Moved from Garmin Fenix to Apple Watch Ultra 2. Any App recommendations on how make it more ultra (both fitness and fun?)

2025.01.19 13:13 SuccessfulCricket2 Moved from Garmin Fenix to Apple Watch Ultra 2. Any App recommendations on how make it more ultra (both fitness and fun?)

submitted by SuccessfulCricket2 to applewatchultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:13 Jogan555 Do Software Engineers Do Market Research Before Building? 🤔

Hey everyone,
I’m an indie developer with a tight budget, trying to navigate the world of software market research. I’ve always heard about the importance of understanding the market before building something, but honestly, I’ve never met a software engineer who actually does this before diving into development.
I’m curious about a few things and would love your input:

  1. Does freelance market research exist for software ideas?
Have you come across freelancers who specialize in helping developers validate their ideas, or is this something only agencies do?
  1. How would you do effective software market research on a $50 budget?
Are there any tools, strategies, or techniques to gather meaningful insights without breaking the bank?
  1. Is commission-based market research a thing?
Could researchers be paid based on the success of their insights, or is it usually a fixed fee?
As someone just starting out, I’d love to hear how other developers or indie makers approach this (if at all). Any tips, tools, or personal experiences would be amazing to hear about.
Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!
submitted by Jogan555 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:13 Rafiq_Hasanov 币赢 app软件下载 国内可【微信37378o8O5】高返佣APP下载 http://bex.ink玩

币赢 app软件下载 国内可【微信37378o8O5】高返佣APP下载 http://bex.ink玩
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Popular-Squirrel-914 Reading for Irish Republican Socialism?

Hi everyone! I’m a fairly well read Marxist-Leninist but recently I have been doing more reading into Irish Republicanism (I’m Irish myself but it’s took me a while to engage in this topic for a lot of reasons that honestly would take too long to go into here). I know about James Connolly and Bernadette Devlin but I’d love to read more about the history of socialist republicanism in Ireland and the movements broader relationship with the USSR, China, Cuba etc. Any recommendations at all are appreciated!
submitted by Popular-Squirrel-914 to Socialism_101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Rafiq_Hasanov app下载app官方下载最新版 国内【WX:37378O805】代理开返佣网址导航 http://bex.ink可玩 binance

app下载app官方下载最新版 国内【WX:37378O805】代理开返佣网址导航 http://bex.ink可玩 binance
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 rvedotrc Så er Rejsekort selskabet kommet til fornuft: «Tjek in» er igen grønt

Så er Rejsekort selskabet kommet til fornuft: «Tjek in» er igen grønt submitted by rvedotrc to copenhagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Rafiq_Hasanov 交易平臺下載huobi官方app最新版安裝 【微信37378o8o5】加微信群2024 Aug 香港 火必

交易平臺下載huobi官方app最新版安裝 【微信37378o8o5】加微信群2024 Aug 香港 火必
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 NuttelaGowrl333 Some subliminal angst? 🥴

Some subliminal angst? 🥴 submitted by NuttelaGowrl333 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Flaky_Music8258 Rate me

Rate me submitted by Flaky_Music8258 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Superdaniel286 WWE referee Daphanie Lashaunn

WWE referee Daphanie Lashaunn submitted by Superdaniel286 to NotWrestlingHotties [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Jefferson_PB Fábio Coentrão com ajuda pública de 344 mil euros para negócio da pesca

Fábio Coentrão com ajuda pública de 344 mil euros para negócio da pesca submitted by Jefferson_PB to PrimeiraLiga [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 bulutali2 Year 47 + 6m = potato talisman

I am trying to obtain the Potato talisman and the lowest on the Auction house is 60m i only have 6m and a year 47 cake. How do you think i can get it and would anyone of you be willing to trade?
submitted by bulutali2 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 ScrupulousScorpion Reminder: snuggle with your buddy! Show me your snuggliest pics ❤️

Reminder: snuggle with your buddy! Show me your snuggliest pics ❤️ submitted by ScrupulousScorpion to Pomeranians [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Sutibum_ What are these plants called

What are these plants called saw these ps2 graphics looking plants
submitted by Sutibum_ to Goa [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 bkingfilm Steam :: Amazing Cultivation Simulator :: 《了不起的修仙模拟器》

submitted by bkingfilm to youxi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 filippo_sett Voi dividete le poesie in cicli?

Siccome ne ho spesso parlato con un mio amico, ed entrambi abbiamo steso parecchie poesie, mi chiedevo se anche qualcun altro avesse dei personali cicli poetici. Un gruppo di poesie che hanno in comune lo stesso argomento, lo stesso stile di stesura (verso libero-sonetto-rima baciata ecc...per esempio) o altre cose. Per esempio, per quanto mi piaccia spaziare molto tra gli argomento che tratto, ho diversi cicli, principalmente divisi per argomento:
1 - Bellezze Naturali: poesie la cui base è il mondo naturale e i suoi fenomeni.
2 - Dolori d'Amore: poesie che trattano temi amorosi.
3 - Angoscie e Disperazioni: titolo tratto dal buon Kierkegaard, racchiude tutte le poesie in cui parlo di miei disagi, paure e ansie.
4 - Poesie Musicali - poesie tratte da canzoni, album o generi musicali specifici
Voi avete dei cicli poetici? E se si, quali?
submitted by filippo_sett to poesiaITA [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 TheRiddlerCum poop lol

poop lol submitted by TheRiddlerCum to nufcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Much_Good_4677 Shadow ho oh 492326550669 adding 7+

submitted by Much_Good_4677 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 cabbagefarttt Feeling really frustrated this morning

Yesterday I had to do five couples massage. It was seriously the absolute worst and I hate them so much. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate giving couples massage. I feel like they are taking away the professionalism and respect that we are demanding within our career. you don't have people going as couples to get their blood work done or see a chiropractor or see a PT. Whatever. I work therapeutically and with intention.. I work with the intention of providing someone the space to heal. Couples massage is so fucking draining. I am also trained to do barefoot massage which is how I utilize myself with my deep tissue sessions and I can't do that in couples. The days I injure myself or need additional time for recovery are ALWAYS after a stint of performing couples. And these fucking people aren't even people aren't even gonna rebook with me anyways, because their wife dragged them into, blah blah blah.
Sure I guess you could say I could just be a therapeutic and intentional therapist when forced to do these ridiculous sessions but the thing is ---how am I supposed to be intentional when my clients have none, aside from it being " a spa day" or "pampering." Those just aren't my ideal clients.
I receive so much joy when working with my regulars and seeing them improve and talking to them and hearing about their lives before we begin session. I love love love everything about getting to know someone's body and truly helping them and trying new things with them, etc. That is just not what happens with couples massage.
There is not a single clinic where I live within a 40 minute radius that does not offer these stupid sessions. Like what the fuck. Why. Why do owners continue to perpetuate this fucking nonsense.
I am moving onto my new property with my husband on 9 acres and I'm really considering just opening up a private clinic and work for myself. The only thing is that I live 40 minutes away from any major city. The regulars that I have really love me so I'm hoping that they will drive to see me...but what if they don't. I'm just at a loss of what to do. If I have to keep working for clinics, I do couples massage. I'm going to burn out. This is not why I became a massage therapist.
I just needed to vent. Thank you for hearing me.
submitted by cabbagefarttt to MassageTherapists [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 jstank2 With My Last Breath. Short Tales of Human Bravery in the Face of Death. Story 1

This story contains graphic descriptions of violence. Reader discretion is advised.
I sat in the chair, hands bound behind my back. I tried to move them, but it was no use. I squirmed as the rage built up inside me. The light on me was hot, bright, and thick. Globs of saliva soaked the black gag around my mouth. I tried to rock the chair violently back and forth, but the chair must have been bolted to the ground because it wouldn’t move an inch. I opened my eyes, trying to peer through the blackness that shrouded them. I was only able to make out areas of shadow and light. My chest heaved in and out.
I froze. There was a creaking sound that started low but then pitched up. There was a pause, then the creaking sound reversed, replaced by a tremendous slam. The room sounded as if it was carved out of a vast slab of marble. My ears detected sharp clips. Tap, tap, tap they went, each click getting closer. Stilettos against hard tile, I deduced. Those taps echoed throughout the hall, and with each tap, they grew louder. Then silence. There was a long pause. I could feel my heart pounding in my wrists, straining to free blood into my hands through the tight rope.
“Well, well, well. Look what the catssss dragged in.” Her voice was low. The "s" in cats hissed as if being spoken by some great serpent.
I peeked my chin up. I squinted as hard as I could through my veil. There was a hulking shape in front of me. It was long. The shadow was not human. It was in the shape of an "S." Blinding white light framed the shape. Sweat poured out of my face, the hot light was burning a hole straight through to my chest.
I remained silent.
“What did you do with the data disk?” she hissed. The tone of her question was one of patient, menacing aggression.
The data chip was floating in random space in the Beta Quadrant, with a tracker tab encoded to me only.
I stared at the curved shadow from behind my veil and smiled defiantly.
“What data chip?” The answer was simple. But it cost me greatly.
Sharp pain rocketed through me. The lightning entered my fingertips. My fingers contorted into unnatural shapes. I felt the lightning move into my wrists. My fingers then bulged into great fists as I attempted to slam them against the cold metal of the chair. The pain charged through my arms. My muscles twitched violently. It was getting into my chest now. I tried to breathe. My lungs stopped giving me air. I choked, starving for breath. My throat swelled. Then my teeth took on an acrid electric tang, as if I had just bitten down on a piece of tin foil. Foul flavors poured onto my tongue. My stomach did a backflip. I lurched forward. Vile stomach acid shot out of my throat. It caught in the bag—the same bag my head was in—and held there, pooling up. Greasy chunks got caught in my beard. The pain stopped, but the foul stench lingered. I gagged. More vomit came up, but I held it and swallowed it back down. I was left slumped onto the chair, unable to hold myself upright, gasping wildly for breath though the bag.
“Mr. Voss, I need that data chip.” I could see the shape enlarge. The "s" in Voss was elongated.
“It’s just a worthless piece of silicon,” I lied. My defiance was strong.
A tremendous force impacted my skull. Blood gushed from my mouth and mixed its taste with that of the vomit in the bottom of the bag. The two vile substances blended together, producing a rancid stench. My head throbbed.
“What is so interesting about a stupid old… chip?” I raised my head high. I stared directly at the center of the dark-shaped silhouette.
Lightning tore through my fingers, then my wrists, into my chest, and out my teeth. I heaved more vomit into the bag. It soaked my lower lip.
I heard the stiletto clicks echoing in an arc behind me. I faced forward, doing my best to sit erect in the chair. Something big and thick made a long sliding sound as it scraped across the floor.
“This bag is done up tight,” it hissed. “Nothing will escape the bottom. It is water tight.” The "s" sounds were drawn out.
“We need that chip, Mr. Voss. Your ship is in pieces. Your crewmates are floating in pods in the vacuum of space. The chip can track them. We can save them.”
I took a deep breath, knowing it would be my last. “You lie! They are all dead!” I used every ounce of strength to cry out and resist.
The horrible lighting again entered my fingertips.
My palm against her palm. My dear daughter, floating away through the glass, multiple sets of hands clasped tight around her, embracing her, protecting her. I pressed my hand against my side of the airlock. That face, with tears in her eyes and tears in mine, tore at my soul as it vanished. The escape shuttle turned. There was a great blue light. In an instant, it was gone. All of them could escape if only… I turned and raced towards the terminal. Frantically, I punched numbers into the controls. Escape vessel. Tracking data. Data chip. Encrypt. Eject. Hot fire erupted around me. A great white beam sliced the bulkhead. Blackness.
I awoke. The vomit was returning to my mouth. I choked. The smell was unbearable. My stomach heaved. The contents came up. No food now, just the acid. I was engulfed by it. I threw my head back, trying to get free from the awful slosh. The slush returned to its source. It encased my face. It invaded my lungs. Then…
The pain subsided. My head grew light. I felt as though someone had turned the gravity off in the room. The pain was gone. I floated up. I looked down. I saw myself there, with a bag filled with liquid over my head—yellow and red mixed together - a dance of ying and yang as it swirled. My body slumped against the chair. The horrible Snek lizard with two giant feet, dragging its terrible tail, stood looming over me, disappointed. She crossed her giant green, scaly arms over her chest. She looked down. She shook my body. She untied my wrists from their bonds, searching for a pulse. Suddenly, the door swung open. Another Snek walked into the room. This one had two giant fangs, and its neck was open, adorned with bright colors like a cobra. She wielded back to defend herself.
“Is he dead?” asked the taller one in a slow hiss.
The smaller one looked up, knowing what was next. She said nothing. The cobra looked down at the pathetic human slumped in the chair, breathless.
In an instant, the cobra drew his sidearm. The female tried to react, but it was too late.
Brap. Brap. Brap. The shots pinged off the marble in harsh, repeating echoes. Green goo splattered the wall behind the interrogator. Pools of bright green oozed out from the wounds and grew in a puddle on the floor. The female interrogator fell to the floor.
The cobra sighed and holstered his blaster. He tapped his chest. A voice came through the receiver, harsh and raspy, with great interference.
“IS HE DEAD?” The voice echoed off the smooth marble. It was loud and angry. The cobra shook uncontrollably.
It paused for just a moment. “Ye… yesssss, sssiiirrr.” The comms clicked off.
The legged Cobra slumped to the floor. Its bright neck flair recoiled, it sobbed ever so slightly as it placed its blaster to its head, and pulled the trigger.
Thanks for reading. Jstank
The last story wasn't received well. I wanted to write this up to clear my writers block
Comments and likes appreciated. See you next time!
submitted by jstank2 to HFY [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Revolutionary_Cook37 LF Set 3

LF Set 3 submitted by Revolutionary_Cook37 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 lucymom2 How do I know this is legit? How come I never see people talking about this?

How do I know this is legit? How come I never see people talking about this? I asked for info on a comment a guy made on facebook and he sent me a bunch of pdfs info on development that was completed and the new opportunities of development. There’s a contract as well. Basically invest 50k into this new development then within 8-9 months they’ll refi and you get your initial 50k+ 16% and retain ownership of 30% of the asset cash flow. Is this too good to be true?
submitted by lucymom2 to brrrr [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 Adventurous_News1128 Part time Job

Looking for a part time job as a girl. If anyone has any lead please let me know. Thanksss.
submitted by Adventurous_News1128 to sheffield [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 YellowXenCrystal Do you guys wonder what happend to Barney Calhoun after the events of Half-Life 2: Episode 1?

Do you guys wonder what happend to Barney Calhoun after the events of Half-Life 2: Episode 1? submitted by YellowXenCrystal to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:12 thirddyeyy25 Want to create choreography, where to start?

All my life, I always covering dance choreography either tiktok trends or kpop dances and years later i questioned myself “do i keep doing this forever?” and “do i always cover choreography?” and then i was like ”no tbh, i think wanna pursue being a dancechoreographer and making my OWN piece”. I tried choreographing any music and its haaardd to have an idea soooo… what to start in creating choreography and where do i get many ideas in my head??? Do i have to try every types of dancing or what???
Thank u
submitted by thirddyeyy25 to Dance [link] [comments]