Gooning and stupid cuck here need a bull into bbw.kik is derispian. Session in comments

2025.01.18 22:59 Extreme_Confusion_60 Gooning and stupid cuck here need a bull into bbw.kik is derispian. Session in comments

Gooning and stupid cuck here need a bull into bbw.kik is derispian. Session in comments submitted by Extreme_Confusion_60 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 OrdinaryDeal3457 Программисты, вопрос к вам

На си или cpp что посоветуете в качестве небольшого pet проекта. А именно, мне интересно развиваться в качестве разработки чего-то полезного для сети, улучшенной работы пк, или что-то крутое. Расскажите про свои первые или другие небольшие pet-project. Буду очень признателен Уперся в то, что решаю не очень сложные задачи на LeetCode, codeforces. Интересно, думаю даже слишком полезно. Но мне хочется попробовать что-то еще Заранее спасибо Всем уделившим время признателен🥹
submitted by OrdinaryDeal3457 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Mnflabiano What’s this plant and how to care for it??

What’s this plant and how to care for it?? I got this cutting when out wine tasting in NOVA, but I couldn’t remember the name of the plant off the top of my head. I intend to water propagate it then plant in soil, but I want to help it grow the best I can. Any ideas or suggestions??
submitted by Mnflabiano to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 patrona4life Your Insights Needed: Quick Survey for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

As part of an ongoing research project, I am gathering insights from entrepreneurs and business leaders to better understand the challenges they face in managing multiple tasks. Based on feedback from many in the community, it’s clear that optimizing business operations through SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions could be key to addressing these pain points.
This brief survey, which will take less than 5 minutes to complete, aims to explore these issues and help shape the future of SaaS. Your input will be incredibly valuable, and the findings will be shared to highlight key trends and potential solutions.
If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, I’d greatly appreciate your participation.
Here’s the link to the survey:
Thank you for your time and insights!
submitted by patrona4life to SurveyZone [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 hotbowlsofjustice Apple II

Apple II submitted by hotbowlsofjustice to The1980s [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 t4k1pc1 Yatırım subreddit'inde "yatırım yapma, spor yap, harca" gibi yorumlar çok absürt duruyor. Kurallarda yazmamıza rağmen ısrarla bu tür alakasız yorumlar atılıyor. Bu tür alakasız yorumların önüne geçmek için artık ban işlemi uygulayabiliriz. Yazılan yorumlar mutlaka konuyla alakalı olmalı.

submitted by t4k1pc1 to Yatirim [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 IKKQ_407 Flag of Sweden if Jesus died on an icosidodecahedron

submitted by IKKQ_407 to vexillologycirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 D3nbo The Ethics of Killing and Lying: Can We Break Precepts to Save Lives?

I’ve been reflecting on a debate between Bhikkhu Bodhi and Thanisarro Bhikkhu regarding the ethics of breaking precepts like lying or killing to save others. Bhikkhu Bodhi seems to allow for the possibility of breaking the precepts in extreme situations. He offers the example of lying to protect a Jewish family from Nazis during the Holocaust, suggesting that in such a case, lying is justified to prevent harm and save lives. This seems to imply that compassion may sometimes outweigh adherence to the rules.
In contrast, Thanisarro Bhikkhu holds a much stricter view. For Thanisarro, breaking the precepts, even in extreme situations, is an obstruction to the path. He argues that the precepts must be followed without exception. For a serious practitioner, there is no leeway to break these rules, no matter how grave the situation. Thanisarro’s position is clear: adhering to the precepts is essential for spiritual progress.
Bhikkhu Bodhi, in his discussions on precepts, suggests that serious practitioners must adhere to them no matter the circumstance. The intention behind the actions is key to his stance. He argues that breaking a precept for seemingly noble reasons, such as saving lives, could lead to karmic repercussions that disrupt one's spiritual path. For him, following the precepts is part of the mental training that frees one from delusions and defilements.
However, I’ve found myself questioning this perspective. What if, in an extreme situation, a practitioner has the opportunity to save lives by breaking a precept, like lying to protect a child? Suppose Bhikku Bodhi is in a situation where he could save a little child who is going to be raped and dismembered by a psychopath, would he not lie or kill the man because he can't sacrifice his path to liberation? How does one reconcile compassion with adherence to precepts in such cases? Bhikkhu Bodhi seems to be clear that breaking the precepts, even in life-and-death scenarios, would harm one's progress on the path to liberation. But can we really sacrifice innocent lives to preserve ethical purity?
The challenge for me lies in reconciling these views: if we break precepts to save lives, is it still in line with the Dharma? Bhikkhu Bodhi seems to allow for exceptions, but Thanisarro believes breaking a precept is always an obstruction. This leaves me questioning whether the precepts are meant to be absolute or whether they are guidelines that can adapt to extreme situations.
If we push further, there’s another critical issue: what if there’s no kamma or rebirth? Bhikkhu Bodhi’s argument assumes a belief in these doctrines, which could change the dynamics of the debate. Without a belief in kamma and rebirth, would the same reasoning apply? If there’s no consequence in a future life, does it still make sense to follow the precepts so rigidly?
Moreover, I’ve struggled with certain extreme scenarios—such as the case where a person must decide whether to lie to a psychopath to save a child from being harmed. Would Bhikkhu Bodhi hold firm to not lying, or would he allow for breaking the precept in such a dire situation? My own skepticism comes from questioning whether the precepts are always the best course of action, especially when lives are at stake.
I’m still exploring whether compassion should ever outweigh strict adherence to precepts. What do you think? Should we break the rules in extreme situations to save lives, or do the precepts remain sacred no matter the consequences?
submitted by D3nbo to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 xatfi Hiihto | Anni Jantunen, 15, voitti Antti Tuiskun – ”Menin vähän testailemaan”

Hiihto | Anni Jantunen, 15, voitti Antti Tuiskun – ”Menin vähän testailemaan” submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Tcbit Farmland

Could you do me a huge favor? 🥺Please accept my invite so that I can get free giftsCopy my code: 69553392
submitted by Tcbit to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Dmitrisnow How Do You Get Spirit Flower?

How Do You Get Spirit Flower? submitted by Dmitrisnow to Spiritfarer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Makuta_Servaela Eitra and Emi: #508

submitted by Makuta_Servaela to EitraAndEmi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Eric-Lodendorp "De Vlaamse economy is veel sterker dan de Waalse, we hebben ze niet nodig"

Beetje ne rant, beetje politiek.
Dit argument of variaties erop heb ik al talloos gehoord ter defensie van waarom Vlaanderen beter af zou zijn zonder Wallonië.
Het fundamenteel probleem mit dit argument is dat het de huidige situatie neemt alsof die altijd al zo geweest is.
Zonder Wallonië zou men in Vlaanderen niet zo rijk zijn als wij nu zijn. John Cockerill en de grondstoffen van de Sillon Industriel waren cruciaal voor de ontwikkeling van België, héél België.
Vlaanderen was toen wat Vlaams Separatisten nu verwijten Wallonië te zijn. Het is smerig om de situatie op welke andere manier dan ook te representeren dan de realiteit dat Wallonië Vlaanderen heeft gebouwd.
submitted by Eric-Lodendorp to Belgium2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 picnic_inthemeadow My thoughts buying while buying caulk

My thoughts buying while buying caulk submitted by picnic_inthemeadow to decoden [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 WaviestMetal I have an end game kit, someone suggest an adventure

I had a pretty heartbreaking death (thankfully at least a trade) shortly after getting a really good kit and I rage looted my way back to having a silenced svd, plate, helmet, nvgs etc. thanks to a lot of luck. Basically all the trappings of a late game kit. I'm only like 4 hours into this life and I've killed maybe 40 zombies and I am currently lacking the confidence to go hunt players by the NWAF and Tisy which is usually what I do when kitted owing to a string of bad luck deaths (and a couple poor decisions).
Any ideas of an adventure to go on or shenanigans to engage in while I work myself back up to the more higher stakes fighting? Nothing suicidally risky nor will I hang out in a spawn town to talk to hordes of freshies since it's too unpredictable. Current idea is a tour of the coast (I am near myshkino and would start on the SW side) but I've also done that a ton of times and the svd isn't super tailored for fighting in like cherno or berezino so I'm on the market for different ideas.
submitted by WaviestMetal to dayz [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Otherwise_Meaning_82 "Straight" men who hookup with men?

I'm a 35 year old gay guy and what is it with what seems to be the increasing amount of men who actively pursue and have sex with other men but despite that claim to be "straight" because of some arbitrary rule they make up in their head, like for example, "well I only fuck dudes, I don't date them or kiss so therefore I'm not gay," or, "fuck dudes but I'm married to a girl so I'm still straight."
Like I hooked up with a guy the other night and it was great and all but then he happens to tell me he's straight and not into dudes, he just likes the power dynamic difference between him and smaller guys because it makes him feel like and alpha and gets him off but he's not into or attracted to the dudes themselves... I'm like ok, so then why don't you go have sex with a smaller female then?
It's just mine boggling to me... Is this just indicative of the amount of men out there who are gay or bi but are to ashamed to come to terms with it and admit it so to cope they come up with all these justifications?
submitted by Otherwise_Meaning_82 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 The_Lieutenant_Knows Where is my M1911?

Where is my M1911?
submitted by The_Lieutenant_Knows to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 No_Hovercraft6286 Halix Prime G1 Style @MrPurplee

Halix Prime G1 Style @MrPurplee submitted by No_Hovercraft6286 to TransformersArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 JasonCrossReadsBooks Found this in a client's shower

Found this in a client's shower submitted by JasonCrossReadsBooks to BathroomShrooms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Elaxian Albums coming out this year that are worth it?

Let me see... I have:

What other albums are coming out this year that you think are worth it? I read you!
submitted by Elaxian to progmetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 uhhmelia_ The item destruction anti-meta build goes crazy... when you have meta charge loops of your own

The item destruction anti-meta build goes crazy... when you have meta charge loops of your own submitted by uhhmelia_ to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Hellsing_89 Black and white portable tv/radio

Hi 👋 I found this 5 inch crt for 10 euros. Great condition and perfectly working.
submitted by Hellsing_89 to crtgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Hero_BG Goofy ahh Pin

Goofy ahh Pin submitted by Hero_BG to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Own_Mammoth_9445 Ridiculous things you use to pray about

When I was still PIMI I used to pray about things that looking today I can see how cringe and pathetic they were.
Some of this things were: "Please Jehovah do not destroy this world until I have the opportunity to be a missionary and preach around the world, also do not destroy this world until I get to Gilead school!"
"Please Jehovah give me the opportunity to work as a volunteer on the Ramappo project, please please please give me this chance to be used for you!"
"Please Jehovah help me marry my crush since the 4th grade, please Jehovah use your powers to make her be in love with me , please please please God do this for me"
"Please Jehovah I didn't study for this school exam today but give me the wisdom necessary to at least have an A and I promise I will become an auxiliar pioneer next month, please do this favor to me and I will give you in return please please!"
Now, what were some of the things you used to pray about?
submitted by Own_Mammoth_9445 to exjw [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 rotation_rx Help a guy out after a long day at work!

Help a guy out after a long day at work! DM your submission. Only post with consent. Thanks for helping!
submitted by rotation_rx to nudebingo [link] [comments]