Another productivity app?

2025.01.19 12:59 fscozano Another productivity app?

It seems obvious that the app store is full of productivity apps, and we all try to optimize our days with rigid, mechanical routines. But let’s be honest, after just a week you feel exhausted and frustrated, constantly trying to squeeze your brain for every ounce of output. What if there were a better way?
I was thinking of an app that doesn’t just demand productivity, it supports you in making the most of your day while aligning with your goals, energy levels, and even your desires for self-improvement.
In practice, it would dynamically propose activities aligned to specific goals set by the user. Over time, the app analyzes your habits and progress, helping you refine your routine so that achieving your goals feels natural and sustainable, not forced. Moreover, it synchronizes with your calendar and reminder apps to handle your routine more efficiently.
In this way, it won't feel like a war against yourself, but small and consistent self-improvement actions that move you closer to your aspirations.
If you’ve reached this point, I would really appreciate your feedback:

submitted by fscozano to AppIdeas [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Sea_Dirt_5763 My list of plushies better for pvp and weak plushies

My list of plushies better for pvp and weak plushies submitted by Sea_Dirt_5763 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 berkay10_ Zunesha from One Piece

Zunesha from One Piece submitted by berkay10_ to Animemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 livethroughthis94 should i start going by my birth name again?

apologies if this type of post isn't allowed. also sorry, this will be long.
for background: i have always hated my birth name for as long as i can remember. it's julia, and when i was a kid i mostly just hated it because i thought it was very ugly, and it didn't feel like it fit me. as i got older i started also hating it because i developed a strong negative emotional reaction to it. i don't have a good relationship with my family, and always got bullied and excluded in school, and whenever i get called the name i feel ashamed because if i ever had any memories of being called that name in a positive context, they didn't stick. i just get immediate emotional flashbacks of being made fun of, condescended to, excluded, judged, etc. being called that name always feels humiliating and makes me shrink into myself and want to hide.
as a teenager i started going by my middle name socially. later in my teens i switched to a new name, but it was an embarrassing choice, the kind of name that gives obvious "i chose this name myself as a teenager" vibes. but i stuck with it until last year, when i couldn't stand it anymore and changed it again to a more normal name, but now i feel like that name doesn't fit me. it feels too "cool" for me, and a singer with that same first name got really popular in the past couple years so it feels weird because of that too, even though the singer had nothing to do with my decision to go by the name.
the reason i'm wondering if i should go back to my birth name is because at this point i feel like i will never find a name that fits the criteria i want, and that i feel fits me, and that i can see myself using for more than like 3 years. i have considered a lot of names, none of them feel right/realistic. my middle name is... fine, but it's also just a bit cringey and i don't think it fits me either. i don't know what to do now. i feel like i have no name that i actually identify with anymore, and since i haven't been able to find one it feels like a "give up and just go back to going by julia" scenario, but doing that also feels like a way of humiliating myself and emotionally hurting myself, since i don't think it will ever stop feeling so bad to hear that name. but maybe i'm just being over dramatic and a lot of people feel like this about their name and i'm supposed to just deal with it? maybe i should, idk, work on feeling neutral towards the name in therapy or something? what do you think?
submitted by livethroughthis94 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 andreh9090 Cz 515 tactical question

Hi all,
I'm looking to add a bipod to my 515 tactical but I am unsure as to how a pic rail or bipod would mount on to the slotted frame.
Can someone who has experience installing either a bipod, or pic rail onto a tactical rifle with slotted holes, explain this to me before I start buying things?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by andreh9090 to Ausguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 NoSeedsNoSeeds OMEN

OMEN submitted by NoSeedsNoSeeds to Bombing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 TicketTemporary2016 too many assessments on the project

Why does 'multilingual_centralized_screening_-_training_tasks' project have so many assessments tasks and no actual tasks? I've passed like a 6 tasks and the next one is assessment too, what should i do to get an actual task?
submitted by TicketTemporary2016 to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Suitable-Ad-4915 What does my behavior/communication score tell you about me ?

submitted by Suitable-Ad-4915 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Wolf_of_Dorpstreet Provisional tax 2024 income tax return

Hi all, hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I just have a quick question in regard income tax return for 2024 year for provisional tax payers. I submitted the 1st and 2nd provisional tax for 2024 and paid the tax owed at the time (example R35k paid for 2024/02). I am now submitting the 2024 tax return and after putting in the numbers from all income received including the additional income it looks like the amount I paid (R35k) is not being deducted when I click on show calculations to see how much tax is payable. Not entirely sure if I am doing something wrong. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Wolf_of_Dorpstreet to PersonalFinanceZA [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 corpixis Razer Gift Code

Look at for Razer Gift Code. When you need the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the perfect spot to check. They also have current deals available.
submitted by corpixis to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 TightSpeaker5724 .

. submitted by TightSpeaker5724 to desimemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Positive_Note8538 New still from unseen part of the footage just dropped

New still from unseen part of the footage just dropped submitted by Positive_Note8538 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Useful-Coyote5792 Sob a Sombra do Eclipse: Majestade do Megaloceros🌑

Sob a Sombra do Eclipse: Majestade do Megaloceros🌑 submitted by Useful-Coyote5792 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 QuietPay8376 [Recruiting] POTE | #2Q82OUL9Y | TH1+ | Clan level 2 | Social, war, active

Chill clan looking for people to join. Doesn't matter what town hall level you are anyone is welcome to join.
submitted by QuietPay8376 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 No_Web_7137 CQS

submitted by No_Web_7137 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Earthling_Aprill 3D Intricate Mandala (I asked Copilot for a train and it gave me this. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️)

3D Intricate Mandala (I asked Copilot for a train and it gave me this. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️) submitted by Earthling_Aprill to dalle2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Sad_Inevitable_9737 [WP] Humans and monsters have always been friends and even falling in love, however marriage between monster and humans is banned, that is why you have been performing secret weddings.

submitted by Sad_Inevitable_9737 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Next_Replacement1875 CQS my check

submitted by Next_Replacement1875 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 PuzzleheadedBox3978 CQS my Check

submitted by PuzzleheadedBox3978 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 NoAcanthocephala2582 خاطرة

التفاعل على السوشيال ميديا وأن تحظى بشئ من الشهرة أو تكون مسموع الخ قد يعطيك شعورا بالنجاح أو قليل من الرضا عن النفس وهذا حس كاذب، يعني بتحس إنك عملت شئ والأمر عكس كدة، أنت بتبني بيت كبير جدا لكن فى الهوا ")
submitted by NoAcanthocephala2582 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 DeliciousShopping598 Testing

submitted by DeliciousShopping598 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Electronic-Sell-4332 CQS

submitted by Electronic-Sell-4332 to cqs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 apocalypse31a5 Some random pics without any Edit or Filters

Used Default Camera App to take pictures without any edits or anything
submitted by apocalypse31a5 to NothingTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 muhenweddit c0 xilonen or c0 chev

What would be better for a Raiden team, Xilonen or Chevreuse?
submitted by muhenweddit to RaidenMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 12:59 Lola-Ciros Which 'The Matrix' is correct for you?

I personally like the one with "fuck no" instead of "hell no", any opinions? "Fuck no" is the one I heard first, so the "hell no" one sounds completely wrong for me.
submitted by Lola-Ciros to MotherMother [link] [comments]