Nakon podrobnih studija i istraživanja, u roku od nekoliko godina Just potvrđuje proizvodnju kozmetičkih proizvoda za dobrostanje cijele obitelji. Počevši od prvih proizvoda za kupanje i njegu vlasišta i stopala, Justova paleta proizvoda se širi i konstantno obogaćuje i upotpunjuje. Prijavite se na naš newsletter kako biste dobili sve informacije o posljednjim novostima Just Hrvatska. Uvijek nove promocije i inicijative odvest će Vas u otkrivanje novog svijeta dobrostanja, za Vas i sve one koje volite. Just tumači ovu želju ne samo razvijajući učinkovite proizvode, već i potičući da osobno iskustvo upravo Vas koji ste ih odabrali, podijelite i s drugima. Upravo ovo obećanje održavamo već 90 godina: zaštita, dobrostanje i ljepota, za isprobavanje na vlastitoj koži i dijeljenje s drugima. U punom poštivanju europskih i švicarskih zakonskih odredbi, svaka pojedina sastavnica jamči maksimalnu sigurnost, Proizvodi Just podliježu redovitim provjerama vezano uz očuvanje i stabilnost proizvoda te se analiziraju i testiraju kako bi bili tolerabilni za sve tipove kože. Binom koji nam već 90 godina omogućuje da donosimo u Vaše domove bogatstvo švicarske izvrsnosti u formulama Just, koje obiluju biljnim, mineralnim i morskim sastojcima, idealni za Vaše dobrostanje. Prijavite se na naš newsletter kako biste dobili sve informacije o posljednjim novostima Just Hrvatska. Uvijek nove promocije i inicijative odvest će Vas u otkrivanje novog svijeta dobrostanja, za Vas i sve one koje volite. Ulje 31 Just uspio je osvojiti milijune vjernih potrošača diljem svijeta zahvaljujući njegovoj izvanrednoj učinkovitosti budući da omogućuje brzu uspostavu osjećaja općeg dobrostanja u brojnim situacijama, zahvaljujući različitim mogućnostima primjene: od opuštajućih masaža, razrijeđen u kremi, mlijeku ili ulju za masažu, toplih ... Esencijalna ulja bilja izvrsne kakvoće koje Just probire u cijelom svijetu, kako bi u svakoj kapi mogli pružiti sve blagodati Prirode . Nezamjenjivi saveznici, pravi melemi: Dermoaktivne kreme su maksimalan izražaj galenske metode uz originalno tumačenje švicarskog laboratorija Just. Tumačenje koje spaja tradiciju galenskih pripravaka na bazi ljekovitog bilja sa suvremenošću avangardnog postupka proizvodnje. Promocije Just raznolike su i uvijek neodoljive: proizvodi koji se ne nalaze u našem katalogu, ekskluzivni setovi, nove formule za premijerno isprobavanje. Otkrijte Posebne Prodaje, izvanredne odgovore na trenutne potrebe dobrostanja; Super Darove, Darove zahvalnosti, povoljne prilike i pogodnosti rezervirane za samo za Vas.
2025.01.19 16:29 parsadan7 He just built different.
submitted by parsadan7 to Transformemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 youreallbreathtking Next week, I'm going to quit my job, and I'm terrified
There's been an ongoing conflict about what and if we are even capable of doing as a job for decades.
Pre-system awareness we had a pretty strict boundary between our work alter and all the other alters. The work-alter (who btw didn't even allow themselves a name up until now) was just doing what they were supposed to do in whatever situation they were thrown into; and they were pretty damn good at it: in school they got straight A's to stay out of our parents' scope. In university they did amazing as well to get us into financial freedom. They worked their ass off in jobs that were high pressure but well paid in order to - again - keep our financial freedom and not having to fall back on our abusers again.
But then... it just all collapsed in 2021. Our system got overwhelmed, they (work self) got to meet us and realized that there was more to life than to function out of sheer panic to survive. So for the last three years, the last couple of months especially, they woke up to how bad the situation at work (different work places, more or less same job) actually was and still is. How detrimental it is to our entire system. WE woke up to that, all of us, me included, cause we hadn't had access to that part of our life, either. But work-alter quickly succumbed to the pressure of one of our persecutors again that constantly whispers in their ear that it's not over and they cannot rest yet. So we got separated again. Dissociative barriers up, between all of us. It was our initial trauma all over again.
Now we collapsed again. There's been so much fighting and disagreement over what we should do moving forward. We - kind of? - reached the conclusion that it's best to just walk away from that job. But there's other parts - especially our persecutor - trying violently to keep us from doing what we are set out to do. I (host) have been experiencing constant switching for the past couple of days, it's exhausting. Normally, I can frequently front as well, letting the alters talk through me but mostly being in control. But now it feels like I'm in the back again, relying on other alters to either let me interact with the world or not. It's scary and it's exhausting.
I just want this all to be over and hope things will finally get better once we are on disability and hopefully getting trained for another, less demanding and triggering, job. But it feels like so much work... and I'm just tired. I'm so tired. I can feel darker parts, alters, creeping back in and I can also feel how I am slowly losing control. It's scary. Luckily, I have an amazing support system that is helping me through this difficult time. I just hope I can rest soon. If you made it so far, thank you for reading/listening.
submitted by youreallbreathtking to OSDD [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 randomcookiename Difference between CCE and GCE plotter?
Hello everyone, I've been browsing some alternative pen plotters from China, many of which don't have a specific brand, and I've noticed for some plotters you have two alternatives where seemingly the only thing that changes is that one is "CCE" while the other is "GCE", with the GCE option being more expensive.
I couldn't find in this subreddit or elsewhere online someone explaining what the difference is, could someone do me the kindness of explaining what these two acronyms mean? Why would GCE be more expensive? Which of the two would be recomended for which scenarios?
Thanks to everyone that sends a message here, and I apologise in case this was already answered elsewhere or if it's not fit for this subreddit
submitted by randomcookiename to PlotterArt [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 balvonas11 I cant believe my eyes honestly
submitted by balvonas11 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 TalismanGrayson [WTS] PANERAI PAM00510
submitted by TalismanGrayson to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Affectionate_Way9570 Molly Caudery - British pole vaulter
submitted by Affectionate_Way9570 to TrackGirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Sigma-Mask-05 Vamo começando, vamo começando
Pretendo ficar milionário vendendo milho submitted by Sigma-Mask-05 to desenhos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Revolutionary-City49 Day 7. Having a miserable time
So normally on a Sunday I’d go buy some beers but not today. Realize I’ve been using alcohol because I’m bored and alone. I met a friend for lunch earlier but I’ve come home to a lonely house and the boredom is eating me up.
I’ve been distracting myself with exercise but am absolutely exhausted today so can’t do any more. Having to sit with my feelings feels really horrible! How to distract myself?
submitted by Revolutionary-City49 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 Ancient_Cell5679 Targeted and Personalized
submitted by Ancient_Cell5679 to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Eastern_Ad9919 Oh the places you will go
I came back SH for the first time in forever place runs very well (no mods yet) but i found a caravan brahmin in a house and he has been there for a while. Any thoughts? submitted by Eastern_Ad9919 to fo4 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Old_Meaning1828 Cheap sandalwood cologne?
I had "No.2 Juniper and Sandalwood" from Target forever ago. It smelled great but didn't perform well because it was so cheap. I'm wondering if I could find a dupe or budget cologne with sandalwood notes that performs better.
submitted by Old_Meaning1828 to fragranceclones [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 SlySelvas Get photos from a diferent iphone and icloud
So i bought a new iphone and i decides to create a new icloud account (email reasons)
Now i want to get the photos from my old iphone (free icloud, so icloud have just a few photos) to my new iphone and new icloud.
Whats the easiest way to do it?
submitted by SlySelvas to ApplePhotos [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 jof992 Has anyone of you try to fit naruto 99 facesculpt to sennin naruto?
I try to recreate the dual standing pose but I can't. Is it only my batch issue?
submitted by jof992 to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 TurbulentFennel4733 BBQ Group Farming 5KSR9G
submitted by TurbulentFennel4733 to unioncircle [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 JustAnotherWoman__22 AITA For Finally Standing Up Against My Father
I(21F) had been regularly abused by my own father(58M) from as long as I can remember along with my sister(27F) and mother(51F).
Before starting let me defend him by saying that, although he is misogynistic individual with concerning anger issues; he is Class-1 Officer who’s very honest in his job(at least that’s how all adults defend him cause they want to ‘maintain’ the goodwill).
[I also cannot go in details about all mental and physical abuse cause its against Rules.]
Fast forward to father one day calls down my sister, who was studying cause her UPSC exam(one of the toughest exam in world) was in less than 2 months away, and tells her that he has selected ‘perfect son-in-law’ for himself and he’ll go and meet him next day. My sister doesn’t need to do anything; just give her consent. My sister, all hurt and horrified, obviously refused.
And than started, what I call, worse of worst betrayal one’s parent can inflict on them.
Since they somewhere do realised that’s they cannot force consent out of my sister; they started dirty manipulation tactics. My father, my own father, spread the the lie that—my sister is having explicit affair with some random guy she might’ve met while going to study in library—throughout entire family and neighbors and whoever knew him. He literally tried to ruin her own daughter's character so she’ll be pressured into saying yes to his prefect son-in-law(and this is just one thing amongst many others he planned).
We had lots of arguments, fights and tears(and also things I cannot mention cause of Rules) due to which and my sister wasn't able to qualify for exam because of all the stress.
My father still didn't showed no remorse and acted like he always knew my sister isn't smart enough to qualify for any exam and she should just give-up on her career and get married.
Thankfully, she is well-educated and together we resisted. Things actually calmed down in last few months of 2024.
My sister recently gave Pre for one more govt exam and she was pretty confident she’ll qualify for Mains after tallying and everything.
My father, apparently, didn’t wanted that cause if my sister gets selected before getting married—girl will slip out of our clutches. And my parent’s barely concealed greed for having someone to call ‘son’ will be delayed further.
So he again confirmed meeting with some Class-1 Officer guy without my sister’s consent. Yesterday was sort-of final showdown regarding this issue.
My parent’s tried to tag-team and guilt trip my sister with good dose—‘you’re good for nothing; you weren’t able to qualify for any exam properly till now and you’ll never be able to’—and I interrupted. I questioned him on every single point he tried to manipulate my sister on(I am law student btw) and he played all his tricks—‘how dare you questioning me; I had you enrolled in schools and provided you education and shelter and food despite you two being girls, so how can you talk back to me’—and what not.
But the response, that even I surprised myself with, was when he got up angrily as usual to inflict physical damage—I grabbed his arms. I FUCKIN GRABBED HIS ARMS!!!! Even I can’t believe I did that. It was terrifying but it made him realise that he cannot put his hands on me anymore.
And than he fell down on ground and started to cry like baby.
Yes that happened.
My mother was all distraught but all we could remember at that sight was how we also cried same way, for years, and he kept b£atin us more and more. We pleased, begged, did everything for him to just be normal and let us study little more; but he didn’t listened to us single bit.
We are not going to marry just cause my father said that he'll cut our relationship otherwise(his imaginary son-in-law is more important to him that his own children). Its not our fault he has innate dislike against women for some reason.
My father has already also cut almost every financial source for us and hasn’t given us penny from whole two-years(if it wasn't for our birth policy maturing we'll be literally begging somewhere on street) and also have threatened us with their lives if we were to get any side-jobs like tutor, etc(cause its beneath the status of Class-1 officer apparently). Turns out, he was busy investing money 'for us' and us I mean—truck full of dowry for his precious future son-in-laws(so he can play out his fantasy of wounded and pitiful father of 2girls and show everyone what a cruel fate it is).
My sister says she doesn’t behave like me cause parents are getting old and their body cannot handle stress like ours can and though I sort of agree, but that doesn’t give him free pass to do ANYTHING he wants to us; with our lives.
Though I try to justify my actions, I do agree somewhere with my sister that I am becoming rude, arrogant and almost mirror image of my father for not toning down for sake of their age and health—-but am I assh0le for defending myself?
submitted by JustAnotherWoman__22 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 Alternative_Mail_411 Finally got my Huolon mount
Finally got my Huolon mount Killing it about 300 times. More than lucky🤓 It is not a daily loot. Every time you loot him, there is a chance to get the mount. Anyway, I think I’m never gonna be on this island any more😇😇😇 submitted by Alternative_Mail_411 to wow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 glitteringlilacfox Help me decide which one to get!
Hii so I saw these two bags online and I only have the budget for one of them. I think they’re both so pretty but the styles are so different and I can’t decide! The brown one is from Lancel and the black one is from Bally. submitted by glitteringlilacfox to handbags [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Wonderful-Shop9769 Noob Question
Noob iRacer here (couple weeks in). I'm in the practice/racing school stage and have yet to join any online sessions but having a blast. I'm focusing on consistent lap times with low incident counts and don't want to be an idiot/ hazzard when i join the online community. Most of the posts i see here are: "am i right?" "Should i protest?" And the videos posted seem to be mostly of people becoming victims of jerks. Are there that many idiots on the platform? Please tell me I've got the wrong impression and it's a net positive group? Cheers.
submitted by Wonderful-Shop9769 to iRacing [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 Appropriate_Delay268 "I'm.... focused !!"🧐😏🐾
submitted by Appropriate_Delay268 to labrador [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 StanleyScuba Explore inside the USS Kittiwake Wreck
submitted by StanleyScuba to StanleyScuba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 donibobes What a day for Ex Mags
Chris wood goal and assist Minteh goal and assist Anderson first prem goal
Somehow makes this weekend better and worse
submitted by donibobes to NUFC [link] [comments]
submitted by Foreign_Ad1284 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 16:29 Sea-Eagle-3590 Pls help me!
So It was about this girl who was an author and she meets this college student that was working on the audio book version of her book and she falls in love with his voice but turns out he's the brother of the guy who ghosted her and moved to the states. The brother however keeps this a secret because he's had a crush on her since he was a little kid. Anyway he makes pottery and in the day the girl works at a cafe that's owned by her male friend. The friend has a crush on her but doesn't wanna say anything because she lives above the cafe and sees him as a brother.
submitted by Sea-Eagle-3590 to manhwarecommendations [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 CrustyD3mon Reobrix 800 Submarine - instructions
Hi guys, i received a set of nuclear aubmarine 800 by reobrix, but no instructions available with…can anyone share a pdf manual with wath i need to Know to biluild the thing?
submitted by CrustyD3mon to lepin [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 16:29 Softsocksearcher My girls delicious socks afterworkout
submitted by Softsocksearcher to socksoverleggings [link] [comments] |