Toddler diarrhea and antibiotics

在搜索引擎使用中,关键字and、 or、 not的区别是什么?搜索引擎逻辑词and、 or、 not的区别如下:1、用“AND”与“ *”表示。 是拉丁文的引申。 拉丁语原本是意大利中部拉提姆地区(Latium,意大利语为Lazio)的方言,后来则因为发源于此地的罗马帝国势力扩张而将拉丁语广泛流传于帝国境内,并定拉丁文为官方语言。 Master Journal List在这个网站能搜到的就是吗?我在web of knowledge 上能搜到文章的杂志就是sci吗? “&”这个符号按照以下图片所示一笔手写成。 &是逻辑语言,逻辑上表示两者属于缺一不可的关系,还可以表示一个人和另外一个人之意,与and同义。 SCI期刊名称缩写汇总全称:JACS applied materials & interfaces 简写:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces全称:ACS Catalysis 简写:ACS Catal.全称:ACS Applied Nano Materials 简写: ACS Appl. Nano Mater.全称: or是什么意思,那and和它有什么区别?and和or是初中英语的常见并列连词,用于引导两个并列的词、词组或句子。 and 连接的两个词后面用复数还是单数?(1)当and连接并列主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。 以上图片中的说法对不对?表达A、B、C(均为单词或短语)并列应该用A,B and C还是A,B,and C? 论文检索策略. 案例一:cnki检索结果里文献太多? cnki首页的检索框,通过检索框(一框式检索)可以查到很多文章,用于日常浏览的时候觉得非常方便,但真的需要仔细阅读文章的时候发现文献数量太多了,基本上每次都是上万条的检索结果,不知道从何读起。 tpami几乎没有自然语言处理(nlp)方向的论文,官网也明确说了主要收计算机视觉和图像理解的投稿,为什么…

2025.01.19 01:50 RTCatQueen Toddler diarrhea and antibiotics

My 16 month old male toddler has had an ear infection for the last 3.5 weeks. He’s been treated with amoxicillin, cefdinir and now has a script for augmentin. Last time he was on augmentin, he pooped straight liquid diarrhea over and over until his entire groin and butt was bright red and blistered. He had multiple episodes and it was miserable.
This time around, we think he has norovirus. After he finished the cefdinir, he has had 5 episodes of diarrhea that blows out down his legs and up his back today alone. He spent want to eat. Yesterday he woke up covered in vomit and sleep sack full of diarrhea. Now with this new prescription, I’m nervous about even starting the antibiotic. I know he needs it but at what point is it too much of diarrhea?
He will drink pedialyte, water, and very watered down apple juice. He will barely eat. At what point are we going to have to take him to the ER for dehydration and still fight this ear infection?
Any tips? We’re on day 3 of this now.
Medical hx: RSV 1 month ago with hospitalization for resp failure, Covid 2 weeks ago. No surg hx. Otherwise healthy kiddo.
submitted by RTCatQueen to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 esayexohen Opinions are like kittens

I’ve upgraded my mountain bike and thinking of converting my older steel frame hard tail Jamis Dragon Sport to a gravel/bikepacking bike. Would you recommend dropping the cash on a new bike altogether, or would this only require a few changes: tires, bars/levers, fork? Ideally don’t want to spend too much $ as I’m primarily into mtb but looking forward to carving some time into gravel/packing and still getting use out of my trusty steel frame. Appreciate your thoughts or pointing me in the direction of reliable parts that aren’t top of the line.
submitted by esayexohen to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Noah__Webster In the KenPom era, 41 teams have played against both UNC and Kentucky on the road in the same season. Alabama is the first team to win road games against both of them in a single season.

In the KenPom era, 41 teams have played against both UNC and Kentucky on the road in the same season. Alabama is the first team to win road games against both of them in a single season. submitted by Noah__Webster to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 rd1234user MED/ contestação de pix após golpe

Alguém que tenha sido vítima de golpe e solicitou o estorno do pagamento pix via MED teve a contestação recusada? Abrir a reclamação no BC ajudou a resolver a situação? Solicitei a contestação, com boletim de ocorrência, e mesmo assim foi recusada, acredito que os golpistas já estavam com a conta zerada :/
submitted by rd1234user to golpe [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 traderpapi Student Investment Fund Conflict

I have a senior position with my university student investment fund. While applying I am asked about being on any committees (which I am for the fund), is my student fund relevant to this question? Should I be answering yes and giving my explanation since I would continue working with the fund when I return after a work term. Curious about everyones thoughts on this. It is non-paid, I was interviewed and selected for it. Also, if I do select yes would that rule me out? or is it just a compliance/ disclosure component. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
"Are you presently involved in any outside activities, such as volunteer activities, employment, ownership or involvement in a business (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation), member of a Board of Directors or Committee (profit or non-profit), elected position, etc., that would continue after obtaining employment with BMO Financial Group or changing jobs within BMO Financial Group?"
submitted by traderpapi to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Matthew_The_Maker Phew that was close

Phew that was close submitted by Matthew_The_Maker to thememedump [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 bunnycake4 Looking for one ticket to see Jordan Jensen at the Wescott tomorrow night

submitted by bunnycake4 to Syracuse [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Ashamed_Economy8899 Looking to sell and upgrade

I'm planning on selling my 4060 and buying a 3080 12gb, since the price/performance is better for me. Any idea what I should list a Gigabyte Aero OC 4060 for? They're about $300 usd new, so I'm hopeful it's somewhere near that. Has a decent amount of uptime, but never overclocked or opened, still have original packaging. Thanks!
submitted by Ashamed_Economy8899 to pcpartsales [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 GarmeerGirl [CA] What can I do if my boss keeps postponing paying my last paycheck?

I gave my 2 week notice, he said he'd meet me at the office a few days 2 days after my last day. I arrived but he texted he would mail my check. I waited a whole week it didn't come.
I emailed him asking if I could stop by the office or a Starbucks near his home to pick up my check because it never arrived. He said he's traveling. When I said you said you were going to mail it he said the accountant hadn't cut the check yet for him to sign. This means he lied about meeting me to give the check and about mailing it.
I read if it's more than 3 days late he can be fined daily. How much is the daily fine and who would I go to to ask for it? I'm scared he will cut it short I don't even trust him. I'm exempt if that means i get a fixed salary for more than 40 hours work. He said he’ll follow up Tuesday after I said I was relying on it and need the funds. Am I being unreasonable?
submitted by GarmeerGirl to AskHR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 daletowel32 Boiii Console Commands Gobblegum

Is there any console commands to unlock all gobblegums? I know there is cg_unlockall_.... for other things, but I don't really have a lot of time to unlock them all. Thanks
submitted by daletowel32 to blackops3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Odd-Fix-1465 Picture of the real "Billy Batts" this is his wedding picture.. he never had gray hair like in the Movie because he was taken out at 37 years old..Want more..?

Picture of the real submitted by Odd-Fix-1465 to MafiaMystery [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 lkidman help, do i include this?

Boyfriend of 2+ years and i broke up two weeks ago to the day. I’m heartbroken, we had been going through a rough patch but I thought we would be able to work it out together. He said he had things he needed to work on alone. Who knows if he actually means it, and frankly, I know he did not treat me well for a while, I just didn’t have the courage to end it. I loved him, and I still do. Even though the bad times were bad not a single part of me hates him, i only respect him.
I have to ship a box of his stuff. Haven’t done it yet. sitting on my bed with this note i wrote in my hand:
If i had another 100 lives, I would choose to be with you for those two years every time. I know you will do so much in this world.
I don’t mean to send this as a way to win him back— I know we are over. I know as the dumpee it looks like i’m desperate, but honestly, after everything, I have no regrets of the relationship. I am so happy it happened. But do I put the note in the box? If you received it would you laugh or appreciate it, or other?
Thanks :)
submitted by lkidman to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Determining-Decay LF Repeat Ball Cranidos/Rampardos.

Pretty much the last mon I need for my Violet Dex. Msg me if you’re looking for a diff Pokemon for trade. Thank you
submitted by Determining-Decay to PokemonSVTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 mcknight92 Richie’s relations

Richie makes it clear he would go to bat for his niece Adriana. What about his nephew Vito? If he didn’t get shot by the Boardwalk Bandit do you think he would have somehow intervened in the situation? Sil does say he disowned his kid for being gay but since Vito was a captain and top earner do y’all think things would have panned out differently?
submitted by mcknight92 to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 ZiaMonic231 It’s true, The Ladies love 07 Sonic

submitted by ZiaMonic231 to sonicplushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 TeddyWong60625 Two Six 🐇 ~ Throwback

Two Six 🐇 ~ Throwback submitted by TeddyWong60625 to GangBangCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Temporary_Bobcat6622 Miku Miku, you can call me Miku~

Does anyone know the price of the Miku bundle, if I were to buy the skin separately?
submitted by Temporary_Bobcat6622 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Pure_Luck_7062 Undervolting

Ive tested more than 10 undervolt settings on youtube and nothing is working. I got the worst card you can possibly imagine which is an RX590GME (i dont even know if its real). I just got into pcbuilding recently and the temp of my gpu is killing me. Can someone take a look at the settings ive made? because I have no idea what im doing.
submitted by Pure_Luck_7062 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Crisp_Image Issues with coloring

Hello everyone,
Is there any way to set Reaper up so that new tracks are automatically given a random color? I currently have this set to a shortcut, but it would be nice if it happened automatically. In addition, does anyone know if you can set up a default project to automatically use certain themed colors? I can't seem to figure it out.
Thank you!
submitted by Crisp_Image to Reaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 help_acc AIW for asking or having a bit of doubt? (Maybe NSFW? Idk not really)

I'll try to compress it to the important part. Sorry if it's still a long text.
So me (34M) and my girlfriend (33F) having a situation where she's probably ending our relationship of 2 years over because I asked her something she offered me to do 2 weeks prior.
For some context before I start: we're both gamers and she is a very open person when talking or making jokes about sex etc. which leads to other dudes online to think she's talking to them specificly and to write her in private and make advances on her. She told me that before we started our relationship and I knew her a few years before we started dating so I knew what she's like so I never minded that. Oh and also we don't play the same games which means we both have our own online circles etc.
Sooo, about 2 weeks ago I went in her room to ask her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat and saw her discord chat with a dude from her new raid grp telling her how he imaged her naked and that he would like to fuck her and her reaction was kinda weird. So I asked her about it the next day, if I should be worried about us and told her that I feel like shit for reading it and for the thoughts I had after reading it. She was very sorry I had to read it and hated it that I felt this way. She told me he apologized to her next day and he won't do it again via voice chat. She also told me (this is the important part) that she has nothing to hide and I can read her private messages whenever I want. I trust her and believe she told me the truth and all was good after we talked it out. I told her that I don't mind her talking "sex" with dudes online but I mind if said dude's write her how they imagine doing it with or to her without her directly responding that she has no interest but just making jokes about it or semi get into it (no idea how the say it the way I mean it English is my second language)
The thing is I'm a bit scared in that aspect because my ex wife ended it so she could sleep with one of my best friend but they sexted for like half a year before that ( I found out later) , another girl I dated and fell in love with ended it abruptly to do the same with another shared friend and the ex of my female bestfriend also cheated on her after sexting a random girl he met online.
Now two days ago I took the car of my gf with me to work to fix some stuff and on my way back home I was like " I'll probably get some when I get home" but than I thought about the stuff I read and felt weird again. So when I came home I told her about it and asked her if I could read her private chat with him for my piece of mind. It's not that I don't trust her it's just that I have bad experience and I can't shut up my thoughts. But her reaction this time was completely different and she told me I could read it but then she sees that I don't trust her and that we should break up. We talked afterwards and she told me he never did the same thing an just writes her because of raids but now she doesn't know If we have a future because she doesn't believe I trust her, no matter what I say.
I have the feeling something had to has changed in the last two weeks because her responses where totally different and she even offered me to read it before but now it's a reason to break up. We're sleeping in different rooms atm and I am totally down. I really love her and imagined us spending the rest of our lives together and I don't wanna lose what we have.
So was I wrong for asking her to read her chat?
submitted by help_acc to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Potential_Crisis Advice finding Temporary Summer Work/Volunteer Positions in Ecology

Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone has experience/knowledge of temporary summer jobs related to field work in preservation, or biology/ecology research. Essentially, a job related to ecology that is seasonal and takes place primarily outdoors.
If you have any advice about where to find these positions, and really anything else about them, I would love to hear it!
(Im assuming a lot of these positions are taken by local college interns, but unfortunately I'm an out of state student.)
submitted by Potential_Crisis to ecology [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 ogdtx45 Far beyond the senses

submitted by ogdtx45 to bleedingcanvas [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 ilytevie Another dog at my work LOL

submitted by ilytevie to Eyebleach [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 Federal_Walrus_6576 Andrea

Andrea submitted by Federal_Walrus_6576 to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:50 StraightNumber572 Do you feel satisfaction seeing Tomo being beaten by Yukari?

Do you feel satisfaction seeing Tomo being beaten by Yukari? submitted by StraightNumber572 to AzumangaPosting [link] [comments]