598374470078 shadow registeel. Need help. Starting in 5 minutes

2025.01.19 18:51 laraibmutaal 598374470078 shadow registeel. Need help. Starting in 5 minutes

submitted by laraibmutaal to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 MechaMattZERO My Birthday is coming up and you're invited!!! Thursday January 23rd, I will be doing a Birthday stream, and I hope to see you there!

My Birthday is coming up and you're invited!!! Thursday January 23rd, I will be doing a Birthday stream, and I hope to see you there! submitted by MechaMattZERO to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Huge_Technician_1520 I drew Sally and Angela

submitted by Huge_Technician_1520 to Atlyss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 GriffTargaryen How and when will you accept to ignore your animal hind-brain to finally detox from TikTok this year towards more mentally engaging activities for the improvement of your life?

submitted by GriffTargaryen to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 taubs1 This Is Why the U.S. Can’t Use the Oil It Produces

submitted by taubs1 to energy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Frequent-Basis8393 [H] hundreds of Backfiles [W] Venmo or PayPal

Got tens of files for each category — politics, mega args, DA’s, CPs, Kritiks, A/2 ks, and impact/impact defense. Hmu if interested, discount if u buy all at once. Thx
submitted by Frequent-Basis8393 to DebateTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 NewTrader559 Threshold - Get It Done - Blue Coffee Cup 16oz Stoneware Mug

Threshold - Get It Done - Blue Coffee Cup 16oz Stoneware Mug submitted by NewTrader559 to EbayListingprommotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Soulcrates04 Imaginary Stow Meme

So I had one for y'all today but I wasn't able to get the picture, so you're gonna have to use imagination cause I still want to share it.
So I'm float stowing and get called to the back of G to help. I get to the first blown out aisle and in one of the bags is a pair of gloves, ring scanner still on the finger, and device on the other hand.
All I could think of was "POV you were a floater but 15mins after lunch you inherited 3 aisles". Cause we've all been there; they ain't coming back.
submitted by Soulcrates04 to AmazonDS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Ahsogood To change ride quality

For those that have changed something with suspension, what's needed . If one wants a softer ride , do I just change the shocks or do you need a coilovers kit?
submitted by Ahsogood to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 GhostWhoIsNotToast should I roll this off?

should I roll this off? my friend gave me an exalted relic off a limb after I was fed up trying to get Resilient so I could catch frostwhalrs. I want to know if I should reroll it once I collect a bunch of them.
submitted by GhostWhoIsNotToast to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Pllover12 Is the US housing market overvalued?

Is the US housing market overvalued? Share prices of single-family landlords, Invitation Homes, $INVH, and American Homes 4 Rent, $AMH, are trading at 35% and 20% discounts to their net asset values.
By comparison, in March 2022 when the Fed began rate hikes, $INVH was trading at a record 25% premium.
To put this differently, Invitation Homes's share price now implies that average home prices should be ~$105,000 lower.
The housing market is disconnected from reality.
submitted by Pllover12 to XGramatikInsights [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 TheAnonymousGamer2 Finally. After 80+ hours, I’ve finally 100%d the base game. Now to get the dlc

Finally. After 80+ hours, I’ve finally 100%d the base game. Now to get the dlc submitted by TheAnonymousGamer2 to AgeofCalamity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 sperrywinkle1 Selling : Cobra "Flak-Viper"

Selling : Cobra https://www.ebay.com/itm/186903463564?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=aa6alhvsrcu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=aa6alhvsrcu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
submitted by sperrywinkle1 to gijoe [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Infinite_1432 another Meme

another Meme submitted by Infinite_1432 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Lanky-Quantity-9982 My sim suddenly reached all abilities to 10 and I didn’t do anything 😭

My sim suddenly reached all abilities to 10 and I didn’t do anything 😭 I was playing piano with this sim in this bar, and suddenly she started reaching all abilities to 10, I created her a long time ago and started playing with other family in the same world, so i don’t know what happed. I think is an error because it appeared to play piano in a specific way, and then I clicked the option it happened
submitted by Lanky-Quantity-9982 to LowSodiumSimmers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 numbrronefan 🥲

🥲 Shinety six
submitted by numbrronefan to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Nebula480 It’s back

submitted by Nebula480 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 DistributionRight414 Dominique Chinn (@dominiquechinn) on Threads

Dominique Chinn (@dominiquechinn) on Threads submitted by DistributionRight414 to madfigt [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 pixie_tugboat Transfer from regular to anniversary server?

Anybody know if this is allowed? I'm on Whitemane now.
submitted by pixie_tugboat to classicwow [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Puddento Is the Rtx 4060 worth it?

I was looking to upgrade my Gtx 1060 3gb. I prefer mostly Nvidia and was looking at the 30 or 40 series. And found a new rtx 4060 for 250. Which is cheaper than a used 3060 in my country.
Is the rtx 4060 worth it?
submitted by Puddento to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Daddy_boyo I think imma get drunk tonight how do I know if it's too much and or too often guys

submitted by Daddy_boyo to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Appropriate_Lab_6298 23’CX50 TPP Cyclical Squeaking noise from Engine Bay.

My CX50 Turbo engine bay is making a cyclical squeaking noise. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal, or could someone help me figure out what might be causing it?
submitted by Appropriate_Lab_6298 to CX50 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 Educational-Put9869 I’m on one?

I’m on one? submitted by Educational-Put9869 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 _anafbebe_ Freestyle spin flow

submitted by _anafbebe_ to poledancing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:51 PeterPunx Xiaomi 4 lite 2nd generation

Hi guys! Is there anyway to hack this scooter Xiaomi 4 lite 2nd gen to 30km/h ?? Thanx
submitted by PeterPunx to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]
