O que está acontecendo com os Ubers de Florianópolis?

2025.01.19 11:23 No-Anteater183 O que está acontecendo com os Ubers de Florianópolis?

Acabei de pegar um Uber do continente até o Itacorubi e caralho, cara. O cara andava a 100 por hora. Só paradas bruscas, freiadas bruscas, uma coisa absurda.
Teve uma hora que ele virou errado uma curva e foi corrigir. Porra, na curva eu quase fui jogado pro outro lado, mesmo com cinto.
Puta que pariu, cara. Tô até nervoso aqui.
submitted by No-Anteater183 to florianopolis [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 WestZookeepergame954 I made an introduction to Godot shaders for beginners, with a real-life example from my Steam game. What do you think?

submitted by WestZookeepergame954 to shaders [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Alex_____04 Teen jobs

Is anyone struggling to get hired? Like i’ve applied to at least 6 places now and i have a decent resume (2 previous jobs one of which i started at 15 and im 17 now and still there) Everyone is so desperately hiring until you apply then it’s radio silence, also anyone know how to clear a stuffy nose? i’m suffering
submitted by Alex_____04 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Feisty_Equivalent994 Sunday dessert 💖

Sunday dessert 💖 Location : sassy spoon, KP
submitted by Feisty_Equivalent994 to PuneFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 cashchampionchannel peanut paradise tropical smoothie nutrition

Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie Nutrition: Unleash the Power of Delicious Wellness
Are you ready to dive into a tropical paradise of flavor and nutrition? The Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie is more than just a delightful beverage – it's a nutritional powerhouse that can transform your daily diet. Packed with essential nutrients, rich flavors, and a perfect blend of tropical ingredients, this smoothie offers a unique combination of taste and health benefits that will make your taste buds dance and your body thank you. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a health-conscious individual, or simply someone looking for a delicious way to boost your nutrition, the Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie has something special to offer.
click here to learn more: https://smoothiediet.myofferdeals.com
Nutritional Breakdown of Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie
Understanding the Macronutrient Profile
The Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie is a nutritional marvel that combines multiple food groups into one delicious drink. Let's break down the key nutritional components:
• Protein Power: Peanuts provide a substantial protein punch • Healthy Fats: Rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats • Complex Carbohydrates: Sustained energy from tropical fruits • Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Protein Content and Muscle Support
Peanuts are an exceptional source of plant-based protein, making this smoothie an ideal option for:
• Muscle recovery • Post-workout nutrition • Sustained energy throughout the day
Key Protein Benefits: - Approximately 7-10 grams of protein per serving - Complete amino acid profile - Supports muscle maintenance and growth
click here to learn more: https://smoothiediet.myofferdeals.com
Tropical Fruit Nutrition Boost
The tropical fruits in this smoothie aren't just about amazing flavor – they're nutritional powerhouses:
Banana Benefits - Rich in potassium - Supports heart health - Provides natural sweetness - Aids in muscle function
Mango Magic - High in Vitamin C - Supports immune system - Contains antioxidants - Promotes skin health
Pineapple Perks - Supports digestion - Contains bromelain enzyme - Anti-inflammatory properties - Boosts immune function
click here to learn more: https://smoothiediet.myofferdeals.com
Micronutrient Breakdown
Beyond macronutrients, the Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie delivers an impressive array of micronutrients:
Vitamins: - Vitamin A - Vitamin C - Vitamin E - B-complex vitamins
Minerals: - Magnesium - Potassium - Zinc - Iron
Caloric Considerations
A typical Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie ranges between 300-400 calories, making it: - A substantial meal replacement - Perfect for weight management - Balanced nutritional profile
click here to learn more: https://smoothiediet.myofferdeals.com
Health Benefits Beyond Nutrition
The smoothie offers more than just nutritional value:
Digestive Health - Probiotics from yogurt - Fiber from fruits - Supports gut microbiome
Energy and Performance - Sustained energy release - Reduces fatigue - Supports physical performance
Immune System Support - Antioxidant-rich ingredients - Natural immune boosters - Reduces inflammation
Potential Weight Management - Balanced macronutrient profile - Helps control hunger - Supports metabolism
Customization and Dietary Considerations
The beauty of the Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie lies in its versatility:
Vegan Modifications - Use plant-based protein - Substitute dairy milk - Add alternative protein sources
Gluten-Free Options - Check ingredient sources - Use certified gluten-free components - Adapt to dietary restrictions
click here to learn more: https://smoothiediet.myofferdeals.com
Preparation Tips for Maximum Nutrition
To ensure you're getting the most out of your Peanut Paradise Tropical Smoothie:

submitted by cashchampionchannel to smoothiediets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Culerpicas Ho-oh Shadow Raid 2 locals 956514855942 or 088600575156 party power

submitted by Culerpicas to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 MokanerLord Die Historie von Tripsdrill nachforschen

Hallöchen, Auf der Homepage von Tripsdrill gibt es eine Seite, die die Historie von Tripsdrill und dem Gelände seit dem 3. Jahrhundert erzählt (Unternehmensgeschichte Tripsdrill). Ich wollte mal versuchen diese ganzen Behauptungen nachzuvollziehen und Quellen zu finden. Bisher konnte ich Belege für die ersten 3 Aufzählungen finden:

  1. Der römische Hauptmann Trepho nennt die Gegend, in der Tripsdrill jetzt steht, zu Ehren seiner Frau Truilla "Trephonis Truilla" (278 n.Chr). Auf Wikipedia sind zwei Digitalisate von Büchern zitiert, die das belegen sollen. (Buch 1, hier wird Trephon erwähnt und als Namensgeber von Treffentrill/Trippstrill genannt, laut Buch 2 wurde in der Gegend auch ein Stein mit der Aufschrift "Trephonis Truilla" gefunden) Um den Zeitraum einzuschätzen habe ich leider nicht genug in Geschichte aufgepasst, aber 278 scheint mir sogar etwas spät, da Trepho anscheinend zur gleichen Zeit wie der Konsul Tacitus und der Kaiser Severus Alexander gelebt hat, und die waren um 200 im Amt, Severus ist 235 gestorben.
  2. Vom Michaelsberg wird erstmals urkundlich erwähnt, dass dort Wein wächst. In der deutschen Übersetzung des Lorscher Kodex wird belegt, dass die Nonne Hilteburc den Michaelsberg samt der Kirche und den Weinbergen dem Lorscher Kloster stiftet. Hier stimmt das Datum 793 genau überein. Ich habe mir nicht den originalen Eintrag im Kodex angeschaut weil ich kein Lateinisch lesen kann ._.
  3. Das Ursprüngliche Dorf am Michaelsberg hieß "Rauhenklingen" Laut dieser Urkunde aus dem Internet Archive verkauft der Ritter Konrad von Magenheim, der die Gegend um Cleebronn aktuell besitzt, alles um Cleebronn an den König Rudolf, darunter auch ein Dorf namens "Ruhenclingen". Auch hier passt das Datum genau mit der Behauptung auf der Homepage von Tripsdrill. Wieder habe ich mir die Originale Urkunde nicht angeschaut weil ich sie nicht finden konnte.
Ab hier hatte ich Probleme, weitere Belege zu finden. Für die nächste Behauptung dass Treffentrill 1576 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde lese ich gerade in diesem Buch, ich habe nur aktuell keine Zeit um weiterzulesen.
Der nächste Punkt ist noch viel komplizierter, es wird das Werk "Die Geschichte des Herzogtums Württemberg" von Christian Friedrich Sattler erwähnt. Dieses Werk besteht allerdings aus 13 Bänden, jeweils mehrere hundert Seiten lang, alle in Altdeutscher Schrift und bisher habe ich nur manche davon als PDF im Internet gefunden.
So weit bin ich bisher gekommen, falls jemand weitere Informationen zu diesen Punkten hat oder andere Zeitpunkte aus der Historie belegen kann würde ich mich sehr darüber freuen.
Danke fürs Lesen!
submitted by MokanerLord to Tripsdrill [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 StrawhatMayday097 Help???

Omg. Can y'all help me? I manifested my crush and they BLOCKED me on socials. We didn't even talk yet both online and IRL that's why I'm confused why they did that? 😭 Although I occasionally check their socials (even if it's private), I found out their spotify account and checked it also. Did they learn about me and block me? I'm going crazy... and bummed. 😓
submitted by StrawhatMayday097 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Small-Ad1885 Toyota blade master

Hi all I'm just wondering if I'm able to drive a blade master on p's (QLD) if it was made before 2010
submitted by Small-Ad1885 to CarsAustralia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 lss_web_1444 Text post title 199

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Asuna1710 Weather boosted ho oh 626590950341

submitted by Asuna1710 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 EastLaw555 Other than Genshin what other Gacha games of 2025 are yall excited for

submitted by EastLaw555 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 One_Needleworker5218 tiktok is still usable

I recently found a easy way to “bypass” your way into watching TikTok’s legally.
Download a VPN, I downloaded one from the App Store called VPN, choose a country that isn’t in the US, I chose Canada-Toronto.
Then, go to safari or chrome whatever browser you’d like, and type in TikTok, then press “aA” then request desktop website, remember to only browse guest because apparently if you created an account in the USA it’s a automatic ban and you can’t access it. If you want to create a account then please select another country to do so.
Obviously your fyp won’t be the same but you still can access it this way, if you want me to post a video of me doing it, I would definitely do so, unless this post blows up.
Please upvote this so everyone can have the chance to browse TikTok freely.
submitted by One_Needleworker5218 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Puzzleheaded_Cat1929 Father Fish is a fraud

Father Fish contradicts himself constantly. He preaches certain methods to enthusiasts but does not follow those methods himself.If anyone ever wants to know the truth about this fraud, Ask away
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Cat1929 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 No-Climate-353 TM vs GHK Glock

So Ive been looking to upgrade and have a new glock but I cant decide on some terms. I want a Glock 17 gen 5 mos and im deciding on these two.( NO WE TECH I PREFER MY GLOCKS WITH FULL ENGRAVINGS)
I can buy it right now
1:1 glock
I can upgrade it to have better performance than the TM glock
Parts can be scarce
Expensive just buying it
Upgrades are expensive also
TM is better stock.
Outside the box performance
Parts are everywhere
Upgrades are easier
More in box items
Not even in stock
restocking might take a long time
potentially not 1:1( not a full dealbreaker if its slighty smaller or bigger like 95% to 105% smaller or bigger)
impusle101 is making me wire transfer but has a cheaper price ( around 140-150 usd gun and shipping)
i live in california ( related to impulse 101)
Please tell me which should i choose and if tm what other website I can use instead of impulse101 cause i dont mind waiting if tm glock is chosen just needs no bank wire or expensive ahh price like 170
submitted by No-Climate-353 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 droid327 Hork barb merc gearing

My hork barb runs Trav of course but also does area clears like pits wsk and tzs, maybe cows if i get the urge. I don't need my merc to do anything other than have might aura and not die, even when he pulls a pack and has to hold aggro while I'm killing stuff. Can't have cold dmg though of course.
If i was just running trav then ga kiras and some weapon with leech would be the standard build, but that's only for elemental resists and lacks physical defenses, so I'm wondering if there's a more general way to gear for tank
I'm thinking bulwark shaftstop and tomb reaver... That should give 75@ with life leech and good dps, plus 45% phys reduction for non trav content
Is there another gear set i should consider? Not anything too crazy expensive though, no dual last wish a5 merc
Will 75@ be enough for trav or will he get ripped up by fire and lightning from the council? No point if he's not going to survive trav without too much babysitting.
submitted by droid327 to Diablo_2_Resurrected [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 AsleepPromotion8455 faint control line? 🤔

faint control line? 🤔 hey all, i had IVF and i‘ve been testing quite a few the last days. also beta hcg blood tests. first at 10dp5dt, was 509. second blood test at 12dp5dt was 1430. So seemed to develop well.
Now i repeated testing at home and was wondering because my first response home pregnancy test instantly had a very dark test line but the control-line itself just came out quite faint.
What do you think, anyone knows something about that?
Thank you so much!!
submitted by AsleepPromotion8455 to lineporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Some-Variety1296 🧡

submitted by Some-Variety1296 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 exodoband 7 Day Skinny Cleanse By Raw Generation Coupon Code

Check this out for 7 Day Skinny Cleanse By Raw Generation Coupon Code. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by exodoband to ScreenDore [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 Egg8135 Proving Active Farmer for Planning

Hi all, I started looking at trying to build on my family farm in Fingal North County Dublin. Dad works full time on the farm and I have always worked / helped out. I have essentially no paper trail atm. Dad is at retirement age If that can help but realistically surprised if he ever retired.
From the fingal planning website the criteria is extremely strict need 3 years of Single Farm payment etc which I wouldnt have. Zoning where I'd like to build is HA but there is an RU option.
Anyone here gone through that route? Is there any consultants etc that you can go to for advise? I seen Fingal CC give a consultation service but kind of feel like that's a trap as they very much seem against 1 off housing.
Any help appreciated
submitted by Egg8135 to selfbuildireland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 justdcthings_ A ranked match where players can ban up to 3 characters before the match starts

Just thought of something while watching the trailer for dlc1. WHAT IF players can enter matchmaking (team battle), then once an opponent is found, they then proceed to ban 2 or 3 characters (alternately) just like in MOBA games (League etc.).
After that, they can choose their characters alternately. I think it will rule out the idea of the game being unbalanced (sort of). Well technically it will give both players a chance to counter some of the OP characters. I think it will be fun.
(I love playing sparking zero but it's multiplayer, kind of a let down for me. I just don't like that you have to choose a character before going to ranked matchmaking. It's not like you can use any character you want because you'll always be matched with a gogeta or UI goku or broly, you get the point. You'll be forced to go with those "OP" characters just to have a chance to win. For casual gamers, at least.)
submitted by justdcthings_ to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 TheBeardedDrinker Sorry For The Belligerence!

So I went drinking with Marines tonight. I'm a former Marine, and all my friends are Marines, and we got lit the fuck up on bourbon and spatchcocked turkey tonight.
What's the first thing I did when my wonderful wife dragged me be back into the house? Yup, I logged in to defend and/or degrade Democracy, as the situation called. I don't make the rules. I just go where I'm told.
To the level 24 and the level 30 randos that dropped in to our bullshit to help us out with that Level 9 Illuminate soiree, I salute you. Y'all didn't have to, but you stuck around to watch us have a grenade Secret Santa, an Orbital What-the-Fuck, Jesus, and Eagle "Hold-My-Beer" melee round. I'm sure the last-stand multi-tripod extraction, with "This is Sparta!" highlights felt a little off, but I promise you, it was absolutely necessary to secure Democracy. If we didn't handle that extraction by just deleting the extraction area, with high explosives, the terrorists would have won. We can't have the terrorist illuminate win can we?
I mean, if you didn't die twice and get called back in way too far from your shit, did you even democracy?
I just hope you learned some lessons from our tactical prowess.

submitted by TheBeardedDrinker to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 MudasirItoo Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing: Elevate Your Skills with These Engaging Ideas

Hey Redditors,👋
Are you struggling to come up with great content ideas?
Whether you’re writing for work, school, or personal projects, ChatGPT can be your go-to buddy for inspiration. Here are some easy and creative prompts to help you write everything from blog posts to cover letters with ease.
1️⃣ Write a Blog Post on Healthy Living Prompt: Write a 1500-word blog post as a health professional about why a balanced diet and regular exercise are important. Use simple, engaging language and share practical tips that readers can use in their daily lives.
Why it’s awesome: This is great for anyone passionate about health and wellness. You can use it to create blog posts, Instagram captions, or even newsletters that motivate others to live healthier lives.
💡 Try this: Tell ChatGPT who your audience is (like busy moms or fitness beginners), and it’ll tailor the tips for them.
2️⃣ Pitch a Community Project Prompt: Create a proposal for a community project to present to your local city council. Include the purpose of the project, its benefits, how you’ll make it happen, and how it’ll be funded.
Why it’s awesome: Want to make a difference in your neighborhood? This prompt helps you create a clear, professional plan to share with decision-makers and get their support.
💡 Try this: Add some specific details, like whether it’s a park cleanup, a food drive, or a local event, and let ChatGPT build the perfect proposal for you.
3️⃣ Write a Killer Cover Letter Prompt: Write a cover letter for a tech industry job. Highlight your technical skills, previous experiences, and explain why you’re passionate about the company and the role.
Why it’s awesome: Cover letters can be tricky, but this prompt makes them simple. It helps you stand out by focusing on what makes you the perfect fit for the job.
💡 Try this: Copy and paste the job description and your resume into ChatGPT so it can create a tailored cover letter just for you.
Learn Prompting With Interactive Quiz
4️⃣ Handle a Company Crisis Like a Pro Prompt: Pretend you’re a public relations rep dealing with a company crisis. Write a press release that acknowledges the issue, explains what the company is doing to fix it, and reassures the public.
Why it’s awesome: Whether it’s a data breach or a product issue, clear communication is key. This prompt helps you write a professional response that maintains trust with your audience.
💡 Try this: Be specific about the type of crisis, and ChatGPT will craft a realistic and thoughtful press release.
5️⃣ Create a Mental Health Presentation Prompt: Make an outline for a presentation on mental health in the workplace. Include stats, how it affects productivity, and ways employers can support employees’ mental health.
Why it’s awesome: This prompt is perfect for HR professionals, managers, or anyone who wants to start a conversation about mental health. It helps you create a thoughtful and informative outline.
💡 Try this: Ask ChatGPT to suggest visuals or examples to make your presentation even more engaging.
Learn Prompting With Interactive Quiz
🏆 Why These Prompts Are Amazing These prompts aren’t just about getting words on paper—they’re about making writing fun, easy, and effective. Whether you’re working on a creative project, preparing for a job application, or trying to inspire change, these ideas will help you get started in no time.
Got any favorite prompts you love using?
Share them in the comments.
Let’s help each other get better at writing. 😊
submitted by MudasirItoo to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 jacksmachiningreveng V-2 rocket sans warhead on a train in Bromskirchen in April 1945

V-2 rocket sans warhead on a train in Bromskirchen in April 1945 submitted by jacksmachiningreveng to WW2GermanMilitaryTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:23 No-Stock-8071 Sen team calls Sacy after winning vs 100T

submitted by No-Stock-8071 to tarik [link] [comments]
