Get it? Pen-is

2025.01.19 16:52 Ilove_gaming456 Get it? Pen-is

submitted by Ilove_gaming456 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 thisisnotapalindrome I feel good about this it this time

I feel good about this it this time submitted by thisisnotapalindrome to usvisascheduling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 astariTk Grape Smartiez 🍇🍬

submitted by astariTk to nugporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Grad0A Can’t connect to Wi-Fi

Managing to put it into pairing mode and everything that’s required. My building has built in Wi-Fi that takes you to an internal login site when connecting devices to the internet however when I try to access it through the Alexa App a blank white page appears. Not sure if it’s bugged or the internet is the issue itself. Any advices is welcome.
submitted by Grad0A to amazonecho [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 BeckerHazard Budget Saver For Next Time!!!

Guys, today I was waiting for Uber outside 'X' Metro Station. A girl near me was also waiting for a taxi, it seems. Later, she waved to a guy after checking her phone and then showed something that had to be checked from his side, mostly a PIN, I guess, and he took her (Scooter). My question is,

which platform did she use at that time?
I know Rapido will be answer from this subreddit, but I still doubt that, Because from my understanding "Rapido has a policy that passengers should also wear a helmet", right? She was not wearing helmet, by the way.
submitted by BeckerHazard to Kochi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Ambitious-Noise-1880 Grundbucheintragung

Hallo zusammen, Ich hätte eine Frage, vielleicht kann mir jemand weiterhelfen. Ich habe meine erste Wohnung gekauft, Notartermin war Ende Oktober. Ich habe bis dato noch keinen Bescheid für die Grunderwerbsteuer erhalten, weil das Finanzamt so voll ist. Demzufolge bin ich auch noch offiziell kein Eigentümer. Der alte Eigentümer und ich haben uns aber bereits darauf geeinigt, dass wir ich die Miete erhalte, dafür aber auch die Kosten für die Verwaltubg etc. bezahle. Jetzt schießen die Mieter quer und wollen alle Unterlagen haben, die bestätigen, dass ich Eigentümer bin (eine Miete wurde bereits auf mein Konto überwiesen). Die wollen auch eine Baugenehmigung und Nutzungsänderung, weil die Wohnung früher ein Friseursalon war. Wie gehe ich am besten vor? Welche Rechte habe ich und die Mieter in diesem Kontext?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by Ambitious-Noise-1880 to Immobilieninvestments [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 BruhMomentHere How many calories in this?

1 diner lox eggs and onion omelette, well done hashbrowns. Thanks
submitted by BruhMomentHere to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 rajasekaran-invest Cheat sheet

Any cheat sheets available to understand various forms and schedules.
Like 1099 has 22 different forms Schedule A,B,C
I was going to create one if nothing is available, but just checking to see from EA preparation wise if we have something already available I would to use it. I’m using HOCK preparation.
submitted by rajasekaran-invest to enrolledagent [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 TTBUUG You can absorb Genma to death?

Playing through Onimusha 3 and just got Akos green vest. Didn't know quite what it did exactly do I tried it out. I just absorbed near an enemy noticed what it did, so I kept absorbing the souls from the genma and realized you can kill them with this method lol. How have I never known this!? I knew the trick with the white vest where you spin the right stick to heal quicker. What other tricks are there? Lol
submitted by TTBUUG to Onimusha [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Only-Reach-3938 Alliance set up: speediest team?

Alliance set up: speediest team? submitted by Only-Reach-3938 to invinciblegtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Rontgen601-912 Only ac knob lamp works , what could be wrong?

Only ac knob lamp works , what could be wrong? submitted by Rontgen601-912 to w123 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 guest271314 TypeScript .ts file execution benchmarks for Deno, Bun, Node.js

submitted by guest271314 to bun [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 fuckom20 German Sunday

German Sunday 60mg Oxy 4,5mg bromazepam 1mg alprazolam Strawberry OG For the comedown 300mg Tilidin No safer use☠️
submitted by fuckom20 to Pillheaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Unable-Option-3956 Canada 🇨🇦 hat trick needed! So close! No fish or farm left but can trade free gifts, coins and hat tricks!

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 81885893
submitted by Unable-Option-3956 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Hodaah The IDF has posted a video moments ago of the returned hostages families receiving them in Israel at the reception point.
submitted by Hodaah to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Objective-Pin-1045 DO YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS, LARRY!?!

submitted by Objective-Pin-1045 to lebowski [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 can-i-have-a-corgi Home cooked dinner

Home cooked dinner submitted by can-i-have-a-corgi to tonightsdinner [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 xVYLEx my sweet boy Aki- before and after adoption

my sweet boy Aki- before and after adoption submitted by xVYLEx to BeforeNAfterAdoption [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 BBLouis8 Best first Location to Target?

Just trying to get started. What type of place would you focus on first? Small motel/hotels? Auto mechanics? Large business break rooms? Recreation areas?
Help me figure out my starting plan.
submitted by BBLouis8 to vending [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 MicaRey08 Ingresar como obsequio compra de Temu

Buenas gente! Es la primera vez q posteo acá pero tengo una duda que no encuentro mucha info en la página de correo.
La cosa está así, mi novio andaba con ganas de regalarme unas cosas de Temu para mi cumpleaños, el tema es que el es de otro país y el paquete tiene que venir a mi nombre por que sino la aduana F.
Normalmente cuando compramos por aliexpress no hay drama pq en el correo lo pongo como obsequio y no me dan problemas, pero es la 1era vez q usamos Temu y por lo que entiendo tiene que venir el paquete a mi nombre y pagado con una tarjeta a mi nombre o sino marca que me lo retienen.
Hay chance de declararlo como obsequio después o si lo compramos fuimos nomas? Pq no tengo ganas de que aquel tire plata al pedo y me lo retengan (soy del interior así que complicado ir después a buscar el paquete)
submitted by MicaRey08 to Burises [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 BrewFit Undercarriage missing covers

Undercarriage missing covers Hi All, looking to purchase a 2022 lariat with fx4. Took a look underneath and I believe it’s just missing the splash shield. Is that correct? What’s everyone’s thoughts on adding it back on?
submitted by BrewFit to f150 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Cayennesan Terrifying...

Terrifying... submitted by Cayennesan to AnimeFunny [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 hnlt61 Seeking shows about women gaining or using unlikely power/influence

I’ve realised my favourite period dramas feature women leverage their traditional roles (mother, wife, loveconcubine, daughter) to get real power. I love Magnificent century, Kosem, the Empress, Ruyi royal love, Legend of zen huan, Empress of china, the Tudors and Downton abbey. All of these focus on women finding poweinfluence where they shouldn’t and wielding it. Romance or no romance. English or subtitled. Doesn’t matter just looking for something good! Please and thank you :)
submitted by hnlt61 to PeriodDramas [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 Perpetual-Geranium92 My nap buddy 😴

My nap buddy 😴 What else to do on a frigid day but curl up with blankets, a book, and this beautiful girl 🥰
submitted by Perpetual-Geranium92 to AustralianCattleDog [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:52 eth-not-even-once Pro scout nerf idea

So... I am not a big fan of pro scout, to say the least. But what I find particularly "broken" about the mechanic is being able to take the opponent's deer very easily.
We could make it so that the scout speed is adjusted according to the distance between the deer carcass and the drop off point: the longest the distance, the slower the speed.
It would therefore be ok to take your own deer, but taking your oppo deer on the other side of the map would be extremely slow (but still possible)
Wdyt ?
submitted by eth-not-even-once to aoe4 [link] [comments]