Seamless coop crash - summons ERR

2025.01.19 10:49 clubstregon Seamless coop crash - summons ERR

hi guys, I'm playing elden ring forged with a friend of mine and we find the mechanics of evoking spirit of ashes very fun. But every now and then the game crashes. Do you know a way to fix this or can't it be solved?
submitted by clubstregon to EldenRingMods [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 benki_ts21 How is Cypher not dead here? (No healer in opponent team)

There was no possibility of him healing himself up. Cypher was initially tagged 70 as shown in the bottom screenshot and then tagged 102 by raze and still not dead.
submitted by benki_ts21 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Meral_amir You Vs you

You Vs you submitted by Meral_amir to motivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Angy-thedemon Il fratello maggiore di Angy, Vladimir

Il fratello maggiore di Angy, Vladimir Se volete sapere qualcosa su di lui chiedete
submitted by Angy-thedemon to papere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 emokiddo00002 Come trasformare una giftcard amazon in soldi?

Ho una gift card da 60€ e io non compro quasi mai online e non conosco nessuno che voglia scambiare, ho provato su qualche subreddit ma è solo per amazon italy e qui ci sono per lo più americani. Ho pensato di comprarci il cibo o cose per la casa ma le cose che ci sono sonon davvero poche. Secondo voi se faccio un ordine e poi chiedo il reso me lo fa accreditare sulla carta di credito? Avete altre idee?
submitted by emokiddo00002 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Visible-Work-4245 How to handle a breakup

I've been the type to build walls around me, but that became the start of a lot of our relationship issues along with the insecurities I've caused her. It eventually reached the point where I kept ending the relationship, and she kept begging to give us another chance up until it reached a point that she eventually stopped trying, and believed that she finally owe it to herself to not go back in the relationship anymore.
The thing is, I really love her to the point that I imagined myself marrying her, but I was unable to treat her right. I still tried to pursue her but she's firm to not going back anymore. I cannot accept this because I did try my best, and the relationship ended with both of us guilty. I felt neglected by her, but she never apologized for it.
I still love and miss her dearly, but she's firm to maintaining distance and not being my partner anymore. Please help me deal with this heartbreak.
submitted by Visible-Work-4245 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 PenaltyLegal1995 Hives while pumping?

Just curious, does anyone experience hives while pumping? I’m 3mo pp and I get hives on my forearms while pumping that go away about 30ish mins after.
submitted by PenaltyLegal1995 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 yasinradif Version 4 of the Cable

Version 4 of the Cable Can someone please confirm that I actually do have the 4th generation of the cable ? My car is RAV4 hybrid 2024 manufactured in OCT 2024. I have attached my cable picture.
submitted by yasinradif to rav4club [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Amart1985 Meirl

Meirl submitted by Amart1985 to meirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Timely-Bridge1344 Holy burst breed or skill fruit?

So I've never tried breeding for holy burst before, never knew how good it was but I recently started and it's taking forever. I'm breeding one perfect IV Jormuntide 4 perfect passive no holy burst and one with perfect IV, Muslehead, legend and holy burst. I've breeded 200 times probably and I only see holy burst like 1 in 20-30. I've heard it's possible to grow it as a skillfruit now, is that more effective than breeding for it now?
submitted by Timely-Bridge1344 to Palworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 mpregdilucragnvindr fic recommendations

hi guys im new here and i was wondering if yall could recommend fics where izuku fakes his death and turns into a villain and katsuki is just absolutely devastated and just wants him back?
submitted by mpregdilucragnvindr to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 GrumpyGit1 Best value electric coffee grinder?

Picked up a barely used espresso machine on our local free cycle, but my hario manual grinder doesn't seem to get the grind fine enough. Usually we use a chemex and the hand grinder is perfect for that!
Quick looking online and most recommended electronic grinders are €100+, are ones below that better to be avoided? Any good value options out there?
submitted by GrumpyGit1 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Otherwise-Report1848 Godfall Dev Counterplay Games Reportedly Shuts Down Over Holiday Break

Sad news for the gaming industry—Counterplay Games, Counterplay Games, the team behind Godfall and Duelyst, has apparently shut down over the holidays. 😞
Saw a post on LinkedIn where a Jackalyptic Games dev mentioned they were working on something unannounced with Counterplay. They called the project “supercharged” thanks to Counterplay’s work, but it seems the partnership couldn’t carry on, and the studio has now been disbanded.
Godfall was their big PS5 launch title— I loved the visuals and combat. And Duelyst? That game was such a gem; I still miss it.
There were layoffs last year too, so maybe things had been rough for a while. It’s always sad to see a studio close, especially one with so much talent. Hoping everyone affected lands on their feet soon.
If you were a fan of Godfall or Duelyst sorry for bad news.
submitted by Otherwise-Report1848 to gaming [link] [comments]


KEEP YOUR PROMISE MISTER BIG PENTA by PENTA submitted by RPClips to PurpleRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Slow-Scientist-77 should i contact the prof after submission of application?

so i submitted an application for a graduate position (UK based) two days back. i had talked with the professor before submission and all- went pretty well, helped me with some submission materials by giving feedbacks.
the result will be out only by February ig. so i am confused if i should reach out to the prof more? like let them know i have successfully submitted my application or discuss more about the project, share my ideas, ask questions? should i do this? i dont feel good about being radio silent till the results of the application comes. but i also dont want to disturb the prof by sending them emails(they did mention once in a mail that they have been busy with some funding situations).
also as in a general advice, how often does professors help students with their application materials?
submitted by Slow-Scientist-77 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 CraftyChocolate69 LH silverstone W15

LH silverstone W15 Saw it live so I had to
submitted by CraftyChocolate69 to f1models [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Rough-Sprinkles-7772 I want advice on how to find a trigger to trigger my reality check in real life

I started by doing reality check by an app notification every 30 mins then i tried a wallpaper asking if i am dreaming but nothing works in my dream because i usually don’t have my phone with me in my dream.
I wanna have an external trigger but something in my home doesn’t work because i am always out cause of work and my dreams are also mostly outdoors.
Help me with some advice
submitted by Rough-Sprinkles-7772 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 kdd1992 Bellingham lot 50£ rookies ect

Bellingham lot 50£ rookies ect submitted by kdd1992 to soccercard [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 PuzzleheadedShine637 Online collages search maybe?

I'm looking to get into this type of stuff but I was wondering if online collages were possible?
submitted by PuzzleheadedShine637 to BiomedicalEngineers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 SBJ_so_sweet Winter Weather Event

I work in a Louisiana store and we are expecting a possible ice storm/snow on Tuesday. Some meteorologists are saying we shouldn’t travel anywhere after Monday night. I know it’s unrealistic to expect the store to be closed. For those that have worked for the company and experienced something like this, what’s the usual protocol? Are we at least allowed to come in a little later? I’m scheduled Tuesday to work an early shift.
submitted by SBJ_so_sweet to Albertsons [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 JJTT72 Skin flare up, but what is it? Please help

Female 31
I’ve had what ever this is now of my face for 24hours it feels dry and sore Really not sure what it is tbh, it feels like a massive dry patch of skin. I’ve been layering epiderm on it but does not seem to help just seems to itch more when I put it on it but if I don’t put it on it it feel so dry
submitted by JJTT72 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 ondoworker Ketua BEM UI Diberhentikan Secara Tidak Hormat karena Dugaan Plagiarisme

Ketua BEM UI Diberhentikan Secara Tidak Hormat karena Dugaan Plagiarisme submitted by ondoworker to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 SereneSeductres Meet Rayleigh

Meet Rayleigh submitted by SereneSeductres to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 ryyyee_ Badge help - nz jamboree 2019

Badge help - nz jamboree 2019 submitted by ryyyee_ to ByScoutsForScouts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:49 Impossible_Service92 Rattling Noise from engine | Triumph Scrambler 400x
Hearing this rattling sound from the engine of my Triumph Scrambler 400x, which wasn't there before. It has run ~5300 kms. Started happening after I cleaned and lubed the chain, although I don't think it is related as the noise is coming from the engine.
Seems similar to this thread:
I will take it to the service centre, but what should I do in the likely event they deny that there's an issue since there isn't a drop in performance?
submitted by Impossible_Service92 to indianbikes [link] [comments]