Had to repost this in honor of Ash's birthday

2025.01.19 16:20 xtinaxtina18 Had to repost this in honor of Ash's birthday

submitted by xtinaxtina18 to nebelung [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 incumbui Top Gear - Dark Souls 1/2/3 Special

Top Gear - Dark Souls 1/2/3 Special submitted by incumbui to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 tall_asian The amount of mental gymnastics is astounding. Maybe it’s because it isn’t actually rigged you knobs 😂

The amount of mental gymnastics is astounding. Maybe it’s because it isn’t actually rigged you knobs 😂 submitted by tall_asian to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 ecidna Found this under a wooden snowman decoration my mom got at a craft fair.

Found this under a wooden snowman decoration my mom got at a craft fair. submitted by ecidna to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Financial-Ladder-249 Does / did anyone else feel "not trans" but would transition anytime if it was that easy?

I'm 14, female (? for now?), and I've always felt like I'd rather be male, always looked up at men in my life, but then sometimes realization just hits and I realize that I'll never be a father, an uncle, a brother, a male friend, or just be a man, look like a man, and anything like that. I sometimes don't "mind" being female, but it's more of a "it's easier than dealing with transitioning and coming out" thing. It feel like im putting on an act to survive on an easier life difficulty. There's more to it like always imagining myself in the future doing things, but it's automatically in a male body / "persona", or imagining myself being a father or father figure to my children, or doing ordinary things like driving a car or going to the store but when I "look down" I'm in a male body. However I dress very feminine and enhance my femininity, do my hair, etc. etc. - do I have time to figure this out?
submitted by Financial-Ladder-249 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 National-Animal9844 [H] $250 [W] 85% PP

comment first
submitted by National-Animal9844 to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Traditional_Pair_415 The purgatory kids at Lucifer’s Lu Lu world

The purgatory kids at Lucifer’s Lu Lu world “I finally found some good friends! Caddy is a bit bossy to Matty and vamps but she’s nice to me!” -Betty-Ann
submitted by Traditional_Pair_415 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Valorant_Steve Which method do you use to sideload?

Tell me these 4 things:
Which method do you use to sideload?
Why did you choose that method?
What are the Pros and Cons of it?
What is your most and least favorite thing about that method?
submitted by Valorant_Steve to sideloaded [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 hothempire9 Where the magic happens…

Where the magic happens… Thanks to this community for all of the support and advice over the last many years as I made my way into the hobby.
Wanted to share the space I created in our home to escape into this amazing hobby. I primarily play solo and when possible with a buddy, co-op - challenging with schedules (we have a 12 yr old who keeps us busy!)
Gaming table as shown is in the midst of completing the Scarlett Keys expansion for AHLCG and I just (yesterday) started Ashes Reborn Red Rains!
Thanks again all for your support!
submitted by hothempire9 to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 creatureoflight_11 Schwanger in 34 und körperliche Beschwerden

ich bin schwanger in der 34 Woche und habe mittlerweile starke körperliche Beschwerden. Der Bauch ist viel zu groß und hängt vorne wie ein Backstein, ich kann kaum noch herumlaufen oder sitzen weil er Schmerzen im Rücken verursacht und in den Abdominalmuskeln. Ich habe ein starkes Drückgefühl in der Bauchgegend. Beim Laufen drückt mir das Baby sehr auf die Blase, welches sich durch Schmerzen in der Blase äußert nach ca. 10 Minuten laufen und alle 30 Minuten muss ich auf Klo. Nachts kann ich nicht schlafen, weil meine Hüfte wehtut und außerdem habe ich eine Hormonumstellung, sodass ich die ganze Nacht wach bin (hatte vor der SS nie Schlafprobleme). Ist das normal, dass die Beschwerden solche Ausmaße annehmen? War bei der FA und sie meinte man könne nichts machen. Die normalen Schmerzmittel wie Metamizol usw die ich normalerweise wegen Migräne nehme kann ich jetzt nicht nehmen, weil es deutlich nach der 28 SSW ist.
submitted by creatureoflight_11 to schwanger [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Unlikely_Slip327 guys im from TN , always wanted to go on a solo trip recommend some places

hi guys im from tamil nadu , planning to go for a solo trip long time , im 20 - male , i have saved around 70K inr , please recommend some places to visit either in india or places like vietnam , cambodia and thailand , i always wanted to visit some uniques places in india , till now lived my entire life in the same city so want some fresh experience .
submitted by Unlikely_Slip327 to SoloTravel_India [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 yeabuddy84 What's a Menert solo show like?

I am a huge PL fan, and haven't really listened to much of Menert's solo stuff but I'm digging some of what I've checked out so far. I'm curious what a Menert solo show is like as I see he's coming to the Ogden in about a month: https://www.instagram.com/michalmenert/p/DCmdBUjvJZm/
submitted by yeabuddy84 to prettylights [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Official_Zach55 In a violent nature could be what Halloween was supposed to be

So at the end of the Kill Count. James mentioned that the sequel in the works may be set in the suburbs. And it got me thinking how it could be a new killer entirely.
Then I was thinking about how Halloween started off as a anthology. I would absolutely love to see different povs from different types of killers.
submitted by Official_Zach55 to deadmeatjames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Balletgirl9591 Family wedding should I go?

For 30 years, I’ve been ELC/NC with my parents and siblings. There is one brother who I speak to, who is kind to me. His child is getting married and my husband and I are invited. They all live 2 states away. Last time we all got together I ended up collapsing in the bathroom crying my eyes out. It was terrifying. I’ve been hospitalized for this in the past.
I have CPTSD, major depression with panic disorder, diagnosed 30 years ago. I am fully medicated but sometimes the meds aren’t quite enough to dull the trauma. I would hate to spend $$$ on flights and hotels only to have a similar reaction and ruin the wedding for everyone. But I’d like to support my one kind brother and the young couple.
None of my estranged family have any understanding of the trauma I endured as a child. Nothing is ever their fault.
All suggestions welcome please. I can’t sleep I’m so worried about this. Sadly my therapist passed away recently and I can’t get in to see my new one until after the wedding.
submitted by Balletgirl9591 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Damiancool360 Is this a GOST filter? or am I crazy

Is this a GOST filter? or am I crazy submitted by Damiancool360 to gasmasks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 KereMental What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KereMental to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 No-Paramedic-4977 ¿Soy un idiota por querer una relación seria pero sin sexo?

No sé si pueda publicar esto aquí pero solamente lo hago porque después de leer bastantes historias me ha parecido que el sexo esta sobrevalorado.
Aclaro que no tengo ningún resentimiento en contra del género opuesto, si no es que simplemente no considero necesario las relaciones sexuales en una relación para que sea seria.
submitted by No-Paramedic-4977 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 ImALaptopBoi 23 [F4M] open minded

submitted by ImALaptopBoi to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Rowdy_310 “If dreams do come true, I'd wanna be with a girl before I die.” –Denji

submitted by Rowdy_310 to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 NaiveWatercress6326 guess who got vee

guess who got vee submitted by NaiveWatercress6326 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Spiritual-Berry-6871 DJI Drone Art Artist

DJI Drone Art Artist DJI Drone Art Artist
submitted by Spiritual-Berry-6871 to DroneARTwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Volanaroz SABRENT 3port temp?

Hey guys so I have the SABRENT type c 3 port hub, but I also have a jsaux backplate, question is we all know the steam deck can get hot... But would the usb hub be okay? It touches the plate on the back plate
submitted by Volanaroz to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 Adorable-Play7672 Recreating Bowser's Inside Story in Minecraft!

submitted by Adorable-Play7672 to marioandluigi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 FarFetched1120 My submission for greatest face in AT

My submission for greatest face in AT Also my (personal) favorite episode of all time! Someone got hit in the boingloins
submitted by FarFetched1120 to adventuretime [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:20 CaliperLee62 Hosting G7 summit will be first global test for a new prime minister

Hosting G7 summit will be first global test for a new prime minister submitted by CaliperLee62 to CanadaCultureClub [link] [comments]
