1️⃣在开始菜单里打开my Dell. 2️⃣点击功率. 3️⃣点击设置,找到散热. 4️⃣在这里面可以看到散热模式—般情况下使用“已优化” 但是如果觉得声音还是很大的话,可以根据自己的需求以及使用环境选择合适的散热模式 (在安静的环境中选择静音或者冷却 ... 消失也非常正常,天涯论坛没有跟上时代的浪潮,在手机端流量占很多的情况下,也依然没有重视移动端的用户,同时互联网的各个风口都没有赶上,如果当时切入短视频故事领域,说不定还能起死回生,到最后连交服务器带宽的费用都交不起了。 我很想直接抒发我的情绪,但我还是先克制地说:解构万青词的就算了吧,有这功夫去学学乐器听万青怎么玩器乐的就行了。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 1、商务用户,推荐西数My Passport 随行SSD版,其次三星T7 Shield 推荐理由: A、 随行版SSD硬件256位加密技术、自动备份,两者都有的在固态移动硬盘里不多见,非常适合对数据敏感、数据丢失损失大的商务用户;三星T7 Shield有256位硬件加密,没有自动备份功能是个 ... 首先确保你ftp地址是有效的,否则你会怀疑你的操作有问题; 根据你题目描述中给出的链接,我这里测试是访问不了的,可能链接已经失效了,或者是内网专用的链接。 求大神解答. 有过写稿件经验的科研小伙伴都注意到在写文章的时候,基本上所有的文章末尾或者在向期刊投稿时提供涉及到文章数据的可用性声明文件,那它到底是什么呢? oh-my-zsh 官网的列表:Themes · robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh Wiki · GitHub. 我以为一个主题,最重要的是好看,其次是提供必要的信息,比如 git 信息(分支,当前 status 等),当前工作目录,是否是连接到远程的,等等。 我用的是 avit 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 你的问题并不是购买14天后如何退款,而是如何升级游戏版本。你要是抱着只退款的心态我都不答应的,steam客服能答应么?
2025.01.19 18:48 momriddle Did these on my cousin!
All handpainted- took about 6 hours😓 submitted by momriddle to Nails [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 bsffrrn- Reader entitlement & harassing authors.
This is going to be a few thoughts/questions rolled into one, because they all kind of fall under the same category and I know that most of this sub is likely readers, but there are also authors in here, too, so I’m genuinely curious to hear thoughts on this from both sides of it.
When I first really got into reading 15+ years ago, for me specifically, the only form of social media was Facebook. (I never used tumblr and talking about books wasn’t super popular on YouTube yet). I didn’t even know that author newsletters were a thing and most authors didn’t have websites so for the most part, you really only found out about stuff from going to the bookstore or word of mouth. Of course, YMMV based on age and other platforms you were a part of, but I think for a lot of people there was just…no information (or minimal at best). That obviously changed and evolved massively over the years with Instagram, the rise of booktube and influencers and TikTok, etc.
Of course, social media is both a blessing and a curse. For authors it helps you find new readers, it helps them keep fans up to date on their books, etc. But at some point, on the reader side of things it shifted towards entitlement. Just because an author chooses to share something, doesn’t mean they have to. And yet, the more authors engage (which is encouraged and appreciated) the more bold, audacious, and honestly, unhinged fans become.
Readers are not owed anything. I’m sorry if that upsets you as a reader, but it’s true. You are not owed the ship you want, the ending you want, the next book at the time you want. Authors owe you nothing.
So why are we sending them death threats? Why are we harassing them to the point that they quit social media and fan engagement? Why are we harassing their friends and family on posts that have nothing to do with the author?
I know there’s a lot of books that have a page that says “stalk the author” (commonly in dark romance but I’ve seen it in multiple genres) and then all their links/handles, but like, it’s implied that that sort of “stalking” is to be done virtually, as in, so you can get the next update when it’s posted — not when you demand it.
As an indie author, it scares the hell out of me that I have to include my mailing address at the bottom of my newsletter because I don’t have a publisher address I can use instead and I refuse to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a mail box that will never get used. I have children. My family is and will always be my top priority, and if I ever got to the point in my career where I was receiving death threats in the mail, I would do exactly what Rebecca Yarros did and move, but then I would blast that person on social media. Obviously not their address because human safety should always be the top priority but if you have the audacity to send me something like that in the mail then a) you’re not a fan or a reader that I want associated with my books and b) you deserve to be treated the way you treated me. Sending death threats is unacceptable. Period. Sending death threats to a home where someone’s children live is incredibly disrespectful and could be incredibly harmful.
Obviously this is not an every day occurrence but it shouldn’t even be an occurrence. What gives anyone the right to send/say stuff like that? What gives anyone the right to jump into a comment section and harass an author for not making your ship canon or for killing off your favourite character or for not writing fast enough or anything else that slightly inconveniences readers? Grow the fuck up. Honestly.
I know in recent years rapid release and the infinite amount of books available to readers has created such a demand for more more more and the inability to suck it up and wait, but it’s getting ridiculous.
I’m not sure if a lot of readers realize this, but authors can bow out anytime they want. Like I said, they don’t owe readers anything. Just like publishers can choose not to keep moving forward with a series, so can authors. Yes, they would owe their publisher money, but I think for the most part, this level of unhinged audacity is coming from fandoms for authors like RY and SJM, and if you think that they can’t afford to buy out their contract out of spite because their readers are ungrateful assholes who can’t respect boundaries, you’re wrong. What would happen if SJM or RY stopped publishing because the few fans who ruin it for everyone have gone too far this time?
Speaking of, what is too far? How much do you think authors should have to put up with before they get fed up and quit? How many authors stopped doing fan events and signings? How many have quit social media? How many have quit writing?
And why the hell aren’t readers getting the point?
Sorry. This became very ranty, and while a lot of my points regard RY and SJM, it’s meant to be about the toxic relationship between readers and authors as a whole.
TLDR: when readers become so entitled and when did it become okay for them to openly harass authors?
submitted by bsffrrn- to fantasyromance [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 CardiologistOk5336 What are your Thoughts on and Where Would You Rank Dan Slott's Run on Iron Man?
submitted by CardiologistOk5336 to ironman [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Row4rUwU [help] 10.000 survivors
Hi, im looking for people to finish the 10k trophy, if anyone interested my epic is Rowar storm hero, or my psn is Rowuar-, thank you
submitted by Row4rUwU to FORTnITE [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 jteelin Does anyone else also have a separate section or shelve for your ‘Special or Favourite’ ones? 🤷♂️
All my other cars are on shelves downstairs , i keep my favourites in my bedroom on these displays 🙌 submitted by jteelin to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Spiritual-Nebula-309 ...
submitted by Spiritual-Nebula-309 to pokerogue [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Fragrant-Sock5628 Husband cooked an "elevated fish & chips" 😆
submitted by Fragrant-Sock5628 to tonightsdinner [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Pale_Royal9549 My heat pump is a money trap compoface
submitted by Pale_Royal9549 to compoface [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Cpkeyes So how important was religion in the everyday life of a medieval person
I have heard that people today can't really understand how important religion was in the everyday life of medieval people, and I was curious what this means.
submitted by Cpkeyes to MedievalHistory [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 KingVenom65 The Hopes Peak Prank War Part 1
submitted by KingVenom65 to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 taylorvoigt Meet ebenezer😻
Got him from the shelter last month, he’s 3 and just so cute I can’t 😆😇🤭 submitted by taylorvoigt to cats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 lh7884 Alberta shatters 1977 housing starts record
submitted by lh7884 to CanadaWatch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Ok_Review_6410 H: mods W: leaders or apparel
battle loaders
submitted by Ok_Review_6410 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 Strange_Novel_1576 Yall is TikTok back? I just clicked on the app accidentally and it was working
submitted by Strange_Novel_1576 to millenials [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 portalrbn Corregedoria prende PM suspeito de executar delator em aeroporto de SP
submitted by portalrbn to PortalRbn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D I drew a new pfp for myself X3
submitted by M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 Fearless_Ad_5216 why the fuck can sukuna combo extend with dismantle
body text (optional)
submitted by Fearless_Ad_5216 to JujutsuShenanigans [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 PerspectiveBubbly873 good enough for waterloo afm??
i wanted to know if these grades and a pretty good/lively/enthusiastic/passionate safaa is good enough for waterloo's afm, ive also applied for early consideration btw: (IM NOT COMPLIMENT FISHING JUST PLEASE BE HONEST):
grade 11:
chem: 91, functions: 93, english: 90, accounting: 95, marketing: 96, econ: 96, french: 92, religion: 94
grade 12:
english: midterm was 94 projected final is 93 HOPEFULLY,
french: midterm was 92 projected final is 95-96 ish
econ: midterm was 98 (hella inflated) projected final is 96 HOPEFULLY
adv functions; midterm was 95 projected final is 96 HOPEFULLY
submitted by PerspectiveBubbly873 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 novacorona [US-TN][H]CIB Turquoise/Black New 2DS XL, New Super Mario Bros 2, DS Games [W]Paypal
I’m looking to sell a New 2DS XL CIB as well as a few games. The 2DS is the Mario Kart 7 bundle, but unfortunately does not have the game loaded as it was formatted. The box has pretty decent wear, but has the AR cards and inserts
Also selling two copies of New Super Mario Bros 2, Bowsers Inside Story, and a bundle of other DS games
Games in the bundle are: Lego Batman: The Video Game Wonder Pets Save the Animals Purr Pals Petz Monkeyz House Dora Saves the Mermaids Alice in Wonderland Go Diego Go Safari Rescue Disney Princess Magical Jewels
Item | Price |
New 2DS XL Turquoise/Black CIB pics | $200 |
New Super Mario Bros 2 CIB pics (2 copies) | $14/ea |
Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story loose pics | $20 |
Lego Batman, others (bundle) pics | $7 |
2025.01.19 18:48 Seelensupergau I need help to build my friends commander!
So, a friend of mine will join us on our next campaigns, Curse of Strahd, and right after that we take the Characters from Barovia into Vecna - Eve of ruin. So it will be a Campaign from Lvl 1 to Lvl 20.
We use material from the Dungeon Dudes, so a friend of mine wants to play a Commander, the subclass for the Fighter. He wants to build a character that is all about positioning, defense, support and battlefield control, and he even has a theme in mind: an ancient greek Hoplite.
Following this, here are some things we talked about to build the character. My question to you would be if this even makes sense or if the character is to busy with his Bonus Actions and Reactions:
The starting stats of the character will be 17 STR, 13 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 12 WIS and 10 CHA. We were thinking about dropping CHA to 8, but the Commander Subclass gives us Proficiency and Expertise in History and Persuation, and we wanted to use Persuation more. 12 WIS is important since the Commander also gets Proficiency in WIS-Saves down the line.
We will be a human with the Tough and Alert Feats. Tough for the extra hit points since our CON will only be 19 and Alert is good for manipulating the order of Initiative which fits nicely with the flavor of a tactical warrior and giving us a buff to our won Initiative.
Our fighting stlye will be dueling to get a little bit of extra damage out of our attacks and we will use a spear and a shield.
Feats used ordered by the Attributes they enhance:
Shieldmaster: Getting the shieldbash is awesome and gives us battlefield control. Using the Reaction of it with the fighters Indomitable feature lets us negate the damage of a big AoE spell.
Sentinel: Stopping an enemy from disengaging and punishing them from attacking our allies is awesome and fits nicely with the theme.
Piercer: This one we are not sure about. Since it is a once per turn use on a relatively small damage die of the spear, we are not sure if it is really worth it. We were thinking about Charger as an alternative. What do you guys think?
Polearm Master: When we are not shouting commands, we can use our Bonus Action to get some more damage out, but the real kicker is the reaction attack when someone is getting in our face.
Heavy Armor Master: This one is a no brainer for every fighter in heavy armor.
For Epic Boons we were thinking Boon of Fortitude for even more hit points and healing efficiency, Boon of Recovery to be very hard to get down in general or Boon of Enery Resistance to be able to withstand pesky sorcery.
So, all in all, we can use our Bonus Action to yell commands or use a Pole strike and our Reaction to punish an enemy for hitting our friends, coming to close to us, trying to get away from us and to negate or reduce damage from AoE spells. Is this to much? Or is this a very cool Toolbox to play with as a fighter? Is Piercer useful or should we replace it with Charger? Should we even use a spear or focus on a longsword maybe? This would give is the chance to drop Polearm master and mayer take something like Mage slayer to ruin Vecnas day.
This is all theory crafting for me and my friend and I will keep him updated on your opinions since he is not on Reddit.
Thanks in advance! <3
submitted by Seelensupergau to dungeonsofdrakkenheim [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 hanihaneefa Common CCP W
submitted by hanihaneefa to dankmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Hyperzuma Nicky Hayden 06 RC211v Finished
Finished my first build of the year today, first build using my indoor airbrushing set up. Few mistakes but overall happy with how it came out. Painted using gravity colors base & clear and I used the Tamiya detail part set. Biggest disappointment was losing a decal when prepping for clear so I'll have to try to source one somewhere submitted by Hyperzuma to ModelCars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Majestic-Silver-3637 Say what you will about the BloodHunt arc but those covers did not miss
submitted by Majestic-Silver-3637 to MilesMorales [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:48 Trazyn_the_infinite2 Hmm
I think Trazyn is screwed
submitted by Trazyn_the_infinite2 to Necrontyr [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:48 iJeax Man am I glad I cashed out before the Merab fight. Always listen to your gut lol.
submitted by iJeax to sportsbook [link] [comments] |