2025.01.19 10:30 PapayaLinus Space rock skipper
What gamemode is the best to play to get the space rock skipper achivement. (Bounce a meteor of a jumppad)
submitted by PapayaLinus to thefinals [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 MoyenMoyen Adaptateur douille vers embouts
Un truc qui me rend dingue: j’arrive pas à trouver une pièce simple qui viendrait s’adapter sur un support type douille mâle 1/4 et qui permettrait de recevoir des embouts à base hexagonale (de même largeur d’ailleurs comme on voit sur la photo). Bref un adapteur F/F de douille vers embout en 1/4 (a part des trucs sur des sites discounters chinois avec des photos pas explicites). Help 😅 submitted by MoyenMoyen to brico [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 MySocksSuck Spørgsmål om at overtage formuepleje fra banken
Et nært og pensioneret familiemedlem har i årevis haft sin bank til at håndtere hendes investeringer, og de tager sig naturligvis betalt for opgaven. Det er svært at få reelt overblik, men omkostningerne har minimum været DKK 40.000 årligt for en portefølje på ca. 2 millioner. Dertil kommer formentlig gebyrer og div. årlige omkostninger for de enkelte investeringsprodukter (som - big surprise! – er bankens egne..). Men det er som nævnt svært at få fuldt overblik. Samtidig kan jeg se, at afkastet kun lige nøjagtig har fulgt markedet på en god dag.
Nu har hun - for at spare gebyrer og honorar – bedt mig overtage opgaven med at investere, og det er jeg rimeligt tryg ved. Jeg har på egen hånd investeret både frie midler og egen pensionsopsparing i en årrække efter en strategi, der kan betegnes som kedelig eller fornuftig (afhængig af temperament).
Mit spørgsmål er, hvilke benspænd jeg kan forvente fra banken, når vi nu vil overtage opgaven selv?
Vi har allerede talt med hendes bankrådgiver nogle gange, og han slår sig tydeligt i tøjret og får alt til at lyde frygteligt kompliceret (forståeligt nok: Hendes investering er jo en god og automatiseret forretning for banken).
Nu slal jeg formentlig tale med rådgiveren igen i morgen. Har nogle af jer erfaringer at dele med sådan en situation og hvad man evt. skal forvente af besværligheder, indvendinger eller forsøg på at snige fordyrende elementegebyrewhatever ind fra bankens side?
submitted by MySocksSuck to dkfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 kadreg Quentin et Stefane sont développeurs informatique : « On réalise des applications sur PC, web ou téléphone »
submitted by kadreg to developpeurs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 LheyLapuz0709 Trading portal and dark for venom plzz
submitted by LheyLapuz0709 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Barreyyy Is Merab the most easy to like, yet most easy to dislike fighter in the UFC? If not, who else?
He’s a cardio monster obviously, and he has dominant wrestling. But he constantly gets triggered on the mic, showboats even when he’s down or losing at the time, can’t talk trash unless he’s on social media. And he is boring all of the time when he’s NOT jumping up and around like he’s on crack, plus, nobody likes a guy that shoots 30 takedowns a fight. On the other hand, he’s hilarious, even when he does get triggered, his videos online are most of the time really funny, and his rants on the mic after winning are not only annoying as anything, they are pretty funny. Everybody likes a guy who came from nothing, worked his way to the top, and tries his best to give motivational speeches, even if it’s usually just annoying broken English. I want to love Merab so much, but I also want to dislike him so much, I’m so on the fence with him, and I feel like I’m not the only one. submitted by Barreyyy to ufc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 AutoModerator BB
#cat #kitty #BB submitted by AutoModerator to MyCatClan [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Jangles__ Full cost of purchasing property.
I’m hesitant to buy a property primarily because I’m clueless about the comprehensive costs involved. While I own shares and feel like I’m doing well with them, my partner is German, and renting is the norm there. Consequently, I keep getting criticized by friends for not purchasing a house. I understand that there are numerous factors to consider, but the full cost of property ownership is rarely discussed. For instance, let’s say I’m considering buying an $800k home and putting down a 10% deposit. Then, there’s stamp duty, property inspections, conveyancing, LMI, and rates of approximately $2k. On top of that, I need to factor in the total repayments on the loan with interest. It’s overwhelming and difficult to comprehend all these expenses. Can anyone help me understand with rough numbers?
submitted by Jangles__ to fiaustralia [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Curious-Salad-9594 You have to let it all go.
submitted by Curious-Salad-9594 to repost [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 CustomWritingsCoLTD R programming
If you need help with R programming homework, reach out on my discord & read my vouches here Have a look at previous work I've completed here!
Ps. The completed projects on the community were completed 2yrs+ & I've since received permission to post them from the respective students:)
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to RStudio_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Recognissence Tiktok isn't avaliable right now
submitted by Recognissence to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Earthyybabe Letter to my ex
I hate how much I miss you. Sometimes I wish I could just erase you from my mind so that I could live in peace. I hate that I have all of these feelings and emotions towards you. I feel like you aren’t deserving of none of it. I miss you so much that it hurts. I hate it. But I still love you. Still. It’s been 9 months and you’re still on my mind. I hate the situation. I hate everything about it. I hate that I love you. I would say that I wish I never met you but I’d be lying. How am I the one who broke things off and still I miss you so dearly. It’s sickening. I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you. It sucks. I wish you would just pick up the phone and call me, text me, pop up on me. I miss you and I hate it. I feel so lonely. I haven’t met anyone since you left. It’s been months. Do you even care? How selfish of me to ask when I was the one who broke things off. But I did so for all of the right reasons. You were no good for me and still I miss tf out of you. I think about you almost daily and even talk about you from time to time. I hate that the only things I have to think about pertaining to you is memories. You ignited a fire in me that no one ever has. The worst part is that even if we were to rekindle things it would never work because of your situation. I feel like I’m at a dead end. I want you out of my mind. I don’t understand why I miss you so much. It’s like you put a spell on me. Time has passed and you’re not on the forefront of my mind but you’re still there. Just lingering on the sidelines. Why? I hate that I have so much pride. But things are better as they are now because like I said I know it’ll just all lead to a dead end like before and hurt even more. I hate this shit. I pray that God sends me a distraction so that I don’t think of you as much as I do. I don’t understand these feelings. They just make me sad. I’m tired. I think I need therapy. Shits exhausting. I’m saying the same shit over but it just emphasizes how I feel. I hope you’re doing well and I love you.
submitted by Earthyybabe to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 TATAMONEY Como Juntar Dinheiro por Mês: Guia Prático para Economizar e Prosperar
submitted by TATAMONEY to QueroganhardinheiroBr [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 screams-for-fun12345 Toller vs a border collie temperament?
Ah, i can hear the internal screaming of this whole subreddit now lmao.
Just let me explain. As connected to my previous post in BorderCollie, i am an active person who leads an active life with my sheltie, so dog sports, hiking, trick teaching and running are a daily thing. As i said in the earlier post, I'm interested in maybe getting another dog in a few years. I have always loved border collies, but have recently stumbled upon tollers. I've already been to multiple dog shows and have seen both breeds, but i wonder what's the tollers' temperament like?
I've heard they're like the border collies of the sporting group. I like that. I'm nervous of them being hunting dogs though. I've always liked herding breeds and that they're so connected to their owner. As my sheltie is. That is important, since i want a dog who is eager to work. What's their work drive like? Apparently, they're more of a "what's in it for me" type of dog. I'm not sure if it's a positive thing for me. I've also seen them trained to high standards though. So do you think they're eager to work? I'm also not sure about their energy level? Most say they're a little mellower that bcs. I do enjoy crazy and would like a dog to take out for about 1-2+ hours on mostly off-leash forest walks/hikes daily + runs, dog sports and longer hikes on the weekends.
On the positive note, what caught my eye: from what I've heard, they're compared to herding breeds pretty often. I've also heard they have some herding blood in them. I've heard that they're eager to work, but not neurotic, or as sensitive to mistakes as a bc. That they can take on 20 km hike easily, but also can skip a few days if you're sick. I also like the community, as in my country at least, the toller breeders are a close family-like friend group check on each other and protect the breed from going to backyard breeder homes, or puppy mills. Very supportive, and above standard puppy care/socialisation. That's what I've heard. I also presume, that the toller health might be a little better. Because even though there're some health issues, the breeders i know test for them, and i think that not being so popular, they'll have less health issues and won't be as neurotic, as some poorly bred bcs are.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by screams-for-fun12345 to tollers [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Gigi_Doll0878 FINALLY!!!!!😭
Guys, look what finally showed up in my shop!😁 submitted by Gigi_Doll0878 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 yoursblog New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by yoursblog to architectureplace [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Sea_Cell_92 Dreams about Dying
For the past week I have been having dreams involving mass shootings with me dying repeatedly in them. The settings vary but they always turn violent with me essentially running away to survive but never making it.
I’m not sure if there is some kind of meaning behind these dreams or if I’m simply having nightmares.
submitted by Sea_Cell_92 to Dreams [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 lazyloiter weekly Self Promotion thread
submitted by lazyloiter to thane [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 cucumbersuprise Free coach ticket Nottingham to Leeds 20.25
Had to get an earlier train and cant refund my ticket.
submitted by cucumbersuprise to nottingham [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Squidgewidge Low FODMAP VS intolerance testing?
I’ve heard a low FODMAP diet is meant to be good for working out what foods might trigger flare-ups, but I’m not sure if I would be able to do this. I have type 1 diabetes and gastroparesis, so food is a bit of a nightmare in general in trying to stick to no sugastrict diets, as if my blood sugar goes all over the place I have to have whatever will sort that out, and it can often change as my body doesn’t absorb certain foods and that changes/fluctuates on a mad basis.
I’m wondering if an intolerance test might be helpful though? Would this realistically show the same results as if I tried doing low FODMAP, in determining what foods might cause the flare-ups, or not? I’m in so much pain almost every day, and whilst I’ve been prescribed Tramadol, I want to see if diet might also be a good shout in reducing the level of painkillers needed?
submitted by Squidgewidge to endometriosis [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 user092119960715 starting supplier here
hi!!! smol milktea, iced coffee, fruit tea cart here! baka meron sainyong in need/looking na affordable drink carts for ur wedding (antipolo based) baka pwede nyo ko iconsider hehe. almost 5years na po ang business ko. pero 2yrs palang po tong cart. ayuuun if bet nyo lang, pm nalang po sa fb page namin! submitted by user092119960715 to WeddingsPhilippines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Overall-Count-963 SELLING MOONLIGHT MAGIC LEOPOLEON 999 for 110🍱
submitted by Overall-Count-963 to PIMD [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 InCarNeat-o The importance of answering tedious questions
"How do you know that you just haven't met the right person?"
"How can you be in a relationship if you're asexual?"
"Is it because you had a bad experience?"
It's very likely that you've heard these questions the first time someone learned about your feelings, and it’s even more likely that it annoys the shit out of you. I get it, it's really exhausting to explain the basics of asexuality, but you have to understand that these kinds of questions sometimes don't come from a place of conviction and dismissal, but from genuine curiosity, which makes sense given that it's one of the lesser talked about orientations. People can very easily in today's world look at a gay person and think "well, it's basically my feelings but with one gender altered". Like it or not, the concept of feeling no attraction towards anyone is still a very strange one to many people, so they have no basis of how to put themselves into our perspective. The assumptions that usually come to their mind when they first hear it might sound stupid to us, but are only so common because they don't know any better, so it’s natural for them to connect the dots that way. The best thing you can do is answer them directly and correct their misconceptions. The more people you educate on our situation, the quicker it can finally be normalized so that these misconceptions can disappear.
submitted by InCarNeat-o to asexuality [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Glass_Comment7794 Shell toe day out
submitted by Glass_Comment7794 to adidas [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 AutoModerator RECURRING
submitted by AutoModerator to lssplmod2167 [link] [comments]