The tracking eye ability on the beam staff is *insane*

2025.01.19 18:40 Valirys-Reinhald The tracking eye ability on the beam staff is *insane*

It gives your staff even better target tracking than the sprite king, at full range, and it applies to all multi-shot and split shot abilities.
It can literally loop your shot all the way around behind you to hit an entire crowd of enemies that surround you.
submitted by Valirys-Reinhald to ArcheroV2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 chiefcryptodegen1 Web3 DevRel Intern at Gelato Network
submitted by chiefcryptodegen1 to degencryptojobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Empty_Season_3701 Delta force in 2025

What are your overall thoughts on the game by now?
submitted by Empty_Season_3701 to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Complywiththefly What’s the best fuel additive 2024 F350 6.7 high output

I have a 2024 f350 with the high output 6.7. I have been reading about the fuel pump and how they have had some issues but last much longer with fuel additives added each fuel up. What do people recommend for the best fuel additive?
submitted by Complywiththefly to superduty [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 artemisia1709 Ir para faculdade ou para mais 1 ano de preparatório?

Socorro🤡 Então, estou com uma alta probabilidade de ser aprovada no curso de enfermagem numa federal,no entanto meu objetivo era fazer a faculdade de Medicina. Esse ano minha nota não foi suficiente para uma pública. Minha família sempre me apoiou muito,quando eles viram que minha nota dá para enfermagem eles ficaram muito felizes. Eles me aconselharam a entrar para enfermagem e a continuar estudando para o Enem. Eles continuariam pagando alguns cursinhos isolados para mim. Porém essa situação está corroendo minha cabeça. Eu sei que a minha rotina irá ficar muito pesada já que estaria focando em duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Estou com muito medo de me tornar aquelas pessoas que levam a faculdade com a barriga sabe, não quero ser assim e também não quero deixar meus estudos para os vestibulares de lado. Minha dúvida maior é, continuo por mais um ano ou tento me virar estudando tanto pra med quanto pra enfermagem😰 O que vocês fariam ? Alguém aqui ja faz isso ou conhece alguém que fez? Estou aceitando todo tipo de conselho...
submitted by artemisia1709 to conselhodecarreira [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 daq421 After range report

After range report So, 250 rds later and here are my thoughts on the Springfield 1911 Mil-Spec. I love this pistol. I deliberately used both good and questionable ammo yesterday and it ate all it no problem. The stock trigger has a nice break and the point of aim was consistent. The aftermarket G10 grips I added are grippy but not sharp, so it's a comfortable shoot. My old Ruger p90 has hogue grips so the 1911 had a fairly high bar where comfort is concerned but it was great.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend
submitted by daq421 to 1911 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Alex_S1N Unintentional misgendering suddenly hurts - is this dysphoria?

(I am a trans woman, I think)
I have sort of known I am trans for about half a year. I have spent a lot of this time worrying about not being dysphoric, because I'm not sure I experience any dysphoria.
The language in my country does not have gendered pronouns etc. Before my egg cracking, I don't think I have ever felt bad about being called a man, or anything like that. Aside from one time where my egg almost sort of cracked and my mother, just by chance, used an expression that literally translates to "stay as a man". (Not actual meaning, it was just a coincidence). That time it really hurt, because of the incredible timing of it.
My mom is very supportive, but will sometimes just accidentally use strongly male-specific expressions to or about me (she is the type accidentally to call our dog my fathers name, or my father our dogs name). Those have mostly just felt slightly annoying. Like a practical thing. It has never, as far as I can remember, seriously upset me emotionally.
More recently, I've noticed that men online sometimes greet or thank me in strongly male-specific ways. "Thanks man", "thank you sir" that kind of thing. My main account username reads as pretty masculine, so I understand why it happens. I think I find it slightly bothersome, but most of all I've just taken note of how instantly I "have the thought" when I see such expressions directed at me.
I have this other friend, who is very dear to me, but with whom I nowadays talk only quite rarely. He is I think the third person I came out to, very close to half a year ago. We only very occasionally chat. I have less than 0 reason to believe he is in any way transphobic.
In the past, our rapport has often involved kind of overly mannish expressions, as like a joke. Like, greeting each other as if we were VERY traditionally masculine old men. I've always found it funny or charming.
Some time back he sent me a message addressing me in this way again. I didn't think that much of it, but I considered asking him not to do so.
Well, today he sent me a message, and he used this kind of expression again, and I got this knot in my stomach. I think it genuinely was just muscle memory for him, or maybe due to us not discussing the topic again after I came out, but in any case just a single word really knocked me out of balance for a bit. It genuinely made me feel kind of sad and bad, even though I know there was no harm intended.
Now I am confused. The feeling has mostly subsided in just minutes, but I really think that might be dysphoria. The feeling was not intense enough to make me cry, but it was still very real, and "tangible".
At the same time, I worry that I've just become hyper conscious of this kind of thing, because I read other trans people talking about these experiences. It never bothered me before my egg cracked, and has mostly not bothered me after that, but then suddenly I feel like this? What is this?
submitted by Alex_S1N to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 General__Grevious What gun would you pair with a Broadsider outside of power armor?

I know it’s become bad recently but I’m a sucker for it and I’m sticking with it
submitted by General__Grevious to FO76Builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 sushimabb como parar com a auto-mutilação?

minhas pernas e braços já estão brancas de tanto que ja fiz, parei por 6 meses mas essa semana eu acabei voltando.
submitted by sushimabb to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Bright_Emergency_978 Help looking for book name

Dark romance book where a girl kidnapped and she refuses to eat meat. I remember the sound trending on TikTok from this book. It’s driving me crazy I can’t remember where it’s from!
submitted by Bright_Emergency_978 to Booktokreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Advanced_Honey_2679 Sunset in Black & White (2 of 2)

submitted by Advanced_Honey_2679 to walkingpics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 StoryNo5214 I’m highly curious

So from my understanding right now the island we’re on in the second game is the same as the first island (I’m not sure if that’s correct) if that’s the case how did the island become how it did I haven’t found a good explanation, i don’t know if their on a different island or if I’m just over thinking it
submitted by StoryNo5214 to SonsOfTheForest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 twiceinteresting Game latency for US players

Are there any gamers here based in the US? Whenever I try to reach the top 1k badge, it feels like higher Division 1 games are heavily influenced by ping. Do you recommend changing the ‘Matchmaking Area’ setting to ‘Search Nearby Area Only’? My account region is set to Japan if it matters. TIA.
submitted by twiceinteresting to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 ziterx why is my roblox studio doing this? i cant move anything or use anything.

why is my roblox studio doing this? i cant move anything or use anything. submitted by ziterx to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 chiefcryptodegen1 Investment Operations Associate at Digital Currency Group
submitted by chiefcryptodegen1 to degencryptojobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Brkiri Third and last in the series, Horacio De La Cruz Barrera.

Third and last in the series, Horacio De La Cruz Barrera. submitted by Brkiri to beloit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Krispy_Toast it's back

the fact that the ban didn't even last 24 hours is crazy
submitted by Krispy_Toast to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Firm_Ad_6306 Pretty Woman Acapella with 5 guys thats black and white i think

submitted by Firm_Ad_6306 to tipofmyear [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Own_Fig_7318 Are you bored and want to guide an average joe?

Hey everyone, just another CS student here looking for anyone willing to mentor. I am in my senior year with a growing interest in embedded programming.
For reference, I'm 28 and switched majors half way through which has hindered my internship options. I have found an abundance of sources on here which is great, and thank you all for the contributions, but, I'm just seeking a little extra guided 1 on 1 help to get started. Maybe someone i can message here and there with questions.
The area I live in is also heavily automotive focused if that means anything. I just find writing software for actual things more interesting than a web page.
Skills learned thus far: Java, JS, html, css, a tiny bit of C.
Currently in classes for : hardware security, operating systems, AI, and language concepts.
Based on this, I am very behind in the knowledge required for this type of programming. If your experienced and willing, or just bored and want to mold a poopy such as myself into a turd let me know. Thanks!
submitted by Own_Fig_7318 to embedded [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 CivilizationMatter Virtual sex for furries in VRCHAT

submitted by CivilizationMatter to VRchat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 itxzuki What should I do? Wanted a 3*

What should I do? Wanted a 3* submitted by itxzuki to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Bruhtries Old yellow shooter game

Can somebody help me find and old pc game that was somewhat like a very early version of tlou but with these yellow monsters?Cant say much more
submitted by Bruhtries to oldgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 peyoteinthedesert Budget bump helmets

What is currently the best option in the world of cheap bumps? I would like something a little more comfortable than my boonie set up for running dual 14s but I'm really not interested enough to drop $500 on a cheaper TW or ops core. Let me know if I'm delusional. Thanks.
submitted by peyoteinthedesert to NightVision [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 Dillong48 How does relocating work? Lets say i work in the warehouse for however long then become a driver for 5 years. move to a different state, would i have to work in the warehouse again? Or would I be able to go right to driving if there is a position available and continue receiving top pay?

submitted by Dillong48 to UPSers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:40 chiefcryptodegen1 eCrypto Relationship Manager at DRW
submitted by chiefcryptodegen1 to degencryptojobs [link] [comments]