Hey kinda new to this but looking for someone who can flirt with my single mom my session is below

2025.01.19 09:20 tubket2 Hey kinda new to this but looking for someone who can flirt with my single mom my session is below

Hey kinda new to this but looking for someone who can flirt with my single mom my session is below submitted by tubket2 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 clothanger Let's give the Merchant more power, shall we?

Let's give the Merchant more power, shall we? what could go wrong?
also this relic should be reset whenever you clear your debt, enable you to use it again.
submitted by clothanger to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Open-Cap4476 i just teared up over picking the wrong option in a dating simulator

kinda funny but kinda sad too. never expected to get so invested, especially since its a small irrelevant part of the game i often just forget about, and the characters dont even feel very real. makes me realise how lonely i've been feeling, was doing an okay job at supressing my feelings for a couple of days but here we are.
just wanted to share and maybe see if someone had a similar experience i suppose, dont feel like playing anymore now :(.
submitted by Open-Cap4476 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 jasminusminu Dreaming about dying (and coming back alive)

This week I had 3 dreams where I died and after a while I came back alive. How does it make sense? :D And what could it possibly mean? I don't lucid dream btw
submitted by jasminusminu to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 timewaved Make a picture based on my username

Make a picture based on my username submitted by timewaved to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 CaitlinL2000 [REQ] $50 payback $70 24/1

Please, I just need to get through next payday please.
submitted by CaitlinL2000 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 i_like_cake_96 Visited New York in 2004 - Very happy as a teenager to see Trapeze schools exist.

Visited New York in 2004 - Very happy as a teenager to see Trapeze schools exist. submitted by i_like_cake_96 to newyorkcity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Educational-Paper-19 Roblox : NOW MOVE!

Roblox : NOW MOVE! submitted by Educational-Paper-19 to dankmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Shot-Willingness1850 What happened to kingies this season

Swear it’s been very quiet around Sydney harbour not really any flood of rats and haven’t really seen many people catching them inshore
submitted by Shot-Willingness1850 to FishingAustralia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 ElvisIsNotDjed 23 Happy-Triggering Decor Pieces That’ll Boost Your Mood Instantly

23 Happy-Triggering Decor Pieces That’ll Boost Your Mood Instantly submitted by ElvisIsNotDjed to wholesome [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 ThatTransKnight Egg irl

Egg irl submitted by ThatTransKnight to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 nie_ma_co_wspominac I'm 32M in love with an influencer F18 and it's ruining me

I'm 32M in love with an influencer 18F and it's ruining me
Hi, I'm 32 M and about a year ago I started following one influencer on social media. Her name is Myshe 18 F and she's honestly one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, but she's also kind and I just love everything she does. At first it was innocent, I was just checking her new content, leaving a couple comments here and there but it's starting to get out of control. I can't sleep, eat or do anything. I feel like she was made specially for me and we would work so well together. I tried dm-ing her but obviously I got lost in all of the messages she gets everyday. I know I'm her biggest fan, I listen to her song everyday, check her story constantly and follow her on all platforms. Now we might get to the more 'unusual' part she's from Poland and I'm from UK so to understand her I started to teach myself polish. I even planned a vacation in the city she talks about in her vlogs just to have a slim chance of meeting her. I started to lose friends and family because of my tiny obsession and now I don't even know what to do anymore. I just can't stop myself, I know I could give her the life she deserves. Do you think I shall go to Poland and hope to meet her or just try to unfollow her and rebuild my life? I feel like I'm getting obsessive.
TLTR: Been following an influencer for like a year, fell in love, is planning to visit her country for a small chance to meet her but got some doubts.
submitted by nie_ma_co_wspominac to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 TogedemaruIsTooCute absolutely ridiculous

i've been a player since august 2023, and i dont have enough blue camellias to finish my quest. honestly this is getting fucking ridiculous because of how hard it is to get these blue flowers. i've never struggled with these quests because i've been playing for a long time but now its affecting me too. they gotta put a stop to this
submitted by TogedemaruIsTooCute to PikminBloomApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Marcelo_Elo_Elo123 Rise of scorpion lvl 3

Do i get any extra troops from capturing cities cos 6 troops isnt enoguh and the ai doesnt do shit
submitted by Marcelo_Elo_Elo123 to WorldConqueror4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 dacoolmike36 When someone ask me this question....

When someone ask me this question.... submitted by dacoolmike36 to megaconstrux [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Unable-List-8326 Uvildig økonomi rådgiver - anbefalinger?

Familie som i mange år har sparet og investeret. Vi er i slutningen af 40'erne og har i runde tal 7 mill i indeksaktier, 4 mill i pension, 1,5 mill i divers p2p, og 4 mill frifærdi. indtil videre har jeg stået for det hele selv, men tænker at det måske er på tide at få nogen til at gennemgå økonomien for at se hvor vi kan optimere. Nogen der har erfaring med noget lignenden, og nogen der kan anbefales?
submitted by Unable-List-8326 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 DiscussionOk9496 Asking your opinion every day about a $uicideboy$ song day 16: Iron Veil

submitted by DiscussionOk9496 to G59 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 litgrizzly Any reason I stopped getting obstacles? I haven't hit the obstacle limit, yet it's been well over a month and I havent had any obstacles spawn, other than the Christmas one

Any reason I stopped getting obstacles? I haven't hit the obstacle limit, yet it's been well over a month and I havent had any obstacles spawn, other than the Christmas one submitted by litgrizzly to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 CyberneticCataclysm My Lucy cosplay

submitted by CyberneticCataclysm to CyberneticCataclysm [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Total-Mountain-5082 Genuinely NEW to porn? DM me and I'll help you out! I'm very friendly and I never judge!! 05f05342182c3df2d8a15dd22d85e0b5b1e37f16142b80dd4f3ce44a02d018f01b

Genuinely NEW to porn? DM me and I'll help you out! I'm very friendly and I never judge!! 05f05342182c3df2d8a15dd22d85e0b5b1e37f16142b80dd4f3ce44a02d018f01b submitted by Total-Mountain-5082 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Proper-Ad-8829 I don’t think Schitts Creek does get massively better

I feel like a massive cliche of this show is that people don’t get or understand this show at all when it comes out and have to hear that “it gets better” after a few seasons. I gave up around season 3 a few years ago and then after a few months my family told me “it got better” and I got back into it and really enjoyed the rest of it and was sad that it ended. I don’t know why I gave up. I didn’t hate it the first few seasons. It was just on. Background noise. I rarely really laughed. But I thought it got better towards the end and was glad I stuck through it.
This Christmas we did a rewatch. I was dreading how unfunny the beginning was and how it felt like a slog last time, but twas not the case! Instead, I swear to god every episode was hysterical. I was shocked to discover that it didn’t get better, it was always good? Every episode we were genuinely laughing out loud, straight from the beginning. We binged the entire series in a week whereas before it took us months to get through. We were like “is this the same show” because the first time felt sooo long to get through. It was a completely different viewing experience. I am wondering if I am alone in this experience- it’s not that it “got good”, it’s that I switched into finally getting it because it’s so quirky and unique and always was from the beginning. Rarely is this the case- most shows genuinely are a bit shit from the beginning and then take their time to get into the swing of things, whereas Schitts Creek always knew what it was, just a lot of people (including myself) weren’t ready or understood it.
So now, although I love the extra characters of the later seasons and character progressions, I don’t think it does actually gets dramatically better- it’s consistently amazing, and the problem was me, not the show. Once you get it, every episode is gold. Do you think that’s true? Or do you feel like it does noticeably “get better”?
submitted by Proper-Ad-8829 to SchittsCreek [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Achilles_the_vessel Epic Hilda

Epic Hilda I wanted to turn Hilda into Epic Mickey somehow. Hilda now holds the magic paintbrush which she can use to either restore or erase. Here she is in the first pic with some Bunny Children. The second Pic, she uses paint to redeem a Seer. The last pic shows her using thinner to erase a toon shell from a Beetleworx.
submitted by Achilles_the_vessel to HildaTheSeries [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Educational-Club-204 Coldplay Ahmedabad Tickets available for 26th January

I have 4 tickets available for 26th January show if anyone interested I can handover tickets at the stadium also or I can we fast it as well.
Ticket details: Category and Seats: BLOCK R BAY 3-UPPER: L-48, L-49, L-50, L-51 Quantity: 4
submitted by Educational-Club-204 to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Traditional-Egg-5871 I see your Tower box set; here is mine <3

submitted by Traditional-Egg-5871 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 09:20 Funny-Bear TSS Earnslaw in Queenstown, New Zealand. Launched the same year as the Titanic (1912). The oldest running commercial coal-fired steamship in the Southern Hemisphere. The closest I’ll get to riding on the Titanic.

TSS Earnslaw in Queenstown, New Zealand. Launched the same year as the Titanic (1912). The oldest running commercial coal-fired steamship in the Southern Hemisphere. The closest I’ll get to riding on the Titanic. TSS Earnslaw
submitted by Funny-Bear to titanic [link] [comments]
