GP recommendations?

2025.01.20 03:54 Few_Raisin3337 GP recommendations?

Just wondering if anyone knows a trusted and experienced GP in the 4068 area?
submitted by Few_Raisin3337 to MovingToBrisbane [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 zephyrdawn123 Eastern Orthodoxy by Country… tons of work to do in the US, EO are an even smaller minority than you think. I put some interesting facts below in relation to Orthodoxy in the US in terms of number.

In terms of number of individuals practicing the Eastern Orthodox Faith, there are 4X as many people doing so in Kazakhstan and 3X as many in Germany than the USA… These are countries we hardly think of when talking about Orthodox Christians. The USA has about equal amounts with Bosnia & Herzegovina as well as Kyrgyzstan and is fairly close in number to that of Italy and Uzbekistan. The USA only has twice as many EO members as countries with way fewer people like Austria, Poland, Canada, and Australia.
In terms of percent, EO individuals are 3X higher percent in Spain, 5X more in Italy, and 8X more in Australia and 45X more in Estonia…. This means you have 45X the chance of running into an EO individual in Estonia than the USA.
This hopefully shows the missionary work we need to do which can be done in daily life or by giving donations to organizations like OCPM (Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries) or any sort of EO evangelism/outreach. If you want to help Orthodox Christians around the world, of course visit OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center).
God Bless!
The numbers/percentages on the link are not all up to date, I checked what I could and most are at least in the ballpark.
submitted by zephyrdawn123 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Visible_Week_43 Super steamy

Super steamy submitted by Visible_Week_43 to heavymetalandnerds [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Glitchedcode1 Newest sim that I LOVE in terms of appearance

Newest sim that I LOVE in terms of appearance submitted by Glitchedcode1 to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 fabricbird MRO given wrong phone number?

Hello, posting this on someone else's behalf. They recently took a urine drug screen for work and were definitely going to show positive due to legally prescribed controlled substance. I explained that a review officer would be calling them to verify the prescription, so to be on the lookout for it. Nearly 5 days went by and there was no word from the MRO. It was only after looking again at the chain of custody form did they realize it was fucked up. The worker at the collection site wrote down his phone number wrong. They called their manager at work and notified him of the error, and he said he not to be concerned about it. But ultimately, what happens next? I know they can mark you as a failure no contact for verification. Should they have the right to provide the valid prescription information or atleast to another test?
submitted by fabricbird to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 No_Savings6393 Made a song last summer that was super inspired by Vulfpeck and Tom Misch, its funky and decently low volume 🤷🏼‍♂️

Made a song last summer that was super inspired by Vulfpeck and Tom Misch, its funky and decently low volume 🤷🏼‍♂️ Also tucked some Stevie Wonder and Beatles-McCartney influence in there as well, hopefully this tickles your fancy
submitted by No_Savings6393 to Vulfpeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 aabi- Things finally ended after 1.7 years, I already miss him

After 1.7 it seems we’re having our final break up. I fought so fucking hard to stick with him and heal the relationship and get ahead but it takes two, and he is someone who holds grudges and uses those grudges to excuse shitty behavior. He explicitly said he had no intentions of changing and that he had “nothing to change”. He would always belittle me when he was angry, constantly told me he hated me, told me he wishes we had never met, told me many times to self-delete, etc etc etc. The highs were always the highest of highs, but the lows became so draining and I feel like I can’t do it anymore. It’s so difficult to only be valued half of the time, the moment something inconveniences him, even if it has nothing to do with me and/or I haven’t done anything he’ll take it out on me and then get even more mad when I called him out on that. He was constantly accusing me of cheating and calling me a bop even though I’ve never cheated on him. The most “unfaithful” thing I’ve done was hold a 2 month friendship with my ex (which I get wasn’t okay at all and I corrected it but it is what it is and I made that mistake) but there were no cheating or romantic components to it and I’ve since blocked my ex and limit interactions with any male besides my ex and my dad.
He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, we watched each other grow up, we have the same sense of humor which I haven’t found in anyone else and I felt like I could truly be myself around him. He struggled hard with retroactive jealousy, and it was insanely tiring. He projected insecurities onto me and constantly felt the need to verbally abuse me and disrespect me. He has said before he enjoys making me mad and gets delight from getting me to cry.
I love him so much but I can’t do it anymore. It’s been 8 months of this behavior and I keep giving him chances to change and he won’t. I wish he would’ve, I did my part so he should’ve done his.
I thank him for the memories. I’m honestly not sure where to go in life without him anymore. Nearly all my goals involved him and our future so I just feel void, lifeless, and worthless now.
submitted by aabi- to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 flowersnifferrr [Serious] What's something from the past that you miss in these hectic times?

submitted by flowersnifferrr to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 SCARYORANGE_ Let’s petition to get this added to the game
I am scary orange
submitted by SCARYORANGE_ to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Beratungsmarketing Putin’s grip on Belarus sickens opponents of Lukashenko regime – POLITICO

Putin’s grip on Belarus sickens opponents of Lukashenko regime – POLITICO submitted by Beratungsmarketing to World_Now [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Agitated_Complaint33 Selling my textbooks and tech gadgets

Hey! Masters student here! I recently moved and would like to sell my CSC textbooks (Canadian securities course, for anyone doing finance that wants to get into banking), my google home speaker, and brand new google chrome cast (in the box). I live 5 mins away from the university, and available for pickup. Can choose to buy all items or one item, it’s up to you.
submitted by Agitated_Complaint33 to mcgill [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Savings-Response-202 Student o working

I male, is nalibog is I will pursue sa working o student Girl?
submitted by Savings-Response-202 to IliganCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 buddywithacamera AIBase Cameras Review?

Hi Everyone,
I’ve been looking into getting security cameras for the outside of my house and I found a security system business through a referral. I did some research and want to go PoE.
They suggested this camera system:
I’ve never heard of them and I can’t find any information online. However, the offerings on the products like warnings and two way audio sound good for a PoE. Anyone have any experience with them?
Thank you.
submitted by buddywithacamera to SecurityCamera [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Ok_Bug1892 Having issues with auto capitalization

First and foremost I don't know my pinkie from my elbow when dealing with phones, but I just recently switched from an iPhone 11 pro max to a samsung s24 ultra and I've noticed that while I'm typing sometimes it won't automatically capitalize the i or in tiktok none of my comments ever start out already with the capital letter I have to do it myself and after a double tap to do the period the next sentence doesn't start out with an automatic capital letter but in settings I have the auto capitalization turned on. Why would that be?
submitted by Ok_Bug1892 to Smartphones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 macaronicheezy Not the most controversial opinion, but it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it

Not the most controversial opinion, but it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it submitted by macaronicheezy to radiohead [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Purple_pand42 What gender

submitted by Purple_pand42 to Redearedsliders [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Aggravating_Result33 NWMT @ New Smyrna in 20 days see you there

submitted by Aggravating_Result33 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit

🌐 24/7 Video Game | PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Jealous-Win-8927 How housing/residential property should work

Here is how I think housing/residential property should work:

Taxation: There are no property taxes on residential properties. To pay for the state housing programs and development, other taxes (like income tax) are levied.
submitted by Jealous-Win-8927 to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit

🏆 Game Professional |PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Accomplished-Job4193 Looking for help developing a software

I’m the COO a of a small/medium size manufacturing company. I currently used complicated and advanced google sheets to track our yields and packaged product. I’ve been looking for help with my spreadsheets and i was told that what I’m trying to do sounds like the backend of a software (that does not exist). How can I find someone to help me develop a software?
submitted by Accomplished-Job4193 to programminghelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Geewillikersman 🧎‍♀️‍➡️🧎‍♀️

submitted by Geewillikersman to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 Due_Yogurtcloset911 Whats the weakest form of garou to solo csm

Whats the weakest form of garou to solo csm I feel monster is overkill and spiral is not enough
submitted by Due_Yogurtcloset911 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 icydata DET @ DAL - Matěj Blümel, snap

DET @ DAL - Matěj Blümel, snap submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:54 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit

⬆️ Up Game Shop | PSP3000 SONY PSP-3000 PlayStation Portable PSP Black Main Unit submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]