Attack DEOXYS now 230225852804

2025.01.18 18:50 the_child_ Attack DEOXYS now 230225852804

submitted by the_child_ to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Miruukail Knife of Romance

I grew up learning it was better to just fade into the background than keep arguing with people who seemed determined to dislike me. You claim you miss me. You claim that my distance is cruel. I thought my bids for respect were cruel, too. It's not your fault I learned how to master apathy once I've learned the other person truly doesn't care about me. I will never return to you nor plead for you. I will never listen to your pleas for my return. I know what it felt like to be 'loved' by you. I realized after the umpteenth time of debating with you over my right to basic human emotions and civility/respect, there wasn't anything that would have convinced you to give me the level of love I required. You couldn't even handle humanity.
I think the fact you keep circling back like a ghost and lamenting your 'loss' is a little sickening. You had time to change. I'm not fickle. I don't hop from person to person seeking emotional validation. I am cautious. I take my time. It takes me a while to warm up to people. I assess, I dissect, I measure the cost. Then when I finally decide, I give you my fcking world. That's what you're chasing: what it felt like to be loved and lusted after by me. I know, it's amazing. I'm not shallow and inconsiderate. I have that 'special interest' understanding because sensuality always felt natural to me to learn. I am generous. I am lovingly cruel within the boundaries of intimacy. I am funny and fun. I keep you guessing while making you feel secure. I make you feel beautiful. I know who the fck I am.
You decided I wasn't worth the effort when I tried for you. Now like most people who suffer with shallow attachments, you want what you can't have on demand. I'm like a supply that you feel like you need because I have cut off your source to me. How insulting to the time and love I put into you. How sickening to really learn that I was always a commodity for you.
I get what it's like to lose someone like me. You had your time with me. Now it's time I respect my goddamn self.
submitted by Miruukail to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 commoncrooked Majborough

I've got a tasty Cheltenham double with Majborough in the Brown Advisory Novice chase and GDC in the gold Cup. A bit worried that Majborough will run in the Arkle instead and that'll ruin the double. Anyone have any thoughts on where they'll run?
submitted by commoncrooked to HorseRacingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 TheDawnmaul Jagex Has Been Warning Us This Whole Time.

My Fellow Scapers,
It’s time we look at the name that’s been infront of us the whole time. Warning us of the future to come.
Cancel membership. Stop playing. Boycott CVC Brands. Leave reviews on the RS Mobile Apps so people see what’s going on. Make your voices heard louder than ever.
MTX? Run-Escape. Paid Features that should be baseline? Run-Escape. In-Game Ads, even if F2P? Run-Escape. Complimentary Bonds? Run-Escape. Corporate Greed?? Run-Escape. Infinite Scenarios across the years… Run-Escape. It has never gotten better, they’ve never learned. Run-Escape
Ex-Mod MattK said that we are all talk. My fellow Scapers. It is time that we Run-Escape. Find a game that appreciates your time investment. Maybe we can take our amazing community elsewhere.
It’s been a real fun run everyone. But until ACTUAL change happens.
We all must Run-Escape.
submitted by TheDawnmaul to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 modern_medicine_isnt Looking for someone to do my Mom's taxes

My Dad died last year, so Mom's taxes are sure to be complicated. They were from the east coast and moved here so I could help care for them. They have pensions and things from their east coast teaching jobs, and they often invested in things like I-bonds and what not. So I am way out of my league. I will probably have the same person do my families taxes since some of that stuff got passed directly to me. And my family works in tech, so stock participation plan, RSUs and the like are involved. I am looking for someone in North Beaverton that can handle all that.
submitted by modern_medicine_isnt to beaverton [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 zoboblondebabe DEOXYS Defense adding 10, be quick, and let's get this shiny :) 696344911570

submitted by zoboblondebabe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 ClassSad8029 Water intake

How much is your average daily water intake.
View Poll
submitted by ClassSad8029 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 yadavvenugopal 80s and 90s TV Shows (USA) You Might Remember

80s and 90s TV Shows (USA) You Might Remember submitted by yadavvenugopal to TvShows [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 themoststhrowaway maskbloc pickup help

**throwaway because i would like to stay anonymous until i give out the info + sorry to the mods if this isn’t allowed, i read the rules and didn’t see anything about it
hi, so my partner was supposed to go pick up some mask for me at the maskbloc today at the art museum between 3-4pm but they blew out their tire and can no longer do it so i was wondering if anyone would be willing to go pick them up for me?
we can send a little bit of gas money and i will give all the information to you but please note that you will have to wear a mask to pick them up— if anyone is willing, thanks!
submitted by themoststhrowaway to raleigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 egg_bruvva Handbag repair shops?

Hi everyone, as the title suggests, I’m looking for a shop in Ottawa that can repair my handbag. The edging of the leather straps has worn off along with other things. I don’t trust myself to fix these properly.
I know I could replace the bag, but it was thrifted and of course it had no tags or brand label.
Please help me out with recommendations :)
submitted by egg_bruvva to ottawa [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Witty-Land9117 Looking for account in NY

Hey fellas. Just found out this is a thing. This is ridiculous and so illegal. I don’t even know if I’m posted, but I feel extremely anxious at the possibility, as I know even my coworkers can have access to this! This stress has taken over my entire day…
Does anyone have access to the NY group, and can help me access it for a minute just to search? Or can tell me how to go about this?
Thank you!
submitted by Witty-Land9117 to AWDTSGisToxic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Least_Hunter_1026 About to finish. Let me see her face and butthole. I don’t save. K is redred250

submitted by Least_Hunter_1026 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 KishibeRohanHeavens Fashion challenge: engie & medic

Can you make a Loadout from engie or medic without exceeding $1.46? taking prices from the overpriced steam market.
submitted by KishibeRohanHeavens to TF2fashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 crazy_chic22 Elvish was so right today

I thought I would be the last person to say this but everything elvish said today seemed so so right. Never been his fan and will never be but cannot ignore this
submitted by crazy_chic22 to biggboss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Ok_Relative_6315 In your opinion, is Trintellix good for my situation?

Hello everyone, 👋🏻
I’ll try to explain my situation briefly. I’m struggling with depression, which manifests in several ways: - Persistent low mood and low expectations for the future. - Body dysmorphia. - Low motivation and A CONSTANT FEELING OF BOREDOM. - An addiction to random sexual encounters. - A deep fear of aging. - Difficulty staying focused on conversations or tasks.
I’ve previously tried Dumirox and Prozac, but both caused the side effects I feared most: anhedonia and erectile dysfunction, so I stopped taking them under my doctor’s supervision. Unfortunately, even two months after discontinuing the medications, the erectile dysfunction persisted. I started taking Cialis, which thankfully resolved the issue.
Two days ago, I had another appointment with my psychiatrist. I told him that I’m still depressed but I don’t want to risk sexual dysfunction again. He suggested stopping Cialis for 10 days to see if erectile function returns on its own. He also proposed trying one of two antidepressants: Brintellix (Vortioxetine) or Wellbutrin (Bupropion). We’ll decide together in 10 days, based on: 1) Whether or not I’ll still need Cialis. 2) Which medication I feel more comfortable and safe taking.
Now, I have a few questions: - Have any of you tried both Brintellix and Wellbutrin? If so, how do they compare? - How have these drugs affected your sexual function - Did you experience anhedonia while on either of them? - Any other thoughts, experiences, or recommendations?
Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences. Your input means a lot!
P.S.: I’m on a low dose of Aripiprazole too
submitted by Ok_Relative_6315 to trintellix [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 skywarriyo Level design

Level design submitted by skywarriyo to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Hockeypatrol Kent Hughes and Canadiens Management Key to Jakub Dobes' NHL Success Revealed #NHL #GoHabsGo #GHG

submitted by Hockeypatrol to habsfanaticss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 LobsterFondler Inspired by a conversation I had with my chargers friend

Inspired by a conversation I had with my chargers friend submitted by LobsterFondler to AFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Mysterious_Front8150 Giggity, giggity, goo!

submitted by Mysterious_Front8150 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 thiahiro Nagumo in the anime isn't as bad as people say

Nagumo in the anime isn't as bad as people say submitted by thiahiro to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 N1tr0Zeu5 Old noir most definitely did not get murder boners.

Old noir most definitely did not get murder boners. The Deep was definitely lying to new Noir about about the murder boner thing. He didn't know Noir at all, and the only person who did know Noir like that was homelander, and in none of the scenes with Noir killing people did we ever see him get a boner. I get that he wasn't a perfect angel, but get off of bro's dick fr 🙏
submitted by N1tr0Zeu5 to TheBoys [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Old_Beginning3953 35 [M4F] Looking for a True Connection

Hi all, I’m Jay! This is my second post on here, it’s been so nice meeting new people so far, still hoping to find my someone.
I am looking for a genuine connection, which is something I’ve been lacking for awhile. Throughout my 20s and early 30s, I was going through the grind and trying to work my way up the corporate ladder, which caused me to inevitably end up in my mid 30s feeling alittle bit lonely. I’m looking to meet someone who I can get to know and grow with.
Alittle bit about me, I am in my 30s, I’m a director of HR for a large global company. When I’m not at work, I like to stay in, either read a nice book or play some video games. I like to cook, try to go to the gym a couple times a week, try to live a healthy life style.
I’d love the chance to connect and see where things go. Look forward to seeing where this goes!
submitted by Old_Beginning3953 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 goldberry99 Phone shut down while overnight charging

This has happened once or twice before many months ago.
Anyone know what causes it to turn off and then restart?
Its a PITA because it throws off connection to watch and modes. IE: watch stayed on do not disturb until I turned it off manually. Set to be for overnight.
submitted by goldberry99 to S22Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 arclob Aloe Vera Planter Size

Aloe Vera Planter Size I have this large aloe vera plant that’s starting to lean over, I think from weight as it’s leaning away from its light source. It’s also a bit unstable my touch. Is it planted too high? Is the pot too wide? It’s grown a lot in the few months since I moved it here (~Sept), and those new pups have started appearing. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
submitted by arclob to plants [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:50 Adzz2707 Lfc st

New gen eu
submitted by Adzz2707 to ProClubsRecruit [link] [comments]