[Streak 134] la piazza

From a short story by Raymond Carver: "The truth is, my kid has a conniving streak in him. But I don´t talk about it. Not even with his mother. Especially her". He speaks about it with sadness. It seems to me a kind of birth defect or illness / imperfection in a newborn baby, but I´m not sure... Hello everyone, I'm watching a series, 11.22.63 (it its great, you should watch it) and there is a sentence I do not understand. A lady is talking about her first wedding night, her husband asks her to close her eyes, then takes her hand and puts it on him. She screams because "He had a... I don't know where the word streak comes from but it means a part of their personality. They have to have competitiveness as part of their personality to be successful. Other mental qualities you have can be called a streak. You can have a stubborn streak. Which means you act stubborn sometimes. Italian or English words, phrases, expressions. English and Italian language allowed. Parole, frasi, espressioni in italiano e inglese. Lingue ammesse: italiano e inglese. A 'streak', like a 'roll' in this case means a continuing successful sequence. It's kind of hard to explain the word directly, but this example may help. Picture a casino where John is betting on roulette. 1. John bets on black and wins 2. John bets on even and wins 3. John bets on 24 and wins Point taken, James. I do have a slight streak of BE/Scots in my speech, but from parental idiom rather than place. My father spoke "standard" midwestern AE, but my mother came from fairly uppity British stock who corrected any deviations from the proper use of language. WebCliは仕事の効率化に役立つアプリを紹介するサイトです。最近できた新しいアプリから、あまり知られていない便利なものまで、Webサービス、デスクトップアプリ、スマホアプリの種類を問わずにご紹介します。 A streak does not have consistent width and colour. It is possible to see the underlying colour through the streak. It may be straight, but is likely to be curved, reflecting a movement that caused the streak. ¿ Qué significa "mean streak" en este contexto? Muchas gracias. Hurley's fighting abilities were unmatched by any man he'd ever encountered. His tolerance for pain, his quickness, his mean streak, his Homeric ability to find the weakness of another man, no matter how big or strong, had become the stuff of legend at Langley. 以上、Streakの利用方法について解説しました。StreakがあればCRM機能がつくだけでなくメールを追跡したり、送信日時を自由に設定するなどGmaiの利用の幅を広げることができます。Gmailをより広く使えるようStreakの導入を考えてはいかがでしょうか。 Streakの価格

2025.01.18 08:54 Laurenzana [Streak 134] la piazza

Buongiorno a tutti! Oggi ho portato la mia ragazza a un ristorante italiano che si chiama "la piazza." Volevo portarla a questo ristorante da tanto tempo perché è uno dei miei preferiti, ma lei aveva sempre una regola per se stesso di non mangiare il cibo italiano fuori dall'italia.
Onestamente, sono in generale d'accordo con questa idea perché la maggior parte dei ristoranti 'italiani' negli Stati Uniti non sono propri italiani e non sono autentici. Tuttavia, sapevo che questa ristorante fosse diverso dagli altri.
Questo ristorante ha importato tutte le bevande dall'italia, il menù è scritto in italiano, e si sente il radio italiano mentre stai mangiando.
La mia ragazza era scettica all'inizio, ma ha visto che stanno usando lo stesso olio d'oliva che usa la sua famiglia e ha notato che stanno suonando Zucchero sul radio. Lei ha assaggiato la pizza margherita e ha detto che è stata buonissima. Alla fine, ha detto che è il miglior ristorante italiano in cui ha mai cenato fuori dall'italia!
submitted by Laurenzana to WriteStreakIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Odd-Vehicle1739 TitIe

submitted by Odd-Vehicle1739 to GTA7 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Warm-Echo5540 "Exciting KCEX News! 👀🚀"

. Check out the latest updates and news! Visit our link for details.
.#KCEX #CryptoCommunity #BlockchainNews #InvestorInsights #TrendingNow
submitted by Warm-Echo5540 to KCEX [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 patronus_27 Coldplay Ahmedabad at MRP

2 Tickets Date - 26th January B Block - Bay 1
DM or comment if you need, just received the physical tickets as well. Will be attending the concert myself.
submitted by patronus_27 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Brawlfinity This took me so long to make

This took me so long to make submitted by Brawlfinity to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 basmati-rixe New draft grading system

Firstly I love this game. And have played it for like 3 years at this point from PGM2.
But I really dislike this change. It’s almost impossible on hard difficulty to get great value from late picks. And now the grading system values late picks far too high. Also the fact I can get about 5 solid starters for a mid round pick doesn’t sit right.
I feel just changing back to the old system, instead of changing the values of players to fit this new pick grading system.
submitted by basmati-rixe to pocketGM [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Aisbab2011 What is this?

So I joined a trading server, and there were a lot of people with the same skin, and similar, random names. Are they bots? What're they doing? They're all just standing at spawn and not doing moving at all.
submitted by Aisbab2011 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 WayAccomplished4133 True but How?

True but How? submitted by WayAccomplished4133 to meme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Batuhan_cakarr IMAP|Goth darkwave post punk

IMAP|Goth darkwave post punk submitted by Batuhan_cakarr to IMadeAPlaylist [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 StuffinDixon What’s the difference?

What’s the difference? Can someone tell me the no shit difference in here between the speed test and the advanced speed test? Thanks!
submitted by StuffinDixon to Starlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 MiserableAnteater813 El origen de la totona venezolana (vagina)

El origen de la totona venezolana (vagina) Es verdad que era el dulce favorito de Andrés Bello?
El otro día vi un post que según la palabra totona la popularizó Andrés bello que le gustaba un dulce con ese nombre. Al principio la historia me pareció chistosa pero creo que no es verdad. Según la fuente, viene del libro “Historia de nuestros próceres por el historiador venezolano José CATALÁ pero no lo puedo conseguir por ningún lado. También no existe ninguna mención de este postre antes del 2020. Alguien sabe si en verdad existe este libro?
Aqui la historia:
Pues resulta que el creador de dicha palabra es nada más y nada menos que Don Andrés Bello. Fue el bautizo que él hizo de un dulce a base de Pulpa de Naranja, Pulpa de Toronja y Nata, que quedaba de forma gelatinosa, y carnosa al mezclarse y dejarse enfriar.
La inventora de dicho dulce, fue una criada holandesa de 21 años de edad, de ojos verdes, cabello rubio y tez blanca, de nombre Mathilde. Cuenta el historiador José Agustín Catalá, que tiempo después, Don Andrés Bello, decidió tener amoríos con dicha criada, aún estando él casado y decidió utilizar una frase en clave, para que nadie en la casa se enterara de su infidelidad. Llegaba a la casa, luego de un día extenuante de trabajo, pasaba a la cocina en donde estaba la bella muchacha y sutilmente, luego de tomar una jarra de guarapo de caña, se le acercaba a la mencionada y le decía: «Mathilde, quiero Totona».
Más tarde, la frase «totona» fue popularizada en Caracas y Venezuela, asumiéndola como sinónimo de «vagina», a tal extremo que el dulce de Don Andrés Bello, fue raramente cocinado en los fogones venezolanos.
FUENTE: CATALÁ, José Agustín. «La Historia de nuestros próceres» Edit Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1983. Reed 1996. Pag 133
submitted by MiserableAnteater813 to LatAmHistoryMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Meowtsuu How to be healthy physically and mentally when you only have 5-6 hours of sleep?

Hi, need advice again kasi first time ko mag work sa graveyard. Nagpupuyat naman ako pag may pinapanood pero iba pa rin yung puyat at stress diba?
I have 2 jobs. Parehong 5 working days naman.
CSR - Mid shift 1:30pm to 10:30pm (Chat support) VA - 8:00pm to 4am (Calls)
Usually gising ko is 12pm na talaga pero syempre may feeling na antok pa din diba at gusto ko sana ma-maintain na healthy ako, ayaw ko pa ma-deds pero alipin talaga ng salapi e haha. I planned to jog once a week pag day off ko. I'm not a fan of coffee or coke din so goodluck anong pampagising ko haha. I also take Iron supplements everyday.
Is 6 hours of sleep enough for this? What kind of foods lagi niyong kinakain para di malosyang physically and mentally?
submitted by Meowtsuu to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 ZestyclosePumpkin345 How do I post a modpack on curseforge???

submitted by ZestyclosePumpkin345 to HorrorMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Salty-Theory-7005 Radtech

Baka meron ditong RADTECH 1-Y2-3. hello
submitted by Salty-Theory-7005 to olfuval [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 zahidrashid123 Test

submitted by zahidrashid123 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 -GamingBeast- Subro XV 2020 Lease

I saw this pop up on my feed, A Subaru XV 2020 automatic 114hp 1.6engine With 200,800 Km / 124000miles For about 16000$ This car was used as a leasing from a reputable dealer here and I just always wanted to know if getting newer, high mileage cars was worth it
submitted by -GamingBeast- to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 IntelligentSpeed1595 Ep 2.01 and the opening credits

I binged season 1 yesterday, so watching this episode it really struck me how Mark S. comes out of the elevator, looks back and forth, then takes off sprinting in one direction -- directly reenacting the opening credits. Another nod to the credit sequence is Mark toting all of those balloons with his own face on them... a nod to him dragging all those Mark balloons around!
Anyone notice any other such easter eggs??
submitted by IntelligentSpeed1595 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Natchos09 Pilot shares his last flight with his daughter who the a co-pilot

Pilot shares his last flight with his daughter who the a co-pilot submitted by Natchos09 to MadeMeSmile [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 leonurd Defense deoxys 392023021835

submitted by leonurd to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Southern-Wasabi-7264 Hellllooo

Hellllooo Should sb end his hardcore world
submitted by Southern-Wasabi-7264 to theregulars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Queasy_Map17 Let me leave at the end of the damn game

I find it incredibly annoying that it is not possible to leave after the game ends. Instead I am forced to watch some dumbass animations and a randomly selected MVP where it doesn't even show the play they did.
I even got a penalty once after opening the leaver menu about a second before the game ended and then leaving AFTER the game was done (we were stuck in base and unable to touch for OT anyways).
Please fix this shit soon. Can't be that hard.
submitted by Queasy_Map17 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Novel_Preference_746 Cricket’s Rebel Hero: The Basil D’Oliveira Story

submitted by Novel_Preference_746 to CricketBuddies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Fabulous_Source9902 Hii! I'm new here! My DMs are open

Hii! I'm new here! My DMs are open submitted by Fabulous_Source9902 to GayRateMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 ImPyro_ F26

submitted by ImPyro_ to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 08:54 Imaginary_Virus19 Pocket 4 fan noise significantly higher than WinMax2?

Received my Pocket 4, but at 3000RPM, the fan seems to be 2-3 times louder and much higher pitch than the one in my WinMax2 at the same RPM, even my Win mini is quieter. Did I get a faulty fan? Anyone can help me compare the noise of WinMax2 and Pocket 4 at 3000RPM?
submitted by Imaginary_Virus19 to GPDPocket [link] [comments]
