TW her nose is so

Both “she” and “her” are feminine pronouns with similar meanings…but they are NOT the same. “She” is used as an object pronoun. “Her” is a possessive pronoun that can be used to show possession, ownership, or affiliation. Here are some technically correct sentences using “she” & “her”. Her is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. Her is also a possessive determiner. You use her to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal. I went in the room and told her I had something to say to her. In written English, her is sometimes used to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Gabriella Sarmiento Wilson (born June 27, 1997), known professionally as H.E.R. (pronounced "her," standing for "Having Everything Revealed") is an American singer and songwriter. “Hers” is used when you want to show possession or ownership of something by a female person. Usually, “hers” comes after the thing that is being possessed or owned. Here are a couple of examples to make it crystal clear: The car is hers. (This means the car belongs to her.) That beautiful house is hers. (This means the house is owned by her.) Her name is Linda. She met her husband in college. I saw her yesterday. What is the pronunciation of her? (指代女性或雌性動物)她,她的, (指代國家、船隻或汽車)她… In traditional grammar "her" is a possessive adjective (her father) and a personal pronoun (I love her). Today some prefer to say it is a determiner and a personal pronoun. What real information do you get with determiner? Her is the objective and possessive form of the English-language feminine pronoun she. Her, HER or H.E.R. may also refer to: her. Belonging to her (belonging to that female person or animal, or in poetic or old-fashioned language that ship, city, season, etc). This is her book Her as a possessive determiner is used to show the belongings or associations of a female person or animal. For example: It was her confidence that caught the interviewer's attention. I have a cat. Her kitten is so cute. Her as a possessive determiner is used before nouns or noun phrases. For example: The forms him, her and them are used when a pronoun is the object of a sentence. The forms his, her, hers, their and theirs are possessive in nature. Possessives are of two kinds: possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives go before nouns. Possessive pronouns are used alone.

2025.01.18 07:39 Shopalot92 TW her nose is so

TW her nose is so Idk, can you tell me? Or best guess? Please and thanks
submitted by Shopalot92 to Noses [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 itsraininginmacondo is there a button to clean up my code automatically?

i mean for the formality about whitesace and indentation
submitted by itsraininginmacondo to VisualStudioCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Download_audio Meditation works.

I was just sitting at home watching for all mankind on Apple TV and told myself I’d meditate for half an hour. The show was so stimulating the idea of meditation felt boring like a chore I had to pull myself away to do. After half an hour of om I went outside and just stared at the trees outside my house for half an hour, it was far more entertaining than the show which was already great. I couldn’t believe how sitting there and doing something most people would be bored with could be so engrossing. It really shows you, you don’t need to distract yourself to be happy the joy can come just from existence when the mind quiets down.
submitted by Download_audio to Meditation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Connect-Actuary-156 AIO i think i’m in love

fyi this is gonna be long as fuck sorry 😭: okay so basically my mom has a friend from college and she has a son who is maybe a year older than me. he grew up mostly in europe from the age of 10 with his dad, and we met for the first time when he came to america about 6 years ago when i was in high school. him and his mom were visiting DC and my sister, mom, and i went to see them. we talked for hours with them and i really liked him at first. i had a boyfriend at the time, but i couldn’t ignore that he was attractive and it seemed like we connected on a lot. his mom lived in another state (about 7 hours away) at the time and that’s where he was going to go to college, so we did end up talking for a bit after that online, but obviously it wasn’t realistic for a couple of reasons. i always had a place for him in my mind these past years though, mainly because i know if there was ever an opportunity he would be a good fit for me romantically. now, i ended up going to college and we didn’t talk for some years, but then this past summer my mom, sister, and i visited him at his mom’s place that he was staying at (his mom was living in another country so she wasn’t there), and it was his birthday so we took him out to lunch. it was interesting seeing him again but i was in another relationship, so i didn’t want to think much about him. however, my family went back to visit because his mom and her husband moved back to america, and my mom wanted to visit them for thanksgiving. we were all fully expecting her son to be there, but it turns out he was in california with his brother for the holidays. there was some confusion around why he wasn’t there, and his mom seemed like she was uncomfortable about the topic. i ended up messaging him and asking if everything was okay, and we started talking a little then. between then and now, i’ve broken up with my most recent boyfriend, and i’ve been thinking a lot about the kind of man i would want. honestly, from the time that we were friends in high school, i always had some feelings for him, and after talking to him again it just brought everything back up. we’ve been texting a lot recently, and even had a 2.5 hour long phone call the other day. from the way things are going, i know we’ll end up talking more. it’s tough because i would love to go out with him, but he lives almost 9 hours away from me now, and i’m finishing my degree this semester before trying to get into medical school. it just never seems like the right time for us, but i know if we were just in the same room, it would feel like fireworks. we get along so well and he seems to have all of the qualities i need in a person. so what the fuck do i do??
submitted by Connect-Actuary-156 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 jediseago When worlds collide

When worlds collide submitted by jediseago to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 SweatSpotBigT Need Advice: Building a social media platform (ReactJS/Firebase)

I also posted this in webdevelopment so I hope it’s okay that I post here as well. I am a beginner to programming so I am looking for some help.
I have been working on building a niche social media platform. It currently has all the normal functionality you can think of (posts, comments, photo uploads, private messaging, etc.). I am using React JS frontend and Firebase backend. I have a few questions listed below

  1. Is this the correct combination/stack to use? I selected Firebase for example due to the simplicity of the backend/rules for security purposes but would like feedback on this.
  2. Will the Blaze plan become pricey with a product such as the one I am describing? The pricing model is confusing to me.
  3. Any general tips on how to build the layout/structure of the site? Specifically for a social site? I would like to optimize space to allow for ad room, announcements and other content so a general skeleton or concept may be helpful.
  4. Are there a number of security concerns that I should handle before launching an MVP? If so, how would you go about it?
  5. Is Firebase good for hosting as well? Or should I look elsewhere?
  6. Any other general points of advice when building/launching an MVP such as this one? I have a background writing SQL/Python/R scripts as a data professional so I feel confident in understanding general concepts but I am a beginner in Webdev.
submitted by SweatSpotBigT to reactjs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Original_Tone_5993 Eu não sei mais o que fazer.

Antes de qualquer coisa eu quero me desculpar por qualquer erro de formatação ou gramática, são quase 4 da manhã, tô a beira de um colapso e tô digitando isso no celular. Todos os nomes são falsos. Perdão pelo texto. Eu nem sei por onde começar. Eu, (M17) e meu namorado, Pedro, (H21) estamos juntos a quase 1 ano, durante esse tempo terminamos 2 vezes. A primeira vez foi ele e isso ocorreu 4 meses depois do início do namoro, na época ele tinha voltado a tomar antipsicótico (ele tem bipolaridade tipo 2) e tinha se tornado muito frio, grosso e distante, terminamos por um tempo (continuavamos ficando apesar de tudo) e tempo depois nos bloqueamos. 1 mês e meio depois ele me manda mensagem querendo conversar, voltamos novamente, nesse tempo terminados ele ficou com uma menina e eu fiquei com um menino também e isso não foi um problema grande na época (não tive nada sexual com o menino em questão, isso é relevante). Pouco tempo depois ele começa a tomar outro remédio, também antipsicótico, e tudo volta de novo, dessa vez, quem termina sou eu, e nós nos bloqueamos novamente após um tempo. Nesse período solteira, acabei tendo relações com um menino, vamos chamá-lo de João (H19), um tempo depois disso o Pedro me chama pra conversar, diz que anda muito mal e que sente minha falta, confesso que eu amo MUITO o Pedro, eu só me apaixonei de verdade por 3 pessoas na minha vida e 2 foram quando eu era criança/pré-adolescente, o Pedro me despertou um sentimento muito forte e quando ele disse tudo aquilo, tudo voltou, nesse dia eu também contei que me envolvi com o João e isso abalou muito o Pedro (na hora ele tava num show inclusive). No dia seguinte ele apareceu na minha casa (detalhe importante é que moramos em cidades diferentes e o tempo de viagem é de +- 1 hora e meia) dizendo que me amava, que não conseguia viver sem mim e sentia muita raiva de si mesmo por ter deixado tudo aquilo acontecer, que eu era a menina dele. Após isso, voltamos. Para não estender muito: O Pedro descobriu quem o João era e pediu eu parar de falar com ele (o que eu já estava pensando em fazer), sei que nessa parte eu posso ser a babaca mas isso foi pouco tempo depois de nós termos conversado e eu não estava conversando com o João, só não tinha dado notícias. Enfim, eu conversei com o João e expliquei tudo, ele entendeu e ficou por isso. É válido mencionar 2 ex namorados meus, um foi um webnamoro com o Renato (H20) e um foi meu primeiro namorado sério com o Fernando (H18). Enquanto eu e Pedro estávamos separados pela primeira vez, eu e o Renato trocamos fotos. Além disso, eu tinha uma pelúcia que o Fernando me deu enquanto nós namorávamos, nunca me ocorreu em jogar fora pq ele nunca foi ruim pra mim e eu não vi problema nisso. É importante eu explicar o tipo de relação que tinha com o Renato, eu o conheci quando tinha 13 anos e ele 15, nós webnamoramos por alguns meses mas depois viramos amigos, por muito tempo era uma relação de amizade e eu mencionava isso ao Pedro, até que não foi mais, meu erro foi ter continuado falando com o Renato (mesmo não tendo mais nada entre nós e eu não ter mais aquele tipo de relação com ele). Quando eu confessei ao Pedro ele pediu para que eu parasse de falar com o Renato e foi exatamente o que fiz. Corta pro último final de semana (sábado, 11), Pedro veio aqui em casa, pegou a pelúcia (um coração escrito "amor") e levou pra casa dele, na segunda feira (20) ele joga fora a pelúcia e começa a desabafar. Vou separar em tópicos: 1: Ele começa a falar o quanto se sentiu traído por eu ter transado com um cara tão rápido. 2: Eu tenho 2 irmãos mais novos que mencionaram o Renato algumas vezes também (além de eu tê-lo mencionado ao Pedro) e que se sentiu enganado por tudo isso pois achava que era apenas uma relação inocente. 3: Sentiu raiva pelo ciúme que sentia da namorada de um amigo dele (ela e o Pedro já ficaram). 4: Sentiu raiva também por eu acordar tarde toda vez que ele vem aqui. 5: Se sentiu traído também por eu guardar presentes tão sentimentais que ex namorados me deram (a pelúcia) e ELE ter que destruir. TUDO ISSO foi erro meu, eu não quero me fazer parecer uma vítima ou algo do tipo, assumo que errei. A questão é que ele falou tudo por mensagem e eu assumi que foi em tom de ataque, não desabafo. Na quarta fui conversar com ele e disse que me senti atacada, que faria de tudo pra ele não conversar mais comigo naquele tom. E na quinta ele disse que não tinha sido daquele jeito, que ele não falou do jeito que eu interpretei. Eu pedi desculpas por tudo. Hoje ele mencionou querer vir me ver e eu disse que não precisava (eu não quis que ele se sentisse forçado pq ele SEMPRE reclama o quanto viajar é difícil e eu não quis cansar ele) e ele me disse que a minha insegurança tava causando o efeito contrário que eu queria causar e que em nenhum momento se sentiu forçado. A esse ponto eu já tava MUITO mal, eu não queria contar isso pra ele pq da última vez pareceu manipulação (eu contei que tinha me machucado e que tava chorando mas não quis parecer manipuladora, eu esperei a poeira baixar antes de contar e eu só queria compartilhar aquilo com ele) e perguntei se ele viria mesmo assim, els disse que broxou de vir mas que ia pensar. Depois disso ele começou a falar sobre política (ele é neoliberal e eu sou comunista), eu tava explicando meu ponto de vista mas ele disse que eu tava desfocando o assunto e eu voltei a falar sobre o que ele queria. Em determinado momento ele falou algo que aconteceu engraçado e eu comecei a rir, ele disse que perdeu a paciência e soltou um "Porra, OP", eu não gosto quando ele xinga assim e já tinha dito isso pra ele mas ele disse "eu faço isso todos os dias" então eu deixei pra lá. Depois ele disse que não tava gostando do jeito que eu tava falando então eu simplesmente guardei minhas opiniões pra mim e só concordei com ele. Depois disso ele disse "Você percebeu como tudo fica mais fácil quando você segue a linha de raciocínio?". Eu só desabei, ele não sabe disso. Pessoas do reddit, eu ando chorando tem 4 horas, chorando alto e feio e ele não faz ideia disso e tenho certeza que se contar ele vai achar ruim. Eu não sei mais o que fazer, eu não tenho energia pra terminar, apesar de tudo eu amo muito ele, eu tentei falar que não tava legal, que queria apoio mas ele disse "Tudo no seu tempo". Eu sinto muita raiva, muita tristeza, muita solidão, tem mais coisas que ele reclamou e tudo bem, direito dele, mas eu sinto que não tenho direito de reclamar pq ele vai achar algum jeito se dizer que essas reclamações são "sem fundamento" ou alguma merda do tipo. Eu tô cansada, tenho problemas com saúde mental e autoflagelo desde nova e tudo isso tá voltando. Eu sei que posso estar descrevendo uma dependência emocional, sei lá. Eu só não tenho energia pra mais nada e quero que esse sentimento passe. Eu tô tão enjoada de tanto chorar e não sei como abordar tudo isso com ele. Eu literalmente tenho uma lista de coisas pra melhorar como namorada/pessoa e MESMO ASSIM nada que faço parece suficiente. Sinto que preciso esconder minhas opiniões, eu não quero discutir política com ele. A quem leu até aqui, obrigada. Desculpa todo esse blablabla, eu não sei pra onde correr. Eu só tô muito cansada.
submitted by Original_Tone_5993 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Pretty_Yam_5044 Icarlyfan224 instagram is telling me to follow your account

submitted by Pretty_Yam_5044 to Fishdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 damchieff Would you teach them dragon ascent?

Would you teach them dragon ascent? Primarily a PVE player in a fairly active community so I seldom have to short man a raid.
submitted by damchieff to PokemonGOIVs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 nitishkmr_nk Seeking a remote job

Analyst with 6 years of experience in data analysis at a US based Consulting firm, working with business intelligence reports for clients across various sectors and domains, gathering requirements, mentoring teams, handling client engagements. I have been developing reports from scratch and delivering it to the clients, doing ETL operations, creating data flows! I am looking for a remote job or a freelance gig, would share my LinkedIN profile or Resume over DMs! Any help is appreciated.
submitted by nitishkmr_nk to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 ReneeStone27 Total thyroid removal yesterday

It’s been a long 24hours. I evicted m thyroid do to cancer (ptc). Tow things…
One about how long does the neck-and throat pain last?
Two, the six took a few lymph nodes. My husband said the surgeon said a thyroid nodule was growing in a lymph node is that possible? My husband is not the best in relaying info and I’m not sure that’s what he meant
submitted by ReneeStone27 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Abject_Purpose302 Trivia: Harry found Tom's eyes handsome too. Your welcome

In DH, Harry notices the Horcrux's eye appearing in Slytherin's Locket and describes it as handsome.
I mean didn't Rowling ever stop to think what readers will think that her purportedly straight hero keeps mooning over the handsomeness of another very male character so many times?
submitted by Abject_Purpose302 to tomarry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 beaniewie Whatt?? A spidersona in this era??

Whatt?? A spidersona in this era?? Am I still in the spiderverse fandom? Yes, yes I am.
Do I love cats? Yes. Yes I do.
Definitely could have put more effort in this, but I lost interest and just wanted to post this lol. 🕸️🕷️👩🏼
submitted by beaniewie to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Dannoflip These fish tacos satisfied my insane craving this evening. Delicious!!

submitted by Dannoflip to dinner [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 vampisbian will be my first build

my laptops graphics card is ridiculous, i cant even play bg3 so since i got a job i wanna save my salary n build a budget gaming pc that i can improve later on when i have more money. i also will get a Power Boost FURY BST-ATX650WEU 650 W Power Supply and MSI Mag Forge 120A for the case. it has built in RGB fans tho so ill remove them with non rgb black fans. the pcpartpicker site told me it might have compatibility issues and i might have to update BIOS version and i have no idea how to do that but i might always look it up on the internet or call a technician something. what do u guys think? would this build work for games?
submitted by vampisbian to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Any_Substance_7346 What is this ?

What is this ? I’ve had an exterminator come out 2x and dust attic. I’ve had over 20 in my house in the past 3 weeks, I’m in Texas dfw to be exact. I’m just at my wits end. I can’t figure out where they’re coming in from. I can’t sleep, I can hear when one shows up. 😭😭 how do I get rid of them them.
submitted by Any_Substance_7346 to bees [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 BrilliantEmu7681 Anyone want head 18m

With school starting in a few days I’m looking to suck or get fucked js text me
submitted by BrilliantEmu7681 to UTEPsneakylinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 rayk_05 Feeling Muscle Fatigue in the Abs?

This might sound weird, but has anybody else had kind of muscle fatigue in their abs during the first trimester? Like feeling like you need to take a break from sitting upright or feeling like your core muscles are pulling if you sit kind of laying on your side? I only even thought to call it muscle fatigue because it feels a lot like what I've felt in the past after doing a core intensive strength workout. I'm just surprised because it's super early and I didn't think the belly stuff other than bloating would be affecting me yet.
submitted by rayk_05 to PlusSizePregnancy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 VorrestiSaperloE75 please can someone tell me a site where i can install the walking dead destinies

I would need a site where I can install it also with the Italian language, I tried steamrip and steamunlocked but it is only in English, thanks in advance
submitted by VorrestiSaperloE75 to PiracyBackup [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Friendly-Weakness632 Muss ich mir Sorgen machen ?

Muss ich mir Sorgen machen ? Hey zusammen. Bin aktuell in der ersten Blütewoche und die oberen Blätter haben gelbe Ränder. Könnte das ein Mangel sein ? Ein paar der unteren Blätter weisen vereinzelt ein paar Flecken auf. Vielen Dank
submitted by Friendly-Weakness632 to Canbau [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 sprkrsn 🐸

🐸 submitted by sprkrsn to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 DomainExpansioninf Is Malewarebytes worth downloading for MacBooks or MacOS devices?

So I downloaded Malewarebytes today because I remembered it from a long time ago but I was wondering if it is any good at all for MacBook or if there are any better free alternatives
submitted by DomainExpansioninf to questions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Lijey_Cat Cat on the Shelf

Cat on the Shelf submitted by Lijey_Cat to TuxedoCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Alien-Dragon-Astro Selling!

Selling! I really need coins so I'm selling things! The 10k plushes are glow, the ghoul is draft, I also got a fully white one and the garg is glow, draft with max wings!
submitted by Alien-Dragon-Astro to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 07:39 Amazing_Artichoke841 Come On Bros...

You have a random character generator. All I see is Jun-Lei!
submitted by Amazing_Artichoke841 to outerworlds [link] [comments]