2025.01.19 10:21 Alternative_Battle72 may i add??
submitted by Alternative_Battle72 to KateMiddleton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 573
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 prettygrl08 Uber’s response to my complaint on the driver not matching the photo
This is a pretty crappy response. Driver was completely different than the photo which is a MAJOR safety concern and this is all I get? We WoNt MaTcH yOu NeXt TiMe submitted by prettygrl08 to uber [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 jakubi_21 I really need to get bi for brooke and get dominated hard 🥵
submitted by jakubi_21 to BrookeMonkthe3rd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 Sheeraz-9 Brothers in Arms
So worth it to have it all, I can use it in any different scenarios. submitted by Sheeraz-9 to ak47 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 Urgood1234 Are my stats good? What should I improve?
submitted by Urgood1234 to freefireIndia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 Necessary-Ground-924 Coffee Anyone?
submitted by Necessary-Ground-924 to bangalore [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 cojoco "He's getting a divorce, isn't he?"
submitted by cojoco to FreeSpeech [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 Mindless-GAS03 PLEASE HELP YA BOIII!!!!!! If you join or return to Pokémon GO using (my referral code 8JXJ9QTKG), you’ll get a welcome reward, earn special bonus items, and more. https://pokemongolive.com/refer?code=8JXJ9QTKG&source=InvitePage
submitted by Mindless-GAS03 to PokemonGOIVs [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 szeyan9000 Wondering how much my room rent is worth?
Hello all!
My partner and I have a room in a house in Thornlie that we are looking to rent out in a couple months. It's nothing fancy and ngl, it is small (2.5m x 3m perfect rectangular room) but it includes a single bed, clothes hanger, bookshelf, clothes shelves, and a desk. The house is newly built so it is well equipped. I was wondering what would be an appropriate price for the room? We will love to take estimates of weekly rent with or without bills. I saw posts about room rent price estimates but they were before inflation lmao.
Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!
submitted by szeyan9000 to perth [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 New-Duty-3633 I found 2 rare items with a metaldetector in the Czech Republic (The Prague Adventure episode 2)
submitted by New-Duty-3633 to magnetfishing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 14
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:21 Euphoric-Court5349 Pikács Grétike fotót kerestem,de nem találom,Emese szerint itt van valahol🤔
submitted by Euphoric-Court5349 to pikacs [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 Altruistic-Bat8248 Eren is NOT Lelouch. People need to stop mischaracterizing him.
submitted by Altruistic-Bat8248 to animeindian [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 cloqube Wiki question
Hey I just downloaded the mod for the first time. Can I follow the regular wiki for the characters that were in the base game and for the community center? Or should I use the sve wiki specifically
submitted by cloqube to StardewValleyExpanded [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 Aswanth_Narayanan [0 YoE, Unemployed, Software Developer, India]
submitted by Aswanth_Narayanan to resumes [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:21 the_pacman_88 WTC, and how multiple tiers is the way to go.
Adding to what Jarrod Kimber opined, I believe a 3 tier system is the way to go. First tier would contain 4 teams, second would have 7 teams and then a third tier (which doesn't seem possible at this point but should be in the plans).
For instance, let's say, first tier has, India, England, Australia and South Africa. They all should play twice in a WTC (so 6 series in total, 3 at home, 3 away), and then a final of WTC tier 1.
The second tier, let's say, has New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Indies, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Zimbabwe. They all should play each other once (6 series in total, 3 at home, 3 away), and then a final of WTC tier 1.
The third tier, which is absolutely necessary to spread the game, should have 6 teams. Teams like Ireland, Iceland, etc. This tier isn't possible at the moment, but is the only way to spread the game.
Based on promotion relegation, the teams for next cycle should be decided. The team that finishes last in tier 1 drops to tier 2, and the team that finishes first in tier 2 promotes to tier 1. Same transition happens between tier 2 and tier 3.
submitted by the_pacman_88 to PakCricket [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:20 Segose-Crying Is it because of vitamin D deficiency? (14M)
None of my parental sides is bald, and my great-grandfather had full head of hair at his 83, aslo I've always had thick hair
But now I'm stressing a lot and last time when i had blood test my vitamin d was like 13,6
I don't think it's MPB, and is fixing vitamin D deficiency will grow my hair back?
submitted by Segose-Crying to Balding [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:20 h0neynutch33ri0 chs, gallbladder, or both?
so i had what i thought was my first bout of CHS was in september, it went diagnosed as Noro virus because i had just gotten off a cruise but i knew that wasn’t what was wrong.
i continued to heavily smoke carts after i was better and then ended up having a second bout start on december 11 and i was sick up until 10 days ago when i got my gallbladder removed. this second bout was absolute hell, i was in and out of the hospital 13 times and i was being treated for chs but nothing was helping. keep in mind since the 11th i did not consume any thc and i am now over a month sober. during my last time in the hospital i had some specific test done and they found my gallbladder was not functioning correctly, no stones but very inflamed and just not working so they went ahead and removed it.
i am now almost 2 weeks post op and my close family who also smoke think the over use of the carts made me sick and the thc turned toxic in my body thus the failure of my gallbladder.
but now i am just confused, after surgery im keeping everything down no more stabbing pain and my BMS are finally becoming normal and no more waking up in the middle of the night sick. and all the symptoms lined up PERFECTLY but after more research after surgery, apparently a lot of GI issues symptoms are the exact same..?
i’m just wondering if i could smoke JUST TREE again? like was it the weed?? i found out after surgery that gallbladder issues are extremely common in women (im 19 for reference) and i will say my diet was just me eating whatever i wanted (i was never overweight bc im still young and my metabolism is fast but i was definitely not healthy AT ALL). i wish i could say it doesn’t hurt to try but it very much could so i figured id come here first and get some second opinions!
submitted by h0neynutch33ri0 to CHSinfo [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:20 Altruistic_Mess9793 Closed test to open version
Hi I am just before lunching a game on google play. I have more than 5kk people register for beta testing. No I am not sure what will happen to the beta tester once I will move to open testing. Do you know if there any option too make sure that they will not have to reinstall whole application after closed test session ?
submitted by Altruistic_Mess9793 to gamedev [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:20 Andre_BR1 Teddy Roosevelt
Já que amanhã é um dia histórico nos Estados Unidos, fica aqui o registro de outro grande republicano: Theodore Roosevelt, presidente de 1901 a 1909. Ávido caçador e conservacionista, liderou uma expedição de mais de um ano na África que coletou mais de 1400 espécimens de animais para o museu Smithsonian. “A verdade é que qualquer bom rifle moderno é bom o suficiente. O fator determinante é o homem por trás da arma.” - Theodore Roosevelt (African Game Trails) Seu revólver Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 da foto foi leiloado em 2023 por $910 mil dólares. submitted by Andre_BR1 to ARMAS_BR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:20 dubar84 Developer should make a similar game set in space
https://preview.redd.it/il9k9l4rexde1.jpg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec8d9395abbca3afb0c79435e8d0d71eb44e12c A survival horror dungeon crawler like System Shock. It would be so fitting for him, he would handle the aesthetic seen in System Shock 2 really well, with the eerie corridors, flickering vending machines with some slight vaporwave aesthetics with the soda cans around it. https://preview.redd.it/crethvprexde1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f06bbc0c34cc335f3f0a5f4a2c5ac7704493385 That game really excelled in creating an atmosphere that was unnerving but also comfortable. Crafting these moodly, dimly lit, often chill locations are the expertise of Lunacid's developer I think. SS2 is so good, it nailed the RPG theme as well as you did not get XP from killing enemies, advanced through finishing tasks and finding modules (similar to the Oddity system seen in Underrail). It was so excellent and reminiscing about it make me think that developing a game like that would make Kira feel right at home. submitted by dubar84 to LunacidGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:20 No_Fill_4442 Agar lvish quota se hi jeetana tha toh
Pichle ott me katariya ko jita dena tha Itna bura nh lagega🤡
submitted by No_Fill_4442 to biggboss [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:20 Odd-Surprise7575 Aisling Figure
submitted by Odd-Surprise7575 to SkullpandaArtDolls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:20 teorm Elettore di destra sovranista: come ti spieghi che i leader che voti sono i migliori alleati di Russia e Cina?
Guardo Trump che parla di MAGA e America First e ora è lì che flirta con Putin e TikTok.
Meloni e Salvini in Italia fanno lo stesso e boh, io mi chiedo come faccia l'elettore medio che li vota a non accorgersi di una contraddizione del genere, che è a dir poco grande come un capannone.
Tutti i leader sovranisti sulla carta sono nazionalisti e anti comunisti e poi sono lì a leccare il culo a enormi multinazionali russe e cinesi e in generale a stati esteri super-iper-mega comunisti.
Vi fate mai una domanda?
submitted by teorm to Italia [link] [comments]