wastewater data seems to illustrate a decrease.
Seems December was the high point in terms of searches and wastewater data, which seems clear that more people were affected
Still higher than normal, but the outbreak seems on the downtrend
submitted by BitchTamer93 to emetophobia [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Disastrous_Salary550 Help getting records for friend that got out in 2018
Long story short a friend of mine got out in 2018, the hospital he was seen at retires records after 2-3 years and the national archives dont have any records with them and he has multiple injuries from his 10 years in the infantry that he didnt know he could claim. Does anyone have any information on how he can find these ? or any avenues he can go down to claim it to VA?
submitted by Disastrous_Salary550 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 dunderheed13 First time playing
Just wanted to say, what a game!
Done some jumping puzzles, got killed a lot, made some friends, got some revenge. Someone felt sorry for me cause I had a bolt action and gave me a machine gun. Its fun deciding whether or not someone is trustworthy, most are not as i found, literally 3 people were cool, well until my cousin beat one of them over the head for no reason and that number became 2 😂
Yeah, great game, won't be putting it down anytime soon 🤘
submitted by dunderheed13 to RustConsole [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Direct-Quit-9245 Extruder won't extrude unless hooked up to x axis
so my ender 3 stopped extruding so i fiddled with it and consensus seemed to be broken extruder stepper motor or messed up cord so i bought a new cord and hooked it up. X, Y, and Z all work but the extruder won't move still unless i unplug the x axis plug and plug it into the extruder, then it will move when i manually move x axis. all i can think now is maybe the E plug on the motherboard is shit and isnt providing power. it seems like if i plug x axis into the E spot it wont move x axis anymore. any thoughts are appreciated
submitted by Direct-Quit-9245 to Creality [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Impressive-Call8347 PAP is corrupted
submitted by Impressive-Call8347 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 Historical_Drink_307 Is Zeus/ DK Moto Shop good?
Planning to have a full system exhaust installation for my 2019 zx6r, is Zeus a good local brand?
Share your experiences.
submitted by Historical_Drink_307 to PHMotorcycles [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 04:49 SafeSolid6158 Sou babaca por pensar em terminar por isso?
Sou M18 e meu namorado H18. Passamos uns meses separados, pois terminei com ele por problemas e dúvidas pessoais minhas mas continuamos amigos. Voltamos recentemente e percebi que estamos mais conectados e felizes como casal. Ele sempre foi um namorado muito bom, ao ponto das pessoas comentarem que ele é PERFEITO. O que não é verdade, todos temos defeitos mas ele é sim um namorado muito bom.
Mas ainda assim, esses dias o motivo para brigar apareceu. Eu sou uma pessoa meio desocupada e estou sempre com o celular em mãos. Ele já é bem ocupado, tem seus projetos e ajuda em casa e é o "faz tudo" da família dele. Durante o dia trocamos mensagem sempre e quando ele não pode, já sei que deve estar ocupado e entendo.
Mas uma coisa que sempre deixei claro e ele sempre fez questão de fazer, é o bom dia e o boa noite de todo dia. E ultimamente ele não me manda mais mensagem de boa noite e some por horas.
Mas aí vem o impasse: ele é extremamente transparente comigo, tenho todas as rede sociais dele (decisão dele) e toda vez que ele some sempre é pq aconteceu algo ou ele estava ocupado. Sei que ele não é de mentir e sou compreensiva.
O problema é que ultimamente essa ausência dele tem sido constante mas sempre acompanhada de bons motivos. Como: não te dei boa noite pois tive que ajudar parente com tal coisa ou estava fazendo tal coisa. E mesmo eu sabendo que é verdade, isso pode ter acontecido. Acabo ficando extremamente chateada e angustiada.
Na nossa última briga, dei um ultimato e combinamos que ele poderia pelo menos avisar que estava ocupado (como costumava acontecer antes). Mas mesmo assim o problema continua. Fico me sentindo muito mal e acho que ninguém deveria se sentir assim em um relacionamento saudável.
Acabo me sentindo trouxa pois me preocupo e até perco o sono, fico chateada. E no outro dia ele aparece me explicando pq não pode falar e tudo faz sentido mas não muda o fato que fiquei horas angustiada esperando uma notícia dele.
Tenho a localização dele (ambos temos por segurança, já que costumo andar sozinha) e ele está sempre em casa. Inclusive tenho contato com a família pra confirmar isso se preciso. Ele não está estranho ou indiferente, sem indícios de traição ou coisa do tipo. Não parece desinteressado, muito pelo contrário. Então não sei o que pode ser. Nos relacionamos há mais de 2 anos e nunca achei que fosse terminar por este motivo.
submitted by SafeSolid6158 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]