Cross contam from my phone??

2025.01.19 15:24 MissLynseyGx Cross contam from my phone??

So context, I work in a fast food restaurant that makes muffins, Wraps burgers etc so I constantly have gluten on my hands. I'm very diligent about washing them multiple times before I eat,
However I realised there are times when I have touched my phone after touching gluten, am I then just spreading the protein back to my hands if I watch youtube on my break or something?
And how can you clean gluten from a phone screen? It's not like I can scrub it with hot water and soap.
Any answers welcome I feel a bit stuck with this one.
submitted by MissLynseyGx to Celiac [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 ChickenSoupForMyEars Does It Bother Anyone Else That Cooper Flagg & AJ Dybantsa Aren't Playing College Ball In New England?

submitted by ChickenSoupForMyEars to providence [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Appropriate-Win-7086 Apelo da Tribo - Mário Vargas Llosa

Recomendo este livro a quem estiver interessado na história do liberalismo, mais concretamente na história de 7 intelectuais/economistas aos quais o livro dedica os seus 7 capítulos.
Alguns dos capítulos são mais focados em liberalismo económico - como os capítulos sobre Adam Smith ou sobre o Friedrich Hayek.
Outros focam-se mais no liberalismo ligado às ciências sociais como o capítulo sobre o Isaiah Berlin que engloba também ideias e discussões com Sartre e Camus.
A temática do livro também passa muito pela comparação entre o liberalismo e o autoritarismo de regimes de coletivização como o comunismo e o fascismo, ambos lados da mesma moeda na repressão das liberdades individuais.
submitted by Appropriate-Win-7086 to LivrosPortugal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 boomerangplant293-2 Tsuneta sleeping...

Tsuneta sleeping... submitted by boomerangplant293-2 to ChurchOfMineta [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Guilty-Astronaut-640 Perfect enough?

Perfect enough? submitted by Guilty-Astronaut-640 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 loonamamamoo Question about slim wallets and Chanel Card Holder

Question about slim wallets and Chanel Card Holder So, I got myself a chanel flap card holder in caviar. I loved it, but the only problem is, I couldn’t put coins in it, and I always carry coins because they’re essential when I commute outside to do errands, go to school, etc. So I bought a cheap canvas purse to put my coins. It’s so hassle when I need to pay at groceries because my paper bills are in my card holder and my coins are in my canvas coin purse.
Another thing that pains me is that the hardware isn’t that good anymore? The gold coating of the hardware is fading, even if I just used it for a few months. :( I heard that the latest Chanel hardware are now made of white gold instead of yellow one?
Lastly, the card holder is a bit bulky for my small bags, given I also carry a canvas coin purse and it annoys me so much😭
Question: Should I consign and sell my Chanel coin purse and get another wallet that holds both coins, card and bills and can fit smaller bags like my Tory Burch Emerson shoulder bag.
I’ve been eyeing on the YSL CASSANDRE MATELASSÉ FRAGMENTS CARD CASE IN LAMBSKIN or the Bi-fold wallet in poudre leather. I’m also looking into the Celine Triomphe wallet with the detachable coin purse.
Would love to hear your thoughts!! If you have other suggestions for slim wallets, please do recommend. Thank you!!
submitted by loonamamamoo to handbags [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 MIDI_Ogre Politikens chefredaktør kommer med kras kritik af Norges Ukrainestøtte

"Under overskriften 'Kære Norge, hvordan kan I dog efterhånden se jer selv i øjnene', kritiserede chefredaktøren Norge for at skovle penge ind på grund af krigen i Ukraine ved at sælge gas til Europa, men samtidig være et af de lande i Norden, der donerer færrest penge til det krigshærgede land.- Landet, der i forvejen er guldbelagt med en oliefond på svimlende 12.000 milliarder kroner, har tjent stygt på krigen i Ukraine. Hvordan? Fordi gaspriserne i Europa er eksploderet, skriver Christian Jensen blandt andet i lederen."
Norges statsminister forsvarer sig:
"Europa har ikke en bedre ven end Norge, fordi vi er i stand til at levere gas til Europa. (...) Norge kunne have forvaltet sine ressourcer på en anden måde og måske endnu mere gunstigt for Norge, men vi valgte at prioritere at øge gasproduktionen, siger Jonas Gahr Støre til TV2 Norge ifølge Politiken."
Anders Puck Nielsens seneste video er også relevant i den sammenhæng, hvor han bl.a. kommer ind på, hvordan flere lande vil forsøge at skære yderligere i Ukrainestøtten, nu hvor der er tale om snarlige "fredsforhandlinger". Han nævner også, hvordan Danmark under Koreakrigen selv prøvede at slippe afsted med at yde den laveste mulige støtte, der ville tilfredsstille amerikanerne, som så endte med at være hospitalsskibet Jutlandia.
submitted by MIDI_Ogre to Denmark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 AnotherCleverAlias Biofilm and good bacteria

With the microbiome, we of course want certain bacteria to inhabit the gut. Do the common biofilm busters e.g. Interfase mess with the biofilm for good bacteria?
submitted by AnotherCleverAlias to SIBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 berlinx1234 Sophie is indrukwekkend

Sophie is indrukwekkend submitted by berlinx1234 to Tiktokked [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 stacknasty Does anyone keep a vehicle exclusively at their cabin?

I am thinking about getting something, a older 4x4 and would love to know what the group drives at their cabin? ThankS!
submitted by stacknasty to cabins [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 blunir Another gorgeous evening at Portugal 🇵🇹

submitted by blunir to Yamahatracerclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 SadFloppyPanda ~$400 printer suggestions now that Bambu has boned themselves?

Title more or less. Looking for my first printer here in the next couple months. Was going to go with the A1 or A1 combo but I have no desire to support them now with their decisions recently. Suggestions on alternatives in that price range? Thoughts on AnyCubic?
submitted by SadFloppyPanda to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Reance You may not like it but this is how peak performace looks like

submitted by Reance to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 sladebrigade Russia sanctions evasion

Does someone have contacts within the sphere of journalists willing to work to make this known to the public, as media have no interest?
submitted by sladebrigade to ukraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Conscious-Leg-4785 crypto ho oh on me got 2 Lokals and can inv 10 just add 613640048106

submitted by Conscious-Leg-4785 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 drunkenreddit2 Slogo God Mode😱 #slogo #gaming #minecraft #jelly #kwebbelkop #viral #tiktok #edit #crainer #fyp

Slogo God Mode😱 #slogo #gaming #minecraft #jelly #kwebbelkop #viral #tiktok #edit #crainer #fyp submitted by drunkenreddit2 to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 j_check Is that good substrate for my monstera?

Is that good substrate for my monstera? I recently adopted this monstera and found this substrate. Is that good for the plant or should I repot?
submitted by j_check to houseplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 elquet ❤️

❤️ submitted by elquet to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Few_Equivalent1079 Same Day Follow for Follow (No Unfollows)

submitted by Few_Equivalent1079 to SocialMediaPromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 telex_bot A Vénusz és a Szaturnusz együttállása mellett látványos égi jelenség is tapasztalható

submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 fiendishdreams In medical studies, if the outcome can go either way and the comparison is a two-way test, does alpha need to be divided by 2?

If alpha equals 0.05 and the comparison is a two way comparison, does the alpha need to be adjusted to 0.05/2 = 0.025?
For example, if we are comparing the effect of two treatments on blood pressure, where the mean difference or risk ratio can either be positive or negative, and the statistical test used is appropriate (e.g., t-test, Chi square) should the alpha be divided by 2? Or should it be divided by 4 (as there are four comparisons - positive-positive, positive-negative, negative-positive, negative-negative)? Or should alpha not be adjusted at all?
submitted by fiendishdreams to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 2021gettingready What is the best thermal paste mx4 or mx6 or grizzly or ps4 slim? Can't decide and what thermal pads should I use?

Anything helps
submitted by 2021gettingready to PS4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Jorm8El can you all help me find this cape/cloak mod?

can you all help me find this cape/cloak mod?
Idk if its from badwitch69's elden ring set but I think it's not cuz it looks very different
submitted by Jorm8El to BG3mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Beneficial-Owl-2321 Have you ever broken a pamahiin and experienced something bad (or nothing at all)? What happened?

submitted by Beneficial-Owl-2321 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 15:24 Thoughtfulbird30 Trading for what I need with what I have

Trading for what I need with what I have submitted by Thoughtfulbird30 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]