Stinky rule

2025.01.20 03:59 shitcum_backup Stinky rule

Stinky rule submitted by shitcum_backup to 19684 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 canwepleasestaycalm Wanna pick y'all's brain

Hey guys
So me and my wife are on the hunt for our first house. We are pre approved to 180k currently. we told our lender to keep us under a 1400 monthly mortgage obviously I know it's just a estimate. They told us we would have no problem being approved for 400k. That's unnecessary. We found a house for 210k hoping to start offering at 180k n see what happens. But we crunched the numbers and just for simulation purposes we ran all our bills and monthly expenses( gas for cars,repair fund, emergency fund savings,random spending literally everything we could think of) with a monthly mortgage of $1700. We still came out with 900 bucks at the end of the month left over. Would you guys consider that good?
submitted by canwepleasestaycalm to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Substantial_Sport327 Bengals fans watching ravens lose on a 2pt conversion

Bengals fans watching ravens lose on a 2pt conversion GGs though. May we all unite behind the bills to stop the cheats.
submitted by Substantial_Sport327 to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 ReserveDry4280 Conselho sincero, por favor

Tenho 18 anos e acabei de concluir a escola, e a quatro dias, comecei meu primeiro emprego como auxiliar de produção numa fábrica de sacolas escala 6x1, tenho achado muito difícil pois são muitas responsabilidades e embora ainda não esteja fazendo isso, sei que daqui a algum tempo vou ter que trabalhar naquela máquina ENORME sozinha, e é muito puxado e deve se haver muita atenção.
Moro em uma cidade grande e aqui o que não falta é emprego, mas tenho medo de sair dessa fábrica pois todos lá dizem ser uma empresa muito boa, e acabar me arrependendo no futuro. O salário é 2090 e 300 pila vale alimentação.
Ainda não fui contratada na carteira pois ainda não fiz meus exames adminissionais, e tenho medo que daqui uns meses quando a coisa engrossar acabe pedindo demissão e manchando meu currículo. Por favor, alguém me da um conselho do que eu deveria fazer, estou muito angustiada pensando nisso... obs: o turno também é bem ruim, da 16:00 às 00:00 então estou vivendo pelo trabalho esses dias.
submitted by ReserveDry4280 to conversas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Willing-Ad-1389 How does this happen?
He is in the Citadel, he has the nickname "the dragonless one."
How many of them does this happen to in their games?
submitted by Willing-Ad-1389 to CK2GameOfthrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Negative-Outcome2839 1:1 Trades

1:1 Trades submitted by Negative-Outcome2839 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 stankyb3b3 Do you like receiving "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" text?

I (M) would consider my self to be an affectionate guy and attentive. I am a texter as well, so enjoy texting my significant other.
Just wanted opinion from both sides on here.
1) Do girls get tired of hearing "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" texts everyday?
2) I feel like if I have been consistent with it and to stop all of a sudden it would be weird.
Don't get me wrong, every "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" I really mean it, but just wasn't sure if it gets tiring to see everyday?
submitted by stankyb3b3 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 stormy001 Billboards in Kedah - 'This is Tanah Melayu, not negeri orang putih'

Billboards in Kedah - 'This is Tanah Melayu, not negeri orang putih' submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 SadGaLorean Whose skill is actually overrated?

Whose skill is actually overrated? Which former star of the past do YOU think is overrated?
submitted by SadGaLorean to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 ACNHKidCat Biboo & Bae Tortures Calli with Squid Game Song on Repeat

Biboo & Bae Tortures Calli with Squid Game Song on Repeat submitted by ACNHKidCat to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Far_Tadpole_6338 Does he like me?

I met a man ,PS, last night and he was very kind, cute, and seemed very into me. I texted him today because I am interested in getting to know him and would like show him that I am interested. He has not responded. Did I misunderstand something? Now I feel like he doesn’t like me.
submitted by Far_Tadpole_6338 to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Willing-Ad-1389 How does this happen?
He is in the Citadel, he has the nickname "the dragonless one."
How many of them does this happen to in their games?
submitted by Willing-Ad-1389 to CK2GameOfthrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 VigilMuck [Weekend Trivia] F4 - Can't Help Falling In Love (2002): More Y2K or 2K1?

submitted by VigilMuck to decadeology [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Darth_Polar faculdade

Olá pessoal tudo bem ? ainda não faço faculdade, sou apenas um vestibulando, desde meus 16 anos eu sempre soube que queria fazer Física na faculdade, pois sempre foi minha paixão, com 18 anos por hobby entrei em um curso livre de teatro aqui na minha cidade (moro na região do ABC em São Paulo) e até agora as coisas mais empolgantes na minha vida até agora foi apresentar peças de teatro e ano passado eu até recebi por isso (graças a lei Paulo Gustavo) ainda assim nunca mudei de ideia até então até dia 1 de janeiro
eu e meu coletivo de teatro iremos apresentar mais uma peça de teatro que já apresentamos antes de forma amadora, mas agora iremos apresentar de forma profissional, e uma das coisas que decidimos foi que temos que mudar o roteiro pois quase todos no coletivo concordamos que o roteiro é fraco e tem muitos defeitos, nisso desde de dezembro até agora eu comecei a estudar roteiro e dramaturgia e peguei muito gosto disso, refiz sozinho o roteiro da peça e eu gostei bastante até, não está completo mas gostei dia 17 abriu o sisu e por apenas 13 pontos eu não posso me inscrever em Física na UFABC, pois eu me recuso também a entrar em uma particular. nisso fez eu entrar em uma grande fodida dúvida sobre que rumo eu devo tomar nesse ano, pois todos do meu coletivo estão indo atrás de estudo acadêmico em artes cênicas ou algo parecido, e eu com a faculdade de física iria me separar do coletivo, se eu fizer algo como cinema ainda sim consigo agregar para o coletivo queria saber como é a faculdade de cinema e como estão as pessoas hoje em dia que já se formaram para me ajudar na minha decisão
submitted by Darth_Polar to conselhosdecarreira [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 FTOLing Account deletion

Have any of you heard about the account deletion bug? I heard that if you update the game on iOS it could delete your account so I’m not gonna update the game rn.
submitted by FTOLing to CookierunKingdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 Willing-Ad-1389 How does this happen?

How does this happen?
He is in the Citadel, he has the nickname "the dragonless one."
How many of them does this happen to in their games?
submitted by Willing-Ad-1389 to CK2GameOfthrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 iMatlockIV Any idea how to handle this?

Any idea how to handle this? Short of sending the item signature required (am using USPS) I’m not sure what can be done. Any help appreciated.
submitted by iMatlockIV to eBaySellerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 33FA33 Been wanting new Joji soooo bad 😭

Please Joji 2025 🙏🙏
submitted by 33FA33 to Joji [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 JustAnotherPolarBear Me dedicó la misma canción que a su ex?

Me doy cuenta gracias a un post de facebook que mi novio me dedicó la misma canción que a su ex con quién estuvo por 3 años y hasta vivió con ella.
No sé cómo sentirme, me siento un reemplazo, una más, nada especial. No sé ni qué decirle... Que harían ustedes?
submitted by JustAnotherPolarBear to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 ainurmation Exec corrupt command be like:

Exec corrupt command be like: Don't mind the crawling exec image aaa
submitted by ainurmation to TheBattleBricks [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 PARH999 Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron submitted by PARH999 to wildlifephotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 kiwi_ron RCS Messages

Since using RCS Messages I have an icon that pops up on my phone and floats around my screen. How do I stop this floating icon
submitted by kiwi_ron to GMail [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 telephonecompany Arakan Army’s Victory 2.0 in Myanmar: A New Order for Rakhine?

Arakan Army’s Victory 2.0 in Myanmar: A New Order for Rakhine? submitted by telephonecompany to GeopoliticsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 MagickPretzel [PC][2000's] Matching Alien Puzzle Game

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Puzzle
Estimated year of release: 2000s
Graphics/art style: I think it was set in space so there was a dark background, and the pieces were colorful and very reflective with a short turning animation. They looked 3D modeled but were just sprites. I think it was a skin or something that you had to select but I most remember that there were these little colored alien guys that sometimes did dances while you were deciding on making a move. Bejeweled and Cubis 2 reminded me of this game with how glossy it looked, but the pieces moved even when you weren't hovered over them. I can't remember much of what the UI looked but it was set up similarly to Bejeweled as well, but it might have had a bar at the top.
Notable characters: None, save the small alien looking dudes that I can remember. They looked extremely similar to the Morolians from Space Channel 5 but wayy stubbier so they'd fit inside a grid. They were also kind of in the shape of a star. I cannot remember the look of the original pieces or any others but I always liked the little aliens the best.
Notable gameplay mechanics: I think it was a match-3 game, very similar to Bejeweled both in how the pieces were in rows and columns in a giant box, and you had to swap a piece with another one adjacent to it. There was no story mode or anything like that, but it feels like there were other modes to play.
Other details: The music was very upbeat, and was also around the time that Chuzzle, Luxor, Bejeweled and Chainz 2 was available, since I remember playing those as well. I looked through both Popcap and Mumbo Jumbo's catalogs and I don't think it was any of those games they had made.
submitted by MagickPretzel to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:59 ClassroomReady1716 Looking to make minions like the Nazgul.

I'm building a savage worlds campaign and I'm Looking to make minions like the Nazgul ,something that is hunting my players relentlessly and if not dealt with before the bbeg will make it much more difficult. But I don't just want to copy paste them from the books. P.s The campaign is in a post apocalypse waistband with a mixture of syfy and high fantasy, think the dark tower with more magic.
submitted by ClassroomReady1716 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]