How do I prevent supports from sticking to the bottom of the model so much? (Tpu)

2025.01.18 12:22 Swiftly_speaking How do I prevent supports from sticking to the bottom of the model so much? (Tpu)

How do I prevent supports from sticking to the bottom of the model so much? (Tpu) submitted by Swiftly_speaking to 3D_Printing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Orb9007 First Extraction, how does it look?

First Extraction, how does it look? I put a small sample of what I got in a little tray and froze it. Does this look any good? I did 500g total, this was maybe not even half of the first pull.
submitted by Orb9007 to DMT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Ok-Reporter-8728 So did they made the film a two parter very late because this just sucks

When they advertise that it will be two films I shouldn’t wait 5+ years for second part of the movie
Did they not plan things clearly cuz apparently they haven’t even done voice acting at all. Animation takes time and I hope the animators are treated well but its frustrating to wait a half of a story
Infinity war and endgame came out with only a year apart.
submitted by Ok-Reporter-8728 to IntoTheSpiderverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 PistonPusher2009 Does anyone know where can I find the Hot Wheels card art online without the background?

Does anyone know where can I find the Hot Wheels card art online without the background? Like this?
submitted by PistonPusher2009 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 OmanF LibreWolf using only about 3/4 of the available screen

As can be seen in the attached screenshot, when I maximize LW (134.0-1, latest, on Ubuntu 24.04, if that makes a difference) it only uses part of the available window - the part taken by it when it launches in its default non-maximized size (I saw that question in this forum... it's not the issue I'm asking about).
I'm guessing this has to do with the resisting fingerprinting and/or canvas size, but I'd like LW to use **all** available screen's "real-estate", even if it means making me somewhat more easily identifiable.
Which setting do I need to tweak in `user.js` file (or, better, `about:config`) to allow that? (BTW, I'm not sure if it's due to LW update or FF update, but this only started happening since 134.0-1. Prior to that, **including** 134.0, I did **not** experience this, ever!)
Thanks in advance.
submitted by OmanF to LibreWolf [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 LordOfStupidy What killer takes most skill?

What killer takes most skill? I was thinking on getting 1x1x1 but he's pretty annoying to play against so i though on c00lkid but not sure if he takes skill or is brainless
submitted by LordOfStupidy to FORSAKENROBLOX [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Ninjachippie New Island Update.

New Island Update. 7929-4331-5910 I've been continually updating my island for a while to get it to a place where I'm happy to fork the project and use the same island for other games. It's a race for up to 16 people. I would love to get some feedback on it. Please try out the map and let me know how you would improve the race, or the island itself. Thank you 😁
submitted by Ninjachippie to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 TheMopFromMars Minutes Lost - My Only Hope / Slumber (Metal, 2007) [CD Rip]

Minutes Lost - My Only Hope / Slumber (Metal, 2007) [CD Rip] submitted by TheMopFromMars to LostMetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 tnt_artz69 Which one would you choose for the best minimal photoshoot?

Which one would you choose for the best minimal photoshoot? submitted by tnt_artz69 to aiArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Dhaakh New Valorant Video... Checkout and let me know how it is

submitted by Dhaakh to YoutubeGamingVidPromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 xXPutumnXx Is it a W?

Is it a W? One of my biggest trades yet
submitted by xXPutumnXx to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Lunatic_Lunar7986 Is this way to prove correct?

submitted by Lunatic_Lunar7986 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Revolutionary_Joke_9 Super confused, need inputs asap

Consultant based out of India, currently serving notice.
I have an offer from another consulting firm (B4) which is giving me a decent jump is pay but not title (on paper it is an upgrade but not in terms of responsibility).
Problem is, I have been reached out by the director i worked with on the last project who has jumped to a X firm's subsidiary and is really keen to get me in their team. The pay range is upto 2.5x of my current.
It would have been a no Brainer except that I hate the industry (Healthcare, pharma, insurance have been borderline never consider for a switch industries for me). The pay is super sweet and 8 have massive respect for the director in question and the role also aligns with what I want to do, but I am worried about getting pigeonholed in the industry in q.
What would you guys do?
submitted by Revolutionary_Joke_9 to consulting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 JackFourTwenty Moving overseas

I own a 3 bed house and have an opportunity from my work to move abroad for 5 years, there is no scope to extend beyond this. Is it possible for me to rent out the property for those 5 years, then as soon as I return, be able to move back into the property? I understand that if I have a tenant at that point then I would potentially need to serve a no-fault eviction? Or can I stipulate when the property is rented out that it will be for a fixed term?
submitted by JackFourTwenty to uklandlords [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 LivelyUnicorn Is there a Nick Cannon diss just waiting to rear its head with these leaks?

We all know the 3 (?) diss tracks from Nick to Em were met with silence likely because they were diabolical, and the whole internet laughed at him.
However we all know how petty Eminem is, and it does make me wonder if there was ever a separate diss track specifically aimed at Nick produced around the same time as The Warning, when Eminem didn’t give a fuck what he said on a track, or even if there was a worse / more graphic version of The Warning which he held back.
submitted by LivelyUnicorn to Eminem [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Drexelz2 Elemental builds vs bubbly sus

Are elemental builds still stronger than a build that uses bubbly sus with raw damage? 40% boost on raw weapon sounds quite meta.
Also, adding new dauntless skill to smelts with bubbly sus could boost the raw damage even more.
Any comparisons that you can provide?
submitted by Drexelz2 to MHNowGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 sleep-over661 View Secret Recovery Phrases in Backpack

View Secret Recovery Phrases in Backpack Secret Recovery Phrases enable you to recover your Backpack Wallet accounts.

Backpack recommends recording all Secret Recovery Phrases and saving them in a secure location. This is the only way to recover your account if you lose access to your devices or password.

Warning: DO NOT SHARE your Secret Recovery Phrase with anyone. Backpack Support or staff will never ask you for your Secret Recovery Phrase.
Secret Recovery Phrase (Extension)
1) Navigate to Your Account in the Settings menu 2) Select 'Show Secret Recovery Phrase' 3) Enter your password and choose 'Show secrets'
Keep your Secret Recovery Phrase private, never share with anyone
Secret Recovery Phrase (Mobile App)
1) Navigate to Settings and open the 'Security' menu
2) Choose 'Show Secret Recovery Phrase'
Keep your Secret Recovery Phrase private, never share with anyone.
Do you have questions or require further information? [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])‍
Learn more about BackpackExchange | Wallet | Twitter | Discord
submitted by sleep-over661 to Backpack_official [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Sir_Elvis Etwas bekommen

Etwas bekommen Hab beim Müller zwei bekommen. War auf zwei pro Kunde limitiert. Mal schauen was wird
submitted by Sir_Elvis to PokemonDe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Investor-14197 The legend Gregb.23 is back on Instagram

Always enjoyed his cars so much and happy that he is back
submitted by Investor-14197 to Ferrari [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 ronlacson2020 Looking for an apartment to stay in Metro Manila.

Hi, any suggestions on where to stay in Metro Manila? Yung pwde ko ma secure ung safety ng bike hehe ksi I'm planning on a solo bike adventure. Thank you!
submitted by ronlacson2020 to RedditPHCyclingClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 hi_hungry_im_dad_86 Lighthouse build question

Lighthouse build question I'm currently building the lighthouse and got stuck on step 140. Hoping maybe someone else has come across this and can provide input. It's asking for a small ring to be installed on the motorized shaft. The ring in question looks to be orange-ish and possibly metallic in color but the only ring I found in my set is silver. I've looked through everything and can't find the piece they're telling me to use but I do have 3 of the silver rings. I've looked further into the bag 4 instructions and haven't found any steps that use the silver ring piece and since I'm missing the other piece I'm wondering if these silver rings were meant to be used in place of the original orange ones. Anyone come across this?
submitted by hi_hungry_im_dad_86 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Conscious_Wind161 Το fact checking δεν θα μας έσωζε - απλώς καθησυχάζει τους φιλελεύθερους - The Press Project

submitted by Conscious_Wind161 to Koina [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 jvc72 Buy Signal Wrapped Ampleforth USD - 18 Jan 2025 @ 07:19 -> USD16.53

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 18 Jan 2025 @ 07:19
Price: USD16.53
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Sohrabb229 Bags

Bags submitted by Sohrabb229 to Repsproduct [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:22 Dincoro Quanto tempo de estudo é tolerável pra concurso escada?

Ano passado estudei por uns 6 meses pro CNU pra técnico do IBGE e não passei, esse ano vou prestar pra assistente administrativo de um conselho, se eu não conseguir passar em nenhum concurso escada esse ano eu vou desistir de vez de concursos e ir pro mercado privado de trabalho, mesmo que seja subemprego.
Quanto tempo(anos ou meses) vocês acham que é tolerável pra alguém ficar estudando(do jeito certo, fazendo questões, anotações e revisões regularmente) pra um concurso escada?
submitted by Dincoro to concursospublicos [link] [comments]