Colaboré con un boliviano y creo que intentó verme la cara

2025.01.18 18:19 Odd-Wait5163 Colaboré con un boliviano y creo que intentó verme la cara

Buenas tardes, estimados miembros del sub. Quiero compartirles un caso que me ocurrió, ya que me parece bastante increíble la forma en que sucedió. Me gustaría conocer su respetable opinión al respecto.
Aclaro que no pretendo generalizar, pero publico esto aquí porque el incidente fue con una persona de Bolivia.
Soy de México y estaba buscando talento para llevar a cabo un proyecto. Al final encontré a una persona que consideré idónea para el trabajo.
El proyecto consistía en desarrollar un diseño electrónico y entregarlo terminado. Le expliqué a esta persona que estaba dispuesto a pagarle tanto honorarios como una licencia perpetua mensual por su trabajo, y aceptó.
Durante una reunión remota en la que afinamos detalles, le pregunté de manera muy clara si estaba de acuerdo en que el pago consistiera en una comisión mensual basada en las ventas, además de los honorarios. Le mencioné que mi presupuesto no era muy elevado. Su respuesta fue que podía pagarle 250 USD como adelanto para la compra de insumos, y que el resto serían sus honorarios por unas pocas horas de trabajo.
Entendí que estaba de acuerdo con recibir comisiones mensuales. Sin embargo, pocos días después de entregarme el trabajo terminado, me llamó para decirme que ya no estaba dispuesto a aceptar comisiones mensuales y que su tarifa era de 2,500 USD.
Para mí, 2,500 USD es muchísimo dinero. Aunque el negocio tiene potencial para generar mucho más, prácticamente tendría que entregar las ganancias de varios meses solo para cubrir esa tarifa.
Mi duda es: ¿es normal que alguien no especifique cuánto cobrará antes de realizar un trabajo?
Agradezco su tiempo para leer esto.
¿Qué opinas?
submitted by Odd-Wait5163 to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 OverUnderDone_ Getting historical daily kWh data from history

Hi All,
Is there a way to get the kWh values from the historical data. The same values that are in the Energy dashboard? For the hour or even for a day?
submitted by OverUnderDone_ to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 YunieSunshine Paine from Final Fantasy X-2 by Yuna Kairi

Paine from Final Fantasy X-2 by Yuna Kairi submitted by YunieSunshine to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Artistic_Traffic1754 Just finished book 14

Wow just fucking wow this was a very special book I cried during the kaneki talks to kid kaneki part omg him realizing that he himself is just like his mom was so sad and him apologizing over and over to his kid self just for small little kaneki to be like “it’s okay let’s get some rest” and poor fucking hide man fuck this book was so good and eto being the one eyed owl was a twist fs didn’t expect that also her saying hi dad was really funny 😂 the Amon kaneki fight was lit asf.
I’m reading the first book of re tonight 😂
submitted by Artistic_Traffic1754 to TokyoGhoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 New-Discussion-9564 What do I do

What do I do submitted by New-Discussion-9564 to XiaomiGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Other_Ship_5453 Благодаря за спирането на нощните линии!

Сега въздухът е чист и ще мога да му се порадвам като си ходя пеш.
submitted by Other_Ship_5453 to bulgaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Alternative-Quail645 [no context]

[no context] submitted by Alternative-Quail645 to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 elephantfi Annoying flap of fabric in Boots

Annoying flap of fabric in Boots I have a pair of 8-in Red Wing boots that has a flap of fabric that occasionally folds over and causes an irritation. I'm wondering if there's a way to tack it down so it doesn't roll as I put my foot in. Can I use a dab of fabric glue or barge cement? They are 8 in high with a gusseted tongue which makes it difficult to get in there or roll it back once my foot is in there.
submitted by elephantfi to AskACobbler [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 ghostlyforester WHY

WHY submitted by ghostlyforester to WalgreensStores [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Uncivil_engr Pick up line for GenX

How you come over to MySpace and let me Twitter your Yahoo and then Google all over your Facebook?
submitted by Uncivil_engr to GenX [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 MeggohEggo Wakefield Running Track

Does anyone know the crack with the track at thornes park? Is it free or is it paid?
submitted by MeggohEggo to wakefield [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Icy-Prune-174 Do you enjoy casual sex?

submitted by Icy-Prune-174 to NPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Railblast94 This is my Amethyst-Steel Might and Magic Control Deck. This deck focuses on Challenger and controling the board.

This is my Amethyst-Steel Might and Magic Control Deck. This deck focuses on Challenger and controling the board. submitted by Railblast94 to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Volbohel TIL: Unique movie mixes

I didn’t know this was a seasonal thing but it looks like these machines will occasionally show unique flavors on the bottom right. I actually did like the hulk smash but prefer diet drinks.
submitted by Volbohel to AMCsAList [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 fiendishcrypto Fiendish & Friends #9 - BCH Bliss 2025 Special with Jonathan Silverblood

Fiendish & Friends #9 - BCH Bliss 2025 Special with Jonathan Silverblood submitted by fiendishcrypto to Bitcoincash [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 SuddenlyCaralho Socorro! Andei uns 6km com o frio de mão puxando em um uno mile. Estraguei algo???

Eu não tenho carro, esse é o carro do meu avô. Só reparei que estava puxando quando cheguei no destino. Senti um cheiro de queimado quando desliguei o carro e senti uma diferença no freio em uma decidida (parecia que o freio não respondia rapidamente, tinha que afundar mais o pé). Estraguei algo?
submitted by SuddenlyCaralho to carros [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Soul50Killer Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) Matchup Tier List. I recently finished playing Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, a fun video game, so I decided to make this tier list.

submitted by Soul50Killer to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Ambitious-Jump7443 Should I resit my year or interrupt?

I'm in my second year of uni and it's going terribly. Throughout the first term I felt constantly exhausted and tired and procrastinated everything. I did try, though, and I handed in my assignments up until the end when I just couldn't keep up anymore and I gave up. I think the best thing for me would be to stop the year and restart in September. I talked to the people at my uni and they said my best choice would be to interrupt (which would mean I stop going to uni and start again in September). However, it's term 2 now and if I interrupt and restart I would have to pay a fee of about £4000, which I can't really pay for. I spoke to my parents and they suggested if I stick with the rest of the year and just failt it and redo it, it would be much cheaper. But I think if I went to uni for the rest of the year I would feel terrible the entire time. I also feel like this would probably get me kicked out. I know I'm stupid but if anyone has any advice or any sort of similar experience I would greatly appreciate it <3
submitted by Ambitious-Jump7443 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 chrmcc How to plumb my 26kw Generac for NG and LPG

Excuse my ignorance if this is not appropriate to post in this subreddit. After I posted this to the generator subreddit I realized this might be more of a plumbing question.
submitted by chrmcc to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Dapper_Dress_1182 Program keeps returning "too many values to unpack"

Title says it all. I am a bit confused by this as I have perfectly functional programs with the same amount or more components and that are nearly identical. I like to make playlists for different friends I hang out with, filtering out music they don't like and filtering in a combination of music that I have in heavy rotation with music I know they like. Pic related is the one that keeps giving me trouble. Is there something wrong with it that I can't figure out?
submitted by Dapper_Dress_1182 to smarterplaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 zy-fi Searching for ytp that says "let's get ready to get started to start"

There is a ytp I'm looking for. I think it was from dathings1 or cs188, but I'm not sure. Its source is a product of some kind, being presented by an adolescent girl. And at one point she says something to the extent of, "let's get ready to get started to start" or "get ready to press the get started button". And it was hilarious, but I can't remember what it could possibly be and I can't find it.
submitted by zy-fi to HelpMeFindVideo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 Thomaseeno Advice on oil system. Mother in law inheriting her late parents' home. Would not kick on after oil delivery until I barely touched the red reset button (might have felt a slight zap).

Advice on oil system. Mother in law inheriting her late parents' home. Would not kick on after oil delivery until I barely touched the red reset button (might have felt a slight zap). It then ran and seemingly maintained the heat for a couple days, then found again not running when it should until my mother in law touched the cover to open this. There's quite a bit of oil on things and I feel like something is grounding out possibly.
What needs checked when serviced? Prior to my involvement they got screwed out of $900 from someone who 'replaced' a part they were never shown. System still wouldn't work so they put more oil in it (gauge broke). It only ran after I touched the reset.
Is this dangerous?
submitted by Thomaseeno to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 OkSignal5994 Background check and rescinding offer after appointment letter

Just started a great job at the court office of administration doing Deskside support. Before applying I disclosed on my application that I have a misdemeanor on my record and was sentenced to 3 year probation. I fully disclosed this to the hiring manager and HR and they still moved ahead and had me start this past Thursday. Next week I will go in for fingerprinting. What are the chances of the job being rescinded because of my misdemeanor and probation status coming up during the background check? Is there someone else who investigated and finalized the decision to hire me?
submitted by OkSignal5994 to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 CollarFrequent14 Accounting Practice How?

I'm a chartered accountant. NIreland part of the Chartered accountants ireland.
I qualified in 2011 so have 10+ years PQE
I trained in practice but due to the downturn I was let go as I had completed my contract and had a year added on but hadn't got my final exams.
I then took a job in industry - management accountant where I have moved a couple of times but now have been employed as finance manager for 9 years and I am prob heading for finance director or similar.
So here is the predicament. When I was in practice I acquired some family and then friends and over the years a few referrals. So have built up a side hussle. It brings in about 10k per year. I was happy enough not to take anymore on as had a young family and was busy. However I am now down to 4 day week at work and kids getting older so have more time on my hands and I think I could increase this work load.
I do realise however as I am governed by CAI I shouldn't be 'practising'.
I wanted to advertise so I looked into requirement.
Buy PI Insurance happy to do that Buy Practice Certificate happy to do that When I was going through questions on certain. Only one I fell down on was have you 2 years post qualification In practice?
I want to be legit as it's only fair on the others providing the same service and then I can be confident no one will complain and I can advertise and try and build.
Surely my time served should count for something.
Any advice?
submitted by CollarFrequent14 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:19 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 737

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]