Xiaomi 14T Pro Battery When Charging

2025.01.18 12:30 1Sultan11 Xiaomi 14T Pro Battery When Charging

This is from the settings app on my xiaomi 14t Pro with hyper os 2.0
I left my phone on charge for quite a while actually, and this is what it is showing me in the battery setting (I limit my battery to 80%). Why is there a sudden drop then instant charge? At this point when it was discharging it says that youtube and system launcher were using battery. It also said that the system launcher was using 70% of battery too. Does anyone know why this happened?
submitted by 1Sultan11 to XiaomiGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 immortal-siren Accom at cost s£lling

Anyone looking for Ahmedabad accom d.m. 23rd-25th Jan, double occupancy, 2km away from the stadium. It's the che.apest accom there is within 2km radius of the stadium. Availa.ble at cost pric.e
submitted by immortal-siren to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Unusual-Factor2848 About a month ago I was given these 2 leaves of 2 different snake plants. They told me to put them in water for about 2 weeks and that they would grow roots so that I can then plant them. It's been over a month and still no roots. Am I doing something wrong? And in general what should I do with them

About a month ago I was given these 2 leaves of 2 different snake plants. They told me to put them in water for about 2 weeks and that they would grow roots so that I can then plant them. It's been over a month and still no roots. Am I doing something wrong? And in general what should I do with them submitted by Unusual-Factor2848 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 bunniexd11037 Conquista do reddit

Conquista do reddit submitted by bunniexd11037 to naoeinteressante [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 the_indian_gatsby Ex Mariners assemble

Hi all, I am someone who decided to drop sailing during my long waiting period during Covid. I was still yet to complete by cadetship. Quiting sailing, I found it very hard to land in a shore job with only 10+2 and DNS qualifications. I got into a company and now I am working full time for a corporate company which is into logistics.
The journey has been hard for me and i was wondering if there are other people who have quit sailing or planning to. Especially deck side, who doesn't have a safety net of a UG degree unlike engineers.
submitted by the_indian_gatsby to IndianMariners [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 ant-yamert bullfinch

bullfinch submitted by ant-yamert to birding [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 JuTT8876 Taylor Swift | MTV Video Music Awards 2024

Taylor Swift | MTV Video Music Awards 2024 submitted by JuTT8876 to CelebEvents [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Effective-Soup1224 Take a seat, whats your bet?

submitted by Effective-Soup1224 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 TrafalgarLaw1986 Pokemon Rubin (GBA) #05

Pokemon Rubin (GBA) #05 submitted by TrafalgarLaw1986 to YouTubeGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 JayDizzle117 Ist das Schimmel ?

Hallo, habe das grade eben erst entdeckt. Wie schlimm ist es, kann das jemand einschätzen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus
submitted by JayDizzle117 to wohnen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 theholyashe Would you step in if you saw a woman hitting a man in public?

Was inspired by the recent posts about calling the police or stepping in when witnessing violence, and the recent news stories about public brawls, but I noticed the stories were pretty male-centric.
Personally, I've witnessed several incidents where (i presume it's a GF) women in public have assaulted a male, usually grabbing hair or an ear and hitting him. I realize I may have some internal bias, as I didn't do anything about it back then when witnessing these incidents, choosing to think "aiya it's some couple's quarrel".
Upon some reflection I don't think my friends or I would have responded the same way if it were the man hitting the girl, and that feels kinda f**ked up actually.
Was wondering if the average Singaporean redditor has any stories where they stand up for the guy, or call the police.
As a nation are we still conditioned to think only men can harm women physically, and not the other way around?
submitted by theholyashe to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Appropriate_Dress862 refdao

submitted by Appropriate_Dress862 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Signal-Trouble-3630 DMa om du vill byta, har egna smyg, nudes och mycket mer

submitted by Signal-Trouble-3630 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 nobodyhahah Are Apple authorized service providers trusted?

I’m planning to replace the battery of my iPhone 14 Pro Max. While researching, I came across “Apple Authorized Service Providers and Independent Repair Providers,” which are much cheaper than Apple stores. Has anyone used such services, and are they trustworthy?
By the way, I’m considering Citri Mobile.
submitted by nobodyhahah to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 BarracudaNo9667 Im s frmhoy

submitted by BarracudaNo9667 to boykisser [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Magician_In_Black Deoxys 6511 4520 5410

Deoxys 6511 4520 5410 submitted by Magician_In_Black to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Shori_Not_Weaboo Final considerations.

I absolutely loved this game! It’s such a shame that the developer, Imageepoch, closed down and that Stella Glow didn’t get the recognition it truly deserved. Still, I’m so glad they managed to create such a gem of a videogame. Here are a few of my thoughts.

In conclusion, Stella Glow is a true hidden gem, and I wish more people had the chance to experience it. Despite its flaws, the game’s heartfelt story, incredible music, and deep characters make it a really good game. I might do a NG+ run in the future, not right now because I'd like to re-experience the game better.
Thank you for reading my thoughts and let me know what you think if you want, have a nice weekend!
submitted by Shori_Not_Weaboo to StellaGlow [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 DaleksGamertag I like Shaun but I couldn't resist

I like Shaun but I couldn't resist submitted by DaleksGamertag to snooker [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 cyb3rheater My dad’s old Telecaster. A blast from the past.

My dad died last year and here is his old Telecaster. We are looking to sell it to help my mother out.
My dad was Bob Sanders who was a guitarist and one of the “Blue Caps” that played with Gene Vincent back in the day.
I believe the guitar was bought second hand in London around 1965. I still have the sales receipt.
As you can see the guitar looks quite battered as it was a working instrument and I believe there has been changes to one if the pick ups.
I’m looking for advice about the best way to sell this.
Thanks everyone for your help.
submitted by cyb3rheater to fender [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 TieBroad9665 dnd character painting

got asked to draw this character for a secret santa event. went for a little bit of an oil painting style with it!
submitted by TieBroad9665 to DnDart [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 notapunk Battery life

So I have a Pixel 7a that has been great up until recently. Lately the battery just doesn't seem to want to hold a charge. At night with battery saver on (standard) and in airplane mode I'll still lose +40% of my battery. Is it just time for a new phone or is there a solution to this? Is there something I may have done to cause this or simply the way it is?
submitted by notapunk to pixel_phones [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 AiriChaan Frage zum Bürgergeld und Zuflussprinzip

während meiner Arbeitslosigkeit habe ich Bürgergeld bezogen. Nun habe ich am 1. Januar eine neue Stelle angetreten und dies dem Jobcenter im Dezember mitgeteilt. Das Bürgergeld wurde offiziell zum 01.02.2025 eingestellt. Für den Monat Januar habe ich noch Bürgergeld erhalten, weiß aber, dass ich aufgrund des Zuflussprinzips das Bürgergeld zurückzahlen muss, wenn ich Ende Januar mein Gehalt erhalte.
Meine Frage ist nun: Wenn ich mein Gehalt im Februar erhalte, muss ich dann das Bürgergeld für Januar zurückzahlen? Und wenn meine Firma mir das Geld z. B. am 25. Januar schickt und ich es am 2. Februar erhalte, welches Datum gilt dann? Das Datum, an dem das Gehalt überwiesen wurde, oder das Datum, an dem ich es erhalten habe?
Danke im Voraus!
submitted by AiriChaan to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 steve-harvy 1st President - Candidate Registration

Hello everyone, apologize for the change in command, the previous owner of this subreddit realized, thankfully early on, that they would be unable to continue that role.
In other words, this will be the very first presidential race! I urge everyone here to consider running as you could be the very first president of Solia! The format will be the same as the previous registration but a statement will be highly recommended which would include your policies.
Name | independent statement (reccomended)
submitted by steve-harvy to VirtualDemocracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 Historical_Cap313 Should I (25F) make another move on my crush (25M) ?

When I first met this person they would always come up to me, always stare at me and make conversation, wave at me when they saw me etc... Then I started getting lunch with this person in our school's dining hall, and the convos always went so well, we'd always spend 1.5 hours time talking and be late to class. And from when I first met this person they would tell me how connected they felt to me how they felt like we were 1 person, or how we were energetically intertwined. How I was different from their other friends because I encouraged them to do better.
They would also insist on getting dinner with me alone, and coming to my dorm with just us alone. But they would also bring up their dating life and how they were actively dating and unsuccessful. They would mention that their ideal person has the same height, ambitions, and habits as me, and they even started learning the language of my ethnic background even though the which is super niche even inside my country (<10% speakers). But then soon after they declared that they would never date anyone in our grad program, that it would get messy.
I tried to initiate an outside of campus hangout which they said they were definitely down, but had a scheduling conflict that week, and I tried to initiate another study session one night to which they said they weren't sure if they'll be able to make it since they might have plans with someone else. So then that made me feel as though they didn't want to be alone with me anymore.
But when I did see this person last they were walking super close to me to the point their sweater kept grazing my arm (which I didn't mind), and they kept asking me a bunch of questions, lauding my intelligence, and even being flattered I enjoyed the music from their ethnic background. They also kept staring at me the whole time others would talk. I'm not really sure how he feels and I fear I've exhausted my chances to make plans with him 1:1. How do I find out if he likes me?
submitted by Historical_Cap313 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:30 No-Afternoon-1665 Sign of the year In wwe

Sign of the year In wwe submitted by No-Afternoon-1665 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]
