Wie viel zahlt ihr in eurem Fitnessstudio?

2025.01.18 22:59 Used-Place4412 Wie viel zahlt ihr in eurem Fitnessstudio?

Mich würde mal interessieren, wie viel ihr für welche Vorteile in eurem Fitnessstudio zahlt.
Mein Beitrag wurde nun auf 9,99 € die Woche erhöht. Halbjährliche Trainerpauschale von 25,00 €.
Ich finde das schon arig viel. Mein Studio begründet das Ganze mit den Kursen, die angeboten werden. Jedoch scheint dies auch nur Leute ü50 anzusprechen. Außerdem habe ich noch freien Zugang zu einer Sonnenbank (eine Sonnenbank für das ganze Fitnessstudio, das größte in meiner Umgebung).
Den einzigen benefit den ich wirklich nutze ist das im Preis inbegriffene Duschen.
Wie verhält sich das Ganze bei euch?
submitted by Used-Place4412 to FitnessDE [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 DepartmentPersonal45 sorry this is for a post on r/batmanarkham

submitted by DepartmentPersonal45 to ZeGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Impossible-Head1803 Tired of all these fake daddies where are the real ones :)

Tired of all these fake daddies where are the real ones :) submitted by Impossible-Head1803 to sugarbabyCommunities [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 NoLandscape6549 Dog scared to walk. Need help

My mini Aussie is 2.4 years old and he’s terrified when going on a walk around the block. It sucks because he’s always in the window sitting looking at dogs walking but he never goes himself.
His fear started when he was a little over a year and we were walking, and he heard constructions workers using a hammer and a loud car go by with a very loud exhaust.
I have to drive him to the park for him to walk around the park and I live 2 mins away from a park but he needs to be driven and it sucks that we can’t walk.
What will help him to walk to the park? Today, I said let’s go to the park, he got super happy and we made 40-50 secs away from my house and he spun and refused to walk forward and we calmly walked back to my house. Do I just keep trying and see if he goes further and further? He’s a good walker, but if he sees a dog, he gets super hyper.
submitted by NoLandscape6549 to miniaussie [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 True-Berry-9405 ETC Ion Xe20 lost some settings

we run ETC Ion Xe20 with 3.2.8 software.
Over night it lost some stuff:

  1. movers forgot their fan speed settings, like somehow console sent them default settings.
  2. submaster pages got mixed up and not showing up on built in wing display.
  3. tabs and windows arrangement got reset to default view.
  4. we use two displays with touchscreens, touch screens got swaped, L to R and R to L, if one touches L display it "clicks" on R and vice versa.
  5. two effects that we programmed got deleted, we have around 20 effects that we programed but this event deleted two that was last ones added.
What is this? Could this be a virus?
thanks a lot!!
submitted by True-Berry-9405 to techtheatre [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 altbones Overlooked van essentials

I’m nearly finished with the majority of my DIY campervan build which has a solar + split charge 12v system, with a fridge, portable double burner, a tap and sink, double bed etc. most of the essentials are done eek!
I’m now starting to worry I’ve missed something. (I’m a serial over-planner)
Apart from the common bits most people install, what are some under-the-radar things campervan owners wished they’d added or later added after using their vans for a while? Is there anything you overlooked?
I won’t be living in my van; it’s an H1L2 Vivaro and was a former postie van!
submitted by altbones to vandwellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Ieatmudd Fancy serial number sheet

Fancy serial number sheet submitted by Ieatmudd to CURRENCY [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 ComprehensiveEye2211 4.0 GPA!

4.0 GPA! Finally achieved a 4.0GPA on all of the Main Story Mission!
submitted by ComprehensiveEye2211 to ReadyOrNotGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 colinexl Does this button click "upwards"?

I can press this button downwards but I cannot press it upwards?
submitted by colinexl to GMCSierraEV [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Gullible-Molasses883 Is this a reference?

Is this a reference? I love a7x and this card is making me wanna make a deck themed around them haha
submitted by Gullible-Molasses883 to avengedsevenfold [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Spotemthatswhoiwant 26 drench gang really the dumbest gang in nyc first they linked with the Gz that ain’t work out then they linked with bev that ain’t work out now they linked with money and sheepshead niggas that ain’t work out 😂😂😂😂😂 atp just stop linking with niggas

submitted by Spotemthatswhoiwant to TheTownz [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Commercial-Map-3536 Uncomfortable in ring sling?

Hi hi! Today is the third day in a row that my 7 week old slept 30 mins in the ring sling before waking up screaming.
She's slept in it for a couple of hours several times - is it possible she's uncomfortable? Is there any way I can check for that - she's always got a fresh diaper and is freshly fed.
Ironically I've felt very confident in my fit during those screaming wake ups!
Any tips would be helpful, TYSM!
submitted by Commercial-Map-3536 to babywearing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 zVulpine Ajuda com restauração de mesa

Ajuda com restauração de mesa Olá pessoal! Preciso de ajuda com a restauração de uma mesa de maneira pinus, por favor.
Aconteceu que derramei sem querer álcool isopropílico nela e "comeu" parcialmente da tintura da madeira. Fui numa casa de tintas e me recomendaram aplicar "massa F12" em seguida lixar e aplicar uma verniz "incolor fosco". Fiz o procedimento e apliquei só uma mão de verniz por enquanto, o resultado é esse da imagem mas não sei se vai funcionar. As manchas estão na esquerda e direita.
Alguma dica de como posso remover de vez essas imperfeições e deixar a pintura uniforme?
submitted by zVulpine to marceneiros [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Tiramasui Listen to meet lime cookie!–twintails edition by tsundere twintails

Idk it's a cute song
submitted by Tiramasui to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 naraley Mariokart makes me wanna bite things

Nsfw for casual nudity
submitted by naraley to furry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Acrobatic_News_9986 If you submit fanart, it should be authentic and real, not AI generated.

It’s not just about the art itself; it’s about the intent and meaning behind it. AI-generated content dilutes the value of what the fans and the artist’s work truly stand for.
Mac was an amazing artist and such a raw real person. It just comes across this disingenuous and a slap in the face. I feel like, but I could be completely wrong.
Other than that fucking album though, let’s talk about it LFG!!
submitted by Acrobatic_News_9986 to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 zorfog Day 88 of using every armor coating I have: Redacted Records

Day 88 of using every armor coating I have: Redacted Records submitted by zorfog to halodripfinite [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 yrnjaxon for my kitchen people, how long was it before you got your first raise? (US)

I’ve been working day shift in the kitchen here for 8 months. I run the fryer+grill almost everyday bc/ I’m the only crew besides one other dude that barley listens. everybody else on day shift is a manager. I really want to be a crew trainer, but I know they want me to consistently know the table. I get on the table when I’m needed, but I won’t volunteer to do it all day if I don’t have to. my boss said she was proud of me when an inspector came in & I took off my gloves the right way. I told her I need a raise & she said I’m on her list, but I’ll believe it when I see it. we have RGR in April & I heard we won’t get raises until after that. I have bills to pay & can’t keep working at a job for $10 an hour for 3 MORE MONTHS. how long did it take for you to get a raise where you’re at?
submitted by yrnjaxon to McDonaldsEmployees [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 IgetItGone TD🇺🇸 Stilpane

TD🇺🇸 Stilpane submitted by IgetItGone to l_ean [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Sweet_Star_On_RBLX Dumb question, is it possible for other players to sign in with their XBOX account on PC Local Co-Op? (Steam)

Dumb question, is it possible for other players to sign in with their XBOX account on PC Local Co-Op? (Steam) I recently introduced my sister to Minecraft Dungeons for the first time and I was wondering if I could have her sign in with a different account instead of just a clone of mine so it's a little less confusing. If not then it's alright I was just curious
submitted by Sweet_Star_On_RBLX to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 sanjose2022 Все они пошли на концерт Кобзона. Российский солдат снял очередную «Дорогу смерти». Украинские дроны «Баба-Яга» уничтожили технику целой роты. Опубликовано 18.01.2025

submitted by sanjose2022 to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 willowx69 note taking

very unrelated to wsu but what is the best/easiest note-taking app to work around (for ipad)? Im starting my first year this upcoming semester and I want to organise and prepare myself for my subjects in the best way possible.
Any recommendations would be great!
submitted by willowx69 to UWS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Hauoi Avaliem a refeição do dia do lixo (sabores baiana, cinco queijos e banoffee)

Avaliem a refeição do dia do lixo (sabores baiana, cinco queijos e banoffee) submitted by Hauoi to gororoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 Empty-Onion-4654 $FTM to $ transfer

I’m quite a quite patient person but just checking if anyone else on crypto.com have had their ftm converted to $S ?
From the uk 👍🏻 thanks in advance
submitted by Empty-Onion-4654 to FantomFoundation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:59 deceitful_fart84 Plate carrier, Equipment questions.

Hello! I'm typically a lurker just to see if there's anything new I can research up on or read about regarding care. I have some questions and if it's already been posted please help direct me to that post or info. Thanks in advance, sorry for the TL:DR.
Background: I've been in firefighting for 19 years now, EMT for about 13 of those years. I am gonna regret putting this but, I'm overweight and I am currently on a diet as well as the tirzepitide shots to help cut more weight. 5'5" and about 290 now, still dropping weight and starting to incorporate weight training again and sandbag exercises. Context: I was 320 about 3-4 months ago. Prior to that, I was in decent shape, definitely not a small guy in terms of frame but height, yes. I worked out 4 hours a day/6 days a week. I know, I have no excuses for letting myself go for a bit. I need to be the change. Nonetheless, I can still hold my own on the fire grounds and run with the young folks even though that's getting a lot harder to do.
A lot of our dept personnel and EMS agency had taken a course on RTF (Rescue Task Force) recently instructed by the Marshals Service. Great course, excellent information. We still have another portion to do with HOT skills. I would be a part of the teams that will be going in and rescuing victims only. I have no tactical training and the rescue teams with our small town will have 1-2 officers attached to them to perform care, extract victims from the areas. I don't know why I put all that, most of you probably have way more training than I do in this area. I was also made training officer recently and I would definitely like to incorporate this stuff with the duty crews so we can stay sharp with our skills/training on high risk/low frequency type stuff.
Any recommendations on the questions below? (Preferably under about $500us, if not that's ok):
I'd like to buy a plate carrier for myself and maybe a helmet to use for work and also incorporate similar gear into training/conditioning exercises while I workout. I will only wear that plate carrier if an incident occurs. I had already cleared it with my chief as long as it's professional and not something crazy.
Do they make training plate carriers for workouts/conditioning training/real world training?
What would be an acceptable plate carrier to get along with the best plates for the vest (I'm not too knowledgeable in that area and I feel like the Internet searches I try, tend to vary on info).
Any particular helmet that be acceptable to get?
Are there good kits to stock as far as equipment (TQ, bandages, etc or is it better to buy bulk and build your own kits?)
Thanks for the help, feel free to roast me if you want, give info I'll appreciate it all.
submitted by deceitful_fart84 to TacticalMedicine [link] [comments]
