Need a tattoo idea!

例句:I need to practise my Italian before my business trip. 我出差之前需要先练习一下意大利语 practice:v. (动词) 训练,锻炼 例句:So the core knowledge of the training is gained through practice.所以,“从实战出发”是运动训练知识中的核心 相同 LOVE STORY的歌词及翻译歌曲:Love Story歌手:泰勒·斯威夫特作词:泰勒·斯威夫特作曲:泰勒·斯威夫特歌词:We were both young when I first saw you当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻I close my eyes and t 总体而言,"need doing" 和 "need to be done" 都表示某件事情需要被处理,只是在语法结构和使用方式上有所不同。"Need doing" 更常见于英国英语中,强调动作本身的需要,而 "need to be done" 则是更通用、普遍使用的表达方式,描述各种需要完成或处理的任务。 need和need to有什么区别呢?need和need to在释义、用法、使用环境、形象以及影响范围方面存在一些区别。以下是各个方面的比较以及例句说明:1. 释义区别:- "need"是动词,意为需要,表示对某事物或情况 前者是没有必要做某事(比较委婉),后者是不需要做,前者的固定搭配是needn't do something后者的固定搭配是 don't need to do something 已赞过 已踩过 你对这个回答的评价是? 例一:The second is what I really need. 第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语) 例二:He chooses the second. 他挑选了第二个。(作宾语) 例三:We are to carry out the first plan. 我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语) 例四:She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。(作 ... 拷贝漫画网页版入口和登录地址信息。 人+need +to do 物+need +doing 物+need +to be done 例如:The room needs cleaning = The room needs to be cleaned.房间需要打扫了.另外,“need”作实义动词时后还可以直接跟名词.请看下面的例子:It is a question that needs very careful consideration.这是一个需要慎重考虑的问题 很简单 ... And I need you 我需要你. And I miss you 想念你. And now I wonder 我在想 . If I could fall 如果我能. Into the sky 醉心天际. Do you think time 你觉得. Would pass me by 时光会不会好心地将我遗忘. Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles 因为你知道我一定会只影千里 need me 我会等候在你需要我的地方 You don't have to change a thing 你不必改变什么 I love you just the way you are 我按照你的方式爱你 So come with me and share the view 跟我来,分享眼前的风景 I'll help you see forever too 我会永远帮助你欣赏 Hold me now 立即抱紧我 Touch me now 立即触碰我 I ...

2025.01.18 19:30 Alive-Albatross-2993 Need a tattoo idea!

i really would like to get something meaningful, something connected to my t1d, i thought a blue ribbon for example or maybe some quote? Drop your ideas or maybe show off if you have one already!!!
submitted by Alive-Albatross-2993 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 dark_clover0081 Pic that stays close to my heart

submitted by dark_clover0081 to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Crylose The lack of side quests in this game is underwhelming

I absolutely love all of the NPCs in this game and their dialogue and quests. I found myself underwhelmed by how few they are in the game. I wanted more NPC interactions and side quests honestly. Why are they very little?
submitted by Crylose to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Parlay-Demon Gimme My Money

submitted by Parlay-Demon to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 truepaganini [POSITIVE] for /u/Few_Huckleberry6590 [buyer]

submitted by truepaganini to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 ktafo Scoring in Portugal 🇵🇹

submitted by ktafo to AllPillsNoShills [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Either_Artichoke_195 does anyone know a plug in costa rica i really want to buy some nic however i infact will be with my parents all trip so i need to find one asap On my way there now

submitted by Either_Artichoke_195 to Nicotine [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Same-Philosophy-9795 Wooden Lamp - Found in Germany

Wooden Lamp - Found in Germany So I bought this today in an antique shop in Germany for 80€. There are no markings whatsoever on the lamp itself but the electric box mentions Milan, Italy and it’s a Rondō dimmer. Any ideas on what brand it is or worth? I tried to use google lens but its leaning either to Danish or German anywhere from 1930s- 1960s.
Also someone glued the electric box to the lamp. I have since removed the glue and box. No harm was done to the lamp fortunately
submitted by Same-Philosophy-9795 to Antiques [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Rindamannnn Just started yakuza 3....

I loved the music before playing the atmosphere but the the gameplay i see what the deal about the blocks is just at chapter 2 but is there anyway I can fight more effectively i really wanna enjoy this game so any tips tricks etc. would help
submitted by Rindamannnn to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 DeltaBot Deltas awarded in "CMV: Paying for Street Parking is a Scam"

Below is a list of the deltas awarded in this post.
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Deltas from OP ExtraRedditForStuff

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submitted by DeltaBot to DeltaLog [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 acrossem Made a little mashup i hope you all enjoy... Simpsons X Addams Fam

Made a little mashup i hope you all enjoy... Simpsons X Addams Fam submitted by acrossem to AddamsFamily [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Lambulanza Ma che schifo fa il canale Focus

Sto guardando in questo momento Focus e sono partiti da "Dal satellite si vede questa gigantesca forma in Sicilia, chissà cos'è, massimi esperti che analizzano, potrebbe essere una gigantesca serra, no no, forse è un deposito di rifiuti nucleari perché in Sicilia c'è la mafia"
submitted by Lambulanza to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 QuitEnvironmental675 How the fuck insta policy works

How the fuck insta policy works I am observing from past few days instagram is getting tons of breast feeding videos how fuck it didn't go against their policy
submitted by QuitEnvironmental675 to delhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Ill_Sherbert_3831 feedback? first piece of music i ever made

submitted by Ill_Sherbert_3831 to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Stu_McGoo Stu McGuire- Essence Of My Youth

My first ever song created from the inspiration i get each and every day from Ren. 15 years of my life was completely wasted being stuck in a pathetic, drug addiction, crime ridden, homeless state of my inability to deal with my childhood trauma. It's so strange how a man I've never met or spoken to has fuelled my passion to, not just live a boring life but also try my very best to make good use of my troubled life and hopefully help a few people to not make mistakes I've made. Addiction counselling, bereavement counselling and do what i can to help the poor souls out there who have experienced abuse. Words can't explain how much i appreciate Ren for helping me find my way out of the dark and into the light. I hope you guys like my song and what a dream it would be if Ren hears and likes it. HOPE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN A FOUR LETTER WORD. Thanks to everyone who gives this a listen ☺️🫶
submitted by Stu_McGoo to ren [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 StockLeading5074 My first dev log: detailed 19th century factory map progress in Godot!

My first dev log: detailed 19th century factory map progress in Godot! submitted by StockLeading5074 to godot [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 megssssleee98 Scared my shedding is back!

I feel like I don't lose too much hair maybe like 30 a day but on wash days (every 3 days!) there's loads again 😬 this is after todays scalp scrub and hair wash... about 70 hairs... I didn't brush beforehand, is this a lot 😬
submitted by megssssleee98 to TelogenEffluvium [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 amodernanimal Random low flow

New GCP. I've tested flow rate (10 g/second) without portafilter. I'll grind the same bean at the same weight (18g) and one pull will have a normal flow and work fine, then the next pull will barely extract. Sometimes opposite (slow, then normal.) What is going on?
submitted by amodernanimal to gaggiaclassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 gatorgongitcha Me if Notre Dame loses on Monday

Me if Notre Dame loses on Monday submitted by gatorgongitcha to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 No_South5991 Fake Signature?

Fake Signature? submitted by No_South5991 to laufey [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 changedlife777 I love my husband so much and we’re getting a divorce

We had so much resentment built up we could no longer communicate. I love him. I walk around feeling half-dead now. I miss him so much. I wish to god he would reach out. I yelled at god earlier today for putting me through this. I just want my baby back.
submitted by changedlife777 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 AJBillionaire8888 For $1 billion you have to infect the entire world population with a poison ivy virus in under 3 years

Before we get started, I said infect, not kill.
You will be transported into a video game world that looks just like this Earth with the same amount of people and everything. In real Earth, time pauses but in video game Earth, it will all feel real and time goes on as usual. Your goal is to infect everyone with a virus that causes poison ivy allergic reactions. Nobody is immune to this. Everybody that gets infected and/or killed in this video game does not get affected in real life Earth. The way to tell if a person is infected or not is simply looking at their face, here is an example
How to infect? Well you simply have to FART. The distance of infection is going to be 1 mile. The average infection rate is going to be 1 person being able to infect 5 people. The volume sound of the fart doesn't affect the distance of infection. However, the environment determines how far the infection will go. This virus loves hot and humid areas. This virus is weak in cold and dry areas. The infection rate and distance in hot and humid areas will be 10x. The infection rate in cold and dry areas will be .5x. You can choose to appear to have poison ivy or not, that's up to you. (You are immune to the disease as a whole)
You are given $1 billion in this video game Earth. That way you don't have to worry about travel expenses and such.
There is a cure to this disease however. That food item is Canadian Lobster. They have to eat an equivalent of 10 pounds or 4.53 kgs of Canadian lobster to heal themselves of this poison ivy virus and become immune to this virus for life.
There is a food that does cause worse symptoms and make infection rates go higher. That food is red apples. That food will multiply the infection rate go up by 2x and cause symptoms to worsen. At first the symptoms will lighten up but later on get worse. If a person dies from poison ivy, the infection rate and distance will be 10x along with symptoms. For a person to die from eating red apples, they have to eat at least 100 red apples to die from the virus.
Assuming a person does everything right, they will heal from this poison ivy disease after a month (that's the fastest time a person can heal from this disease)
If you do manage to do this in under 3 years, you will have the ability to infect anyone with this virus in real Earth. You can simply think of the person or look at their picture and infect them. Of course you also get the $1 billion within a second of coming back to real Earth with a notification from your bank. The bank won't understand how or why you got the money but they cannot take the money away from you either. So don't worry about that.
You will be given a meter that tracks how many people of each region has been infected to and how many remain.
If you fail, you just go back to real Earth and go back to your normal life.
Where will your start point be? How do you go about this? How do you stop doctors from finding the cure? How do you stop people from eating Canadian lobster? How do you convince people that red apples are the cure for this virus?
submitted by AJBillionaire8888 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 TrumpTweetBot1 Original Post - Post ID: 113851015189937888 Timestamp: 01-18-2025 02:30PM EST

Original Post - Post ID: 113851015189937888 Timestamp: 01-18-2025 02:30PM EST submitted by TrumpTweetBot1 to trumptweets2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 MycologistSelect1904 Best shooting army?

I'm a big gun line guy and played a lot of shooty ogors last edition. I know the shooting isn't quite what it was last edition. However I was wondering what everyone thought the best shooting army in this editiin is? I'm assuming lymineth or slaanesh. What is your choice for shooting, and what makes it so good?
submitted by MycologistSelect1904 to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:30 Consistent_Manner131 little angel

submitted by Consistent_Manner131 to ragdolls [link] [comments]