Let’s help eachother with codes please!!!

2025.01.19 14:11 sjoycec Let’s help eachother with codes please!!!

submitted by sjoycec to Chapters [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Realistic-mammoth-91 Would you fight him for a chicken nugget?

Would you fight him for a chicken nugget? submitted by Realistic-mammoth-91 to idksterling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Much-Path708 does fastjobs even work 😭

Hi for context i finished o’s last year and now with the free time (and january closing in soon) i’ve yet to find a part time job. i started applying on fastjobs in around mid december but since then i’ve barely received any replies or heard back from the jobs. just wondering if it’s got to do with my profile, although i understand done 16 y/o fresh out of o-levels no one wants some incompetent kid in their stores or if it’s really just luck..
submitted by Much-Path708 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 codyave Americans favor deporting undocumented immigrants, until they're asked how

Americans favor deporting undocumented immigrants, until they're asked how submitted by codyave to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Scary-Leopard-4824 I posted this in computers can any body help?

submitted by Scary-Leopard-4824 to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 anneannenenelinde Beyler adı nası değiştiriyor acil lazım

submitted by anneannenenelinde to Notorite [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Skywalker2010_1 Is it possible to have a cross platform account?

I have WoT on my Xbox with 2 years of progress and I was wondering if I can have it on PlayStation as a cross platform account
submitted by Skywalker2010_1 to WorldofTanksConsole [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 hajfa69 I am truly at a loss. (Take it with a grain of salt please.)

Hi. I love jungle (I play Udyr) and I am pretty decent with macro, not saying I am good or something, but I am not THAT bad either.
I have 25% winrate. Bro. What the fuck am I supposed to do more for my team?
I give and get kills, I farm whenever I can, I steal others junglers camps, out-level opponents, I kill dragons and Grubs/Herald/Baron whenever I can, I reset waves when shit goes south so enemy team cannot push, I ward the whole fucking map.
Like what am I supposed to do? I cannot 1v5, I really cannot. No matter how much I spam dragon or objectives, my team will just die 25s before everything, never ward, never destroy wards, never ping... Like I am sorry but cannot do everything for my team, I would if I didnt have the cooldowns.
I am really at a loss at what I can do to improve my gameplay. I dont know if either I am that dogshit at this game or my team really drags me down.
Of course you cannot judge on how I play with no replay. But is someone willing to help me out? I really dont know what I can do more and I want to improve.
Thank you!!
submitted by hajfa69 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 libeekiwi SHADOW HO-OH 669507696771 980184760427

submitted by libeekiwi to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 ENCHANTED_20XY Best Counter for OH-OH??

Best Counter for OH-OH?? He is a MEGA bonus as well as a GOOD COUNTER! I suppose..
submitted by ENCHANTED_20XY to PokemonGOIVs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Kolynos_Caramujo08 DOG FALIN - HAT

DOG FALIN - HAT Hey, guys! I saw u/Cloudwatching-Allie post (https://www.reddit.com/useCloudwatching-Allie/) and their conversation with their friend about the difference between Falin and that cute dog, and the answer is: hat! So I decided to make a quick art over it and share here with you all!
(second media - posted here in the sub - was the inspo)
submitted by Kolynos_Caramujo08 to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Kooky_Average_1048 Finally. Khamzat is a natural MW anyway, cutting to WW was too much for him

Finally. Khamzat is a natural MW anyway, cutting to WW was too much for him submitted by Kooky_Average_1048 to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Ill-Drummer-2536 631135661468 shadow ho-oh. Adding 10

submitted by Ill-Drummer-2536 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 kplx__ endlich

endlich submitted by kplx__ to KPLX [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 NorahFall Egg 🥚 irl

Egg 🥚 irl Do you guys have this sudden feeling when you just can’t suppress her anymore , and you can feel that she is angry at you because of all the “ I’m cis “ you said to her .
submitted by NorahFall to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Mouaz670 3 gems and 2 mantles, i didn't even need them, i was just helping someone lol

3 gems and 2 mantles, i didn't even need them, i was just helping someone lol submitted by Mouaz670 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 tikivic Though he was more active in other media including TV, movies and radio, there was a CM comic strip that began in 1942 and ran throughout the 40s. Captain Midnight The Secret Squadron Vs. The Terror Of The Orient (Whitman BLB #1458).

Though he was more active in other media including TV, movies and radio, there was a CM comic strip that began in 1942 and ran throughout the 40s. Captain Midnight The Secret Squadron Vs. The Terror Of The Orient (Whitman BLB #1458). submitted by tikivic to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 ocaloguzkaan ActionScript 2.0 question

I'm making an escape game. I made a locked door code. “on(release){ text = “This door is locked.”;

timer = setInterval(function() { text = “”; clearInterval(timer); }, 2000); 
}” but when I spam the button the timer breaks. how can we fix it?
submitted by ocaloguzkaan to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Chance_Motor_591 Shadow Ho-Oh, 4 local + party power 105318981827

submitted by Chance_Motor_591 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 getoffmylawnyahear Why are her fans like this?

Why are her fans like this? I’ve been noticing this ALOT lately. Defending her against the snarky comments is one thing I suppose but people will ask basic questions and her “fans” will come CHARGING in to belittle the question asker. Like can we not ask “Queen B” anymore on how she does her hair? Does it go against God himself to ask Bianca basic questions now? Idek how to explain it. Seeing Bianca’s fans jump to “defend” her like this just gives me the ick. Like how far up someone’s ass, genuinely, do you have to be to not see that jumping onto someone like this for asking a basic question is such cringe parasocial behavior?
submitted by getoffmylawnyahear to pinuppixiesnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 WaySpi Headers still OP and corners still broken.

The rats manage to survive quite easily tbh. Corners now simply require a knock on to be sure chances 80% goals...
submitted by WaySpi to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 glitchyobitch Which way is correct

Which way is correct submitted by glitchyobitch to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Dusky_Bun_99 Choose up 3 vs bottom 3

Choose up 3 vs bottom 3 submitted by Dusky_Bun_99 to Actress_and_stuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 MalkynRei78 Internship Complete! Orca Onto New Ventures in HoloGra's "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" (Part 2 of a screenshot collection)

Internship Complete! Orca Onto New Ventures in HoloGra's submitted by MalkynRei78 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 No_Perspective_1211 Hey guys

I’m at pgcc and my mat1350 class translates to umds mat113 class im planning to transfer as a junior information technology A.S will it substitute mat115 because its a fmsa req? Or do I HAVE to take mat115
submitted by No_Perspective_1211 to UMD [link] [comments]
